Top 19 Apps Similar to Стоп ДПС контроль

Antiradar Strelka
Dangerous on roads
МДПС - Местоположение ДПС 1.1.2
Приложение создано для того, чтобыизбежатьвстречи с сотрудниками ДПС, дорожными камерами, постами иавариями.Увидели экипаж, сообщили месторасположение, помогли."Мы не ратуем за то, чтобы, к примеру, пьяныеавтомобилистыобъезжали посты – наоборот, мы против этого. Скорее,мы хотимвыразить свой протест по поводу возросших в разы штрафов,что самопо себе несправедливо по отношению к автомобилистам."Основные функции:- Навигация;- Добавление маркеров на карту (Пост ДПС, Камера,Авария,Стационарная Камера, КПП);- Автоматическое предупреждение при приближении к маркерам;- Пробки;- Голосование по вопросу актуальности меток при приближениикним;- Работа в фоновом режиме;- Экспорт меток на стену профиля ВК;- Слои;- МДПС радио;- Просмотр перемещения других участников в режимереальноговремени;- Интерактивный чат;- Рация (Общий канал, Канал избранных пользователей);- Отображение друзей из ВК;- Избранные пользователи.The application isbuiltto avoid the traffic police, traffic cameras, posts andaccidents.They saw the crew reported the location helped."We do not advocate for that, for example, drunk motoristsroundsposts - on the contrary, we are against it. Rather, we wanttoexpress their protest in times of increased fines, which initselfis unfair to motorists."Main functions:- Navigation;- Add markers on the map (Post DPS Camera, accident, fixedcameras,CAT);- Automatic warning when approaching a marker;- Plugs;- The vote on the relevance of labels at the approach tothem;- Work in the background;- Export marks on the wall Profile VC;- Layers;- MDPS radio;- View moving other participants in real time;- The interactive chat;- The radio (Common channel, elected members);- Display of friends from the VC;- Selected users.
MapcamDroid Radar detector 3.8.1023
★★★★★ Radar detector MapcamDroid is an app which warns thedriverabout the radars, speed cameras and potentially dangerousparts ofthe road. MapcamDroid will remind you about the observanceoftraffic rules and speed limit in time. Moreover, it can help youtoavoid an accident or a fine.
Антирадар HUD Speed PRO 53.6
Radar detector and digital spydometr smartphone.
HUD АнтиРадар (бесплатно)
База камер покрывает регионы России,Украины,Белоруссии и КазахстанаПриложение HUD Speed - это цифровой спидометр с встроеннойфункциейрадар-детектора.HeadUp Display (HUD) - это возможность использовать ваш телефонилипланшет как проекционный дисплей. Просто положите устройствоподлобовое стекло и вы увидите проекцию скорости и предупрежденийокамерах прямо на стекле. Не нужно отвлекаться от дороги -всенепосредственно перед вашими глазами!Карта с камерами в нашей базе -* * * * *В солнечную погоду яркости вашего устройства может не хватитьдляотображения проекции на стекле. В этом случае используйтеобычныйрежим отображения и поставьте устройство в держатель.Ночью,вечером и пасмурную погоду проекция будет всегдахорошовидна!Ключевые функции:- Цифровой спидометр. Скорость, определенная по GPS, являетсяболееточной, чем показывает спидометр в машине.- HUD Speed работает как радар-детектор и предупреждает Васостационарных камерах и радарах ДПС на Вашем пути.- Отображение данных в проекции на лобовом стекле.- Еженедельные бесплатные обновления базы камер!- Удобный, простой и полностью русифицированный интерфейс.Если при приближении к камере ваша скорость будет вышеразрешеннойболее чем на 19 км/ч, то приложение будет подаватьпредупреждающиезвуки. А это важно, т.к. теперь штраф за превышениена >20 км/чуже начинается с 500 рублей.Приложение работает с помощью известных данных орасположениистационарных камер и радаров ДПС (такие как Стрелка илиСтарт СТ) идругих объектов. База камер используется от нашегоизвестногоприложения GPS АнтиРадар.Наша группа ВКонтакте -* * * Внимание! * * *1. HUD Speed - это ваш помощник, но не гарант отсутствияштрафов,т.к. новые камеры могут не сразу попадать в базуданных.Пожалуйста, соблюдайте правила дорожного движения.