Top 19 Apps Similar to Detak Jantung

Tensi Darah Digital 3.8
Blacx Knights
Dengan aplikasi ini anda dapat mengecektekanandarah anda atapun pasientanda dapat mengetahui tekanan sistolik dan diastolik dengancepatdan mudahbahkan tanpa alat sekalipun ke akuratan aplikasi ini mencapai 90 %Tekanan darah adalah tekanan Jantung yang Memompa darahpadadinding arteri. Yang melewati nadi menuju arteri dan padaprosesini akan terasa denyutan. maka dari metodi ini lahdapatmemperkirakan pengukuran tekanan darah. dari jumlah tekanandenyutyang terdapat pada Arteri inilah akan memperkirakan Nilaisistolikdan diastolik. maka cukup masukan nilainya pada program inidanakan menunjukan hasilnya pada anda.Denyut nadi per menit (BPM) dapat dihitung daripergelangantangan. Tempatkan telunjuk dan jari tengah bersamaan disisi kiridari pergelangan tangan Anda dan kemudian rasakandenyutnya. LaluHitung lah denyut selama satu menit atau anda dapatmelakukanpengukuran selama lima belas detik dan kalikan jumlahhitungandengan empat maka Anda akan mendapatkan denyut nadi permenit(BPM).PERHATIAN: Aplikasi ini Memiliki tingkat akurasi 90% Namunbisasaja terjadi kesalahan. untuk lebih Akurat silahkan datangpadaDokter.With this applicationyoucan check your blood pressure atapun pasientYou can determine the systolic and diastolic pressures quicklyandeasilyeven without tools even if the accuracy of this applicationreaches90%Blood pressure is the pressure of the pumping heart blood intheartery wall. Which passes into the arteries and veins inthisprocess will feel a pulse. then from this Metodi was abletoestimate the blood pressure measurement. of the amount ofpressurepulse contained in this artery will estimate the value ofsystolicand diastolic. then simply input the value in this programand willshow the results to you.Pulse per minute (BPM) can be calculated from the wrist.Placethe index and middle fingers simultaneously on the left sideofyour wrist and then feel the pulse. Then count the one pulseforone minute or you can take measurements for fifteen secondsandmultiply the number of counts by four then you will get thepulseper minute (BPM).ATTENTION: This application Has a 90% accuracy rate buterrorsmay occur. for more Accurate please come to the doctor.
FP Heart Rate 1.0.2
The high-end mobile phones or devicesprovideintelligent hands often feature quite useful measure heartrate.Foreseeing the demand of our people launched apps helpmeasureheart rate Heart Rate measure heartbeat on any phone withcamera orsensor integration.Heart Rate application is the heartbeat quiteaccuratemeasurements through cameras or sensors up any mobiledevice canalso be used. Usage is quite simple you just turn upsoftware HeartRate and put his fingers into the camera app willmeasure yourheart rate, heart rate will be displayed in the graphintuitive andfairly accurate results.Applications measure heart rate by camera helps youestablishindividual profiles for monitoring and checking the heartrate. Youcan measure and make a list of your heart rate at normal,sport,when you wake up ...Key Features Heart Rate:- Measurement of heart rate fairly accurate results- Measured with integrated camera or sensor- Monitor your heart rate while participating invariousactivities- Designing visual clarity- Helps gauge heart rate and blood pressure- Create a track record of many people- Supports almost all Android phones- All freeGreat app to help measure the heart rate accurately 1. Rating 5*if you love it.
Instant Heart Rate : Heart Rate & Pulse Monitor
Azumio Inc.
