Top 9 Apps Similar to BC Moose Tracker

Calculate Investment- Complete Finance Calculator 1.0.0
APPS 24x7
Calculate the investment and Profit of SIP, LUMPSUM ,STOCKandGoalPlanning easily. Calculation Of SIP : Investing in SIPenablesaninvestor to take part in the stock markets withoutactivelytimingthem and he/she can benefit by buying more units whenthepricefalls and less units when the price rises. This schemehelpsreducethe average cost per unit of investment through amethodcalledRupee Cost Averaging. Calculation Of LUMPSUM : Lumpsuminvestmentis considered as one way of investing into mutualfunds.The othermethod being that of systematic investment plan,popularlyknown asSIP. Usually lump sum investments are undertakenby bigplayers andinvestors, in stocks especially those related toassetsthat arelikely to appreciate in the long term, makingtheinvestmentprofitable except in cases of highvolatility.Calculation Of STOCKProfit / Loss : Buy And Sell StocksAnd See HowMuch Profit YouHave Earned. Goal Planning : If you wantto reachsomewhere, youneed to firstly know where you stand andthedirection of yourdestination. In the same way, you need toanalyzeyour currentfinancial status, do financial planning and planyourfuture goals.Goals define your future needs. Goal planninghelpsyou becomefinancially secure and channelize yourcurrentfinancialinvestments in such a manner that it generatesreturnsover a timeperiod which fulfils your targeted goals.Inflation :Inflationlowers purchasing power of the rupee. As aresult,whenever asaving plan is being chalked out, inflation is oneof thefactorsthat has to be taken into account. Compound Interest:Compoundingis the process of earning interest on principal aswellasaccumulated interest. The longer the duration oftheinvestment,the greater is the potential for gainingfromcompounding, whichmakes it a very powerful tool in finance.PostTax Return :Continuing with the earlier example, the returnsaboveare pre-tax.What you see on your fixed deposit certificate istheabsolutefigure. As per the income tax rules, any income from abankdepositis taxable as per one's tax slab. So, if you fall in the30percent tax bracket, the interest earned will fall by 30 percent.GST: Calculate Goods and Services Tax (GST). PurchasePower:CalculatePurchasing Power w.r.t inflation rate. ValuationRatio :ItContains :- 1. PE Ratios 2. PBV Ratios 3.PEG Ratios4.EBITDARatios 5. Divident Payout 6. Divident Yield. Post Office:Hereusers will get all postoffice schemes calculationslike:-1.National Savings Certificate (NSC) 2.Public ProvidentFund(PPF), 3. Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY) 4.Fixed Deposite(FD)5.Monthly Income Scheme (MIS) 6. Recurring Deposite (RD)returns.Tip Calculator : Enter bill rate , tax rate in %(if youpaidelseput 0) , Enter Tip rate in % and Enter number of membersyouwannasplit bill. Discount Calculator GratuityCalculationCalculator
TravelWise Ireland 1.2.1
Advice you can trust for travel worldwide. TravelWise is afreesmartphone app delivered by Ireland’s Department of ForeignAffairsand Trade to help inform Irish citizens make decisions abouttravelabroad. The content within the app is available off-line,allowingaccess abroad without roaming charges. TravelWise includestheDepartment’s country travel advisories, based on reliablereportsprovided by Ireland’s network of Embassies abroad and by ourEU andinternational partners. Users can subscribe to be notifiedvia analert of significant changes to our travel advice forcountries ofinterest to them. We also include more general adviceby theme, forexample victim of crime abroad, LGBT travellers, deathabroad,children’s issues, etc. And there’s a handy checklist ofthings todo before you go. Especially if you are travelling to ahigher-riskdestination, we strongly encourage users to registerwith us so wecan make contact with them in the event of a crisis.Contactdetails and mapping of all Irish Embassies, Consulates andothermissions abroad are included in the app.
