Top 2 Apps Similar to Galuh Coffee Apps

핸드드립 1.3
외근이 잦은 그녀...간절한 커피생각에 사먹은 커피가 오늘도 자기를 배신했다며 투정부리네요...커피 좋아하시나요?비싼 돈 내고 사먹은 커피가 자판기 커피만도 못해서 속상해 해보신 적 있으실 꺼에요.cafe는 엄청나게 많아졌는데... 그 수많은 cafe중에서 맛있는 커피를 찾기란 쉽지가 않죠.그래서 만들었습니다.핸드드립 커피를 맛볼 수 있는 카페를 알려드리는 대한민국 유일의 핸드드립 app.값비싼 커피에 보란듯이 배신당하는 그녀와...밤샘 작업으로 쓰린 속을 달래줄 커피를 찾는 직장인 여러분과...취업걱정에 잠 못 이루는 학생 여러분...그리고 진짜 커피를 찾아 헤매고 계신 수많은 커피 매니아 여러분께 조금이나마 도움이 되었으면 합니다.전국에 핸드드립 카페가 몇군데나 있을까요?이 app에는 무려 600군데가 넘는 핸드드립카페의 정보가 담겨 있습니다.(저도 이렇게 많을거라곤 상상도 못했어요... 괜히 시작했어... 괜히 만들자고 덤벼들었어....ㅠㅠ)★ 지역별(시/군/구)로 핸드드립카페를 정리했습니다.★ 지도를 보며 카페에 찾아가실 수도 있구요.★ 전화를 걸어 물어보실 수도 있습니다.★ 블로거들의 포스팅을 보며 카페의 분위기를 유추할 수도 있구요.★ 카페 홈페이지에 접속해서 직접 정보를 찾아보실 수도 있습니다.★ 현재 나의 위치에서 가까운 핸드드립 카페를 찾아보실 수도 있구요.★ 그래서 카페투어에 유용하게 사용하실 수 있습니다.대형 프렌차이즈 cafe는 최대한 지양하였습니다.오늘도 커피에 대한 열정으로 연구에 연구를 거듭하시는 수많은 개인shop 바리스타분들이 계시거든요...그 분들의 열정과 커피에 대한 사랑을 응원합니다.바쁜 일상이지만... 오랜시간 손으로 내린 정성스런 커피의 향미를 느껴보는 여유를 가져보는건 어떨까요.숨겨진 좋은 핸드드립 카페가 있다면 알려주세요.다른 분들과 좋은 커피향을 함께 나눌 수 있도록 하겠습니다.♥ 핸드드립 커피는 사람이 직접 손으로 내린 커피입니다.커피의 향미를 가장 잘 살릴 수 있는 추출방법이 바로 핸드드립인데요.내리는 사람에 따라, 내리는 방법에 따라, 내리는 도구에 따라 그 맛과 향이 모두 달라진답니다.커피를 좋아하지 않는 사람도 드립커피를 맛보면 커피에 대해 새로운 인식을 갖게 되더라구요.꼭 핸드드립 커피를 접해보시길 권해드립니다.※ WVGA, HVGA 폰에 최적화되어 있습니다. 해상도가 다른 폰에서는 이미지가 손상되어 나타날 수있습니다.양해부탁드립니다.----개발자 연락처 :070-4069-4063서울시 구로구 구로3동 1127-26 대성빌딩 310호She is frequentlyoutofthe office ...Coffee coffee I ate four in earnest today, saying thegovernmenttobetray his Shiver ...Do you like coffee?The coffee vending machine coffee only ate four outexpensivemoneybelonged also did not get upset haebosin is incredibly ... more jyeotneunde joggers are easytofindamong its many delicious coffee cafe.So I made.To let you know a cafe where you can enjoy a hand-dripcoffeedriphands of the Republic of Korea only app.Value and being betrayed her borane as theexpensivecoffee...Workers with you to find a job in sseurin dalraejul coffeetowake...Student jobs that make you worry about not sleeping in ...And many coffee enthusiasts to you to find real coffeeifyou'rewandering albeit a little help.Can I have several hand-drip cafes across the country?This app contains information on nearly 600 locations inexcessdripCafé hand.(I did not imagine so many ragon're nothing ... nothing...I'mstarting to put in, to end .... Come hear ㅠㅠ)★ put together a hand-Drip Cafe by region (City /Town/District).★ itguyo also looking at a map to find access to the cafe.★ You could also ask to call.★ looking at the postings of bloggers itguyo can infertheatmosphereof the cafe.★ website to access the cafe you can alsofindinformationdirectly.★ itguyo can also find the nearest café hands drip fromthecurrentMy position.★ so it can be useful to Cafe Tour.Large cafe franchise has avoided as much as possible.Even today, many individuals who repeated the study in thestudywitha passion for coffee shop barista who I reveal this...Cheering passion and love for the coffee of the people.Busy day ... a long time, but hand-made elaborate thingwhynotget the free viewing to feel the flavor of the coffee.Tell us if you have a good hand hidden drip cafe.Others with a good coffee aroma will help to share.♥ hand-drip coffee is coffee made by hand directlytothepeople.How to extract the best flavor raise the indeyo righthanddripcoffee.Depending on the make who, according to the falling method,laiddownin accordance with the tools it changed both itstasteandflavor.Taste the people who do not like coffee drip coffeedoedeoraguyohavea new appreciation for coffee.By all means encourage bosigil facing the hand drip coffee.※ WVGA, HVGA has been optimized for the phone. Intheresolution,you may receive another phone image is corrupt.Pleasenote.
