Top 22 Apps Similar to Curso Peluqueria Hair Studio

Toca Hair Salon 2 2.3-play
Toca Boca
Pay once & play forever! No in-app purchases. Toca Hair Salonisback!
Toca Hair Salon 2 - Free! 1.0.7-play (022)
Toca Boca
Our bestselling app Toca Hair Salon is back in an evenbetterversion, with new characters, new tools, new accessories andevenmore hairstyling fun! In this kid-friendly, super-creative app,youget to run your very own hair salon, with six fun characterstochoose from. Trim mustaches, spray mohawks bright pink andgivesomeone the curls they’ve always wanted! Whoops – didyouaccidentally snip off too much hair? Make things right withourspecial tonic G.R.O.W. and then top it all off with hats,glassesand other fun accessories. Once you and your customer arehappywith the way they look, don’t forget to take them to thecamerabooth for a snapshot! WHAT’S NEW IN TOCA HAIR SALON 2? -Morerealistic colour spray effects – combine to make new shades! -Newaccessories: hats, glasses and much more - Use the magicpotionG.R.O.W to make hair grow back again - Smooth andbeautifulanimations - Characters make fun faces and sounds whileyou’restyling them - Better and more realistic hair styling - makeanystyle you want! - No rules or stress - play any way you want to!-Kid-friendly interface WHAT'S AVAILABLE IN THE HAIR SALON 2 PACK?-New tools: razor, curling iron, a crimper and a straightener -5completely new characters - Cut and trim hair with thescissorselectric hair trimmer - Wash hair with shampoo, shower, andtowel -Use the hairdryer to get the right look - Cool new photobackdrops- 9 hair colors to choose and combine - Lots ofaccessories for thefinal touch *** ABOUT TOCA BOCA At Toca Boca, webelieve in thepower of play to spark kids’ imaginations and helpthem learn aboutthe world. We design our products from the kids'perspective toempower kids to be playful, to be creative and to bewho they wantto be. Our products include award-winning apps thathave beendownloaded more than 130 million times in 215 countriesand offerfun, safe, open-ended play experiences. Learn more aboutToca Bocaand our products at PRIVACY POLICY Privacyis anissue that we take very seriously. To learn more about how weworkwith these matters, please read our privacypolicy:
House of Color by Schwarzkopf 4.1.9
The perfect multi-functional assistant in your daily colorbusiness.
Cursos Gratis Online 2.0.0
Aplicación Buscando Cursos.Hoy te presentamos la aplicación para android deBuscandoCursos.Aplicación en la que encontraras todo tipo decursosgratis, delinem para desempleados, cursos de formación adistanciayhomologados. Con esta aplicación podrás encontrar sobretodocursosonline gratuitos con los que poder formarte en cualquieradelasespecialidades que desees. Aunque también cuenta con unabasededatos con cursos presenciales en el caso de que no teconvenzano note gusten los cursos online. En la base de datos delaaplicación encontraras cursos tanvariadoscomo cursos depeluquería, diseño gráfico, mecánica,repostería,gastronomía,peluquería, cursos de computación, devigilante deseguridad,idiomas como ingles, francés, portugues,chino, ruso oalemán.Cursos gratis.Dentro de la sección de los cursos gratis,podemosencontrarinfinidad de cursos que nos pueden ayudar amejorarnuestro nivelde conocimientos en base a alguna materiaconcreta. Elprincipalproblema de los cursos gratuitos es que en lamayoría delos casosno recibes titulación. Aunque desde laaplicación paraandroid de“buscando cursos” hemos intentado tenerlos cursos gratisen losque se pueda obtener titulación y así podertener por lomenos unacertificación del curso que se ha realizado.Los cursosgratis queno ofrecen titulación que encontrarás ennuestraaplicación, sirvensobre todo para obtener conocimientospreviosantes de decidirte acursar algún curso de pago, y así podrásver sirealmente teinteresa o no dedicar tiempo a ese curso. Paraestosonfenomenales.Cursos por internet.En la aplicación de buscando cursos, intentamos siempreenfocarnosenlos cursos online.