Top 20 Apps Similar to GetNinjas: Clientes

Habitissimo para profesionales 2.20.0
Cada día miles de personas de todo el país usanHabitissimoparacontratar a profesionales del sector de las reformascomo tú.Conla nueva aplicación de Habitissimo es muy fácilaccederasolicitudes de presupuestos de obras yreformas,instalaciones,mudanzas, etc. desde cualquier lugar. Asífunciona •Selecciona lazona y los tipos de trabajo que teinteresan. • Teenviaremosavisos de las solicitudes que se ajusten atu perfil. •Activa unPlan Profesional y compra los contactos que túelijas. •Contactacon el cliente directamente, sin intermediarios ycon unsoloclick. Tu objetivo será convertir esos contactos enclientesparatoda la vida.
Go2Job - Resume Builder App Free Resume Builder CV 2.8
◆ Easy to use & done within minutes - try now! ◆ •Quick&easy Save time with our free resume builder app. Nomorewriter’sblock or formatting difficulties in Word. Rapidly buildaPDFresume employers love. • Choose your ResumeTemplateOurprofessional resume templates are designed followingallindustryguidelines and best practices employers are lookingfor.The bestprofessional resume templates available • CoverLetterBesides theeasy Resume Builder, the auto cover letter willalsohelp youeasily create a cover letter. This allows you to createawinningcover letter that complements your resume with no stress.◆JobSearch. Go2Job can help you find jobs ◆ What makesGo2Jobsospecial? Look at it: • Planned interface. Easy to useeventoanyone who has never created a resume • Filling in accordingtotheselected aim • Information divided into predefined sections•Add,edit and organize sections of the resume in an easyway.•Professional resume templates created by recruitmentspecialists•Add your photo to Resume • Submit the resume directlyfromtheapplication (an email account configured on the deviceisrequired)• Submit your saved resume in seconds •Unlimitedresumesubmissions • Create resumes in PDF format Yourresume in 3steps:1. Select the aim of the resume and fill in thesuggestedsectionswith your data. 2. Choose an attractive templatein theresumescollection. 3. Choose the presentation that bestrepresentsyou andsaves your new resume. • Is your CV on thecomputer? If youdo nothave your Curriculum Vitae ready for sendingyou can lose agoodjob. With Go2Job you keep your resume updated onyour Mobile,soyou can send it quickly when the opportunities forjobs appear.
My Resume: Quick and Easy 3.13.0
Create Modern and Professional Resumes quickly with over1000templates.
Turijobs - Hospitality & Tourism Job Search App 174.0.0
The ultimate app to find a job in Tourism and Hospitality Ourappisspecially created for professionals within theHospitalityandTourism sector. More than 2,000 new job vacanciesawaiteverymonth. Your new job is just one click away! Let your newjobfindyou With our new Turijobs app, now jobs find you. Setyourlocationand your job preferences and we will notify you whenyourdream jobis posted. It is that fast, easy and convenient. Bethefirst toapply Want to be first to find the latest vacancies forthebesthotels, restaurants, travel agencies and airlinesreal-timeandstraight to your device? If you wish, you willgetinmediateinformation on job ads matching your profile. That wayyoucan bealways among the first to apply. Find a job near youWithTurijobs'new app, you will be able to search for jobs incitiessuch asMadrid, Barcelona, Seville, Valencia, Majorca, Ibiza,LasPalmas deGran Canaria, and Tenerife. It doesn't matter whereyouare, wehave the perfect job for you! Find a job you loveTurijobs'new apphelps you find your dream job. How? [+] Search fornewvacancies inTourism and Hospitality and apply directly on ourapp.[+] Createpersonalised job alerts. [+] Get notified on yourdeviceas soon asnew job openings come up. [+] Save yourfavouritevacancies andfollow closely the recruitment process: new,pending,finalist ordiscarded. [+] Share interesting jobopportunities viaemail and onyour favourite social networks. Yourfeedback helps usimprove Wewould love it if you would review andrate our app if youhaveenjoyed it or have found a job! We careabout your feedback! Ifyouhave any doubts or would like to suggestany improvements,pleasereach out to us at [email protected] Thankyou!
