Top 13 Games Similar to Clash of War Heroes
Clash of Commanders-Iron Tides 1.8.4
Clash of Commanders-Iron Tides is the Best MMO strategy gamebasedonWorld War II (WWII). From the iron tides of tanks to thefirerainsof artilleries, all those destructive forces of theSecondWorld Warare at your disposal. Your mission is to buildandfortify your city,raise an unstoppable army, recruitlegendaryWWII Generals to be yourstaff, forge alliance with yourfriendsand destroy your enemies todominate the world. FEATURES ✔Free toplay MMO Strategy Game ✔ Build& customize your veryownwar-mongering Stronghold ✔ RealisticWWII Armament ✔ LegendaryWWIIOfficers ✔ Most strategic battles ✔Strong bound andin-depthcooperation between Alliance Members ✔Strategic DiplomacyandBrutal Forces are equally important ✔ Conquerthe Wonder andbecomethe Supreme Leader of the World ✔ Use yourPolitical Power toawardyour friends and punish your enemies **Special Battle System,ifyou sociable, you would lead the war.OurFacebook: HowToPlay========== 1. When you see the yellow light flashing theedgeofthe screen, indicating that your city forces in thenextbattlewill not play. You can adjust defensive units by clickingonthesmall yellow icon on the screen or by going to"More"-"D.Strategy" 2. Territory occupation value definition,thecityitself is 5 points, 1 unit from the city is 4 points, 2unitsis 1point. Multiple alliance cities or camps will accumulatethevalueof the superposition of the region, non-league playersandtheirsuperposition of the final value when the two sideswillbecompared, the value of the party to obtain a largeoccupationofproperty, the same territory without occupation ofproperty.3.Players can only see a certain range of playeractivities.Playersin their own city, camp, resource mining pointsnear the 5unitswithin the scope of any target activities arevisible, outsidethescope of the invisible. Hawkeye technology canenhance the scopeofvision. 4. Individual players to send troops haslimited, toattacka strong player, it is recommended to create aRally. TheRallyallowed 50 players to join fight, with a maximumtroops of2million. The commander who setup the rally will play arole inthebattlefield. 5. Reinforcements are important,reinforcementstoallies can protect their city, a city canaccommodate the numberofreinforcements is limited, you can increasethe level oftheembassy or join an alliance to get more space, theultimateThetotal number of cases can reach 5 million, but thepremise isthatyour alliance to enhance the Interests CommunityTechnology. 6.Ifyour troops were annihilated by the enemy duringthe citydefensivewarfare that the citizens could be slaughtered,the wholecitywould be in a state of chaos for some time. You canreduce thetimeby using appeasement technology. In the state ofchaos, youcannotsend, speed up or recall your troops. 7. When thecitywasdetected, the city seems like weaker, and easier to becapturedbyusing the prop of Fake Demonstration which wouldprovideenemieswith the false information of your resources. Andalso theenemycannot detect details of your troops when they are ina stateofrally. During the effective period of the prop, thecitypowerpoint will appear smaller than the original in the eyesoftheother players. 8. You can choose a prop from entrance"Tactical"indispatch interface when you send your troops for gatherresourceorcreate encampment. The prop of Mine or Gas Generator canmakesureyou an absolutely safe state in the course of operationsthatyourtroops could fallback instantly and leave traps therewhichcouldtrapped the enemy in place for some time. You may takethischanceto attack them. If the enemy use the anti-trapprops"MineDetector" or "Gas Mask" during the time, they cancontrolyourprops anyway.
WarStorm: Clash of Heroes 1.3.7
War Storm: Clash of Heroes is a Global Strategy MMO mobilegame.Players take control of the legion of heroes and a castle,astronghold, a nation, and all its subjects. Summon brave heroesofwar to your cause, hone their skills or magic in combat, sendthemto the frontier, and use their unique abilities to turn thetide ofbattle, watch the epic scene of clash of elites! Formallianceswith other players, defend Alliance Strongholds andcastles againstyour enemies and take your revenge with your ally byRally Attacks,take the chance and wow the world! Become a royaleking of civilage and clash off the invading demon legions, or thoseviciouswarlord armies who surge into ally's city. Write your ownepicstory in chaos; let the glory of might shine in honor!-GAMEFEATURES- ● Free Social Strategy MMO Mobile Game ● Innovativeworldmap tactics! Take control of resources to expand your royaleempireand position your forces in camps around the map to protectthekingdom in chaos! ● Complete Quests to win Heroes to your cause,orSummon them from beyond with Soul Shards recovered in thefrontierof battle. ● Craft weapons & armor for your Heroes fromrarehearth materials found around the world map. ● Form allianceswithfriends around the world to complete Alliance Quests, Send Aidtoally's nation, and Rally Attack your enemies! ● Seize, developanddefend an Alliance Stronghold with your allies. ● SectionedWorldMap - growing your empire might give you access to new places!●Build diverse legions of foot soldiers, archers, mages,catapultsand more! Outsmart your enemies by outfitting thewinningcombinations in battle. ● Fight hellish monster legion undertheleadership of Arch Demon. Become a powerful clasher and youmighthave to fight the Demon himself! Problems or suggestions? Wewouldlove to hear from you! You can reach us at support viaemail:[email protected]:
