Top 5 Apps Similar to No Bullying

Bullying Basta Ya 1.0
El Bullying está presente en todoslosámbitosde la sociedad, por lo que abarca a todos los entornosporeso hayque declarar “Bullying Basta Ya!”Como en los años de primaria es en donde se da este fenómenosocialyla frecuencia de actos de acoso en las escuelasaumentagradualmentedurante los años de primaria, los aumentosrepentinosde manerasignificativa en los años de escuelaintermedia, y luegovadisminuyendo cuando los estudiantes llegan alasecundaria.Esta aplicación te ayudara a entender que es el Bullying, comoesqueafecta a tu niño y qué hacer ante un caso ya declarado.Descarga ahora Bullying Basta Ya, es gratuita contodaslasreferencia para terminar con este flagelo, que afecta nosolo alavíctima sino también a su entorno familiar.Bullying is presentinallareas of society, so it covers all environments so youhavetodeclare "Bullying Basta Ya!"As in the elementary years is where this socialphenomenonandfrequency of harassment in schools is givengraduallyincreasesduring the elementary years, suddenincreasessignificantly in themiddle school years, and thendecreases whenstudents reach highschool.This application will help you understand that bullying is, howitisaffecting your child and what to do in a casealreadydeclared.Bullying Basta Ya download now, it is free with all referencestoendthis scourge, which affects not only the victim butalsohisfamily.
Beat Bullying with Confidence 2.0
An app that is created for young peoplewhohavebeen, or are being bullied, and/or know of other youngpeoplewhohave been, or are being bullied. This app is simpleanduserfriendly. Yet it contains practical tips on howtoovercomebullying, how to support people who are being bullied,andhow toavoid being bullied. Two high school friends whowerebulliedthemselves, created this app because they realisethedetrimentaleffects of bullying. Their belief is simple“Together,we can beatbullying with confidence!”.
Bullying FL 2.0
Education about bullying in the worplaceandhowto deal with it. You are not alone. There are plentyofpeoplefighting for dignity in the workplace.
BullyProofAssistant:anti-bully 2.3
Are you targeted by Bullies day in anddayout?Do you have feelings of being numb and in a stateofconfusion? Whenyou run into this type of situation, whatyoureally need to do isto bring to a swift end to such harassment.1. You must expose the BULLY for what he/she really is.2. For Legal reasons you must keep an accurate record(papertrail)of all Bullied activity.3. You must find a way to get others to be willing tostandbehindyou or by your side. That's how you would appear to belessof avictim.Bully Proof Assistant will take care of all thisandmore.Eliminating such horrifying harassment in work or inschoolwillalso eliminate much of the unnecessary stress in yourlife.This anti-bullying app is designed to be used by anyonewhoisbeing targeted and bullied in the playground or in theWorkplace.Aspecial "settings" option has been added to the menuselection.Allyou need to do is check off the environment where youarebeingBullied, The app will use that selection to generateanappropriatemessage to be sent out. This app is also usefulforsomeone who istargeted on the internet (cyber bullies) and ifyou,the target,are having thoughts of harming yourself orthebully.My main goal is to use the latest technology availabletocombatall forms of Bullying as peacefully as possible, I alsowouldliketo hear from anyone who has been bullied in theworkplace.Bully Proof Assistant Lite works fine on the phoneforeachenvironment. I'm hoping that people who are beingtargetedbybullies will try it out. If there are any issues,orsuggestions,please let me know and I will immediately look intoit.Also,please feel free to check out my new and you like what I'm doing, please let me know. I wouldlovetohear from you. Also I have a "Professional" version ofthisappwhich has the added capability of running onandroidtablets.
Stop Bully 1.1
Provides a convenient tool for reporting bullying incidentsthroughthe network of schools and school districts Reports are sentconfidentiallythrough the system to pre-designated "trusted adults"who areconfigured for the individual school where the incidentoccurred.Incidents may be logged by anyone, including thevictim/target orother bystanders/witnesses. began in2001. It beganas a one time publication in the form of an 80 pagebook aimed ateducating parents and children alike of theconsequences ofBullying and how to effectively deal with the issuewhen onebecomes directly involved. This book was originallyreleased anddistributed by the KIDS INTERNATIONAL DISCOVERINGSAFETY FOUNDATIONand the book was supported by this web site. Veryquickly it wasrecognized that there was a need for a program beyonda book became its own entity.