Top 22 Apps Similar to Locale Location Plug-In (†)

Timesheet Locale Plugin 1.1
Florian Rauscha
With the Timesheet Locale Pluginyoucanstart/stop the timer of Timesheet from any preconditionofLocaleor Tasker.Plugin for:Locale: need Locale or Tasker and Timesheet 2.0.1 or above!★★ Features ★★Following Actions are currently available:- Start working for specific project- Stop working- Start break- Stop break
Locale App Condition 1.6
**This is a condition Plug-in for LocaleApply settings with Locale when a specific applicationisrunning.**check rate can be customize.keyword: application detection locale plug-in plugin
Locale NFC Plugin 1.0.3
Scan a NFC-TAG and let your phone do the work.
Time Recording - Timesheet App
Manage your time sheet.Basic functionality:• Check in & out• Task assignment• Daily & detailed notes• Overview of day, week, month• Reports in Excel or HTML format• Google Drive, Dropbox and OwnCloud integration for reports,backup& restore• Google Calendar Sync (one way only)Highly configurable, many additional features:• Date and time formats• Calendar options (first day of week and month,bi-weeklyreporting)• Hourly rates, paid overtime• Daily, weekly and monthly target time• Home screen widgets to display running day total, withoptional"punch" action• Status bar notification when checked in• Tasker/Locale plugin support• Public services for integration into other apps• Light and dark theme• Android Wear Smartwatch integration (see our Plugins)• Check-In and Check-Out using NFC Tags (see ourPlugins)• Multi device syncOther remarks:• Smallest tracking unit is one minute• No parallel tracking or overlapping entries supported• List of app permissions with explanation seehere:• This app is Android only, other versions are neither availablenorplanned
Locale Remote Notifier Plug-in 0.2
This is a Locale/Tasker plugin whichsendsnotifications to be shown on your desktop over Wifi, 3Gorbluetooth using Android Remote Notifier.IMPORTANT: You must have both Tasker (or Locale) andRemoteNotifier installed for this to work. Both are available fromtheAndroid Market.
Autosync for Google Drive 6.0.10
Automatic file sync and backup tool for Google Drive cloud storage
AutoLocation 1.2.4
Use Geofences,your location or even youractivity(running,walking,etc)in Tasker
Locale Calendar Plugin
A condition plugin for Locale which cancheckifyour calendar contains an appointment. Can be used to e.g.setthephone to silent mode whenever your work calendarcontainsanappointment. You can set the plugin to ignoreappointmentsthatcontain certain words (e.g. 'traveling') or thosethat span awholeday.Please note that this plugin requires Locale from twofortyfoura.m. LLC.Release Notes0.8.7: allow using all synced calendars as basis ofconditions,eventhose that are not displayed in the calendar app0.8.5: fixed a bug preventing the plugin fromrecognizingsomeevents in the background0.8.4: Fix some crashes0.8.3:- support for lead times longer than 24 hours- text conditions (e.g. "Title contains") can now checkforexactphrase. Enclose phrase in double quotes (e.g. "justatest")0.8.2 / 0.8.1a:- Fixed overlapping version ranges for thedifferentplugins,providing each version with a differentversionnumber.0.8.1:- Redesigned GUI to make better use of bigger screens- lead time is no longer limited to a fixed list of choices- minimum Android version is now 2.2 (Froyo)- supports Android Final version for Android 1.5 - Android 2.1, only changefrom0.7.1is in the App description for the Market limitingthesupportedAndroid versions.0.7.1:- No functional changes, only enabled logging output duetotheproblems some users have with the plugin conditionchangesnotbeing picked up by Locale.0.7.0:- Checking title / location for more than one word isnowsupported:Separate words with a comma.- Checking availability status of calendar (free / busy)isnowsupported.0.6.0:- Checking whether the event's location contains / doesnotcontaincertain words is now supported.- Preview includes availability status and location.- The calendar selection is no longer lost when thescreenisrotated.0.5.1: New menu item allows testing the settingsagainsttheselected calendars' next events.0.5.0:- Now allows more than one calendar to be selected.- Added option to check if title contains one or more words.- Removed option 'Calendar state' which was used checkifthecalendar contains an entry or not.0.4.2: Improved calendar queries to reducelikelihoodoferrors0.4.1: Fixed a bug causing a "force close" whencalendarcheckdoesn't return any entries0.4: Fixed a bug preventing plugin from recognizingcalendarentriesif there was no text given in option "Event titlemustnotcontain:".
Snackbar Tasker Plugin 11.6
A plugin to show user-configurable Material Design SnackbarsandBottom Sheets
b-notified Locale Plug-in
Plug-in for Locale and/or Tasker, which showsasimple dialog-alert box with a text you entered in theedit-window.This is the very first version and is very limited init'scurrent features. But in it's simplicity it can already helpyou ina lot of ways ...An silent alert when you arrive in a meeting, a daily alerttofeed your dog, or just as a test to see if other plug-inswork...Future updates will get many new features that will make itmuchmore practical and appealing to use! (new sorts ofnotifications,different layouts, time-outs, ability to start upapps from thealert, logging, etc, etc).Take it for a spin, it's small, it's lite, and it doesn't costathing!Enjoy!