Alchemy War: Clash of Magic 1.0.1
Tired of playing as a hero and a knight? Now jointhereal-timestrategy(RTS) game Alchemy War: Clash of Magic! Choosetheevilside, be the Great Devil! Once upon a time, there wasanoldalchemy continent inhabited by fairies, witches,enchantedtreesand all sorts of magical creatures. The Great Devilmastersthealchemy magic and rules the alchemy world in atyrannicalway.Dissatisfied with the rule of the Great Devil, sixjusticeknightsconspire to defeat the Great Devil with magic, makehim fellinto adeep sleep. From then on, people lived in peaceandhappiness.However, the power of evil never dies... Finally oneday,The GreatDevil was awakened by his faithful servant! Now, It'stimeto startyour revenge journey! Recapture everything that belongstoyou!Bring blood and nightmare to this continent again!GameFeatures:🔮1. Real Real-time Strategy Game(RTS) - The epicbattle isnotpre-calculated, it happens in real-time on the map. -Thereareinfinite possibilities in the fog of war, you need tosendtroopsto explore and fight. 🔮2. Classic RTS Features - Realizethemostclassic control action in RTS games: Formation, HoldandAttackMode, Surround and Focus fire, Cast skill by Manual, WallInandHold the Chokepoint. -Truly loss and death. It needstoconsumeresources to recruit new creatures. 🔮3.MultipleStrategyCombinations - Try different formations to maximizeyourmight inAlchemy War. - Try to divide your creatures into 2 or3troops tofight and garrison. - Make the most of racial restraint.-Dispatchdifferent creatures based on enemy attributes andrace.Flexibleuse of air forces to constrain enemy ground forces.🔮4.VariousGameplay Mode -Tower Defense, Boss Battle, EscortingPlayandEndless Mode. - Beware of the kingdoms that you haveretaken.Maybesomeone is plotting to rebel! 🔮5. Summon MagicCreatures - 6uniqueraces (Human, Orcs, Wild, Undead, Demon, andFantasy), dozensofclass, hundreds of creature forms and skills! -Feed thecreatureswith their favorite foods; Arm creatures withequipment!🔮6.Explore Mysterious Dungeons&Ruins - Entirelyrandomlygenerateddungeons&ruins! Are powerful enemies orhugetreasures? ! -Well-designed BOSS with various skills is waitingforyourchallenge! - Full of surprising mazes, easter eggs,andrichpuzzles. Every exploration grants a uniqueadventureexperience!Conquer the 6 kingdoms and explore dungeons inthealchemy world!Fight against enemies in the fog of war!Experiencemultiplaygameplay in MOBA mode, tower defense mode, andescortmode! Recruitand summon the creatures from 6 races(Human,Orcs,Wild, Undead,Demon, Fantasy)! Build Devil Kingdoms and repressthejust knightswho betrayed you! [About Chessia] Chessia Game isanindie gamestudio with a crew of 9 personnel. We don't justMAKEgames. WeLOVE games. We make what we proud of and hope toimpressyou. Ourfirst game is an RTS game called Alchemy War: ClashofMagicContact us for further support and information:📧SupportMail:[email protected]📱Facebook:📺YouTubeChannel:💬DiscordChannel:📱Review:
Rocket War: Clash in the Fog 1.20.0
A choice for those who love massive firepower! Feel thejoyofbombing in“Rocket War: Clash in the Fog”! [Introduction]Theenemybase is covered in Dark Fog when the battle starts.Yourfirststrike might decide the outcome of the battle, oryourstrategicmaneuver or bombing might turn the tide! Enjoyexcitingbattles inthe fog with your fingertips! ▶ Upgrade yourweapons andunits andexecute your plans! There are plenty of awesomeweaponsand units,including Laser Girl, Dreadnaught, Battle Drone,andCruiseMissile! Use the right combination of weapons and unitsandupgradethem to ensure victory! ▶ Defeat other players andsecuretheresources you need! Pillage resources from opposingplayers andusethem to upgrade your base and units! ▶ Defeat otherplayersinreal-time battle for glory! You can earn variousrewardsincludingGems from Multiplayer Matches, so aim for the top!▶ Buildanddefend a base of your own through our perfectbasecustomizingsystem! Use the customizing system tostrategicallybuildfacilities to repel invaders! Try taking out yourenemieswithoutlosing anything! ▶ Join a Clan and hop into ClanWars! Youwill bemissing out on all the fun if you don’t join a Clanin a wargame.Join one and fight for glory! ▶ Are you not into PvP?Try thePvEStory Mode! There are more than 180 stages prepared foryou!DefeatMajestas and claim your reward! === Enjoying RWCF? Learnmoreaboutthe game! Official Blog:http://madrocketgame.comFB: your strategieshere! Apppermission guide *Android6.0 and up requires access permission forplaying the game.-External Storage (Read/Write) Device, photos,media, filesaccessThis permission is required for installing thegame on theexternalstorage. This permission allows you to installgames inexternalmemory in case of insufficient memory. We do notaccessyour photos, media, and files.