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Kios Fashion 0.3
Kios Fashion ini merupakan aplikasiinventoryNoura Grosir,aplikasi ini memberikan kemudahan bagireseller &customer untuk mengetahui stock kami karena sudahterintegrasidengan Point of Sale (POS) Software kami secara realtimeFeatures:• Detai barang berupa Nama barang, bahan, ukuran & Warna• Lihat & Download gambar• Tombol Share Produk• Update Stok real timeAplikasi ini masih dalam tahap uji coba, karena itu aplikasiinihanya bisa diakses pada jam kerja 09.00 WIB - 21.00 WIB.Dev. By Noura GrosirFashion is akioskapplication Noura Wholesale inventory, this app makes it easyforresellers and customers to know our stock because it isintegratedwith Point of Sale (POS) Software us in real timeFeatures:• Detai goods such as name goods, materials, sizes and colors• View & Download image• Share Button Products• Update the stock in real timeThis application is still in the testing phase, becausethisapplication can only be accessed during working hours 09.00 am-21.00 pm.Dev. By Noura Wholesale