Instant Heart Rate is the most accurateHeartRate Monitor app for any smartphone and it does not needanyexternal hardware. Use it for optimizing your exercise and totrackyour progress.Install it now and keep fit.Download the Pro version forunlimitedtracking and no ads.Accuracy is constantly tested by fitness coaches, athletes and25million users like you.Place the tip of your index finger on phone’s camera and in acoupleof seconds your HR will be shown.A real-time chart will show your every heart beat rhythmpace.It uses your phones built-in camera to track color changes onthefingertip that are directly linked to your pulse. This is thesametechnique that medical pulse oximeters use. Many of our usershavecardiovascular disease, stroke, Afib (atrial fibrillation),heartattacks, stress and diabetes.Now you have a chance to track your fitness gym workouts andvitalhealth every-time with just your phone.Your resting heart rate gives you a view into your heartsfitness.The fitter you get the lower your heart rate will be.Enables:✓ Heart rate measurements✓ Real time PPG graph (similar to ECG / EKG / Cardiograph) -seeyour every heart beat✓ Cardio workout monitoringNOTE: Works best on devices with flash. Devices without flashshouldbe used in good lighting. This app should not be used formedicaldiagnosis.
Analisa Jantung Koroner 8
Blacx Knights
Apakah anda termasuk orang yangmalasberolahraga ? malas beraktifitas, kegemukan, suka makananjunkfood. dan pola hidup tidak sehat, mari kita tes periksa kankondisikesehatan jantung anda. dengan analisa pemeriksaan jantungkoronerini dapat mengetahui seberapa besar kemungkinan andaterserangpenyakit jantung tersebut.periksakan kesehatan jantung anda. secara berkala danteratur.karena penyakit jantung amatlah mengerikan dengan julukansillentkiller yang dapat membunuh anda tanpa tanda tanda ataupunsuddendeath kematian mendadak yang disebabkan penyakit jantung.maka dariini mulai lah hidup sehat dan rajin berolah raga.Aplikasi ini dirancang untuk memperkirakan risiko jantugkoronerpada orang dewasa berusia 30 dan lebih tua. Gunakan AnalisaResikoJantung Koroner untuk memperkirakan risiko 10-tahun. Faktorrisikoyang termasuk dalam perhitungan Framingham adalah jeniskelamin,usia, kolesterol total, kolesterol HDL, tekanan darahsistolik,hipertensi, merokok dan diabetes mellitus.Do you include peoplewhoare lazy to exercise? lazy activity, obesity, like junk food.andunhealthy lifestyle, let us test check the condition of yourhearthealth. with analysis of coronary heart examination candeterminehow likely you are to heart disease.check your heart health. periodically and regularly. becauseheartdisease is very terrible with the nickname sillent killer whocankill you without signs of sudden death or sudden death due toheartdisease. then from this start is healthy living anddiligentexercise.This application is designed to estimate the risk ofcardiaccoronary adults aged 30 and older. Use of Coronary HeartDiseaseRisk Analysis to estimate 10-year risk. The risk factorsincludedin the Framingham calculation are gender, age, totalcholesterol,HDL cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, hypertension,smoking anddiabetes mellitus.
Cardiac diagnosis-heart rate 147
Cardiac diagnosis uses a built-in camera to detect bloodcirculationin the measurement area. 1. Measurement of heart rateand heart ratevariability You can measure the exact number usingthe built-incamera sensor of your smartphone or tablet. 2.Measurement CategoryGeneral Measurement- It measures 20 heartbeatsto calculate thenumber of heartbeats per minute, and arrhythmia isdifferentiated bycalculating the heart rate variability. Precisemeasurement - Theheart rate is measured for 1 minute todifferentiate between heartrate and arrhythmia. Continuousmeasurement - Check the heartcondition by looking at the graphwhile continuously measuring. Allmeasurements are indicated ingreen for normal, yellow for caution,and red for abnormal. If redis frequently detected, it isrecommended that an electrocardiogram(EKG, ECG) test be performedat a hospital. 3. Results trackingWhen the measurement result issaved, the measurement value andscreen are saved and historymanagement is possible. "How to useand precautions" 1. In theheart-shaped view on the measurementscreen, find the rear camerawhere the measurement site is visible,place your fingertipslightly, and click the Start button. 2.Measure while your hands arewarm. -> If your hands are cold,blood circulation is notreliable and the measurement value isinaccurate. 3. Do not placeyour finger on the camera flash. [Guideto the access rightsrequired to use the heart diagnosis app] 1.Camera (required) -Required to detect blood circulation in themeasurement site.2.Storage space (required) - Required to save themeasurementresult.