Настоящийрадар-детектор, конечно, работает надежнее, но этоприложениебесплатно!2. Для работы приложения в фоне на устройствах Xiaomi и Meizuнужновыполнить настройку устройств. Смотрите наши инструкции:– Xiaomi:– Meizu: cameraspokrыvaetrehyonы Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussia and KazakhstanAnnex HUD Speed ​​- This digital speedometer withvstroennoyfunction radar detector.HeadUp Display (HUD) - This Ability Require your phone OrHowproektsyonnыy tablet display. Just lay Arrangement Underlobovoeglass and vы uvydyte proektsyyu Speed ​​and preduprezhdenyyofcells directly on the glass. Not Need a otvlekatsya from the road-all neposredstvenno before your eyes!Map with cameras in our bazeilles-* * * * *In solnechnuyu weather vasheho Synchronization Device Cannotproektsyy grip to display in glass. In this sluchaeyspolzuyteNormal mode display and Put the Arrangement in theholder. Night,dinner and pasmurnuyu proektsyya weather will bealways visibleGood!Key functions:- Digital speedometer. Speed, opredelennaya on GPS, javljaetsjaMoretochnoy, than pokazыvaet speedometer in the car.- HUD Speed ​​rabotaet As radar detector and you preduprezhdaetofstationary cameras and radar DPS in Vashem way.- Otobrazhenie data in proektsyy on windshields.- Updates are free Ezhenedelnыe bazы cameras!- Convenient, Simple and completelyrusyfytsyrovannыyinterface.If at Approximation for your camera velocity will besomethingmorethan razreshennoy Above 19 km / h, the Annex will besubmittedpreduprezhdayuschye sounds. A This is important, becauseNow thepenalty for prevыshenye of> 20 km / h has nachynaetsyawith 500rubles.Annex works with pomoshchju of known data at Location ofstationarycameras and the SOT radarov (the arrow How to Start OrPT) andsecond objects. Base cameras yspolzuetsya nasheho offamousapplications like GPS Radar.Our group VKontakte -* WARNING! * * *1. HUD Speed ​​- This is your assistant, but no guarantee ofabsencefines, because New kamerы Immediately mogut not fall intotheDatabase. Please soblyudayte rules of the road movement. Bythisradar detector, of course, rabotaet nadezhnee, but Annex Thisfreeof charge!2. To work on applications in the background Device Meizu andXiaomiNuzhny Run setting devices. Our Smotryte Instructions:- Xiaomi: Meizu:
RoadAR dashcam & speed camera
RoadAR, Inc.
RoadAR - dash cam app created tohelpdrivers every day. It works as a car camera, as a smartassistantrecognizing traffic signs and warning you to avoidtrafficviolations and as a speed camera notifier.UNIQUE FEATURES:✔ Current speed, GPS data, date and time, currently active signsarehardsubbed in video file (no more srt);✔ We have exposure compensation to keep road in constantlightnesswithin defined range (check it in settings)NEW FEATURES:✔ Automatic start/stop when driving/stopping;✔ Speed Camera warnigs;✔ Share on YouTube with couple clicks.AVAILABLE LANGUAGES:English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish,Portugalian(Brazil), Japanese (in case of wrong translation pleasewrite inEnglish to [email protected]).All signs recognized with RoadAR smart dash cam app it send tothecrowdsourcing database. More drivers - better quality andcoverageof the database and warnings. Don't forget to invite yourfriends=) Meet more than 500k users community!RoadAR can work in background as dash cam and show warningsaboveany navigation app: Waze, Navmii, Sygic, Google Maps, TomTom,iGOand many others. Also above any speed cam app: Speed Cameras&Traffic Sygic, TomTom Speed Cameras, Speed camera radaretc.ATTENTION!Dash cam app needs to be constantly connected to car charger,ituses all functions of smartphone.Sounds are not recorded with old android versions (4.1andlower).Try to direct air cooling system of your car on device toavoidoverheating (long camera usage heats phone a lot).Current version supports only these signs:✔ Yeld (Give Way)✔ Speed Limit✔ No passing✔ No parking✔ No waiting✔ Crosswalk✔ Crossroads limits✔ Danger signsOther signs will be added soonNOTE: while testing in front PC image can be blurred becausefocusdistanse is infinite (to avoid focusing raindropsonwindshield).
