Top 20 Apps Similar to 莫札特胎教音樂

美強生A+媽媽音樂盒 1.0.0
Classical Music For Kids Adv. 1.50
This app is Advanced Level of "ClassicalMusicFor Kids" series , hoping to lead children enter classicalmusichall by a progressive manner.Classical music is something which will last forever and it hasbeenproven to be the music of intelligence.Recent studies have shown that listening to classical music canhavelasting effects on one's brain;It can stimulate brain function in developing infants andimprovecomprehension of math and other computing skills inadults.It trains the brain to acknowledge all the parts that worktogetherto make the whole.Classical Music For Kids is an music appreciation app that setsoutto familiarize children with some of most famousplayfulpiecesin a fun and interactive way. A great and effective app forachild's music and brain development.Everybody's Sound : Classical Music For Kids Adv. (Ringtones)Features:- Easy to use, simple and FREE!- Contains 30+ Classical Music for young minds stimulationandinspiration.- One button to Random play favorite sound list.- Sound Catalog for quick access to all sounds or favorites.- Custom settings for playback of sounds after specified timelimit,replay times , interval , volume etc.- One button to set as ringtones, notification tone oralarmtone.- One button adjust all sounds volume.- Rename sounds individually.- Export sounds to SD card , share with friends easily.(WhatsApp,Facebook,Line and others)- Multiple-Language Support :English,Japanese,TraditionalChinese,Simplified Chinese.【Music】Chopin Prelude RaindropFantaisie-ImpromptuNocturne Op.9-2Clair de lunePomp and Circumstance MarchEstudiantinaGymnopedies No.1Je te veuxLight Cavalry OvertureDancing DollLovely RosemaryHarmonious BlacksmithOmbra mai fuWater MusicBlumenliedBaby Elephant WalkOverture From Orpheus in the UnderworldBach GavotteBrandenburg Concertos No. 5The Blue DanubeUnter Donner und BlitzMeditation from ThaisThe Syncopated ClockThe Waltzing CatHorn Concerto No.1Mozart LullabyPiano Sonata No. 16Voi Che SapeteScenes from ChildhoodDance of the Four SwansDance Of The Reed FlutesNutcracker March【Composer】ChopinClaude DebussyEdward ElgarEmile WaldteufelErik SatieFranz von SuppeFritz KreislerG.F.HandelGustav LangeHenry ManciniJacques OffenbachJohann Sebastian BachJohann Strauss IIJules MassenetLeroy AndersonMozartRobert SchumannTchaikovsky...etc.
免費流行音樂線上聽_iMusee 4.5.14