Cek Jantung 2.8
Blacx Knights
Ringkasan eksekutif laporan ketiga dariProgramKolesterol Pendidikan Internasional (NCEP) Expert PanelonDetection, Evaluation, dan Pengobatan Darah Tinggi KolesteroluntukDewasa.Informasi yang disediakan dalam aplikasi ini hanyauntukinformasi secara umum dan tujuan pendidikan saja . Semuainformasiyang dipublikasikan di sini telah mengalami pengkajianuntukmemastikan keseimbangan yang adil , objektivitas ,independensi ,dan relevansi dengan kebutuhan pendidikan . Baikeditor , ataupenerbit nya .aplikasi ini melakukan kalkulasi perhitungan atasrisikokardiovaskular . berdasarkan pertanyaan yang diajukanolehaplikasi. maka dari itu dihrapkan anda mengisi data yangdimintadengan sebaik baiknya dan dengan benar.Perhitungan ini bukanlah sebagai pengganti untuk nasihat medis,diagnosis ataupun perawatan . Pengguna disarankan bahwa ,meskipuninformasi yang dihasilkan ini berasal dari penelitian medis, namunpara peneliti ataupun Pembuat Aplikasi TIDAK mengklaimkeakurataninformasi yang terkandung di sini dengan baik atauakurat. inihanya perkiraan semata dan tidak dapat menggantikanhasil uji labdan tenaga medis.jika hasil menunjukan anda memiliki resiko tinggiterhadapjantung anda disarankan segera untuk berkonsultasi dengandokterAnda sendiri atau profesional kesehatan mengenai kondisimedisuntuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih akurat . Informasi initidakdimaksudkan untuk menggantikan penilaian klinis ataumemanduperawatan pasien individu dengan cara apapun.The executive summaryofthe third report of the International Education CholesterolProgram(NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatmentof HighBlood Cholesterol for Adults.The information provided in this application is only forgeneralinformation and educational purposes only. Allinformationpublished here has undergone assessment to ensure a fairbalance,objectivity, independence, and relevance to the needs ofeducation.Neither the editor, or his publisher.This application calculates the calculation ofcardiovascularrisk. based on the questions raised by theapplication. thereforedihrapkan you fill in the requested data asbest as possible andproperly.These calculations are not a substitute for medicaladvice,diagnosis or treatment. Users are advised that, althoughtheinformation generated is derived from medical research, buttheresearchers nor App Builder NOT claim accuracy of theinformationcontained herein as well or accurate. These are onlyestimates onlyand can not replace the results of lab tests andmedicalpersonnel.If the results show you have a high risk of heart you areadvisedto consult with your own doctor or healthcare professionalabout themedical condition to get more accurate results. Thisinformation isnot intended to replace clinical judgment or guideindividualpatient care in any way.