360 Coffee Shop 1.00.42
360 Coffee Shop App descriptionThe 360 Coffee Shop app is dedicated to coffee –thewonderfulbean-flavored beverage that gets people out of bedandmakes theworld go round. Whether you’re a casual latte drinkeroranespresso connoisseur, you’ll find it helpful in getting themostofyour daily fix.Coffee lovers are looking for good cup of coffee and anicecozyplace to enjoy it, but sometimes they don’t know where tofindit.Even for casual coffee drinkers, they need a place tostopandrecharge during their hectic days, to meet with a friend,tositfor a second and connect to the Internet or to grabapick-me-up.We don't always have access to our favorite localhangout. Andthere are lots of great coffee shops out theretoexplore.360 Coffee Shop is a search and discovery service mobileappthatprovides a unique coffee shop search experience for itsusers.Itscompatibility with RICOH THETA camera allows userstoupload360-degree photos. These fascinating fully sphericalimagescapturenot only the interior surroundings of coffee shops,but alsothemoment and everybody around there – the baristas,customers,andthe photo taker – all coffee lovers get connected toauniquemoment at the coffee shop! This enables users to getanimpressionof the atmosphere of those small independent cafesbeforeactuallygoing there.By navigating between the list view and map view searchresults,youcan easily find a selection of recommended coffee shopsnearyourlocation, or any other location you want to search. Youandyourfriends can check into your favorite coffee places andsharewhatyou are drinking, and stay connected with coffee loversallover theworld. There is even a chance that you might findgreatcoffeelocations that you didn't even know about!Users will be able to filter their search to find coffeeshopswithamenities like food, WiFi, and so forth. Based on users’votes,thecoffee shops listed in the app are categorized.Users'contributionwill help other users to find exactly what kindsofcoffee shopsyou need, shops for you to:• Daydream• Hangout• Take a break• Have a Small talk• WorkFuture releases of Coffee 360 will offer morefeaturesandfunctionality to fully embrace user-generated contentandsocialcommunity, such as 360-degree video upload anddisplay,facetagging, personal hashtags, and social sharing. Inaddition,coffeeshop owners will be able to create official accountsto sharetheirstories and deals. They are also encouraged to submitRICOHTHETAsnap photos often and regularly to help their shops standoutfromthe crowd. Our ultimate goal is to create a sharingandjoyfulcommunity for the coffee culture, and to spread this ideatootheraspects of our lives.360 CoffeeShopAppdescriptionThe 360 ​​Coffee Shop app is dedicated to coffee -.Thewonderfulbean-flavored beverage that gets people out of bedandmakes theworld go round Whether you're a casual latte drinkeroran espressoconnoisseur, you'll find it helpful in getting themostof yourdaily fix.Coffee lovers are looking for good cup of coffee and anicecozyplace to enjoy it, but sometimes they do not know where tofindit.Even for casual coffee drinkers, they need a place tostopandrecharge during their hectic days, to meet with a friend,tositfor a second and connect to the Internet or to grabapick-me-up.We do not always have access to our favorite localhangout. Andthere are lots of great coffee shops out theretoexplore. 360 Coffee Shop is a search and discovery service mobileappthatprovides a unique coffee shop search experience for itsusers.Itscompatibility with RICOH THETA camera allows userstoupload360-degree photos. These fascinating fully sphericalimagescapturenot only the interior surroundings of coffee shops,but alsothemoment and everybody around there - the baristas,customers,andthe photo taker -! all coffee lovers get connected toauniquemoment at the coffee shop This enables users to getanimpressionof the atmosphere of those small independent cafesbeforeactuallygoing there. By navigating between the list view and map view searchresults,youcan easily find a selection of recommended coffee shopsnearyourlocation, or any other location you want to search. Youandyourfriends can check into your favorite coffee places andsharewhatyou are drinking, and stay connected with coffee loversallover theworld. There is even a chance that you might findgreatcoffeelocations that you did not even know about! Users will be able to filter their search to find coffeeshopswithamenities like food, WiFi, and so forth. Based on users'votes,thecoffee shops listed in the app are categorized.Users'contributionwill help other users to find exactly what kindsofcoffee shopsyou need, shops for you to:• Daydream• Hangout• Take a break• Have a Small talk• Work Future releases of Coffee 360 ​​will offer morefeaturesandfunctionality to fully embrace user-generated contentandsocialcommunity, such as 360-degree video upload anddisplay,facetagging, personal hashtags, and social sharing. Inaddition,coffeeshop owners will be able to create official accountsto sharetheirstories and deals. They are also encouraged to submitRICOHTHETAsnap photos often and regularly to help their shops standoutfromthe crowd. Our ultimate goal is to create a sharingandjoyfulcommunity for the coffee culture , and to spread this ideatootheraspects of our lives.