Speed radar detector 1.5.0
Warning system Free completely free fixedandmobile radars free, the best radar detector premiumWe have created a free radar detector with all the options fortheuser.No more warning fines thanks to free fixed and mobile radars,thebest copilot to drive without fear of fines, radar warningnotifiesyou:Speed camerasmobile radarscontrolled traffic lightsDanger zonesYou can view the camera location on a mapWhat differentiates us from other radar applications:you can use google maps and see him radars noticesoption controls speed display on a map within the appfully configurable from the distances to sounds warningradar warning voicesimple design horizontally and vertically android 5The audio warning system for ideal speaker or Bluetooth willnotdistract you while driving.Fully configurable, you can select if you want to just notifyyouabout the fixed and mobile radars or if you want to do it onlyoneof them, also set sound emitted by the application whenyouapproach a speed control or the warning distance the same(default1000m)the database of fixed and mobile radars is in continuousgrowththanks to contributions from users, you can bring your datasendingan email to [email protected] not forget toattachlatitude and longitude, soon we will include a system toprovidedirectly from the application.
Speedcam: the world 2.1
Manh See
Important: it's possible not to close theapp.Just fold it. When the app feels the speed, it starts to warnaboutcameras itself from background. Now read theinstructionbellow.1. This is the platform with for exchanging speedcam locationsamongdrivers from all over the world.2. Any driver can add speedcams, which he meets, to the publicdata.50-100 cams are added daily.3. As far as cam's points are just digits, the app canaccommodatebillions of cameras and will not be a lot of weight atthe sametime.The speedcams points are kept in the phone as GPScoordinates.The phone knows where the user is placed via GPS.Phone knows a vector of moving.And knows coordinates of speedcams.So the app compares these data and understands when to warnaboutcameras (according to settings).When user adds new speedcams and uploads them to server (byclickingupload button), all the users get these new points.So if you live in Brazil and travel to Germany, you already haveallspeedcams, which Germans have added, in this app. If you liveinGermany, you have all Brazilian speedcams already too. Andeveryuser from every single country already has all world'sspeedcams inhis phone and 50-100 new everyday. Just don't forget touploadpoints and invite friends to fill in map of cams of yourareaquicker.4. As far as any driver from any country can add cams, youdon'tneed to install maps of certain countries separately: all 3mlnpoints are already in the phone.5. Second great advantage of the app is that you don't needinternetto use it. Just press "Upload data" button (in the menu)to downloadnew points from other users and upload your points oncea month andthat's enough. Other similar apps need that user haveinternet towarn about cams, but "Speedcam: the World" needs justGPS.6. Once you opened the app, you see a gray circle. Press on ittoactivate GPS.If you are not outside, the app can not connect tosattelites.The app doesn't find cameras if the user doesn't move. The appisactivated only if you move quicker then 5 kmph (3 mph).Press on it to activate GPS.The sign'll turn green. Now the phone searches forsattelites.When the phone connects to GPS, the sign GPS be replaced withgreencircle with PLUS button.This PLUS means, that:- You have activated GPS.- The phone found sattelites.- You move faster then 5 kmph (3 mph).If one of these conditions are not met, the applicationdoesn'tstart to detect radars.7. So you clicked on the cirlce and activated GPS and startedtodrive. Now the app can detect cameras and warns about it. Youseegreen plus on the screen.Plus means, that you can add new cameras when you pass bythem,clicking at plus.If the map of radars is not filled in your area enough, youcanlocate speedcams and add them to the data yourself. When youseecamera oncoming to you, just click the plus.8. When the phone detects camera, the green plus on the screenisreplaced with yellow cross.This cross means there's oncoming camera.If you know, there's no any camera, cllick on this cross andthecamera will be deleted.9. So, through plus and cross you can add and delete cameras.