Top 2 Apps Similar to ApiceCRM Delivery

GPS Trip connector 2.5.1
THE GPS APP MEANT TO SAVE YOU TIMEANDMONEY.TRIP CONNECTOR IS THE WORLD'S MOST EFFICIENT GPS SYSTEM. ITISDESIGNED TO SAVE USER GAS USAGE ON EVERY TRIP.Main feature: Mile saving software that allows for entry andsearchof multiple destinations simultaneously (up to tendestinations)ahead of each ride.The app uses our unique software to analyze all the destinationsyouenter. Then it draws a route that takes you through theshortest waypossible among all the destinations you enter. The appalso givesyou the ability to choose your end point among yourdestinations.The loop option allows you to come back where youstarted from . Youcan also save all routes for future uses orcustomize them asneeded.End result you save gas on every trip by uploading allyourdestinations and allowing our app to draw the shortest routeeverytime.HIGHLIGHTS:* Turn by turn voice guided navigation system* Trip is broken into easy to follow color coded sectionsbetweenall waypoints or destinations.* Destinations (Waypoints) are mapped out and numbered from 1to10.* Diving directions spoken and also written are always providedwithmapsBONUS:* App saves time and limit gas usage.* Patented loop option allows user to come back tostartingpoint.(Great for delivery services ortransportationprofessionals)* Ability for user to customize their routeThis is what a few users of the app are saying :Jesus OteroEvery pizza delivery driver's dreamAldene VillardoI appreciate this app thanks for making it!Epic failGreat for delivery servicesSTOP WASTING MONEY AND START SAVING DOWNLOAD TODAYAPP IS CONTINUOUSLY UPDATED WITH NEW FEATURES !THANKS FOR FEEDBACK
RegPonto para Empresas 1.11
A utilização do RegPonto é restritoaempresas.Para maiores informações sobre planos de acesso fale comorepresentante e/ou desenvolvedor.O que é o RegPonto?É um controle de jornadas de trabalho que permite o registrodoexpediente dos colaboradores das empresas que executamsuasatividades fora da mesma. Exemplo: Representantes deVendas,Entregadores, Montadores, Instaladores, Suporte técnico ouqualqueroutro atividade na qual é realizado fora da empresa e nãoexista umcontrole do inicio e/ou termino do Expediente.Todos os registros são geo-localizados com base nalocalizaçãofisica do usuários utliizando o sinal do GPS doSmartphone.Tornando o controle da localização dos seuscolaboradores maiseficaz e sem erros.Através de um painel WEB você poderá monitorar seuscolaboradoresremotamente, sabendo aonde encontra-se em temporeal.Além de ter em mãos relatórios de rastreio, o espelhodeapontamento de horas, controle de horas-extras.Aplicativo dentro das normas da Portaria 373 de 25/02/2011doMinistério do Trabalho.Principais funcionalidades:App:- Segurança na comunicação via APP e Servidor viaHTTPSSeguro.- Registro de Jornadas de Trabalho (Entrada / Saída / Almoço) comaGeo-localização- Rastreio do colaborador via GPS- Recebimento de mensagens de avisos e comunicaçõesAdministração (via site)- Controle de usuários por perfil (Gerentes / Colaboradores)- Configurações de Perfis para cada tipo de usuário- Configuração de jornadas de horários- Relatório de jornadas de trabalho- Relatório de Rastreio por dia e colaborador.- Habilitação e Bloqueio de usuários- Acerto de jornadas de trabalho- Controle de Horas Extras- Envio de mensagens de avisos para todos os usuariosThe use of RegPontoisrestricted to companies.For more information about access plans speak to the rep and /ordeveloper.What is RegPonto?It is a working day control that allows the record oftheregistration of employees of companies carrying outtheiractivities beyond. Example: Sales Representatives,Couriers,fitters, installers, technical support or any otheractivity inwhich it is conducted outside the company and there isno beginningof the control and / or end of the Imprint.All records are geo-located based on the physical locationofusers utliizando Smartphone GPS signal. Making control ofthelocation of their employees more effective and error free.Through a web panel you can monitor its employeesremotely,knowing where is in real time.In addition to have on hand screening records, the hourspointingmirror, control overtime.Application within the norms of Ordinance 373 of 25/02/2011theMinistry of Labour.Key features:App:- Security in communication via APP and HTTPS ServerSecurity.- Working Conference registration (Input / Output / Lunch)withGeo-location- Developer Tracker via GPS- Warning messages Receiving and communicationsAdministration (via website)- User control by profile (Managers / Employees)- Profiles settings for each user type- Timing of journeys Configuration- Working hours Report- Screening Report by day and collaborator.- Qualification and lock users- Working hours Hit- Hours Control Extras- Sending warning messages for all users