Top 5 Apps Similar to BLE peripheral check

Beacon Toy
Adrian Cretu
Featured at Google I/O 2016! CreateBluetoothLow Energy beacons using your device.A beacon is a self-repeating, low-power, Bluetooth advertisementofsmall data (31 bytes or less), that can reach devices 50 feetormore (or only immediately close if desired). Some of them canbedetected without needing an app; see http://physical-web.orgfordetails.You can broadcast beacons only on Android 5.0+ devicesthatsupport BLE peripheral mode. Most 2015 and later devicesarecompatible, but many older ones are NOT, Check out a listofknown devices at beacon formats:Eddystone-URL (Physical Web) - advertise website addressestobe picked up by Android, and Chrome on iOSEddystone-UID - static identifier that can be used tocollectattachments to thingsEddystone-EID - production-ready encrypted identifierswithautomatic refreshEddystone-TLM - broadcast actual device telemetry:batterytemperature, voltage, service uptime, and an estimated countoftotal advertised Packet Data Units.iBeacon - static identifier format, better supportedbyiDevices.Special featuresHost Eddystone-GATT service configuration -registerproduction-ready Ephemeral ID or UID beacons with Google'sBeaconTools app, or configure the beacon using Chrome, directly viaWebBluetooth.Run multiple beacons - device limited: up to 4 on Nexus 6,upto 8 on Galaxy S7, etc.Built-in shortenerEphemeral URLs via - createun-spoofable,rotating URLs; change the destination target withouttouching thebeacon!Beacons are managed by a light self-stopping Service that resumesondevice boot and takes care of beacon's lifecycle duringBluetoothevents.View nearby beacons, and clone supported formats.Use casesBroadcast any URL you want: your site, your store's /cafeteriawebpage (or why not, even the menu?), your personalwebsite, yoursocial network profiles, a funny YouTube video, oranything elseyou can think of and want the people nearby to come incontactwith.Share nearby a link relevant to the place your device is locatedat,which is yourself, or maybe a kiosk or anything else.For advanced usage, play around with the Proximity Beacon APIandattach any kind of data to your beacons.
BLE Utility 1.0.0
You can confirm if your smartphone supports BLE.
iBeacon4Android 1.1
This app helps you to conduct thetestforiBeacon devices and other devices working withBluetoothLowEnergy(in the rest of this explanation referred toasBLE).Using this app, you can check- How far BLE devices are installed from your mobile app.- Whether the peripheral you have to check is iBeacondeviceornot.- What kind of flag is put in the advertisement packet.- Which major/minor number is set in your iBeacon device.[Usage]In the first page, first of all, push “START” button.Afterstartingsearch, you can check what peripherals there arearoundyou in theform of peripherals list.In this list, the row number on blue circle means thelisteddeviceis iBeacon device, on the other hand, in the case ofthe rownumberon pink circle, the listed device is other type ofBLEdevice, notiBeacon device.If you can find that the device you have to check islisted,push“STOP” button.After stopping search, by tapping respective peripheralsyoucango to the second page, in which you can checkthedetailedinformation about the target BLE device, such asdevicename, flag,and so on.Especially if the selected device is iBeacon device, youcanconfirmMajor/Minor number, and also the approximatelydistancebetween aniBeacon device and your mobile app.If you would like to check the advertisement packet theBLEdeviceemits, click “Check HEX” button in the menu. In thethirdpage youcan check the advertisement packet in the formofhexadecimalnotation, and send the mail to someone withtheinformation about theadvertisement packet.[Supported version]Android 4.3 or upper version.
BLE UART 1.0.2
The RI Embedded Design LLC BLEUARTapplicationallows supporters of the Solid State AttitudeandHeading ReferenceSystem (SSAHRS) Kickstarter to communicateviathe Bluetooth LowEnergy (BLE) daughter-board. Users cansendcommands and receivedata through the app. The source codeisavailable so that users mayuse it as a starting point orreferencefor their ownapplications.
BLE Tool v2 2.0
this app is for connect BLE device forsmartphone, it can be use any time,any loaction if you want.