Top 22 Apps Similar to Hemo 2013

Manual Práctico de Hematología
Solve your doubts quickly in the field of Hematology.
CellAtlas 1.5
CellAtlas contains mini lectures writtenbyhematology experts complemented by an extensive cellimagedatabase. The App also includes a game, CellQuiz. A funandefficient way to test your knowledge in cell morphology.CellAtlas is a product from the medical technologycompanyCellaVision.
Hematología preguntas de exam 12.0
Repasa y aprende sobre Hematología con esta fabulosa coleccióndemás de 640 preguntas obtenidas de exámenes deuniversidad.Posibilidad de preguntas aleatorias. ¡Ideal paraestudiantes!
Guia de Exames 7.1.1
Ideia Mendes
Guia de exames é uma ferramenta de referênciaàestudantes, profissionais da saúde e demais pessoas querendosanarsuas dúvidas.O aplicativo tem uma interface compreensível, fácildenavegar.Todos os exames estão divididos em categorias:Bioquímica,Hematologia, Microbiologia, Parasitologia e Imunologia;e ainda ousuário tem disponível a possibilidade de utilizar a buscaparaencontra um determinado exame.Além de poder consultar os valores normais dos exames,oaplicativo possui comentários indicando seu uso, e o significadodevalores diminuídos ou aumentados.Para abrir o aplicativo pela primeira vez é necessárioestarconectado(a) a uma rede de dados ou wifi.* Referência à mão com atualizações semanais;* Mais de 300 tipos de exames para consulta;* Categorias: Bioquímica, Hematologia, Microbiologia,Parasitologiae Imunologia;* Descrições da metodologias utilizadas;Atualizações gratuitas quando novos examessãodisponibilizados;Aviso: Este aplicativo é apenas uma referência, asinformaçõescontidas não devem ser utilizadas como diagnóstico outratamentomédico. Todas as informações são atuais, mas tendo emvista apossibilidade de erro humano ou mudanças nas diretrizesmédicas,deve-se sempre confirmar as informações contidas.Não somos responsáveis pelas formas de uso do aplicativopelousuário. Orientamos sempre buscar um diagnóstico etratamentoprofissional em qualquer condição médica.Exam Guide is areferencetool for students, health professionals and other peoplewantingtheir questions answered.The application has a comprehensible interface, easytonavigate.All tests are divided into categories: Biochemistry,Hematology,Microbiology, Parasitology and Immunology, and the userstill hasavailable the possibility to use the search to find aparticularexam.Besides being able to see the normal values ​​of tests,theapplication has no comments indicating its use and significanceofdecreased or increased values.To open the application the first time you must be connected(a)a data network or wifi.* Reference hand with weekly updates;* More than 300 types of examinations for consultation;* Categories: Biochemistry, Hematology, Microbiology,Parasitologyand Immunology;* Descriptions of the methodologies used;Free updates when new tests are available;Disclaimer: This app is just a reference, the informationshouldnot be used as medical diagnosis or treatment. Theinformation iscurrent, but in view of the possibility of humanerror or changesin medical guidelines, one should always verify theinformationcontained.We are not responsible for forms of application usage by user.Weguide always seek professional diagnosis and treatment inanymedical condition.
WBC Counter 3.1
K. Sasa
This app is WBC differential CounterforClinical Veterinary Medicine.- touch cells- count- notice 100, 200, 500 ,1000 cells count- calculate real number!you can choice vibration and/or sound.I made this app for our daily vet work.