Periksa Jantung Sehat 7
Blacx Knights
Informasi yang disediakan dalam aplikasiinihanya untuk informasi secara umum dan tujuan pendidikan saja.Semua informasi yang dipublikasikan di sini telahmengalamipengkajian untuk memastikan keseimbangan yang adil ,objektivitas ,independensi , dan relevansi dengan kebutuhanpendidikan . Baikeditor , atau penerbit nya .aplikasi ini melakukan kalkulasi perhitungan atasrisikokardiovaskular . berdasarkan pertanyaan yang diajukanolehaplikasi. maka dari itu dihrapkan anda mengisi data yangdimintadengan sebaik baiknya dan dengan benar.Perhitungan ini bukanlah sebagai pengganti untuk nasihat medis,diagnosis ataupun perawatan . Pengguna disarankan bahwa ,meskipuninformasi yang dihasilkan ini berasal dari penelitian medis, namunpara peneliti ataupun Pembuat Aplikasi TIDAK mengklaimkeakurataninformasi yang terkandung di sini dengan baik atauakurat. inihanya perkiraan semata dan tidak dapat menggantikanhasil uji labdan tenaga medis.jika hasil menunjukan anda memiliki resiko tinggiterhadapjantung anda disarankan segera untuk berkonsultasi dengandokterAnda sendiri atau profesional kesehatan mengenai kondisimedisuntuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih akurat . Informasi initidakdimaksudkan untuk menggantikan penilaian klinis ataumemanduperawatan pasien individu dengan cara apapun.The informationprovidedin this application is only for general information andeducationalpurposes only. All information published here hasundergoneassessment to ensure a fair balance, objectivity,independence, andrelevance to the needs of education. Neither theeditor, or hispublisher.This application calculates the calculation ofcardiovascularrisk. based on the questions raised by theapplication. thereforedihrapkan you fill in the requested data asbest as possible andproperly.These calculations are not a substitute for medicaladvice,diagnosis or treatment. Users are advised that, althoughtheinformation generated is derived from medical research, buttheresearchers nor App Builder NOT claim accuracy of theinformationcontained herein as well or accurate. These are onlyestimates onlyand can not replace the results of lab tests andmedicalpersonnel.If the results show you have a high risk of heart you areadvisedto consult with your own doctor or healthcare professionalabout themedical condition to get more accurate results. Thisinformation isnot intended to replace clinical judgment or guideindividualpatient care in any way.
Sonidos Cardiacos 1.0
Escucha los diferentes sonidos cardiacos que se puedenpresentarenuna auscultación, como ritmos anormales,soplos,insuficiencias,estenosis... Aprende a diferenciarloseidentificarlos. Cada sonidova acompañado de una explicaciónentexto para facilitarte lacomprensión. Estos sonidos te ayudaranareconocer con masprecisión la patología del paciente, parallegaral diagnóstico dela enfermedad.
Hitung Denyut Jantung 2.2
Denyut jantung mengacu padakecepatandetakjantung, khususnya jumlah detak jantung per satuanwaktu.Denyutjantung biasanya dinyatakan sebagai denyut per menit(bpm).Denyutjantung dapat bervariasi sesuai dengan kebutuhanfisiologistubuh,termasuk kebutuhan untuk menyerap oksigen danmengeluarkankarbondioksida. Kegiatan yang dapat memicu perubahantermasuklatihanfisik, tidur, sakit, menelan obat. Denyut jantungnormalberkisar60 100 bpm. Bradikardia mengacu pada denyut jantungyanglambat,yang didefinisikan sebagai berikut 60 bpm.Takikardiamengacu padadenyut jantung yang cepat, yang didefinisikansepertidi atas 100bpm. Ketika detak jantung tidak teratur dalampola yangteratur,ini disebut sebagai aritmia. Kelainan inidenyutjantungkadang-kadang, tetapi tidak selalu, menunjukkanpenyakitdengan ini and akan dengan mudah mengontrol kesehatan andayangdilengkapi catatan sebagai rekam medis kesehatan jantungandaHeart rate referstothespeed of the heartbeat, in particular the number ofheartbeatsperunit time. Heart rate is usually expressed as beatsperminute(bpm). Heart rate can vary according to thephysiologicalneeds ofthe body, including the need to absorb oxygenand emitcarbondioxide. Activities that can trigger changesincludingphysicalexercise, sleep, pain, swallowing the drug. Normalheartrateranges from 60 100 bpm. Bradycardia refers to a slowheartrate,which is defined as below 60 bpm. Tachycardia refers toarapidheart rate, which is defined as above 100 bpm. Whenanirregularheartbeat in a regular pattern, this is knownasarrhythmia. Theseabnormalities in heart rate sometimes, butnotalways, indicatediseasewith this and will easily control your healthinsubmittingrecords as medical records your heart health
Practo: Doctor Appointment App 5.89
24/7 Online Doctor Consultation, Appointment Booking & Tests
ECG Quiz 1.2
Antoine Ayer
