Top 4 Apps Similar to Inventory

INVENTAR für Barcode Etiketten 2.4.4
Fast and convenient inventory collection
Inventory, expense tracking and order fulfillment 2.3
Simple & powerful multi user &multi-platforminventorymanagement solution. MAJOR MODULES: 1)InventoryManagement 2)Purchase Order & Sales Order Management3)Supplier &Customer Management 4) Import Data & ExportData5) ExtensiveReporting with export to Excel/CSV 6) InventoryrelatedIncome& Expense Management 7) Barcode Scanning WithInventoryPro, -People from your organization can access companyinventorydatafrom their mobile devices and desktops. - Itofferscompleteinventory management features including barcodescanning,stocktaking, stock adjustments, inventory valuation,inventorymovement,low stock alerts, graphical reports, dashboardsetc. - Youcangenerate, manage and print purchase orders and salesorders. -Youcan manage and communicate with your suppliers andcustomers. -Youcan record partial or full delivery against purchaseorder orsalesorder. - You can also manage other income and expensesofyourorganization. Noteworthy Features: - Create Purchase OrderorSalesOrder and print with your company logo, name, and addressetc.-Get email notification when any item goes into low stock.-LowStock quantity can be configured for each item separately.-Multilevel taxes, item level tax & discount can be addedtoPurchaseorder and Sales Order. HOW DOES IT WORK? With 3simplesteps youcan start using Inventory Pro for your organization.STEP1:Download Inventory Pro App and register as an administratorofyourorganization (You can also registerbyvisiting the plan as per number of users you need. We offer7daysfree trial period. STEP 3: Invite users of yourorganizationfromthe menu. They receive link in emails to join.Please notethat,the invited users don't need to subscribe. Yourplanincludesaccess for the selected number of users. [email protected] for any questions.UPGRADEFROMINSTANT INVENTORY APP: Our existing subscribersofInstantInventory App can upgrade to this enterprise editionbycontactingus at [email protected]. We will assistinmigratingtheir existing inventory data to Inventory Pro. Feelfreetocontact us via email. We have excellent support recordandnoquestions will be ignored –[email protected]: onFacebook: Follow usonGooglePlus: Proapp now & manage inventory on yourfingertips.Change Logs:Version 2.1 (March 06, 2019) - Addedprintfunctionality. Version2.0.2 (February 21, 2019) -Improvements tobarcode scanning feature.- Updated build tools.Version 2.0(January 05, 2018) - Added supportfor Android 8 andabove Version1.9.1.1 (September 11, 2017) - Minorbug fixes.Version 1.9.1(February 07, 2017) - Added support forAndroid 6 andabove.Version 1.9 (June 01, 2016) - Added inventoryimport withSellingPrice. - Minor bug fixes. Version 1.8 (April 14,2016) -AddedImport Income and Expense feature. Version 1.7 (March27,2016) -Performance & UI improvements. Version 1.6 (March1,2016) -Brand new home page for easy navigation. - OtherminorUIimprovements. Version 1.5 (Jan 29, 2016) - Now supportsAndroid6.0- Auto populate Product ID by enabling it from Settings.-AddedDelivery date in Purchase/Sale orders. Version 1.4 (Dec24,2015) -Search products while adding items in Purchase/Saleorders.- AddedShipping Cost while adding Purchase/Sale orders. -AddedSellingPrice for Inventory Items. - Can choose date forStockIn/Outtransactions. - Company admin can configure who allshouldreceivelow stock emails.
Inventory & Barcode scanner 7.35
Inventory & Barcode scanner & collection & WIFIbarcodescanner
Inventory 6.3.5
Barcodery is an inventory management app with a barcode scanner