HemCIS Hematology Calculator 1.9
Yaşar Dereli
HemCIS mobile application includes sometoolsfor hematolgy specialists such as:• BMI - Body Mass Index Calculator• BSA - Body Surface Area Calculator• CIRS - Cumulative Illness Rating Scale• R-IPI - Revised International Prognostic Index• MIPI - MCL international prognostic index• is available inside this application.LYMPHOID DISORDERSCLL: CLL score, Binet & Rai staging, response criteriaLymphoma staging: Ann Arbor, Lugano (GI), cutaneous lymphomaLymphoma prognosis: FLIPI, FLIPI2, Hodgkin early stage risk,IPS(Hasenclever Index), IPI, MIPI, MIPIb, R-IPIWaldenström: ISSWM prognosisPLASMA CELL DISORDERSMyeloma: Asymptomatic myeloma prognosis, myeloma diagnosis,ISSstaging, response criteriaMGUS: MGUS riskMYELOID DISORDERSAML: AML classification, relapse prognosisCML: CML EUTOS score, Sokal & Hasford scores,responsecriteriaMDS: MDS diagnosis, IPSS, IPSS-R, WPSSMPD: ET diagnosis & risk, myelofibrosis diagnosis,prognosis& response, PV diagnosis, SM diagnosisOther myeloid: AA classification, CMML diagnosis, CMMLMDAPSprognosis, HLH diagnosis, JMML diagnosisHEMOSTASIS & THROMBOSISBleeding: ISTH bleeding criteria, HSC bleeding criteria, type1vWD diagnosis, vWD types 2 and 3 featuresThrombosis: vWD diagnosis, HIT diagnosis (4T’s), Wells’ scoreforDVTSTEM CELL TRANSPLANTGraft versus host disease: aGVHD staging and grading, cGVHDriskscoreOther: EBMT transplant risk, VOD diagnosis & severitySUPPORTIVE CARE & CALCULATORSCalculators: body surface area, ideal & adjustedweightOther: ECOG/WHO performance status, Karnofsky performancestatusIn addition, HemCIS mobile application includes amobileinterface for Hematology Clinical
ASH Pubs | Blood 5.5
Allows readers to access various ASH Publications with Blood&Blood Advances
SMARTfiches Hématologie Free 1.05
SMARTfiches Médecine est la 1èreencyclopédiemédicale numérique destinée aux professionnels etétudiants desanté. Retrouvez l’intégralité de votre doctorat enmoins d’ 1minute ! Gardez dans votre poche ‘TOUT, PARTOUT, TOUT LETEMPS’ !L'inscription nécessite l'activation de votre compte qui vousestenvoyé par mail. Vous rencontrez un problème ? contactez nousàl'adresse [email protected] outentezde vous inscrire depuis notre site web**Au programme dans SMARTfiches Hématologie**Item 115/185 - Déficit immunitaireItem 316/208 - Hémogramme : indications et interprétationItem 297/209 - Anémie chez l’adulte et l’enfantItem 335/210 - Thrombopénie chez l’adulte et l’enfantItem 339/212 - Syndrome hémorragique d’origine hématologiqueItem 334/213 - Syndrome mononucléosiqueItem 311/214 - EosinophilieItem 242/215 - (1/2) Pathologie du fer : HémochromatoseItem 242/215 - (2/2) Pathologie du fer : Carence martialeItem 291/216 - Adénopathies superficiellesItem 319/266 - HypercalcémieItem 332/272 - SplénomégalieItem 143/293 - Agranulocytose médicamenteuse : conduiteàtenirItem 162/312 - Leucémies aiguësItem 161/313 - Syndromes myélodysplasiquesItem 165/314 - Syndromes myéloprolifératifsItem 163/315 - Leucémies lymphoïdes chroniquesItem 164/316 - Lymphomes malinsItem 166/317 - Myélome multiple des osItem 178/325 - Transfusion sanguineAprès une inscription gratuite, les applicationssontconsultables SANS connexion internet et peuvent êtreutiliséesPARTOUT, TOUT LE TEMPS.L'inscription nécessite l'activation de votre compte qui vousestenvoyé par mail. Dans le cas où vous ne receviez pas cemaild'activation dans les 24h, pensez à regarder dans voscourriersindésirables avant de nous contacter. S'il n'y est pas,nous nousferons un plaisir d'activer votre compte.- Pour les médecins : retrouvez une information claire etvalidéeen moins d’ 1 minute.- Pour les étudiants en médecine : révisez avec des fichesconformesau nouveau programme ECNi.Plus de 90% des utilisateurs confirment que ces applicationssontutiles pour réviser et se former (enquête de satisfaction,mai2013). De même, 85 % des utilisateurs utilisent SMARTfichesafind’actualiser leur connaissances à la suite desnouvellesrecommandations qui sont intégrées lors des fréquentesmises à jourde l’application.SMARTfiches Hématologie, à 100% sur le sang !Vous appréciez les applications SMARTfiches Médecine ? Faiteslenous savoir en laissant une bonne appréciation et parlezdeSMARTfiches autour de vous!SMARTfiches Médecine,TOUT, PARTOUT, TOUT