❄❄❄ NEW OFFICIAL ECG QUIZ APP ❄❄❄★  For physicians, paramedics, students, nurses...★  Learn the ECG through play!★  More than 200 ECG distributed in various quizzes★  ECGs are validated by 3 experts★  Every ECG is accompanied by a short clinical history★  Improve your score and go save lives!★  Guidelines on STEMI and indications for pacemakeramongothers.Early detection of severe acute heart diseases allowsrapidtreatment in a competent interventional center, therebyimprovingpatient survival. Learn quickly and "painlessly" torecognizecommon pathologies at a glance. ECG Quiz is aneducationalapp with a collection of more than 200 clinical casescontainingall an electrocardiogram and a short clinicalhistorypresented in interactive quizzes. You will also find achapter withguidelines on the management of patients with ischemicand rhythmicheart disorders. This app is especially dedicated tohealthcareprofessionals involved in in-hospital and pre-hospitalpatientmanagement (emergency physicians, cardiologists,generalpractitioners, paramedics, triage-nurses). Learn bydoing andmake sure not to miss an important diagnose. All ECGsaretriple-validated, notably by specialists of internationalrenown.Good luck!
Anatomy 3D: Organs 1.0.6
Real Bodywork
Explore the human organs with 3d models, audio lectures andquizzes.
Cardiograph - Heart Rate Meter
Cardiograph is an application whichmeasuresyour heart rate. You can save your results for futurereference andkeep track of multiple people with individualprofiles.Cardiograph uses your device's built-in camera or dedicatedsensorto calculate your heart's rhythm - the same approach usedbyprofessional medical equipment!✓ Measure your heart rateIt's never been easier to know what your heart rate is! Withoutanyexternal hardware, just using the built-in camera/sensor ofyoursmartphone or tablet, you can get accurate readingsalmostinstantly.✓ Know how fast your heart is beatingIt can be very useful while exercising, if you're under stress,ifyou have a heart-related medical condition, or even just outofcuriosity.✓ Track your resultsEvery measurement you take is saved to your personal history, soyoucan keep track over time.✓ Multiple profilesCardiograph is perfectly tailored to allow multiple people tousethe app on a shared device. You can create profiles for eachofyour family members or friends, and each of them has theirownindividual measurement history.✓ Clean and intuitive designThe streamlined and clutter-free design makes it seeminstantlyfamiliar, so you can focus on using the app instead ofnavigatingthrough series of screens.✓ Android Wear supportCardiograph is specifically designed with Android Wear support.Youcan measure your pulse using the hear rate sensor inyoursmartwatch. Please note that Cardiograph will work onsmartwatcheswith a heart rate sensor only.Please note: If your device doesn't have a built-in cameraflash,you need to take your measurements in a well litenvironment(bright sunlight or close to a light source).Get in touch with us and follow the latest news regardingourapps:
Runkeeper - GPS Track Run Walk
Everyone. Every run. Join the communitythathelps people get out the door and stick with running forever!Trackexercise, set goals, sweat, and see progress along the way.Whetheryou’re working your way up to tracking a 5K goal or deepintomarathon training, use the GPS app trusted by 50 million usersandcounting.OVERVIEW• Track Workouts - Go for a run, walk, jog, bike, or anyactivityreally. With GPS, you’ll get a clear view of your trainingin realtime.• Set Goals - Have a race, weight, or pace in mind? We can coachyouto get there.• Follow a Plan - We have personalized routines to fit intoyourbusy schedule. And helpful reminders, just in case.• Stay Motivated - Join challenges, snag exercise rewards, andshareachievements with your friends.• See Progress - This whole running thing works. You’ll seethesweat and we’ll show you the numbers to prove it!TOP FEATURES• Running Groups - Create a custom challenge, invite friends,trackeach other’s progress, and use the chat to cheer eachotheron.• Audio Cues - A motivating voice that you can customize torelayyour pace, distance, and time.• Training Plans - Make major progress by following a plan. We’llbehere for you every step of the way.• Routes - Save, discover, and build new routes with GPS.• Challenges - Stay motivated with exclusive workout experiencesandrewards.• Partner Apps - Keep moving with the music you love withourSpotify integration. Connect with other top health appslikeFitbit, MyFitnessPal, and more.• Bluetooth Connectivity - Wireless headphones and heartratemonitors make great workout companions. Also, sync AndroidWear,Pebble, and Garmin watches in seconds.• Stopwatch Mode - Easily add indoor cardio (treadmill, cycling)andgym workouts to keep full exercise log all in one place.• Social Sharing - Upload your activities and more with yourfriendson Facebook and Twitter.RUNKEEPER GO (Premium)• Prescribed Workouts - Get a weekly workout schedule tailoredtoyou.• Progress Insights - See how your runs stack up to each otherandget a full view of your fitness journey.• Live Tracking - Whether it’s training day or race day, shareyourlocation with family and friends.