Hotmart 4.3.5
With the Hotmart app, you can expand your knowledge or buildadigital business.
Workifit - Tech Jobs 1.8.6
Behold the novel way to find a job! The first app designedandbasedon labor transparency, equity and happiness. Forgetabouttediousforms. You just need to tell us your interestsandexpectations, andwe’ll connect you automatically with the bestjobopportunities inthe market. What type of companies will youfind?You will findinnovative companies of all sectors, which standoutfor theirconcern for people, working conditions and culture.Thevastmajority are companies that use technology as one ofthepillars intheir processes, although they are notnecessarilydedicated tosoftware development. Which job areas do wehaveopportunities for?We have opportunities for multipleeducationallevels andprofessional areas, mainly for youngprofessionals(students orgraduates) from careers related to digitalareas, suchas: SoftwareDevelopers, Project Managers, Designers,BusinessAnalysts, BusinessDevelopers, Data Analysts, DigitalMarketing ITanalysts,recruiters, etc. How does it work? 1 -Configure yourpreferences(area of interest, remoteness, freelance,part-time,etc). 2 -Receive company invites for applying to highlymatchedjobs. 3 -Participate in selection processes in which youhavehighprobability of getting onboard. Find your dreamjob!Mainfunctionalities - Interactive chatbot: Our chatbot willonlyaskyou the necessary questions for your application, withouttheneedof a CV or everlasting forms. - Tailored recommendation:OurAIsystem will exclusively recommend you jobs thatmatchyourpriorities. - Receive application invites: We’llrecommendyourprofile to companies that are looking for candidateslike you.-Anonymity: Your profile will remain anonymous to thecompaniesonlyuntil you give your consent. By doing this, companieswon’t beableto filter by age, gender or appearance. - Clearandtransparentinformation: Get full access to the job andcompanydetails, withall its characteristics. What are you waitingfor tofind the jobthat best fits your life? Download the app rightnowand find yourdream job!
Computrabajo Ofertas de Empleo 1.15.10
Find your next job on the leading job portal in Latin America.
Jobandtalent 8.49.0
Jobandtalent commits to find you constant workwithrenownedcompanies for you to enjoy professional stabilityWhyuseJobandtalent? Long-term job security Generate astableincomeworking in prestigious companies that searchforprofessionals withexpertise & experience likeyours.Jobandtalent will send younew work opportunities at the endof eachof your contracts. Peaceof mind & professional supportSo wecan ensure the bestservice in terms salary payments &legalcompliance,Jobandtalent is responsible for youremploymentcontract. We alsoprovide the support with a greatprofessional teamthat will helpyou solve any of your requests.ProfessionalgrowthBuild a strongcareer with Jobandtalent workingfor some ofthe best companies andfind new work opportunities thankstoexemplary work history.Hundreds of jobs in your cityEachday,hundreds of companies postnew openings in Jobandtalent ineverysector: hospitality,telemarketing, logistics... And many moreHowcan I start working?Download our App now! Do you have doubtsorsuggestions for our Appor to find work? Contact [email protected]
Net empregos Android 2.5.19
Esta é a aplicação não oficial para o -omaiorportal online de emprego em Portugal. ÉNovamentepossívelresponder a anúncios de emprego directamente pelaappApesar devocacionada para o mercado de emprego em PORTUGAL,permitetambém apesquisa em países lusófonos e outros.Funcionalidades: -Alertasperiódicos avisam-no quando surgem novasofertas; -Alertasavisam-no quando surgem novas ofertas; - Pesquisade acçõesdeformação; - Pesquisa por zona geográfica ecategoriaprofissional;- Consultar o histórico de pesquisasrecentes; -consultar anúnciosde emprego com email de contactoincluído (parautilizadoresregistados); - Partilha de anúncios pararedes sociais,email, SMSe outras APP's; - Possibilidade de guardaranúncios paraconsultaposterior; - Pesquisas no contexto do anuncio(por empresa,zona ecategoria profissional). - Eliminar,individualmente outodos, osanúncios guardados e/ou histórico depesquisas