- If the app doesn't detect speedcams in your area, there arenoenough users of the app in your area, and they didn't fill themapof cameras. Share the link to the app with your friends, andyou'llfill in data of speedcams of your area together within2weeks.10. When app detects cameras, it warns you with preset soundatpreset distance.11. If you know that there's speedcam at the certain place, ornotedspeedcam yourself just now, and the app doesn't warn aboutit, thatmeans the camera doesn't exist in the database. Just clickon theplus on the screen, and the camera will be added. Sinceyou've addedcamera, the app will warn all users about thatcamera.Supportproject: Ideas? [email protected]
Ulysse Speedometer Pro
ULYSSE SPEEDOMETER PRO—the ultimateadvancedGPS tool that is not only a high-precision GPS*Speedometer,displaying not only the current speed (analog ordigital) but alsopacking in many other exciting features.As a part of our Ulysse community, you’ll find itsfunctionalityindispensable. To discover further what’s packed intoour tool, binarytoys Lab, we listen to our users and areconstantlyintegrating your feature requests—Ulysse is not onlybuilt by us,but also by you, our Ulyssers!How about:★ Overlays—display important speed/direction/time info overyourother installed apps★ Trip Computer—record the current, yesterday’s, today’s,week’s,month’s journeys★ Track recorder—trace your journey and export to SD and/or emailasGPX or Google Earth KML format★ Multiple profiles: for every car, bike, velo,walking,skiing★ Music Controller—control your installed musicplayerdirectly★ HUD—a Head-Up Display for your windshield★ GPS Altimeter★ GPS Compass★ Latitude/longitude display★ Settings km/h, mph, knots; miles/feet, kilometers,nauticalmiles★ Maximum displayed speeds: 1900 km/h / 1160 mph / 1000knots!★ Racing meter—measure acceleration times: 0-100 km/h, 0-60 mphandfor 1/4 mile.★ Average speed indicator★ Switchboard – menu system providing easy setting changesoffunctions – simply tap the main speedometer dialforactivation★ Three shortcut pages—Application, Communication, Navigation; foratotal 36 user-defined application shortcuts★ Speed limits’ warnings (‘Speed Edge’) – define audio andvisualspeed alarms★ App quickstart—assign other installed apps and called in justtwotaps★ Customizable UI colors—are 16 million colors enough?★ Current battery status info—charge, temperature★ Car dock support—application automatically starts and exitsondocking and undocking★ Run the speedometer in background mode—show speed discretelyinthe status bar and even gives visual notification forspeedlimits**★ Binarytoys’ Customer support second-to-none… take a look atourreviews!But don’t limit Ulysse to just your automobile!Imagine accessing all the features mentioned via virtually anymeansof transport.Whether traveling by van, truck, bus, motorbike, bike,horse,unicycle, Segway, plane, helicopter, foot, camel, taxi,rickshaw,skateboard, train, boat, hang-gliding or paragliding(etc.)—youwill find a useful use for Ulysse!We Love our Ulyssers – And They Love Ulysse!We are fully dedicated to our user base – with its millions ofloyalworldwide users, we are constantly building on this successtoguarantee that Ulysse remains on pole position now and inthefuture.You don’t have to take our word for it, read what some of thetopnames in the business are saying:"Poetry in motion"—"Most advanced Speedometer App"—"this virtual dashboard has been aprovenlifesaver"—"...enter Ulysse Speedometer to save me"—RichardDevine,AndroidCentral"Accurate, visually appealing and informativespeedometerapplication"—Crackberry.comHave we forgotten something? Visit our homepage and send usacomment.Would you like to see Ulysse translated into your ownlanguage?Contact us today at [email protected] to find out howor join uson*Dependent on phone hardware**In the case of system overloading, a small lag is possibleKnown limitation - trip distance may have 2-3% deviation fromcar'sodometer dataLook to for a new car-dock for your phone!
