Top 31 Apps Similar to BC Virtual Visit

CommonPass 1.7.1
CommonPass is a free app that helps you share yourhealthstatussecurely, so you can get back to travel, work, schoolandlife. Getwhere you want to go by using CommonPass to presentyourlab orvaccination results. How it works: Download thefreeCommonPass appto your smartphone, and use it to access yourtestand vaccinationrecords from authorized providers. Withyourconsent, thatinformation can be used to validate your healthstatuswithoutrevealing any other underlying personalhealthinformation.CommonPass generates a secure QR code for you toshowwhen youtravel or access certain locations and events. Yourhealthrecordsare stored securely and privately on your phone,entirelyunderyour control. CommonPass now supports SMART HealthCardvaccinationrecords from Walmart, Sam’s Club, Louisiana,California,and UCSDHealth. CommonPass is a service of The CommonsProjectFoundation.The Commons Project Foundation is supporting theeffortsof anumber of countries, such as Aruba, and US states, suchastheState of Hawaii, and others, to help enable a safe returntotravelaround the world.
Intuitive to use, quicker to readrelevantinformation compared to a paper care plan, and empoweringcarestaff with great information at their finger-tips, thePASSsystemis helping to support care assistants to do a great jobeven betterwherever they are.The PASSsystem supports excellence in customer management,workingseamlessly across all major devices, from receiving careenquiries,to assessments, staff supervisions and customer reviewson tabletwhile out in the community, to delivery of care plans andreceiptof MAR sheets and diary notes from careassistants’smartphones.The PASSsystem improves the care delivered by homecareservices.Through improved clarity of care plans read by careassistants, theability to identify issues with medication and carein real-time,the PASSsystem is helping leading care services torevolutionisecare quality.Sound business and high quality care go hand-in-hand – efficiencyinbusiness creating opportunity to invest in the quality of care.ThePASSsystem saves homecare services a substantial amount ofmoney byremoving inefficiencies – an estimated saving equivalentto 15% ofnet profit.The PASSsystem is the only system available to providereal-timefeedback on how outcomes are being achieved for eachcustomer,transforming the quality of care reporting, andsupportingimprovement in care planning, the PASSsystem is your besttool todeliver excellence in CQC compliance.
CA Notify minted1400015
CA Notify is the official Exposure Notification app for California.
SAP Authenticator 1.2.8
With the SAP Authenticator mobile app for Android, youcanprotectyour sensitive systems beyond yourregularauthenticationmechanisms. This app is geared towardssystemsprotected by the SAPSingle Sign-On application andprovidesenhanced security bygenerating one-time passwords that canbe usedas a second factoror alternative password for login. Keyfeaturesof SAPAuthenticator for Android • Generate time-based,one-timepasswords(TOTP) based on RFC 6238 • Use the generatedpasscode asanalternative password if you need to log in withoutrevealingyourregular credentials or in addition to your regularcredentials(assecond factor) • Extend the app’s functions tomultiple accounts•Protect the app with a password
CDC 3.1.6
Health Information at Your Fingertips—CDC 24/7
With the advent of mobile devices, ourworkhabits have changed.Indeed, more and more enterprise applications must beaccessedthrough mobile platforms.Users want to access their workstations easily without havingtoremember several different passwords.To help them access easily their workstation(s) andenterpriseapplications, Evidian has created an application formobiledevices: QRentry.QRentry enables you to access your applications with yourmobiledevice. Your applications are launched in an integrated webbrowserwithout having to sign-in.QRentry allows you to use your own mobile device to log ontoWindows:* Nothing to memorize. Just flash the QR Code and QRentrywillauthenticate you through the network.* You have several workstations and do not want to enter apasswordfor each of them. QRentry enables you to control yourworkstationsand open their Windows sessions.QRentry allows you to use your own mobile device to log ontoWindows until normal access is restored. In this case, QRentryisan emergency access solution extremely easy to implement andveryefficient:* Nothing to memorize. QRentry will provide you with aone-timecode.* Your workstation is disconnected from the network? Yourmobiledevice does not get a signal? QRentry works anyway.You can also use QRentry to store personal data: Wi-Fikeys,license number, private passwords... QRentry securely storesthemin your own mobile device.QRentry only works with Evidian Authentication ManagerandEvidian SSO Web Portal. Please, don't install or post acommentabout this application if you don't have one of theseproductsinstalled.For more information about Evidian, visit
ANL Line 5.2.5
By downloading the ANL app, you can now access all aspectsofyourtransport chain in real-time by way of shipment tracking,fastandeasy schedule information, rates and the latest news, allfromyourmobile device. ► Access all your rates Check allyourexistingquotations online or get new instant quotations whennoreferenceis available, thanks to the feature My Prices. ► Viewyourshipmentdashboard By simply logging in to the application, youcanaccessand manage the list of your shipments andaccurateinformationrelated to your containers. ► Track yourshipments Stayup-to-datewith your shipments by getting a clearunderstanding oftheirstatus from the Port of Loading (POL) to thePort ofDelivery(POD), including the various transport solutions,vesselsandshipping lines on which your shipment is assigned. ►Lookupspecific vessel schedules, voyages, or use our routingfinderUsethe CMA CGM App to search for specific vesselschedules,voyages,or use our routing finder. Directly plugged tothe CMACGM’sInformation System, the App will provide informationandoptimisedrouting solutions picked among more than 200shippinglines andover 500 vessels calling 420 ports all around theworld. ►Bookmarkand share With the ANL mobile app, every singlesearch canbebookmarked for greater accessibility of multipleshipments. Youcanalso share your search results to keep othersinformed ofyourshipment’s status, news and more. ► Receive thelatest newsFilterthrough the ANL’s latest news to stay up-to-datewith theGroup’sactivity. ► Contact ANL with ease Whether youneedassistance orsimply have any question, our customer serviceteam ishere to helpvia the app’s Customer Service Tool.