Firstrade Securities Inc. 3.4.1
Proudly serving investors since 1985, Firstrade providesafullinvestment product line right from your smartphone.Redesignedforboth new and experienced investors, the newFirstradeappreplicates the functionality our desktop platform.Firstrade istheonly online brokerage to offer commission-freetrading forallstocks, options, ETFs and mutual funds. Highlightsinclude:•Redesigned from the ground up • Complete controlovermultipleaccounts • Intuitive, user-friendly buy/sellinterfaceenablingtrades in seconds • All products and servicesconsolidatedin oneaccount • Ability to instantly review portfoliodashboard •Realtime market data and news feed • Transfer funds toand fromyourbanking institution • Access to financial research,data andeventcalendars • Charts can be converted to landscapemodewithindicator overlays • All single and multi-legoptionsstrategiesavailable • Ability to open a no-fee IRA account•Two-year accounthistory available Disclosure FirstradeSecuritiesInc. offers freetrades for stocks/ETFs, options andmutual fundsvia mobile app oronline. Relevant SEC & FINRA orother fees maystill apply.Please see Firstrade’s Pricing and FeeScheduleat tolearnmore.Investing involves risk and past performance is noguaranteeoffuture results. While diversification may help spreadrisk, itdoesnot assure a profit or protect against loss. You canalwayslossmoney when you invest. Investors should considertheirinvestmentobjectives and risks carefully beforeinvesting.Securitiesproducts and services offered by FirstradeSecuritiesInc., MemberFINRA/SIPC, are not insured by the FDIC andare subjecttoinvestment risk, including the possible loss oftheprincipalinvested. System response and account access timesmayvary due toa variety of factors, including trading volumes,marketconditions,system performance, and other factors.
KSFE Pravasi Chit 13.1
KSFE Pravasi Chitty is a unique financial savingsschemeintroducedfor the welfare of Malayalees abroad. It’s manythings,under asingle scheme. It is -a chit scheme with riskcoverage andPravasiwelfare Board pension premium payment option.-anapplication thatallows you to register, subscribe andpayinstallments fromanywhere, anytime -a fund-mobilization platformtosolve Kerala’sinfrastructure problems Pravasi ChitFeaturesRegistration Onlinechit selection Online installmentremittanceAutomatic calculationsand reports. Manage your pendingand monthlyinstallments. Prizemoney management Make payments fromanywhereSafe, Secure andTransparent
TexecomPro 3.0.9
Texecom manuals at your fingertips
Wealth Builder 3.9.3
We’re building a whole new app experience andredefiningmoneymanagement, investing and legacy. Join us on thisadventureandyour life will never be the same. WealthBuilder is theonlyappdesigned to show you how to manage your financial lifelikethewealthy do! The app is part of a proven money masterytriad:1)True Wealth Formula book available via Amazon 2)WealthBuilderappvia the AppStore 3) TWF Implementation program andcoachingsystems- New Dashboard to personalize your wealthbuildingexperience andmaximize your progress through anintegratededucation, communityand algorithm driven platform. -RedesignedCourse and Coachingexperience - You can now manuallytrack yourbalance sheet (asset& liability) accounts usingTWFmethodology! - Set earnedincome and unearned income goals,Identifyyour Freedom &Lifestyle Numbers, track progress,completelywipe out debt inrecord time (comprehensive debt payoffplan), modelwhat thewealthy do, use rules based systems, build afortressbalance sheet(comprehensive compound asset growthforecasting) -MUCH more tocome ;-) Premium features and contentavailable toTWFImplementation Program subscribers. Our mission isto Arm YouToSurvive & Thrive In The New Economy. TheWealthBuilderappcommunity is dedicated to helping you stay informedand takeactionto create wealth by building freedom, securityandfulfillment intoyour life. Access True Wealth Formula content.Stayin touch andregister for latest updates, personalizedwealthbuilding trainingand coaching. Access your client contentviaWealth Builder. TrueWealth is directly related toindividualfreedom, qualityrelationships, self reliance,innovation,production and wiseallocation of resources. The world ischangingfast, and like you,we are concerned for our families andourfuture. We don’t havemuch patience for right/left politicsorentitlement thinking. Ourteam is obsessed with staying up onthelatest trends that affectour ability to create, multiplyandprotect wealth. We investpersonally and significantlyintoresearch, analysis, riskmanagement and strategy testing. Weknowwhat works vs. what soundsgood in theory. You benefit fromourexperience. Welcome to ourcommunity! FEEDBACK or ISSUES?Pleaseopen a live chat on our siteat https://www.wealthbuilder.ioor sendan email [email protected]
CoinCap 1.6.9
Online Invest
The app CoinCap is a handy tool for monitoringcryptocurrencycourses and its comparison: - create your ownpersonalcryptocurrency portfolio by adding best coins on youropinion andthen monitor its cost. - informative graphics for eachcoin willdisplay its history and the best time of investment. - thesectionof comparison makes it possible to compare from 1 to 5 coinsat atime and create the time interval expires graphics smart andfast.- the push notifications flexible settings for selected coinsandyour personal portfolio will help you to be in touch of itscostand do not miss the important moment. - at the news sectionyouwill find the latest events of the cryptocurrency world whichhelpsyou to analize and make the right choice.
Racenet – Horse Racing Form 7.5.1
News Perform
Australia's biggest Horse Racing site now has an Android app!
Stocktwits - Stock Market Chat 14.0.3
Tap into the pulse of the markets with Stocktwits