Follow Us on twitter : @AndalasMD This application is madeintheIndonesian language, do not install if you donotunderstandIndonesian or Malay. Merupakan Aplikasi berbentukebookyang cocokuntuk dokter Indonesia, mudah digunakan kapan dandimanasaja,referensi medis lengkap dan praktis digunakanolehmahasiswakedokteran, mahasiswa klinik (koas), dokterinternship,dokterpuskesmas, dan dokter umum dalam prakteksehari-hari,disajikansesuai dengan kebutuhan dokter dan materi yangselaluupdate secaraberkala. WARNING : Terapi dalam Aplikasi initidakdianjurkan untukdigunakan oleh kalangan nonmedis, Informasiyangterdapat dalamaplikasi dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber dantidakdimaksudkansebagai pengganti nasihat, saran, konsultasiataupunkunjungankepada dokter anda. Bila anda memilikimasalahkesehatan,hubungilah dokter anda Referensi : PEDOMANPENGOBATANDASAR DIPUSKESMAS 2007, DEPKES RI BUKU SAKU PELAYANANKESEHATANANAK DIRUMAH SAKIT, DEPKES RI Danlain-lain
Doctor Heart Listiner 1.1.1
This app helps you to listen to yourheartBeatssound like a doctor. it works in the same manner asthedoctor heartlistener.All what you have to do is the plug your headphones intoyouphoneor tablet .Then search the exact microphone's locationinyour phone,then place it under your chest above your heart andyouwill hearyour heart beats clearly.ADVICES:* For best results we recommand to remove your clothesandplaceit directly above your body.* Headphones are recommanded to use this app, if youunplugthemthe app will stop immediately.ENJOY IT.
SONON 300C 1.03.07
The SONON 300C is a mobile wireless ultrasound device with Android/ios App.
ECG Interpretation Basic 1.7
This app contains basics and fewabnormalitiesof electrocardiogram. The description is mainly aimedat providingbasic knowledge regarding the normal ECG and how toidentifyabnormal ECG.This short is mainly features of ECG or EKG tracings. Amethodfor analyzing EKGs is presented too which includes assessmentofrhythm, calculating heart rate, observing P-wave forms,measurementof EKG intervals and segments and the evaluation ofother relevantwaves.Identifying an abnormal ECG is not difficult as many think,butthe reader should shed out the opinion that it issocomplicated.
Max Heart Rate 2.6
GK Apps
This free app is able to calculate yourmaximalheart rate. Just enter your age.Best app with useful informations for medicine and sport!Note: Heart rate refers to the speed of theheartbeat,specifically the number of heartbeats per unit of time.The heartrate is typically expressed as beats per minute (bpm). Themaximumheart rate (HRmax) is the highest heart rate an individualcanachieve without severe problems through exercise stress,anddepends on age.