Top 5 Apps Similar to EXPERT 2015

expert Ahaus 6.631
Jetzt gibt es expert Ahaus als offizielle App für'sSmartphone!AlleNeuigkeiten, Fotos, Veranstaltungen und Terminelanden sodirekt inder Hosentasche. Wann immer es etwas Neuesgibt,klingelt's auf demSmartphone. Und weil ein Smartphone ebenauchTelefon ist, lässtsich per Knopfdruck gleich eineVerbindungherstellen. Die expertAhaus-App sorgt immer für dendirektenDraht.
SEO Expert 1.1.0
SEO Expert is the most accurate Google Analytic Exam IQSimulatorfor Android
Fleet Expert 1.2
With Fleet Expert mobile of GPS Bulgaria you can track andtraceyour vehicle or fleet of vehicles directly from your mobilephone –everywhere in Bulgaria or abroad. In this way, youefficientlymanage your business while optimizing transportationcosts. Theparameters under monitoring are vehicle’s location, speedanddirection of driving, fuel in the tank, mileage for period oftime,stays and stops as well as other parameters ofinterest.Furthermore, Fleet Expert mobile alerts you in case ofdifferentalarm events: - maturity dates of insurances and otherpayments; -upcoming changes of oil, filters and so on, connected tovehicle’smaintenance; - stops within forbidden zones or outsidemandatoryzones. Use Fleet Expert mobile with your account for FleetExpertweb version.
Expert at Work 1.1
Inspired by Doctors @t Work, this is a version for people inotherprofessions who accept client appointments, take extensivenotesfrom their clients, and bill them for each visit. For expertslikeveterinarians, dentists, lawyers, real estate agents,insuranceagents, sales people, technicians and more. It can becustomizedand is likely to adapt to your profession. Try it toappreciate.Key features • Simple, intuitive and easy to use • Getclient infodirectly from your phone contacts • Send appointmentreminder toclients by email or SMS • Send visit summary to clientsby email orSMS • Create itemized bills for your patients; trackbalance due •Customize the client information that you would liketo capture •Customizable email and SMS templates • View client’svisit history• During client visits, add visit notes like text,picture, voicerecording, or handwriting • Use dictation toauto-write text onvisit notes • Built-in powerful tool to helpmanage reusable notes• Export appointment to android calendar •Backup and restore dataWe hope you find this app useful and wewelcome your suggestions.We will add more cool features as we goalong. So stay tuned!=========================== PermissionRequests=========================== Storage - to save visitattachmentslike handwritten notes, audio recordings, pictures, etcMicrophone- for auto write text through microphone Networkcommunication -need internet for in-app purchases Your personalinformation - toadd appointments to calendar Your socialinformation - to add phonecontacts as clients
expert Ochtrup 6.631
Der expert Fachmarkt in Ochtrup bietet seinen KundendasganzeSortiment von moderner Unterhaltungselektronik,Computer,Telekom,Software bis hin zu Elektrohaushaltsgeräten. MitunsererAppmöchten wir immer möglichst nah bei Ihnen sein und Sieüberdieneuesten Angebote aus den Bereichen TV, PC, Telekom,MultimediaundHaushaltsgeräte informieren, Ihnen TIPPS und TricksfürmodernesWohnen und Arbeiten mit geeigneter Technik zurVerfügungstellenund Sie jede Woche neu in unseren Fachmarkteinladen – woSiegemeinsam mit unserem freundlichen Fachpersonal indieganzeVielfalt moderner Produktlösungen eintauchen können.Wirbringen's– wir installieren's - wir testen's – wirgarantieren's!