Tasks - Locale & Tasker Plugin 0.2.0
Alex Baker
This Plug-in adds a Tasker action to createanotification for a filter, tag, or Google Task list. Thisplug-inrequires both Tasks: Astrid To-Do List Clone as well asLocale orTasker. This initial release is intended as a replacementfor theAstrid Locale plugin, but will have additional features in afuturerelease.Source code for the plug-in is available at tracker: questions or support please e-mail [email protected] Store LinksTasks:
AutoApps 1.8.5
Manage all your AutoApps. Automate your life!
AutoVoice 4.0.10
Automate everything with Google Assistant/Home and Amazon Echovoicecommands!
Sound Mode Tasker Plugin 6.3
A plugin for lollipop+ devices with real silent mode
AutoInput 3.0.2
Automate any app's UI with AutoInput. Also react to UI eventsandphysical keys
AutoContacts 1.1.30
Easily find contacts and use their info in Tasker.
AutoNotification 4.2.12
Create, and intercept notifications from Tasker! Also blockwithoutTasker!
GreenPower Free Battery Saver 9.21
★ GreenPower Battery Saver brings manyextrahours to your battery life! ★★ Support for Mobile Data on Marshmallow (Android 6)&Lollipop (Android 5): Only for rooted phones. ★Unlike other battery savers that require regular usermanualactions, GreenPower is an easy battery saver that isfullyautomatic: Once configured, it runs and saves yourbattery byitself. It does so by smartly managing Wifi, Mobile data,Bluetoothand Screen Brightness: Turning them off when you don'tneed them,but ensure minimum disturbance: Automatic turned ON whenneeded byyou or by other apps (e.g retrieving mails). Easier,cleaner andfaster than competitors, 2x battery saver and easybatterysaver!GreenPower battery saver: 1.5 million downloads & 2 yearsofexperience in Android Battery Saving!HIGHLIGTS★ Adds up to 100% battery life depending on usage★ Automatically manages your Wi-Fi, Mobile Data (2G, 3G,4G),Bluetooth, GPS, display brightness★ Battery saving works with almost all devices and carriers★ Supports all Android versions from Froyo toMarshmallow(6.0)★ Easy yet powerful battery saver and battery boosterINSTALL AND FORGETOr take time to configure the battery saving settings to getthemost out of it and the best battery longevity!SATISFIED OR MONEY BACK GUARANTEETry Premium version for 24H and get a refund if you didn't likeitby just sending us a mail.FEATURES• Battery life indicator in notification area.• Wifi management: Based on schedule, screen state, location,powerconnected, signal level...• Mobile data management: Based on schedule, screen state,powerconnected...• BLUETOOTH (premium) management: Based on devices connected orinrange, screen state, power etc• Traffic check: Configurable to prevent disturbing otherapps• Apps Whitelist & Blacklist (premium): To keep data onwhenusing specific apps (like music streaming)• Simple WIDGET (premium): To quickly pause or resume• Night / Sleep mode (premium) fully configurable,Airplanemode...• Tasker & Locale Plug-in (premium)• Compatible with Cerberus 2.0• Very lightweight and fast app• Easy and clean interface• Fully configurable settings• Settings backup / restore• 30 Languages• And more coming all the time...PREMIUM ONLY• Widget• Night mode (sleep mode)• Tasker & Locale Plug-in• Location-based Wi-Fi• Apps whitelist & blacklist• No ads• The good feeling to support an independent developer
After Call Tasker Plug-in
Plug-in for Locale (Tasker, Llama,SettingProfiles, ...) which allows you to perform tasksafterincoming/outgoing phone calls.This is the 2nd beta and still misses a lot of features, butisin it's current state already a very handy tool.Basic actions that can be launched in a dialog-windowthatappears after a phone call ended (or a missed phonecall):- call back- add event in your calendar- show/add contact details- send e-mail message- send sms/text messageAfter Call Actions Locale Plug-in is a "setting" plug-inforLocale. As such you will need an app that can handletheseplug-ins: Locale, Tasker, Settings Profiles and/or Llamaarepossible options.Besides this plug-in, you will also need a "condition"plug-inthat will trigger the event. The Brilliant Intent "CallMonitorLocale Plug-in" is designed for this, and can be downloadedvia thelinks on this page.It is important that you can trigger a condition AFTERaphone-call (and not at the start), as the actions-dialoghidesitself after 5 seconds of inactivity (so unless you have toact,you can just ignore it, it will go away by itself).In coming releases more options will be added:- configurable text templates for emails and text/smsmessages- enable/disable actionsIn this new version you can add up to 4 custom actions thatallowyou to start app(s) of your choice.Again, this is still an early beta version. Please don'tpostbugs and/or problems in the ratings below. Only add reviews ifyoualready like it in it's current state. Please mail bugs/[email protected] can fix them!Enjoy!
AutoWear 2.0.bf3
Brings your Android Wear device to a whole new level. Just watchthevideo :)
Locale - Bluetooth On Connect 1.4.2
Ed Kawas
Customize your settings based on Bluetooth connectivity!
Locale Notification Plug-in 3.7
**This is a Plug-in for Locale**Generate a notification in status barFeatures that you can customize:- title and notification text- play sound (from ringtone, notification or alam)- vibration scheme- led color (depends on devices)- icon- call a specific application when you acknowledgethenotification- insistance- ...Contact me for supportkeyword: locale notification locale plug-in plugin