Top 1 Apps Similar to 따개비루 시즌 1

Barnacle Lou 1.5
Come visit Barnacle Town, whereeverythingcomestrue just by imaging!Grand Prizer Winner of 2009 Korean Animation!Selected for 2008 SBA & EBS Ani Frontier! Event #1 : Buy all 48 episodes and receive 30% discount($20->$13.99)Event #2 : buy 1 and get one free “Incredible imagination play with Lou, a young seagullwhothinkshe’s Barnacle and his friends!” Lou and his Barnacle town friends go on a fun adventure everydayandlearn about each other by solving difficult problemswithunusualimagination.Lou and his friends can do anything, go anywhere, andbecomesfriendswith anybody.Lou is too young to fly, but he dreams of one day flying highupinthe sky like other seagulls. ‘Emotional recovery project for all generations livinginmonotonousdigital society’ Children today are forced into excessive standardized learningtowinthe competition before they can reach emotionalmaturity. Barnacle Lou plants children in early childhoodwithpositiveattitude by providing emotional securityandself-confidence tosolve problems creatively throughimaginationplay and art! Incredible imagination play with Lou the young seagullandhisfriends! Come visit the Barnacle Town! ◆ Animation- Content : Full 3D Digital Animation (48 episodes + 2freeepisodes.2nd episode event); 5 minutes per episode 5- Genre : EQ Edutainment◆ Universal app : can be used both in Phone and Pad withasinglepurchase. ◆ App inquiry : for payment error and problems pertainingtoapp([email protected])◆◆Notice from Bluepin◆◆Greetings! As the manager of Bluepin, I’d like totakethisopportunity to thank everyone who has shown interestandsupport toour apps.Usually, customers post their inquiries regarding app usageinaform of a review, and our only means of responding tosuchaninquiry was replying to those review. However, duetotechnicalproblems in posting our responses or delay,customersupport wasnot provided in a timely manner.To better serve our customers, we have opened theBluepinCustomerSupport Center to process our customer inquiriesasquickly andefficiently as possible. [email protected] forinquiries and problems pertainingtoapps. When contacting customersupport, please read thefollowingfor quicker response to yourinquiry. (1) Contacting customer support by phone-To send an inquiry from your device, go to your phone app’sinfoandselect [email protected].(2) Contacting customer support by internet- For online inquiry, please include store of purchase,nameofpurchased app, device in use, and the OS versionforfasterresponse. Thank you.