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X-League Indoor Football 1.399
iGlobal Apps
Official mobile app of the Xleagueprofessionalindoor arena football league.XLIF is built to bring football right to your mobilephone.Breakingnews, video highlights, schedule, game scores, customteamnews.Catch the latest news from Commissioner Mink onthisnewestinnovative style of indoor arena play in America rightfromyourmobile phone.
Football Prep Lite 1.0.0
Football Prep is the app that can helpyougetinto shape to play football. Get in shape to play thegame;don'tplay the game to get in shape. The exercisesandschedulescontained in this app were created by acertifiedphysicaleducation teacher and former head football coach.This workout and its routines are unique. They canbeaccomplishedwith no special equipment or special facilities. An8feet squarespace and a set of stairs or a fixed step are allyouneed. Startthis routine 6 weeks before your season starts anddoyour routine 4times per week, as shown in the scheduleincludedwith the app.Register your progress each day in the app'sexerciselog. You arealso encouraged to write notes daily beforeand aftereachworkout.A database is maintained within the app containingyourdailyexercise log data. The data is saved on your device andisnotshared with anyone else. In this free version, you canaccessallof the exercises, the weekly schedule and create andsavedailyexercise logs. To create reports detailing your workoutdataand tohave the ability to email these reports to yourself,yourcoach orsomeone else, you may purchase the full version in theappstorefor $1.99.As with any exercise program, results from FootballPrepwillvary. Your results will depend on many factors,includingyourindividual exercise history, genetics, personalmotivationanddedication. Consult your physician before startinganyexerciseprogram.Each movement or exercise is uniquely designed, allowingyoutoprogress at your own pace. Activities that target theupperbodyand lower body are included. Start the programbyclicking"Introduction" on the home page. Read your way throughthepages.Once you reach the specific exercise pages, try each oneoutto becertain that you understand the movements.Please visit us at to view ourprivacypolicy,legal disclaimer and frequently asked questions.
NDFL Mobile
Welcome to the NationalDevelopmentalFootballLeague. The NDFL is the newest DevelopmentalAmateur fullcontactfootball league in the south. Semi-Pro. The NDFLiscomprised ofquality teams in the southern region "Georgia,Alabama,andTennessee" for the 2015 season. Our purpose is toelevatethedeserving athletes to the collegiate or professionallevelofcompetition. League management believes that adevelopmentalleaguesuch as the NDFL, can successfully bridge thegap from thehighschool level to the college level and it can alsoenhancethecollegiate athlete who has completed his college careerandpropelhim to either the CFL, an Arena football team ortotheprofessional European Football League.TheNationalDevelopmentalFootball League is dedicated to providingleadership,organization,professionalism, pride and integrity, forwhat we fillis destinedto become the most successful minor leagueorganizationin thesouth east.
Are You Watching This?! 5.7
RUWT? Sports
WE WATCH SPORTS. Every game. Every channel. And alert you whentotune in.