Top 3 Apps Similar to İSG Kurulları Hakkında Yön.

Журнал «Кадровое дело» 3.5
«Кадровое дело» — практический журнал поработес персоналом. Эксперты-практикиразъясняют, как применять в работе нормы трудовогозаконодательстваи обеспечиватьохрану труда. Тщательно выверенные образцы документов ипримерыразрешениятрудовых споров облегчают работу кадровика. Методикаподготовкиматериаловпозволяет ежемесячно анализировать опыт десятковспециалистов,публиковать толькопроверенные рекомендации и объяснить сложные вопросы простымидоступным языкомбез потери юридического смысла.Сложные вопросы излагаются с точки зрения практическихситуаций,которыемогут возникнуть у любого кадровика, а главное – даютсяотборные,проверенные игарантированно рабочие решения. Эксперты дают не сухуюсправочнуюинформацию, апредставляют пошаговое руководство к правильным действиям.Материалы журнала «Кадровое дело» охраняются законодательствомобавторскомправе. Любое использование материалов издания возможно толькосписьменногоразрешения учредителя."Human Business"-Practical Journal of Human Resources. Expert practitionersexplain how to apply in the labor laws and ensurelabor protection. Carefully planned sample documents andsampleresolutionlabor disputes facilitate the work of the personnel. The methodofpreparation of materialslets analyze the experience monthly dozen experts,onlypublishProven tips and explain complex issues simple andaccessiblelanguagewithout losing the legal sense.Complex issues are set out in terms of practicalsituationsthatcan occur in any of the personnel, and most importantly -giveselected, tested andGuaranteed operating decisions. Experts give the drybackgroundinformation, asprovide step by step guide to right action.Materials of the journal "Human work" protectedbycopyrightlaw. Any use of the publication without prior writtenpermission of the founder.
Safety Meeting App 2.16.1
The Safety Meeting App is a complete solutionfordocumentingOSHA-required safety meetings, incidents,accidents,near-misses,employee attendance, safety checklists, andmuch moreright fromyour phone, tablet, or computer. "A must foreverycontractor, andmakes safety compliance easy." HightowerRemodelingHighlights: •Conduct safety meetings using 2000+ safetytoolboxtopics •Document incidents, accidents, and near misses •Createsafetychecklists and job briefings • Add multiple users peraccountandunlimited employees • Group favorite topics andchecklists foreasyaccess • Run reports on safety meetingattendance,employeeincidents, and other stored history • Time stampeverymeeting,incident, and checklist when modified • Store yourdata inthecloud and easily access it from mobile devices and webbrowsers•Print and share PDF copies of meetings, incident,checklists,andreports • Track employee status (full time/parttime/temporary)andmanage active/inactive workers • Filterchecklists andsafetytopics by trade • Document disciplinary actionswithsignatures •Record proof of meeting attendance with photoscapturedstraightfrom the app Safety Meeting App is perfectformanufacturingcompanies and general and trade contractors alike.Itis trusted bysmall and large corporations across the world.Loginfrom theoffice and view meetings held by your crews in thefield.No moremessy paper forms and lost paperwork. Track it allwith theSafetyMeeting App! Safety Topics (also known as ToolboxTalks orTailgateTalks) within the Safety Meeting App are ideal forallconstructioncontractors and manufacturers including thefollowingtypes oflicensed and certified businesses and employees:CGP, CGB,CAPS,CGR, ABC, AGC, AGCNYS, AIA, BBB, NARI, OHSA, OSH,RMP, KSS,HBA,NAHB, MBA, BIA, BPI, HERS, EPA, ASA, NAWIC, IADC, MCA,MCAA,NRCA,IIPP, HVAC, IBS, OSH, BX, IREM, NARPM, NECA Safety,NPMA,NUCA,USGBC, DOT, UIG, DBA, LEED, AP, BD+C, DBIA, HACIA, NCHH,TCA,RMC,Cal/OSHA, JSA, HAZWOPER, NIOSH, OH&S
OHSAS 18001 Audit 2.0
OHSAS 18001 2007 is an internationalOH&Sstandard. It defines a set of occupational health andsafetymanagement requirements that apply to all types oforganizations.Use our app to audit your organization's occupationalhealth andsafety management system (OHSMS) and to improve itsoverallperformance.The Audit tool is equally useful for internal audit as wellasclient company Audits.The app allows the auditor to:-Create Audits-Manage Audits and Status of audit-Audits can be saved in multiple sessions and hence giveflexibilityto complete audit over period of time without losingany data-Facility of creating and reusing -templates for quick audits-Facility of creating ISO question set and reuse it-Generate report in PDF and Email to potential stakeholders-Print Reports