Антирадар-Автоюрист 1.10
Первый инновационный антирадар длясмартфонаэтосамое уникальное, непохожее ни на одно другоеприложение!-Вы можете видеть места дежурства ДПС онлайн-Вам доступны все камеры фотофиксации-Бесплатная помощь АвтоюристаThe firstinnovativeradarfor a smartphone is the most unique, unlike anyotherapplication!-You Can see the places on duty DPS online-You Have access to all camera photofixation-Free Help Avtoyurista
Speed Camera Radar (PRO) 3.2.5
Road Soft
★★★ This application does not contains any advertisements!★★★Thisapplication is used to detect hazards on the road, suchasspeedcameras (mobile ambush, static speed cameras, redlightcameras),speed bumps, bad roads and etc. This applicationusesdatabase ofhazards previously detected by other users.GETTINGSTARTED 1. Ifyou just installed the app you will need to goto menu"Updatedatabased" to download and install the latestdatabase ofspeedcamera for your region (country). 2. To run thehazarddetectionmode, press the "Start" button. at the bottom rightof thescreen.3. The application notifies only the dangers that arealongyourroute. 4. You can call main setting, swiping from the leftedgeofthe screen to the right. 5. You can call dangers filterthatyouwant to discover swiping from the right edge of the screentotheleft. 6. To add a new POI, tap + button close to the SPEEDatthebottom of the screen. 7. Sign in to edit and removecurrentPOI==========================================================Beforeyoubuy, you can first try the free version. Each user candevelopadatabase of hazards for his country. Please note,thattheapplication does not scan radiation police radar in realtimeforthe application is used only database hazards identifiedearlierbyusers. Any user can add new hazard to shared database.Alsousercan influence on rating of hazard (when user get dangeralerthecan define whether danger exists or not in fact).Theapplicationplays the sound and shows hazard on the map anddistanceto thishazard. If you are connected to the internet youwill beable tomonitor the traffic jams. There is a feature updatethedatabase ofthe hazards. The application may run in thebackground(even whenthe screen is off), just enable option "Usespeech whenhazarddetected". ★★★ Features ★★★ ★ Map or Radar viewmode (noneedInternet to render data) ★ Night mode adjustment onscreen ★3Dtilt on map support (3D buildings) ★ Map auto zoom androtationmapalong the way ★ Dashboard with current speed ★ 140000activehazards POIs around the world (check your country inFREEversionof this APP at first) ★ Daily database updates! ★Supportvoicealerts ★ Support of working in background or withotherNavigationAPPs ★ You can add their own POI toshareddatabase=================================================================Becarefulon the road and good luck!
Gocha 15.5.2
Green Zeal
drive safely with "Gocha!" on Georgian roads, Traffic information
МаниВКармане Антирадар 1.6
Информация на карте набирает свою актуальность за счётметок,поставленных ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЯМИ!Приложение «MoneyVKarmane»:- на страже времени, нервов и финансовРоссийскихавтомобилистов.- Мани в Кармане: самая актуальная информация о событиях надорогахРоссии.-MVK: заботится об экономии Вашего времени и денег, информируяВасорисках на дорогах в режиме реального времени.-Мани в Кармане: безопасные русские дороги в твоем смартфоне.-Мани в Кармане: Система единой взаимопомощи на дорогах.Временные засады ДПС, стационарные посты, гололед,пробки,камеры, ремонт дороги,места ДТП, а еще – десятки других не самых приятных ситуаций,окоторых вы хотели бызнать, но не знали. Теперь знаете!Мы создали приложение, которое делает поездки по дорогамприятнойи безопасной. Всегда!«Мани в кармане» – единая система онлайн взаимопомощи надорогах,работающая по принципу «Помоги ты и тебе обязательнопомогут вответ».Помогая другим, вы помогаете себе. Помоги водителям, и онинеоткажут тебе в помощи в ответ!Десятки тысяч российских автомобилистов, уже вооруженные «Манивкармане»,ежедневно оставляют тысячи заметок о ситуации на дорогах, и ввашемгороде или регионе тоже отмечают все важное и нужное.Создаютэнциклопедию безопасной русской дороги в реальномвремени.Куда бы вы ни поехали, с вами всегда будет опыт тысячроссиян.Получайте самые точныеи быстрые сведения о конкретном участке дороги на свойсмартфон.Достоверно, мгновенно, надежно.Пять преимуществ «Мани в кармане»1) Свежая информация от местных автомобилистов даже внезнакомомгороде или регионе.2) Не отвлекает от вождения.3) Специальная метка SOS для экстренных ситуаций. Вам помогутдрузья!4) Предохраняет ваш бюджет от штрафов и оплаты, а так же поломокнасложных участках дорог.Мы делаем всё, для того, чтобы стать лучше, и чтобыВашималенькие и большие путешествия были для Вас как можно приятнееикомфортнее.