Glassdoor - Jobs Search & More
Search jobs, salaries, company reviews, interview tips,andworkplace community
Hosco: Hospitality Jobs 2.20.0
Access an endless pool of hospitality job and internshipoffersworldwide
InfoJobs - Job Search 3.174.1
Search and find jobs | Take the leap and access to thousands ofjoboffers - Ofertas de trabajo y empleo
En llevamos más de 20 años publicandolasmejoresofertas de empleo. ¿Quieres crecerprofesionalmente?¿Necesitascambiar de puesto de trabajo? ¿Quieresrecibir las nuevasofertasde trabajo que encajen con tu perfil? Conel APP lotendrás todo de forma rápida, cómoda ysencilla.Encuentra trabajofácilmente utilizando nuestro buscador deofertasque te permitiráacceder a miles de ofertas de empleo entuprovincia y de tuprofesión. Olvídate de estar pendiente delasnuevas publicaciones,¡seremos nosotros quienes te notifiquemoslosnuevos empleos que sevayan publicando en nuestro portal y así notepierdas ni una solaoportunidad laboral! Con nuestro APP detrabajopodrás buscarofertas de empleo, inscribirte en ellas yporsupuesto, realizar elseguimiento de tus candidaturas entodomomento. Te resumimos lascosas que puedes hacer: 1. BUSCAROFERTASDE TRABAJO: 🔎 ✔ Puedesindicarnos qué tipo de puesto detrabajo esel que estás buscando(administrativo, camarero,marketing,comercial, construcción,...)✔ Podrás seleccionaraquellasprofesiones que te interesan a travésde nuestros filtros ✔Podrásrealizar búsquedas de trabajo en cadauna de las provincias:Madrid,Barcelona, Valencia, Málaga,... 2.RESPONDER O INSCRIBIRTE ENLASOFERTAS DE EMPLEO: 👆 Podrás enviartu CV a todas las ofertasdetrabajo que te interesen. No haylímite. 3. REVISAR EL ESTADO DETUSCANDIDATURAS:🕒 Cualquier cambioque haya en los CV que hayasenviadoa las empresas te lonotificaremos de forma inmediata paraquepuedas ver en todomomento cuál es el estado en el que seencuentranlas candidaturas.Si tienes cualquier aportación osugerencia quenos queráis hacerserá bienvenida:[email protected] 💬 Muchasuerte en tubúsqueda de empleo. Unsaludo, Equipo de
Job Search by ZipRecruiter
1. Install the ZipRecruiter JobSearchapp.2. Tell it about the jobs you're looking for: location +keywords,or job titles3. Find jobs you like!4. Apply with just one tap!ZipRecuiter is the employment app that gives you the bestresultsbecause it searches for you automatically!The Zip job board helps you find a good job nearby fast. Itlearnswhat kind of employment you're looking for, searches for you,andautomatically notifies you when there's a new job that is agoodmatch for you! Other job finder apps make looking for a jobhard.Not ZipRecruiter!If you want to find a good job this employment app will reallyhelpyou, because it searches automatically across 100s of jobboards."No pain, no gain" has never been less true!You'll receive notifications about local jobs that are a goodmatchfor you. YOU will be the first to know when local jobsbecomeavailable!If you're looking for: "find local jobs now hiring near me","jobsaround me", "hiring jobs now local"? Then this is indeedthejobsearch app for you.With just one search, you can instantly find a real job amongthemillions of jobs available.The ZipRecruiter job search app also includes jobs fromotheremployment apps like:• Monster jobs• CareerBuilder• SimplyHired• Glassdoor• DICE• SnagajobAnd many more. So you don't need to search using otherjobapplications, because ZipRecruiter includes thoseemploymentopportunities too.You can find almost any kind of job in the Zip Jobs app.