最touch你心的音樂MV播放器,還有英文、韓文、日文、華語等各國排行榜,當然還包括情境、曲風到小編推薦!你想到的我們有,你沒想到的,我們先幫你準備好,好朋友閒聊不怕沒話題喔!完全免費,立刻下載吧!◎ 每日最新音樂上線華語、歐美、日韓全球同步上線,第一手最新好音樂。◎ 音樂資訊即時掌握不管是歌手、專輯、歌曲,演唱會,都有相關介紹,邊聽音樂邊看故事。◎ 獨家專訪獨家訪問音樂圈歌手動態,讓你深入歌手們的內心世界。◎ 即時評論暢所欲言,每個主題、每張專輯都能留言,說出你想說的話。◎ 天天不同主題歌單被劈腿、遇到第三者、曖昧、告白失敗、夜晚啪啪啪,人生遭遇的各種情境都有主題歌單。◎ 全球排行榜華語、歐美、日韓等熱門與新進歌曲榜單,全球同步。◎ 各式曲風收錄各式曲風,涵蓋流行、嘻哈、搖滾、藍調、靈魂等全球曲風分類。◎ 孝順長輩台語經典主題、台語新歌榜單,滿足爸爸媽媽爺爺奶奶,締造家庭和諧。最有溫度的音樂 App,我們用心讓你有更好的體驗!=================立即加入粉絲頁與我們互動拿好康:同時也可以留下使用上的期許,您的創意與想法我們都視若珍寶, 期待給大家最好的追劇體驗!***COPYRIGHT INFORMATION***All videos and audios are provided by public third-partymediaservices "YouTube". All trademarks and copyrights belong totheirrespective owners and are used here under the terms of FairUse andthe Digital Millennium Copyrights Act (DMCA).Since iMusee simply links to content on those services via their3rdParty Developer API, iMusee does not have any direct controloftheir content. If there are any content that may infringeuponanyone's copyrights, the following links can be used to reportthecontent: you have any further questions, please feel free to contactusat: [email protected]
心音樂 – 最夯情境聽歌神器
心音樂 - 最懂你心的音樂 APP,下載立即免費體驗。開啟心音樂,就讓音樂陪伴你的心我們就像最懂你心的朋友在各種情境下,給你最想要的聲音在每個重要時刻,隨你歡笑陪你哭下載心音樂,即刻感受最貼近你心的音樂力量心音樂特色功能 :「智慧情境歌單」 – 自動化情境預測「高品質聽歌享受」 – 頂級音質身歷其境「音樂基地」 – 流行歌曲一手掌握「精選懶人包」 – 懶人專用音樂包「動態歌詞」 – K歌聽歌一起跟著唱「音樂視頻」– 輕鬆享受最豐富的音樂 MV「輕鬆探索搜尋」– 一鍵搜尋想聽的歌曲或歌單「離線聽歌好輕鬆」 – 不必上網也能聽「雲端歌單好方便」– 手機電腦歌單即時同步馬上"心音樂"一下!讓音樂像朋友一樣,陪伴您24小時不打烊。包辦你所有的情緒,隨時隨地享受令人驚艷的一流音質。心音樂官網:心音樂Facebook:隱私權政策:會員使用條款:【號外】心音樂有Line囉 🎉🎉❤️ ID:heartmusic520 [ 心音樂我愛你 ]快來找我們玩吧~~~(,,・ω・,,)
流行音樂館-手機鈴聲大全、音樂鈴聲設定、免費手機鈴聲MP3下載 2.0.2
亞太電信 Gt智慧生活 提供亞太行動門號用戶專屬最强手機鈴聲下載App※※※本服務須亞太電信手機門號登入☛週週更新熱門流行音樂、經典國語歌曲,台語,西洋日韓掌握音樂不間斷,擁有最新、流行、海量的音樂、手機鈴聲下載不論是周杰倫周杰伦、aMEI、林俊傑、排行榜新曲、熱門韓劇、各大音源榜KPOP(TWICE、BTS、EXO)、oricon公信榜、TOP西洋告示牌新曲、台語(玖壹壹、伍佰)、經典國語歌曲、懷舊老歌、民謠、抒情、電影原聲帶、偶像劇、節奏EDM*...等,流行音樂鈴聲館提供最新最便利的熱門mp3手機鈴聲,免費試聽,喜歡再下載,個人化手機鈴聲立即入手提供亞太手機用戶合法音樂內容及最貼近使用者需求的高音質音樂铃声下載服務,因為是正版!每一首歌曲、手機鈴聲都高品質清晰無比&乾淨大聲響亮,給亞太電信用戶您絕對流暢的音質體驗!限時免費鈴聲體驗下載,請看服務內免費專區!無料着うた無料!提供亞太手機用戶最新最便利的最强手机铃声,週週更新內容,搶先擁有Top排行榜,涵蓋經典國文、台語、西洋、日韩剧韓流、HipHop嘻哈、流行POP、夜店嗨歌、DJ电音混音、懷舊老歌、爵士、搖滾、民謠、抒情、沙發音樂等十幾種熱門曲風及近50萬首mp3內容(1)提供亞太電信用戶各廠牌Android系統手機/平板downloadcalltones:SAMSUNGS8、Galaxyj7、HTC、SONY、OPPO、ASUSZenFone...等等各色手機鈴聲(着信音)、訊息、鬧鐘、通知音效等獨特鈴聲下載...等各色來電鈴聲(着信音設定),SMS訊息音,鬧鐘鈴聲,通知鈴聲音效,LINE鈴聲(2)app是免費下載,絕無廣告干擾,使用方式流暢省電(3)免費鈴聲試聽音乐播放:每一首皆可先試聽再下載手機鈴聲,最省時(4)設定簡單:下載後使用App一鍵設定手機鈴聲,不需要跳去系統選單,立刻享有個人化音樂手機鈴聲(5)下載記錄&送禮記錄:您所下載&送出的手機鈴聲通通幫您蒐藏在"我的"選單,隨當下心情替換最喜歡的音樂鈴聲(6)海量搜尋探索:一鍵搜尋想要的歌曲、藝人偶像歌手、專輯(7)限時免費鈴聲無料專區:現正放送韓劇韓流、電影映画、偶像劇免費下載(無料着信音免費音樂下載)(8)music好友:隨時隨地都可以用email把整首音樂or手機鈴聲分享給您的好友亞太電信 用戶專屬
YoYoMusic 1.0
YoYoMusic android platform is themostlightweight music playerMain features:* Browse and play your phone music list and music folders.* Quickly build a list of your favorite music.* Supported formats: MP3 and other popular formats.* Quick scan and search features to help you easily find allthemusic folders and files.* Lyrics support. Automatically scans all the lyrics file andmatchthe most suitable for your song lyrics.* Contact Us: [email protected]:This material is part of the application from the network, ifthereis any violation of your rights, please contact me, I willbecorrected in the first time.