Все вопросы, ошибки и предложения ПОЖАЛУЙСТА присылайте напочту[email protected]Спасибо что выбрали нас!Information on the map is gaining relevance due to marks set bytheuser!Appendix «MoneyVKarmane»:- Guard time, nerves and finance Russian motorists.- Money in your pocket: the latest information on developmentsinthe Russian roads.-MVK: Takes care of saving your time and money by informingyouoftraffic risk in real time.Mans in his pocket: Russian road safety in your smartphone.Mans in his pocket: a unified system of mutual assistance ontheroads.Temporary ambush DPS stationary posts, ice, caps, cameras,roadrepair,the accident scene, and more - dozens of others are not themostpleasant situation that you would like toto know but did not know. Now you know!We have created an application that makes travel onroadspleasant and safe. Always!"Money in my pocket" - a unified system of mutual assistanceonthe road online, working on the principle of "Help and you aresureto help you in return."By helping others, you help yourself. Help drivers, and theywillnot give you help in return!Tens of thousands of Russian motorists, already armed with"Moneyin my pocket"every day thousands leave notes about the situation on the roadsandin your city or region also celebrate all important andnecessary.Create Wiki Russian road in real time.Wherever you go, you will always experience thousandsofRussians. Get the most accurateand fast information about a specific section of the road onthesmartphone.Reliably, quickly, reliably.Five advantages of "Money in my pocket"1) The latest information from local motorists, even in astrangecity or region.2) not to be distracted from driving.3) A special label for SOS emergency. You can help friends!4) protects your budget from fines and payment, as well as damagetothe complex roads.We do everything to get better, and that your small andlargetravel was for you as pleasant and comfortable.Any questions, bugs and suggestions please send mail [email protected] you for choosing us!
ByRoad NN Антирадар Free 0.2.14
ByRoadNN – приложение для предупрежденияостационарных и переносных (треногах) камер гибдд в НижнемНовгородеи Нижегородской области,АВТОпомощь на дороге при сложнойпроблеме иаварийной ситуации, функция "Отслеживание" мобильныхустройств иавтомобиля в режиме on-line.ByRoad NN – первое мобильное приложение в Нижегородскойобласти,разработанное специально для водителей и пешеходов!Ключевые функции:• ByRoadNN предупреждает о стационарных камерах на Вашемпути(простая камера фиксации и камера фотофиксации);• Сигнальное уведомление о приближении к камере;• Фоновый режим работы с возможностью уведомлений;• Удобный и простой интерфейс;• Приложение не содержит рекламы.В премиум версии доступны дополнительные функции:• Предупреждение о всех камера , в том числепереносных(треноги);• АВТОпомощь – оказание оперативной помощи на дороге всложнойситуации;• «Семейный радар» - отслеживание мобильных устройств,возможностьбыть в курсе о нахождении своих близких и друзей врежимеon-line;• "Контроль за авто" - слежение за перемещением автомобиля спомощьюдополнительно установленного GPS-датчика;• Ежедневное обновление базы расположения мобильных(переносных)камер с фиксированием на карте приложения.Внимание!- Использование приложения в фоновом режиме может сократитьвремязаряда Вашего аккумулятора.- ByRoad – это приложение помощник, но не гарант отсутствияштрафов,т.к. новые камеры могут не сразу попасть в базу данных.Пожалуйста,соблюдайте правила дорожного движения!ByRoadNN - applicationforthe prevention of stationary and portable (tripods) thetrafficcameras in Nizhny Novgorod and the Nizhny Novgorod region,roadsideassistance on the road at a complex problem and anemergencyfunction "Tracking" of mobile devices and the vehicle inon-linemode.ByRoad NN - the first mobile app in the Nizhny Novgorodregion,specially designed for drivers and pedestrians!Key features:• ByRoadNN warns of fixed cameras on your way (simple fixingcameraand photographic images the camera);• Alarm notification of approaching the camera;• Background mode with notifications;• User-friendly and simple interface;• The application does not contain advertising.In the premium version of the additional features available:• Warning of camera, including portable (tripods);• Roadside assistance - provision of operational assistance ontheroad in a difficult situation;• «Family radar" - tracking mobile devices, the ability to beawareof finding their loved ones and friends in the on-linemode;• "Control of the car" - tracking the movement of the car withthehelp of an additional installed GPS-sensor;• Daily updated database of mobile locations (mobile) cameraswiththe fixation on the attached map.Attention!- Use the app in the background can reduce the time ofyourbattery.- ByRoad - this application assistant, but do not ensure theabsenceof fines, because New cameras can not get directly to thedatabase.Please observe the rules of the road!