LE TEMPSSMARTfiches Medicineisthe first digital medical encyclopedia for professionalsandstudents of health. Find all of your PhD in less than 1minute!Keep in your pocket 'EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME!'Registration requires the activation of your account that issentto you by email. You have a problem? contact us at [email protected] ortryingto enroll from our website program ** in ** SMARTfiches HematologyItem 115/185 - ImmunodeficiencyItem 316/208 - Bloodlines: indications and interpretationItem 297/209 - Anaemia in adults and childrenItem 335/210 - Thrombocytopenia in adults and childrenItem 339/212 - Hemorrhagic Syndrome hematologic originItem 334/213 - mononucleosis syndromeItem 311/214 - EosinophiliaItem 242/215 - (1/2) Pathology iron: HemochromatosisItem 242/215 - (2/2) Pathology Iron: Iron deficiencyItem 291/216 - superficial lymphadenopathyItem 319/266 - HypercalcemiaItem 332/272 - SplenomegalyItem 143/293 - Drug agranulocytosis: what to doItem 162/312 - Acute LeukemiaItem 161/313 - Myelodysplastic SyndromesItem 165/314 - MyeloproliferativeItem 163/315 - chronic lymphoid leukemiaItem 164/316 - Malignant LymphomasItem 166/317 - Multiple myeloma boneItem 178/325 - Blood TransfusionAfter free registration, applications are availableWITHOUTinternet connection and can be used EVERYWHERE, ALL THETIME.Registration requires the activation of your account that issentto you by email. In case you did not receive the activationemailwithin 24 hours, be sure to look in your spam folderbeforecontacting us. If it is not, we will be happy to activateyouraccount.- For doctors locate clear information and validated in lessthan1 minute.- For medical students: Review with plugs conform to the newEcniprogram.Over 90% of users confirm that these applications are usefultoreview and form (satisfaction survey, May 2013). Similarly, 85%ofusers use SMARTfiches to update their knowledge as a result ofnewrecommendations that are built during the frequent updates totheapplication.SMARTfiches Hematology, 100% on the blood!You appreciate SMARTfiches medicine applications? Let us knowbyleaving a good appreciation and discuss SMARTfiches around!SMARTfiches Medicine,EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME
Hematology 1.0
Due to the increasing number of the people interestedonhematology,we feel in the obligation of providing informationaboutthe latest scientific developments,investigations and articlesthatcan help them. Keeping you up-to-date This app feeds fromMedicalNews Today
Hematology exam questions 8.0
It is a great Hematology exam questions collection. More than641exam questions. Possibility of random questions.
Prognosis : Hematology 4.2.5
Prognosis : Hematology offers a selectionofcases which will challenge your knowledge of hematology, andtestyour clinical acumen as you work your way from Hodgkin'slymphomato Waldenström's Macroglobulinaemia.Each case scenario is designed to be navigated in a matterofminutes, and is accompanied by a comprehensive discussion ofthediagnostic reasoning involved, and an elucidation of the keyfactsinvolved in the day to day management of such patients.The diseases covered include:1. Hodgkin's Lymphoma2. Multiple Myeloma3. Sickle Cell Disease4. Antiphospholipid Syndrome5. Protein C Deficiency6. Iron Deficiency Anemia7. Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia8. Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia9. Myelofibrosis10. Aplastic Anemia11. Waldenström's Macroglobulinaemia12. Acute Intermittent Porphyria13. Acute Myeloid Leukemia14. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia15. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria16. Glanzmann’s Thrombasthenia17. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia18. Burkitt’s Lymphoma19. Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase(G6PD) Deficiency20. Immune Thrombocytopenia21. Von Willebrand Disease (vWD)22. Hemoglobin E/Beta-Thalassemia23. Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura24. Hemolytic Uraemic Syndrome25. Polycythemia, Primary26. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia27. Hemophilia A and B28. Heparin Induced ThrombocytopeniaFor comments and criticisms, or to share ideas on newcases,please contact us at [email protected].