音樂達人-行動達鈴、鈴聲、MP3下載 1.8
免費樂迷募集中! 現在加入每月送1首手機鈴聲! 台灣大哥大音樂達人APP提供行動達鈴、鈴聲、MP3下載,最熱門的音樂都在這!1.流行音樂下載(鈴聲、MP3):音樂達人提供不同語系的排行,輕鬆享受各語系最TOP的達鈴歌曲!您可以選擇完整的MP3全曲下載珍藏,也可以選擇剪輯好的30秒手機鈴聲。2.來電達鈴雲端設定(行動達鈴):音樂達人按照您的喜好,選擇設定不同的歌曲作為來電達鈴,讓你的朋友來電聽到,傳達感受你個人喜好及魅力!輕鬆抓住朋友們的耳朵。3.從免費到無限下載任你選:音樂達人提供免費樂迷服務,只要加入每月免費領取1首鈴聲。如果您是重度使用者,則推薦您進入音樂載到飽專區,行動達鈴、手機鈴聲、MP3三種產品一次滿足。當然,如果您也可以只單次購買任何歌曲。4. 更多服務等不及要讓你體驗:音樂盒、下載抽、明星活動、主題推薦......... 1.服務專線:台灣大哥大網內用戶請手機直播188 2.服務信箱:[email protected]
We present to you a brand new MOOV App withatotal new look, tonnes of new features and a lotofsurprises! Features:- HiFi CD lossless quality music files are ready for streaminganddownload.*- MOOV Beat Runner – MOOV brings you a brand new running withmusicexperience. Using a special set of algorithm, we select andprovidesongs with beats and rhythms that cater to all kinds ofrunningstyles.- The first digital music platform in Asia that bringsyou"Therapeutic Music"*.*Providing Asia's first and only "Therapeutic Music" LibrarywithCantonese voice induction/guidance provided by theMusicTherapists- Newly added function "LyricSnap!" - pick your favouritelyrics,snap your mood, and share!- Music gurus designed playlists with a music flow anddifferentmusic styles. Your best guides to great musicjourneys.- HD concert video are also available.*- Enhanced search functions and you can now search by lyrics.- Start Radio - Tap to play music from who you love.- One-click favourite the songs and albums you like.- Playlist - Save your favourite songs into a playlist and listentothem the way you want.- Download - All songs can be downloaded, and you can listen tothemeven when you are offline or in flight mode.- Sync all your music across the computers and devices youuse,including songs, playlists and albums. 14 days Free Trial, no payment required during Free Trial!*MOOV music library includes:- Latest hits and classics, including some pre-released albumsandsongs.- K-Pop zone bringing you the latest hits from Korea.- Concerts videos and MVs- Exclusive MOOV Live concerts- Artist Music Guides For more information, please visit our website:*We keep improving the layout and user interface for tabletversion,stay tuned with us for updates. *Important note: Only selected videos are available in HD formatandonly available for devices which support HD format. Onlyselectedcontent (including song files) are available in HiFiquality. Usersare responsible for ensuring that their viewingdevice supportsviewing in HD format.Please visit the official websites below for more details.FAQ:*Eligibility of existing MOOV App or MOOV service registrantsorsubscribers for Free Trial is limited and subject to termsandconditions (Please referto: be amended by PCCW Media Limited at anytimewithoutnotice. ============================== music service is a subsidiary of PCCW limited.