RP Armenia
Victor Apoyan
With the help of this app you may view traffic offensesregisteredby the police camera and photo equipmentWith the help of this app you may:• Receive daily, weekly and monthly notifications• Automatically access the program in case of saved data• Pay Online• Watch the offenses online• Watch offenses*Disclaimer! We do not carry any responsibility fortheadministrative fines and delay of any other notifications, aswellas their contents. Please note that notifications received viathisapplication are not official notifications and do not carrylegalforce. This application is not created or endorsed by thepolice.It uses the open database of website.
GPS АнтиРадар PRO 30.0
Warn you about the stationary cameras and traffic police radaronyour way.
ШТРАФАНЕТ - помощник водителя 1.0.4
Вам надоело испытывать страх при встречесалчными инспекторами ГИБДД?Тогда наше приложение ШТРАФАНЕТ – помощник водителя - это то, чтоВыдавно искали!!!При остановке водителя, инспектор в первые минутыразговораопределяет кто перед ним: человек который знает свои праваи с нимлучше не связываться или, тот, кого можно обвинить дажевнесовершенных правонарушениях.Использование нашей программы, покажет инспектору ГИБДД, чтоВыуверены в себе и с Вами лучше не связываться. Это настоящий -умныйвиртуальный АНТИДПСНИК.Все что вам нужно сделать, это запустить программу иголосомпродиктовать данные инспектора и причину остановки.Программа самазапишет их в базу, а так же автоматически добавиткоординатыинспектора.Увидев подобные действия, у большинства инспекторов ДПС невозникнетдаже мысли попытаться выдвинуть надуманные обвинения. Вбольшинствеслучаем Вы услышите фразу: Счастливого пути, и спокойнопродолжитесвой путь.Если же инспектор продолжает обвинять, а Вы уверенны всвоейправоте, то у нас в программе есть база телефонов доверия(горячейлинии и дежурной части), по которым вы сможете в любоймоментпозвонить и сообщить о нарушении Ваших прав.Так же в нашей программе есть разделы, в которых мы поместилистатьии видео, в которых рассказано и показано что говорить приостановкегаишником (как общаться с инспектором ГИБДД), а так жекак вестисебя в ситуациях, когда нерадивые инспектора пытаютсяобвинять Вас внесовершенных нарушениях ПДД. В статьях ивидеоматериалах отобранысамые популярные вопросы по теме – права иобязанности водителя иинспекторов ГИБДД.Отдельным пунктом нашей программы является раздел POI,которыйпоможет найти любой, необходимый автомобилисту, объект рядомсВами, будь то автозаправка, автомастерская или жеближайшийсупермаркет.Наше приложение сэкономит Вам кучу денег и нервов, носамоеглавное - Вы перестанете испытывать страх перед встречейсинспектором, и каждая Ваша поезда будет приносить радостьиудовольствие.Особенности приложения ШТРАФАНЕТ – умный помощник водителя:- Уникальный голосовой помощник при общении с инспекторомГИБДД(ГАИ)- POI координаты и быстрый поиск любого необходимогоавтомобилистуобъекта- Статьи и видео, которые подготовят Вас к любым ситуациям вовремяобщения с гаишником- Архив данных инспектора с причиной остановки икоординатамиместаВ ближайших обновлениях:- Оповещение о наличии инспекторов ДПС рядом с Вами- Оповещение о пробках и других дорожных происшествиях- Своя социальная сеть с возможностью общаться сдругимипользователями программы- Оповещение о погодных условиях именно тогда когда Высобираетесьотправиться в дорогу, а так же мыть или не мытьсегодняавтомобиль- Возможность проверки штрафов онлайнAre you tired to feelfearwhen dealing with greedy traffic police inspector? Then our application SHTRAFANET - Assistant driver - thisiswhat you have been looking for !!! When you stop the driver, inspector in the first minuteofconversation determines who is in front of him: a man who knowshisrights and it is better not to get involved, or someone who canbeaccused of even imperfect offenses.Using our program will show the inspector of traffic police,thatyou believe in yourself, and you better not mess with. This isareal - an intelligent virtual ANTIDPSNIK. All you