Hematology - Medical Dict. 1.9
A collection 100+ Hematology related words explainedthroughanimated videos
Guia de Hematologia 0.0.2
Tadeu Marques
hematology guide for clinical analysis
Williams Manual of Hematology 6.0.0
A quick reference distilled from theworld'sleading hematology text -- perfect when you needon-the-spotanswers on rounds or in the clinic. This latest updateis based onthe 8th edition with additional features, enhancedfunctionalityand ongoing updates.Williams Manual of Hematology, is a concise andeasy-to-navigatecompilation of the pathogenic, diagnostic, andtherapeuticessentials of blood cell and coagulation proteindisorders.Referenced to the classic Williams Hematology, thisreference hasbeen carefully edited to deliver only the mostclinicalpoint-of-care facts.// Key Features:• NEW full-color design includes images of blood andclinicalspecimans conveniently appearing near the descriptivetext• EXANDED COVERAGE of all the lymphomas, genetics andgenomics• NEW coverage of frontline therapies• EXPANDED coverage of targeted and monocional therapiesforhematological disease• Carefully edited to present only the most clinical,point-of-carefacts• Includes 9 interactive flowcharts which act asstep-by-stepdecision support tool• Covering both common and uncommon blood disorders, thiscompleteguide includes sections on:• Disorders of red cells• Disorders of granulocytes• Disorders of monocytes and macrophages• The clonal myeloid disorders• The polyclonal lymphoid diseases• The clonal lymphoid and plasma cell diseases• Disorders of platelets and hemostasis• Disorders of coagulation proteins• Transfusion and hemapheresis• Covers both common and uncommon blood disorders// Unique Features• Full color images: This product includes images that helpbringthe content to life.• Update Policy: Edition-based. New editions are released whenthecontent changes significantly; there is no standard schedulefornew editions.// Designed for OmnioThis app will install your new resource into the Omnioenvironment,which requires a separate download. Learn more bysearching for“Omnio” in Google Play.
Valores de Laboratorio Clínico 2.0
Consulta los valores de referencia normalesdelaboratorio en cualquier momento y lugar. Más de500determinaciones de uso corriente en medicina.Ordenados en 4 categorías para su mejor y más rápido acceso.Hematología y CoagulaciónQuímica Analítica ClínicaAnálisis de OrinaInmunologíaEndócrinología y MetabolismoMonitoreo de Drogas y ToxicologíaAdemás dentro de cada categoría podrá encontrar en ordenalfabéticolas diferentes determinaciones en unidades de uso comúneinternacionales.Fuente bibliográfica muy confiable de reconocidos libros yrevistasmédicas internacionales.Otro producto de calidad de Carpeta Médica ®Check the values​​ofnormal laboratory reference at any time and place. Over500measurements of current use in medicine.Sorted into 4 categories for better and faster access.Hematology and CoagulationClinical Analytical ChemistryUrinalysisImmunologyEndocrinology and MetabolismDrug Monitoring and ToxicologyAlso within each category can be found in alphabetical orderthevarious determinations in units commonly used worldwide.Very reliable source of recognized literature books andmedicaljournals.Another quality product from Folder Medical ®
BlooDroid Cell Counter 2.6
Appgraid Apps
Application for counting blood cells that are identifiedthroughmicroscope.
CellCounter 0.9.4
Aplicación sustitutiva de uncontadordiferencial profesional de células. Tiene la opción deseleccionar5 u 8 teclas que representan los grupos comunesdeleucocitos.Permite seleccionar la cantidad a contar para calcularlosporcentajes.No nos responsabilizamos de problemas derivados delrecuentoempleando esta aplicación.TrompitoLabsApplication ofadifferential counter alternative professional cells. You havetheoption of selecting 5 or 8 keys that represent common groupsofleukocytes.Select the amount to have to calculate percentages.Not responsible for counting problems of usingthisapplication.TrompitoLabs
Haematologica is an open accesshematologyjournal, publishing articles in the broad field ofhematology,reporting on novel findings in basic, clinical andtranslationalresearch. Full access to all articles is availablethrough ourwebsite (, through PubMed Central(PMC), andthrough this app. Haematologica is the official journalof theEuropean Hematology Association (EHA). The journal wasfounded in1920 by Adolfo Ferrata and is owned and published by theFerrataStorti Foundation (Pavia, Italy).