🎧Music Player 3.3.25
Bring music to life !!!
新易剪鈴B12-流行音樂鈴聲MP3下載 1.2.1
Mobile phone ringtone music song download! Ringtone makingmp3,iphone ringtone setting download, Chinese, Western, JapaneseandKorean classic Mandarin, movie soundtrack, idol drama music
隨身FUN音樂是一個簡單流暢的線上音樂收聽軟體,即時上架最新的流行專輯與排行榜熱門歌曲,另外您也可以依喜好收藏及編輯個人歌單,聽音樂就是這麼簡單!只要連上3G/4G或WiFi網路,數十萬首歌曲讓您聽個夠!最新上架電視/電影原聲帶...等眾多歌手超夯歌曲盡在隨身FUN音樂!服務特色:※ 註冊帳號完全免費,五天免費試用期,所有內容免費放送!※ 新版操作界面,視覺品味更時尚,操作更流暢!※ MV及演唱會/微電影頻道,眾多音樂影片完整觀賞!※ 熱門活動專區,享受音樂娛樂還可再享多重好康優惠!小叮嚀:本服務僅提供亞太電信用戶及擁有亞太帳號者使用唷~費用說明:付費會員:每月199元可完整收聽歌曲並使用完整服務。【貼心提醒:本服務目前不支援Android2.3以下5.0以上版本及平版裝置使用】FUN music player isasimple and smooth online music listening software, instantshelveswith the latest pop album chart hits, in addition you caneditaccording to your preferences and personal collection ofsinglesong, music is so simple! Just connect 3G / 4G or WiFinetwork,hundreds of thousands of songs lets you listen to fill!New Arrival TV / soundtrack ... and many other singersultraportable FUN ram song all about music!Features:※ registered account completely free, five days free trialperiod,all content free run!※ the new user interface, visual taste more stylish, operatingmoresmoothly!※ MV and Concert / micro movie channels, numerous musicvideoscomplete watch!※ popular activity area, enjoy the music and entertainment canalsothen enjoy multiple goodies Free!Small caution: The Asia-Pacific telecommunications serviceprovidersand users only have to use the Asia-Pacific accounts yo~Fee:Paying members: 199 yuan per month to complete listening tosongsand use the full service.[Intimate reminder: This service is currently Android2.3 less 5.0orlater does not support the use of lithographic apparatus]
Real Music 1.2
Lek is not a lightweight music playerUI.The UI color can be changed as possible, artist,album,music,organize by folders according to their personality, andyoucanenjoy your favorite music anytime, anywhere, note thatthebatteryconsumption!By adding the Notification feature has been added toeaseusingthe easy Ask the players during different tasks.For those bad eyesight was so haedu can also change thefontsizeand color.No need to press the play button in the album screen allowsyoutoeasily change songs, with simple Touch &Swipefunctionality.If you are studying a language it allows you to listenfromwhereyou want to listen by using the Player Bar to receive alotofhelp.Play of haedu was able to repeat one, repeat allsongs,repeatrandom play.- Can you hear the music, making the music player intoacertainfunction, fun and giving the people should be happy withwhoIreally think a lot of trouble.I also music like to listen to, but as people and developerstomusicget peace of mind still much lacking that, while usingtheapp youfeel syeotdeon discomfort more than the ability to mailtosuggest,contact haejusimyeon I can do if you have It will helpyoutofix.Please accept my application lacks Finally, haejusigo use,italsogives those who would like to erase using that word somuch.Thankyou.
愛音樂·澳门 v1.2.3
手機音樂電台 - 你的音樂助手 1.0.0
- 海量音樂庫存和精心打造的推介歌手- 方便的本地音樂管理及播放- 百萬首歌曲MP3放進褲袋,想聽就聽音樂迷不可錯過!- Massive stockmusicandcarefully crafted Recommend singer- Convenient local music management and playback- One million MP3 songs into his pocket, hear hearsMusic fans can not miss!