• Nursing jobs• Higher ed jobs• Jobs in logistics• Journalism jobs• K12 jobs• military veteran jobs• online jobs• remote jobs• part time jobs• quick jobs• restaurant jobs• retail jobs• USA jobs• veterans jobs• USA jobs gov• US army jobsZip job listings has USA jobs from across all 50 states:• jobs in Texas• jobs in Florida• jobs in Maine• jobs in California• jobs in New York• jobs in Illinois• jobs in Pennsylvania• jobs in Ohio• jobs in Georgia• etc.Of course you can search the listings by precise locationslikecities, or urban areas such as:• jobs in Madison• jobs in NY• jobs in LA• jobs in Chicago• jobs in Houston• jobs in Philadelphia• etc.Features:• Job discovery and job radar,• Find job now hiring• Instantly search hundreds of job boards at once• Get the best matched jobs sent to your inbox daily• Apply to jobs in seconds from your phone• Save jobs to your Saved Jobs list• Review your Applied Jobs list• Manage your job search from the app or
b4work - job search 5.3.2
Enter b4work and find all kinds of jobs. If you are looking forajob or want to change your current job, download b4work app now.Wewill help you find your dream job. You will have a very easy touseapp to find and apply for all kind of employment opportunities.Youcan also update your CV and get to know the companies thatposttheir jobs in b4work. Enjoy all the advantages: *JOB SEARCHANDEASY APPLY* All kinds of job are waiting for you in b4work.Searchfor jobs by keywords, industry, city (Barcelona, ​​Madrid...),working hours (part time or full time), type ofcontract(freelance, self-employed)... even by company name. Youalso canfilter all jobs by your province (Albacete, Alicante,Almería,Asturias, Badajoz, work in Barcelona, ​​Cáceres, Cádiz,Cantabria,Castellón, Córdoba, Coruña, Granada, Guadalajara, Huesca,Jaén,Lugo, work in Madrid , Malaga, Murcia, Navarra, Palencia,LasPalmas,0 Pontevedra, Teruel, Salamanca, Segovia,Seville,Tarragona, Tenerife, Toledo, Valencia, Valladolid,Zamora,Zaragoza, etc.). And then, if you find an interesting job,you willbe able to apply for it easily and quickly. *GET TO KNOWTHECOMPANIES* Many multinational companies post their vacanciesinb4work. And for us, it is important that you get to knowthecompany and know all about the job you are applying for. Becauseofthat, you will find more info about the companies you havesentyour CV: -Culture and values -Tips to face theinterview-Testimonials of employees -Etc. *UPDATE YOUR CV* Withb4work it isvery easy to update your CV, you can upload it fromyour mobile. Itis very important that you have your CV alwaysupdated. It must besimple and very clearly reflect your trainingand work experiences.Take time to analyze yourself to be able tohighlight yourstrengths in the Curriculum and assess yoursuccesses, and alsofind out what your weaknesses are and how youhave faced them.Finally, your CV should answer all the possiblequestions that theinterviewer asks himself (such as why you spent ayear withoutwork, why you left a career the second year or why youlasted solittle time in your last job) *FOLLOW YOUR APPLICATIONS*We don'twant you to miss anything! Stay up to date with progress ofyourapplications in real time: receive feedback and notificationswithevery change in your applications: when a company reviews yourCV,if you go to the next phase or if you are notselected.*RECOMMENDED JOBS* Depending on the jobs you have appliedfor,b4work app searches for you in the job board and recommendsyouinteresting jobs. *MOST IN-DEMAND PROFILES* These are some oftheprofiles that companies demand most from us: engineer,programmer,commercial, marketing and communication profiles,design, tourism,finance, legal, administration, human resources,receptionists,store managers, waiters, delivery people, chefs, dataanalysts,technicians, dependents, etc. *DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THEJOB* Youwill be able to know all the details of the job you areinterestedin: city, description of the tasks to be performed in theposition,images and videos of the team, requirements of thecompany,experience, type of contract, working day ... everythingyou needto consider to know if it is your ideal job.WEBSITE Requirements: Android 5.1 orsuperior
Fiverr - Freelance Service
One marketplace. Hundreds of services. Unlimited possibilities.Allon Fiverr.