¿Por qué? Pues porque los cursos online ofrecen unacomodidadextraque no tienen los cursos presenciales, y es que lospuedescursarsin necesidad de desplazarte a la academia donde sevayanarealizar. Los cursos por internet que mencionamosenestaaplicación son cursos con los que puedes obtenertitulaciónsintener que salir de casa. Algunos cursos online queencontrarasennuestra aplicación con titulación son:Curso de auxiliar de enfermería, curso de gastronomía,cursodeentrenador personal, curso de diseño web, entre otros.Cursos presenciales.Los cursos presenciales son de los más demandados, sobre todolosquese ofertan a través del inem. En esta aplicación contamosconunasección llamada “Inem” donde usted encontrará un grannúmerodecursos disponibles para desempleados, los cualessontotalmentegratuitos.Esperamos que esta aplicación sea de su agrado ypuedaencontrarel curso online gratuito que busca en nuestra basededatos.Recordamos también que todos los cursos que se mencionanenestaaplicación son propiedad de terceros, con los cualeselpropietariode la aplicación no tiene nada que ver. Esta esunaaplicaciónmeramente informativa para la búsqueda de cursostantoonline comopresenciales.Lookingapplicationcourses.Today we present the application for androidLookingcourses.Application where you find all kinds of free coursesforunemployedINEM, distance learning courses and approved. Withthisapplicationyou can find free online courses especially withwhichto train youin any specialty you want. But also it has adatabasewith face incase you're not convinced or not you like thecoursesonlinecourses. In the database findasmany courses as courses in hairdressing,graphicdesign,mechanical, confectionery, food, hairdressing,computercourses,security guard, languages ​​like English,French,Portuguese,Chinese , Russian or German.Free courses.Within the section of the free courses, we can findplentyofcourses that can help us to improve our level of knowledgebasedonany particular matter. The main problem of the free coursesisthatin most cases do not receive certification. Althoughfromtheapplication for android "looking for courses" We have triedtohavethe free courses you can obtain certification and be abletohaveat least one certification of the course that has beendone.Thefree offer degree courses not you find in ourapplication,servemainly to obtain prior knowledge before decidingto pursue acourseof payment, and you can see if you really care ordevote timetothat course. To this they are phenomenal.Online courses.In applying seeking courses, we always try to focusononlinecourses. Why? Because the online courses offer anextraconveniencewithout classroom courses, and that can takewithoutscrolling tothe academy where they are to perform. Theonlinecourses arementioned in this application are courses whichcangetqualification without leaving home. Some online coursesyou'llfindin our application qualifications are:Nursing assistant course, gastronomy course,personaltrainingcourse, web design course, among others.Courses.The classroom courses are the most popular, especially thosethatareoffered through inem. In this application we have asectioncalled"INEM" where you will find a large number ofcoursesavailable forthe unemployed, which are totally free.We hope this application will enjoy and can findfreeonlinecourse search our database. We also recall that allcourseslistedin this application are owned by third parties, withwhom theownerof the application has nothing to do. This is apurelyinformativeapplication to search both online andclassroomcourses.
Udemy - Online Courses 9.25.0
Achieve your goals with online courses in Coding, Python, and more.
Cursos Grátis - PrimeCursos 1
A Prime Cursos do Brasil é referência emensinoa distância e conta com mais de 2,6 milhões de alunos noBrasil eexterior.Com este aplicativo você poderá ampliar ainda maisseusconhecimentos, podendo escolher entre mais de 170cursosgrátis.Nosso Cursos são Ideais para:- Horas Extra-Curriculares para Universidades/Escolas;- Progressão Funcional para funcionários Públicos;- Capacitação Profissional - aprenda uma nova profissão;- e muito mais.Ficou muito mais fácil investir em seu futuro e se mantersempreatualizado para o mercado de trabalho.Acesse nosso site e conheçamaissobre nosso portal.Curta também nossa FanPage e fiquepordentro dos lançamentos de novos cursos e novidades.Os melhores Cursos Grátis. Atualize-se agora mesmo!The Prime CoursesBrazilis a reference in distance learning and has more than 2.6millionstudents in Brazil and abroad.With this app you can further expand your knowledge andcanchoose from over 170 free courses.Our courses are Ideal for: - Hours Extra-Curricular for Universities / Schools; - Functional Progression to Government employees; - Professional Training - Learn a new profession; - And more.It was much easier to invest in your future and stay up todateon the labor market.Visit our site and learnmoreabout our website.Short also our FanPageandstay on top of the launches of new courses and new.Best Free Courses. Update yourself now!