APP流行音樂館 2.0.4
專門為安卓智慧型手機設計的音樂&鈴聲下載服務App!操作超好上手,音樂下載簡單易用多元音樂&鈴聲,6大排行榜單試聽&下載豐富音樂內容,類型含括國語流行、西洋熱門、日韓、爵士、古典音樂、獨家巴森朵夫流行鋼琴版…等,另獨家提供特色音效,免費下載!產品特色:1.Smart試聽功能- 點擊一下即可試聽歌曲,再點擊一下即可停止試聽 2.鈴聲或MP3下載-選擇你要的產品線,一個click即可擁有註: 歌曲試聽功能只支援Android 2.3.5 以上版本--【中華電信用戶HamiPass精選優質APP任你玩】金頭家年約月付$100再享每月贈送 2GB行動流量!$100通信費!免費試用活動立即體驗!詳情
HibyMusic V4.2.1 International build 5553
! Updated description applies to version3.0.0build 5480 !! Please wait for update to reach you if the version you seeisstill 2.3.4 !Hiby Music Player is a free lossless HiFi audio player designedforaudiophiles and music fans. Newest features include supportfordirect USB audio on Android 7.x, and HiByLink forcontrollinglossless playback on affiliated remote devices, givingyou afirst-class music experience wherever you go.New Features:1. Use HiByLink to upgrade affiliated portable and desktopaudioplayers to a touch-screen, remote-operated experiencewhileenjoying lossless playback of hi-res material on thedeviceitself.2. First free app to support direct USB audio output onAndroid7.x.3. Added play queue function and function to save edited queueasnew playlist.4. All-new UI bringing a fresh new user experience, withnewpictorial Quick Guide added.5. Improved compatibility with Android 6+ devices;6. Fixed track ordering under albums, under multi-discalbums(DISCNUMBER support!), etc.7. Expanded on-device output sampling rate to 44.1 and48kHz,adapting to phones with different Android systemsamplingrates;8. Added option to disable exclusive USB audio output anduseAndroid system USB audio for convenience /interoperability;9. Added USB volume lock function to ensure bitperfect outputmoreeasily;10. Revised English and multilanguage translations;11. Added illustrated quick-start guide for ease of use;12. Added update function independent of Google Play;13. Added custom language selection option independent ofAndroidsystem language.Other features:1. Wide lossless/lossy audio format support,includingDSD(DSF,DFF,DST), ISO, WAV, FLAC, AIFF, M4A, AAC, MP3,OggVorbis2. CUE sheets and ISO images are also directly supported3. High precision decoding with 32 bits output, 64 bitsfloatingpoint decoding and 128 bits internal precision, all for thebestaudio quality.4. External USB DAC is supported with DXD/DoP output. You cangetNative DSD or 384kHz, 32 bit DXD audio streams easily.5. Gapless playback6. 10 band graphic EQStay tuned, more professional function will beaddedcontinually!email: [email protected]:
Classical Music Radio 4.18.0
Maxim Kabluka
Classical music radio stations in simple app
Music Player 1.2.0
The greatest Music Player for Android.Youdeserve to have it.Concise music category, Stable and efficient to play yourmusics,Powerful and intuitive equalizer & bass boooster,Colorfulskin, Magnificent playback interface. So, you music loveit.Free to get this best music player!Key Features:- Browse and play your music quickly by albums, artists,songs,playlists, and folders- Magnificent Playback interface- 25 beautiful default colorful skins- High quality decoding with mp3,mp4/m4a,wma,flac and ape- 3 home screen WIDGETS(4*1, 2*2, 4*1)- Music Library wide search. Find all your music never beensoeasy.- Audio Recorder- Sleep mode- Lock screen support.- Five band graphic equalizer and Bass Booster- 10 types of pre-set music one for you choice, or you canmanuallyadjust the equalizer- Lyric support, Automatic scanning all the lyric files ,andmatching the most appropriate lyrics file for your songs.- Headset support. Support one button and multiple buttonsheadsets.Leave your device in the pocket!- Notification STATUS support: display album artwork, titleandartist, play/pause, skip forward and stop CONTROLS innotificationstatus.To learn more about the advanced settings, please feel freetodown and have a try. You won't be disappointed.
FUN流行音樂館-手機鈴聲、高音質MP3無限下載 2.10.0
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