need to do is start the program and voice todictatedata inspector and the reason for stopping. The programitself willrecord them in a database, as well as automatically addthecoordinates of the inspector. Seeing such actions, the majority of DPS inspectors willnothave even thought to try to put forward far-fetched accusations.Inmost cases, you will hear the phrase, Bon voyage, andquietlycontinue on their way. If the inspector continues to blame, and you are sure heisright, then we have a base in the program Hotline (hotline anddutyunit), which you can call at any time and report a violationofyour rights. Also in our program there are sections in which we haveplacedarticles and videos that tell and show what to say when youstop thecops (how to deal with the traffic police inspector), aswell as howto behave in situations where negligent inspectors aretrying toaccuse you of imperfect traffic violations. The articlesand videomaterials selected the most popular questions on thesubject - therights and duties of the driver and the trafficpoliceinspector. A separate item of our program is the section POI, whichwillhelp to find any necessary motorist object close to you,whetherit's a gas station, shop or the nearest supermarket. Our application will save you a lot of money andnerves,but most importantly - you will not experience the fear ofmeetingwith the inspector, and each of your train will bring joyandpleasure.Application features SHTRAFANET - smart driver's assistant:- Unique voice assistant when dealing with the trafficpoliceinspector (GAI)- POI coordinates and quick search of any necessarymotoristobject- Articles and videos that will prepare you for any situationwhileinteracting with cops- Archive Inspector with the cause and stop coordinates ofIn the next update:- Information on the presence of the inspectors DPS near you- Information on traffic and other road accidents- Its social network with the ability to communicate withotherusers of the program- Information on the weather conditions it was then whenyou'reabout to go on the road, as well as a wash or not to wash thecarnow- Ability to check fines online
AutoGuard Dash Cam - Blackbox 8.1.4208
Pyungwoo Yoo
Your smart phone can be clever as youwithAutoGuard, the best Blackbox application, will giveyouwonderful experiences.Key Features- (Pro) Background recording: Multitasking with otherapps(like navigation)- Upload videos on with captions for locationandtime information- Capture photos at important situation automatically- Show the video and map information on one screen- Automatically starts video recording when put into cardockor connect with bluetooth devices- Records driving video, speed, GPS, and nearest address- Supports high resolutions (1080p, 720p)- Traces path driven on 3D Google maps- Snapshot (supports auto focus, flash & gallery)- Send recorded information via E-mailAutoGuard records various lengths of video, acceleration,latitude,longitude, and speed.The video recorded can be limited to save space on your phone.Afterthe space is filled it will automatically delete the oldestvideos,unless marked to be saved.AutoGuard Pro can be set to automatically start when placed in acardock and run in the background.You can adjust video resolution, bitrates, the sensitivity oftheaccelerator, and GPS update time.With Pro Version(AutoGrard Pro Unlocker), you are ad free, cansyncyour videos on & Multitask AutoGuard withotherapps such as Navigation or Mp3.Visit AutoGuard's home and get more valuable information! AutoGuard needs the contact permission?- List up Gmail accounts for uploading videos to Youtube.- Referral check.AutoGuard doesn't need any other information rather than yourgmailaddress.Anyone who wants to help translating will be welcome.Thanks. =:)Support languages : English, German, French, Chinese,Japanese,Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Dutch, Taiwanese, Lithuanian,Polish,Turkish, Romanian, Hungarian, Czech & Slovak.
AntiZone 0.091
Michel Guenin
Application of driver assistance