Jora Job Search - Employment 4.6.2 (5147)
Job seeker app: search thousands of jobs and vacancies
Indeed Job Search
Indeed Jobs
Find jobs using Indeed, the mostcomprehensivesearch engine for jobs.In a single search, Indeed offers free access to millions ofjobsfrom thousands of company websites and job boards.From search to apply, Indeed's Job Search app helps you throughtheentire process of finding a new job.World’s #1 Job Search site*- Join over 200 million job seekers each month who use Indeed- Find jobs in over 60 countries and 28 languages- Search the Indeed database of over 16 million jobsSearch- Simple, fast-loading job search- Find openings in cities near you using your device’s GPS- View new jobs added since your last search and be the firsttoapply- Search by job title, company and location to find yourdreamjob- Find full-time, part-time, contract, freelance andinternshipjobsApply- Use your Indeed Resume to easily apply to select jobs- Create, upload or import a resume, joining Indeed’s networkofover 70 million resumes- Personalize a message for each job before applying- Don’t want to apply just yet? Send a reminder to applylaterPersonalize- Save or email your favorite jobs- Create a free Indeed account- Follow favorite companies to get the latest jobs and news- Have the newest jobs delivered to your inbox- See which jobs you’ve visited, saved, and applied toResearch- Preview page displays full description of job posting- See how companies rate, as evaluated by employees- Read reviews of companies posted by over 12millionemployees- See photos of what it’s like to work at companies beforeyouapply- Review your own employerPlease send feedback to [email protected]*comScore, Total Visits March 2017
LinkedIn Recruiter 2.2.336
Use the LinkedIn Recruiter app to stay on top of yourrecruitingwhenyou’re on-the-go. Quickly respond to candidates assoon asthey replyto your messages. Search LinkedIn’s entirenetwork of675M+ membersand contact the right people for your openroles —all from yourphone. Pick up work where you left off or takecareof quick taskswhen you’re away from your desk, likereviewingcandidate profiles ororganizing your pipeline. With theLinkedInRecruiter app, you getaccess to key features ofLinkedInRecruiter, whenever and whereveryou need them: Getreal-timenotifications when candidates reply toyour messages andrespond inthe moment Compose and send InMails tocandidates whileon-the-goSearch the entire LinkedIn talent poolusing smart filtersandkeywords Access and edit your recent searcheseasily Attachandsend documents to candidates, all from your phoneReviewcandidateprofiles and save candidates who are a good fit toyourexistingprojects* Get Recommended Matches for your open rolesthatimproveover time by learning from which candidates you choosetosave,hide and message in Recruiter* Collaborate with yourteambytagging them in Notes and starting a conversation*Easilysharecandidate profiles with your hiring manager/clientforfeedback**These features are only available for customerswithaccess to NewRecruiter & Jobs. If you do not yet haveaccess toNewRecruiter & Jobs, please contact your LinkedInaccount teamtosee when you are scheduled to get upgraded. TheLinkedInRecruiterapp requires a Recruiter or Recruiter Liteaccount, whichis a paidLinkedIn subscription for talentprofessionals. If youareinterested in learning more about LinkedInRecruiter,pleasevisit:
Coursera: Online courses 3.29.0
Learn on the go with the Coursera AppforAndroid. Access more than 1,000 courses andSpecializationsdeveloped by 140+ of the best colleges anduniversities in theworld, and advance your career or continue youreducation bymastering subjects from Python programming and datascience tophotography and music.Learn from top instructors in an engaging learningexperience:• Browse 1000+ courses in a variety of subject areas, from math,tomusic, to medicine• Stream lecture videos online any time, or download forofflineviewing• Transition seamlessly between web and app learning,withcoursework, quizzes and projects saved across bothplatforms• Learn in dozens of languages, including Chinese,Spanish,Portuguese, French, and Russian• Earn Course and Specialization Certificates and share yoursuccesswith employers, colleagues, and friendsAdvance your career or continue your education insubjectslike:• Computer Science: Programming, Mobile and Web Development• Data Science: Machine Learning, Statistics, ProbabilityandData• Business: Accounting, Marketing and Entrepreneurship• Sciences: Robotics, Chemistry, Nutrition, and Medicine• Art, including Design, Photography, Music, andCreativeWriting...and hundreds more!Earn a Certificate:Joining Coursera is free. To qualify to earn a certificate,enrollin a range of Specializations by paying per courseorSpecialization.Get to Know Us: http://www.coursera.orgLike Us on Facebook: Policy: of Service: