Top 19 Apps Similar to Bluetooth Low Energy Scanner

BLE Scanner (Connect & Notify) 3.22
Bluetooth Low Energy(4.0) Scanner: Read,Write,Notify, Services&Characteristics
Bluetooth LE Scanner 1.1.39
Scan and obtain information about Low Energy Bluetooth Devicesinyour vicinity.
nRF Connect for Mobile 4.26.1
Scan and discover your Bluetooth Low Energy devices with nRFConnectfor Mobile.
Bluetooth 4.0 Scanner 1.15
John Abraham
Bluetooth 4.0 LE and Classic Scanner. Downloadable scan data.Findlost devices.
BLE Tool 1.20
The BLE Tool provides an easy control for Bluetooth lowenergydevice.
Bluetooth Scanner 1.1.3
Scan Bluetooth Device around youandkeephistory of previously scanned devices even if theyarenotaccessible now.
Bluetooth scanner & widget
Simple tool for discover bluetooth device
Bluetooth & WiFi Analyzer 1.3
BnY Lab.
Bluetooth & Wifi Analyzer is a very useful tool for testingBTand Wifi. This app is for general users and even developers. Itletusers and developers do standalone test of each bluetooth andwifi,and also coexistence test like examining bothconcurrently.[Update] Ver 1.3: Improve Wifi function and fix bugsfor iperf Ver1.2: Fix some activities for lower Android 6.0 Ver1.1: Minor UIfixes [Bluetooth] - Supports very detailed BluetoothBR/EDR(Classicdevice) information of your host/controller device. -Supports verydetailed connection information of all supportedprofiles. -Supports BR/EDR scan. - Supports very detailed BluetoothLEinformation of host/controller configurations. - Supports BLEScan1) Setting ble scan filter and ble scan settings. 2) BLEscanningto get ble advertisement(beacon) based on your filter andscansettings. - Supports BLE Advertise 1) Setting advertise dataandadvertise settings. 2) Advertising beacons for BLE scanner basedonyour configuration. - Supports using both scan and advertise*Basically, most of BT controller doesn't support peripheralmode.It means that some devices cannot run scan and advertise inthesame time. * If your device supports peripheral mode, youcanconcurrently use both in this application. [WiFi] - SupportsWiFiscan with 2.4GHz and 5GHz. Note that you need to allowlocationpermission for WiFi scan on android 6+ - Supports verydetailedinformation of WiFi adapter. - Supports very detailedinformationof connected network. - Supports frequency, bandwidth,signalstrength, dhcp info and so on. - Supports WiFi speed testwithiperf tool. Note that the iperf is for local network speedtestrather than internet speed. - Supports WiFi enhancedenergyreporting feature. Note that this feature supported onandroid 5+and WiFi chip-set should support it. [Bluetooth &WiFiCoexistence] - Under construction! Note that this function willbesupported at future update. - We will make tests for coexistenceofBluetooth and WiFi. 1) Sending and receiving WiFi packetsandBluetooth ACL data. 2) Sending and receiving WiFi packetsandBluetooth SCO data. 3) Using simultaneously Bluetooth LEscan,advertise(beacons), Bluetooth ACL/SCO, and WiFi 2.4GHz. - Avarietyof environments for combining BT and WiFi.
Bluetooth Scanner - Group Scan 1.1.1
Viktor 3a
Discover and track Bluetooth devices around you
Bluetooth Scanner - btCrawler
btCrawler is the perfect tool to findotherbluetooth devices and their services. It can be useful duringapentest or ethical hacking.This tool can scan for surrounding visible bluetooth devices.Itshows the device type, supported services and the signalstrength.It can also be used to locate a device based on thesignalstrength. Devices like Headsets are usually only visibleduring thepairing phase. Thus you might not be able to track yourlostheadset even if it is still connected.*** PLEASE NOTE: Devices with Android below 4.3 can notbesupported by the new features. You will receive the lastworkingversion before the changes. Any other device with Android4.3 orhigher will receive the new features like new UI and LEscanning. Iam sorry for any inconvenience caused by the lastupdates. ***Features:- Support for Bluetooth LE scanning (including LE attributesandcharacterstics)- Database support. All scanned devices are now stored in adatabaseand can be reviewed. Stored data includes the time adevice is firstseen and when it was last seen.- List currently paired devices- Scan for visible devices- Shows Device Name, BDADDR (like MAC), Class of Device, VendorandSignal Strength- Query SDP services from devices- Query Bluetooth LE attributes and characteristics- Pair / Unpair to devicesThe Database can be exported to a csv file on theexternalstorage. Filename is: btcrawler-.csvExample: /mnt/sdcard/btCrawler-01-09-2013.csvThe csv has the following order: Device Name, DeviceAddress,Class of Device, Pairing Status, Last Signal Strength,First TimeSeen, Last Time Seen, Vendor.The Database can also be wiped. For both functions hit themenubutton.Over the time I will add more features as I find more waystomangle the API a bit more.(People call btCrawler often also: BluetoothScanner,BluetoothScanner, Bluetooth Sniffer, BluetoothSniffer, BluetoothWardriving,Bluetooth Diagnostic, Bluetooth Tool)Act responsible like a hacker, not like a cracker orskiddie!Graphics from Mainly from OCAL,thanks!