BCBSM Online Visits
See a U.S. board certified doctor or licensed therapistfromvirtually anywhere.
NYS ENX minted1400053
NYS ENX is a partnership with Google and Apple to help slowspreadof COVID19.
SG Arrival Card
This mobile application is compatible with Android 9 and up.
Q8Seha 9.41
Ministry Of Health , Kuwait
CommonHealth 1.7.5
Securely store and share your personal health data withtrustedservices
privacyIDEA Authenticator 4.1.1
OTP Authenticator for two factor authentication with privacyIDEA
Docket® 2.2.57
Official Immunization Records
Cleveland Clinic Express Care
Connect to your Cleveland Clinic doctor from home or work onyourmobile device.
SafeNet MobilePASS+
SafeNet MobilePASS+ is a next generation software token thatofferssecure one-time passcode generation on mobile devices, aswell assingle-tap push authentication for enhanced userconvenience.Integrating out-of-the-box with leading cloud apps,securitygateways and VPNs, SafeNet MobilePASS+ featuresset-and-forgetlifecycle administration, making it ideal forextending secureaccess to consultants, partners and a dispersedworkforce. Forusers, SafeNet MobilePASS+ offers a frictionlessexperience thanksto easy QR code activation, optional biometric PINand a choice ofstandard OTP and push authentication modes. In pushmode, whenevera protected resource is accessed, a push notificationisautomatically sent to the user’s device.The user tapstheMobilePASS+ notification, taps to approve the login request andisthen logged in to the resource. If a PIN policy has beendefined,the user then enters their alphanumeric PIN or taps NexusImprintto enter their biometric PIN (optional). As of MobilePASS+v1.6,you can now experience a seamless authentication process toaccessyour tokens and passcodes with a fully renovated userinterface.Notes on Permissions SafeNet MobilePASS+ requires accessto theunique identifier of your device to secure your tokensagainstmisuse and manipulation, it will therefore request phoneidentitypermission. SafeNet MobilePASS+ does not contain anyinstruction toaccess your phone history or phone calls. SafeNetMobilePASS+requires access to the camera only if enrollment via QRCode isenabled.
SafeZone 3.149
Get Help. Get Notified. Stay Safe.
COVID-19 EHS 2.6.2-prd
EHS's Official Coronavirus management App from EmiratesHealthServices - EHS
OpenWHO: Knowledge for Health 3.9.5
Life-saving knowledge for frontline responders inhealthemergencies.
ForgeRock Authenticator 3.3.0
Secure method for users to access their accounts managedbyForgeRock's OpenAM.
AMN Passport 1.3.101
Introducing AMN Passport — your one stop shop to manageassignmentinformation
2FA Hub (former GACW)
2FA TOTP Auth Client for Android phones, Samsung, WearOS andFitbitwatches
Ascension SmartHealth 1.0.33-smarthealth
The easy, convenient way to access your benefits
Healthy Together 1.8.2
Twenty Inc.
Public Health & Human Services
SecurEnvoy Authenticator
SecurEnvoy Authenticator - More Control, More Secure
Skedulo is a mobile workforce management applicationthatcapturesreal-time business insights to deliveradvancedon-demandscheduling on a beautifully designed userinterface. TheSkedulomobile app provides scheduled resources withthefollowingfunctionality directly on their mobile device: -LogIn/Log Outusing credentials - View daily, weeklyandmonthlyagendas of allocated and dispatched jobs - Viewjobnotificationsfor jobs pending a response - Open job addressesinnative mapsapplications to navigate to job - Capturecustomersignatures onjobs - Add unavailability requests &records -View and editJob notes and attachments - Update Jobprogress(Check-in,Complete) - View customer information - View pastjobs
Indian Army Photo Suit Editor 1.N002
Indian Army Photo Suit Editor and Uniform changer for indainarmylover
NurseBuddy 4.18.4
NurseBuddy, the care management & communication software.
SecureAuth Authenticate 20.03.02
The SecureAuth Authenticateapplicationdisplays time-based passcodes and provides single-tapauthorizationof login requests to end users accessing applicationsthroughSecureAuth IdP. This application displays one or moretime-basedpasscodes, enables push notifications, and single-tapauthorizationto Android devices - providing users access tomultipleapplications and networks.Prerequisites:The SecureAuth Authenticate application only works inconjunctionwith an existing deployment of SecureAuth IdP, andrequiresenrollment to deliver the functionality describedabove.
QR Scanner-Safe QR Code Reader 1.2.1
Trend Micro
Scan QR codes free from worry of scams, malicious, ordangerouswebsites, No Ads