Normal Lab Values 1.2.0
Normal Lab Values gives both non-medical readersandhealthprofessionals a fast-navigable and clearlystructuredoverview ofthe main routine laboratory parameters andpossiblecauses of theirincrease and decrease. Each lab containsimportantclinicalinformation, critical lab values, differentialdiagnosesand etc.The Normal Lab Values are clearly arranged,alphabeticallyorderedand quickly located. The most commonly usedclinicallaboratoryvalues and other useful relevant information suchasBiochemistryTest, Haematology Test,Immunology Test, SerologyTest,MicrobiologyTest, Molecular Test Detection, HormoneTest,SputumTest and etc.The application's interface isunderstandable, easy tonavigate. --More than 250 types ofexaminations for consultation;--Categories: Immunology,Biochemistry, Microbiology, HematologyandNutrition and etc. --Descriptions of the methodologiesused;Disclaimer All information iscurrent, but in view ofthepossibility of human error or changes inmedical guidelines,youshould always confirm the information.We arenot responsibleforforms of application usage by user. Orient alwaysseek adiagnosisand professional treatment for any medicalcondition.KeywordsMicrobiology test, blood test, disease,conditions, HealthRecord,Health Info, Diet, Nutrition, BiochemistryTest, HematologyTest,Immunology Test, Serology Test, MicrobiologyTest, MolecularTestDetection, Hormone Test, Sputum Test,Acidphosphatase,Adrenocorticotrophic hormone, Alaninetransaminase,Alkalinephosphatase, Alpha1-proteinase, inhibitor,Ammonia,Amylase,Ascorbic acid test, Aspartate transaminase, Biotin,Bloodureanitrogen, Carr-price test, Catecholamines inurine,Ceruloplasmin,Chloride, Creatinine kinase, Diabetes MellitusFolicacid, Folliclestimulating hormone test, Gammaglutamyltranspeptidase,Glycosylated haemoglobin, Hematuria, Highdensitylipoproteins,Iron and iron binding capacity in serum,Lactatedehydrogenase, Lowdensity lipoproteins, Lipase, Niacin,Protein,Prothrombin timetests
Medical Formulas 3.0.1
Sanapps Dev
Use intuitively the validated scores and formulas formedicalpractice.
Medical Wizards Library 3.4.1
The Medical Wizards Library is a collectionofaward winning medical reference guides and decision supporttoolsfor healthcare professionals across a wide range ofspecialties. Itis an easy-to-use, customizable, application whereyou can buildthe perfect, personalized clinical resource.Get a complimentary extended preview of Emergency MedicineSuite(EM Suite) with download!===============================================================ONE MEDICAL APP WITH EVERYTHING YOU NEEDBrowse the Add-Ons to view the extensive list ofmedicalreference titles available. The first year of updates isincludedwith purchase and our products never expire.FREE PREVIEWS OF ALL OUR APPS!The Add-Ons catalog allows you to download a free, 10-daypreviewof each reference. We invite you to try our software andsee foryourself why healthcare practitioners are turning toMedical Wizardsas their trusted mobile medical resource.Popular software titles available through the MedicalWizardsLibrary include: 

- Emergency Medicine- Critical Care- Family Practice- Internal Medicine- Cardiology- Pediatrics- Dermatology- Anesthesiology- Neurology- Gastroenterology- Hematologyand more!How it worksThe Medical Wizards Library provides one point of access forallyour medical software, allowing you to keep importantmedicalinformation at your fingertips. By combining all yourresourcesinto one standard application, you can freelycross-reference amongmultiple purchased medical titles at once. TheMedical WizardsLibrary features an easy-to-use interface, quicknavigation, anin-depth user guide, and automatic productupdatenotifications.

From the main Medical Wizards Library screen,tapthe Menu button on your device to see the menu options:Add-ons,Search, My Account, Updates.
LIBRARYThe Library is the main application screen. When youinitiallydownload the application a "Quick Start" icon will appear.Tappingthis icon will launch a Quick Start Guide which will guideyouaround the Medical Wizards Library. When you add newsoftwaretitles, they will all be listed on this screen.SEARCHThe search feature allows you to search medical topicsandconditions across multiple references at once to ensureeasyorganization and information flow.ADD-ONSThe Add-Ons catalog includes over 100 programs for a widerangeof medical specialties. Instantly browse and purchase yourfavoritemedical title in seconds!ACCOUNTCreate and manage your Medical Wizards account information.UPDATESResources are constantly updated to ensure that you arereceivingthe most current medical information. The Medical WizardsLibrarywill automatically check for available updates. Select theupdatesicon to purchase your updates.CUSTOMER SUPPORTMedical Wizards Customer Support team is here to help you!Email us using our our Customer Support team at 800.462.0388 M-F, 9am-5pm,PT(US).For frequently asked questions
Normal Lab Values Reference 1.2.5
App Placer
Award winning Pocket tool for Medical Laboratory Tests - 'NormalLabValues '