4n6 Bluetooth Scanner 2.2
A simple tool to display localBTdevices.Permanent bluetooth scanning can be operated (via Settings menu).It is not possible to connect to the BT devices.
nRF Toolbox for BLE 3.1.3
The nRF Toolbox is a container app thatstoresyour Nordic Semiconductor apps for Bluetooth low energy inonelocation.It contains applications demonstrating BLE profiles: CyclingSpeedand Cadence, Running Speed and Cadence, Heart Rate Monitor,BloodPressure Monitor, Health Thermometer Monitor, GlucoseMonitor,Continuous Glucose Monitor and Proximity Monitor. Sinceversion1.10.0 the nRF Toolbox supports also the Nordic UART Servicewhichmay be used for bidirectional text communication betweendevices.Version 1.16.0 added Android Wear support for the UARTprofile. TheUI allows one to create configurable remote controlwith UARTinterface.The Device Firmware Update (DFU) profile allows one to uploadtheapplication, bootloader and/or the Soft Device imageover-the-air(OTA). It is compatible with Nordic Semiconductor nRF5devices thathave the S110/S130/S132 SoftDevice and bootloaderenabled. Sincethe 1.11.0 version nRF Toolbox allows to send therequired initpacket. More information about the init packet may befoundhere: DFU has the following features:- Scans for devices that are in DFU mode- Connects to devices in DFU mode and uploads the selectedfirmware(soft device, bootloader and/or application)- Allows HEX or BIN file upload through your phone or tablet- Allows to update a soft device and bootloader from ZIP inoneconnection- Pause, resume, and cancel file uploads- Includes pre-installed examples that consist of the Bluetoothlowenergy heart rate service and running speed andcadenceserviceNote:- Android 4.3 or newer is required.- Tested on Nexus 6, 6P, 9, Samsung S3, S6 and S7.- Compatible with nRF5 devices- The development kits can be orderedfrom .- The nRF51 and nRF52 SDK and SoftDevices are available onlinefrom The source code of nRF Toolbox is available onGitHub: nRF Toolbox has replaced the nRF Utility app which is nolongersupportedKnown problems:- Nexus 4 and Nexus 7 with Android 4.3 does not allow tounbounddevices.- Reconnection to bondable devices may not work on severaltestedphones.- Nexus 4, 5 and 7 with Android 4.4 fails when reconnectingwhenGatt Server is running.- Reset of Bluetooth adapter may be required if othererrorappear.Know problems with DFU settings:- Setting Package Receipt Notification to OFF or less than ~400maycause the outgoing buffer to overflow.
Beacon Scanner 1.1
Collect Classic or BLE based on the Bluetooth signal.
B-BLE(BLE4.0 Scan) 6.6
Enjoy and Relax , Easy
BLE Tool 9.3
BLE Tool is a very useful tool, it couldhelpyou scan around BLE device, and connect device for exchangedata.It service four BLE mode like, Central, Observer,Peripheral,Broadcaster. In the months to come we will support morefunction,Thank you for your attention.
Bluetooth LE Analyzer 1.6
Two modes are available :_ one for all BLE devices_ one for Rfduino flashed with software availableat whereyoucan measure packet reception rate and set scan interval valueGithub: application is released under GPLv3 license
Bluetooth Smart Discover 1.0
Microchip’s SmartDiscover provides the ability to scan andconnectto nearby Microchip Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) peripheralsandlisten to BLE broadcasters. Once connected to a BLE peripheral,theuser can discover all the services and characteristics thatareenabled in the peripheral. It lets the user read, write orenablenotifications/indications as appropriate for thediscoveredcharacteristics. The standard advertising data typesincluded inthe advertisement data of the discovered BLEbroadcasters can alsobe checked.
Bluetooth Scanner 1.0
OpenBlueTooth is an attempt to discoverinacrowdsourced way the bluetooth devices all around theworld.Theresult will be visible here and by discoveringanewdevice, you will earn points...Try to be in the race...
BToolkit: Bluetooth Manager 1.0.6
QRR Mobile
BToolkit, manage the Bluetooth World!Scan to find Bluetooth devices.Attach each device with one of your contacts. Easy access totheirstored data.Manage the list of devices as your will: sort them, filter thembytype, by name, find whichever you want...Share your favorite pictures or music with your contacts. Youcaneven share your own contacts via Bluetooth, expand yourfriendsnetwork!Real time monitoring of device broadcast signals, see themvary!FEATURESContinuous scan:- Scan. Search for devices until you stop or the maximumconfiguredscanning time is reached.- If you exit the application when scanning you can quicklyreturnthrough the notifications menu.- New devices found will be added to the list. Lost deviceswillstay until you delete them.Bluetooth settings:- Turn the communication via Bluetooth on and off wheneveryouwant.- Setup or change your device's name.- Make yourself visible as long as you decide to configure sootherdevices can find you. Note: your device can have maximumlimit.Attach devices to your contacts:- You can attach or detach a device to a contact anytimeyouwant.- Easy access to the information stored in your phone forthatcontact.Manage the devices list:- Sort devices by power signal, name, etc.- Show only devices that are contacts, are available, etc.- Show only mobile devices, PCs, etc.- Search for devices by name or by the name of theirattachedcontact.Share your personal files with any Bluetooth device (onlyinexperimental mode):- Pair your devices previously or do it momentarily to sharetheinformation.- Share video, audio or pictures. Even share your own contactswithanother device.Monitorize any device:- If the device is visible via Bluetooth, you can watch howitspower signal varies through time while you scan.Bluetooth on demand:- Use the application with Bluetooth communication disabled ifyouare not going to use any operation that requires it.- Bluetooth communication will activate when the applicationstartsonly if you configure it so, otherwise it will be enabledwheneveran action that needs it is performed.And also:- Timers to show the remaining time of scanning or theremainingtime of the device being visible.- Legend of the icons in the application.