Wlingua - Learn English 5.2.15
Complete English Course - Learn English with us
Curso de ortografía 1.0
¡El mejor curso de ortografía, gratisentuteléfono o tablet!Sin duda, escribir bien y sin errores es una cartadepresentaciónpara cualquier persona. Hoy en día, escribimoscorreoselectrónicos,mensajes, WhatsApps en nuestro trabajo y esmuyimportante hacerlocorrectamente.Aquí podrás encontrar todo lo que necesitas sabersobrelagramática ortográfica, basada en las normas de laRealAcademiaEspañola.Te invitamos a seguir nuestro curso gratis y aaprenderlosfundamentos de la ortografía: tipos de palabras,reglasdeacentuación, signos de puntuación, diptongosyhiatos,conjunciones, acrónimos, siglas, división depalabras,mayúsculas,numerales, errores comunes y mucho más.Descarga nuestra app y domina la ortografía y lapalabraescrita.20 módulos de fácil comprensión que te ayudaránpersonalyprofesionalmente.¡Un curso completísimo hecho por profesionalesespecialmenteparati! Y lo mejor de todo: ¡Gratis!Podrás bajar la app en tu teléfono móvil o tablet Androidyseguirel curso a tu ritmo, donde quieras y como quieras. Esuncursoaccesible para todos, para los que no tienenningúnconocimiento ytambién para aquellos que lo tienen ydeseanrefrescarlos.¡No esperes más , descarga esta app y entra almaravillosomundode la ortografía y la escritura!The best courseofspellingfor your phone or tablet!Without doubt, write well and without mistakes is alettertoanyone. Today, we write emails, messages, WhatsApps in ourworkanddo it correctly is very important.Here you can find everything you need to knowaboutgrammar,spelling, based on the rules of the RoyalSpanishAcademy.We invite you to follow our course for free and learnthebasicsof spelling: types of words, rules ofaccentuation,punctuation,diphthongs and hiatuses, conjunctions,acronyms,hyphenation,capitalization, numerals, common mistakes andmore.Download our app and dominates the spelling and thewrittenword.20 modules easy to understand to help youpersonallyandprofessionally.A very complete course done by professionals especiallyforyou!And best of all: Free!You can download the app on your Android mobile phoneortabletand follow the course at your own pace, wherever andhoweveryouwant. It is a course accessible to everyone, for thosewho havenoknowledge and for those who have and want to refreshit.Do not wait, download this app and enter the wonderfulworldofspelling and writing!
Cellular Repair Course 75.0
Course cell repair, cell repair learns step by step.
Coursera: Online courses 3.29.0
Learn on the go with the Coursera AppforAndroid. Access more than 1,000 courses andSpecializationsdeveloped by 140+ of the best colleges anduniversities in theworld, and advance your career or continue youreducation bymastering subjects from Python programming and datascience tophotography and music.Learn from top instructors in an engaging learningexperience:• Browse 1000+ courses in a variety of subject areas, from math,tomusic, to medicine• Stream lecture videos online any time, or download forofflineviewing• Transition seamlessly between web and app learning,withcoursework, quizzes and projects saved across bothplatforms• Learn in dozens of languages, including Chinese,Spanish,Portuguese, French, and Russian• Earn Course and Specialization Certificates and share yoursuccesswith employers, colleagues, and friendsAdvance your career or continue your education insubjectslike:• Computer Science: Programming, Mobile and Web Development• Data Science: Machine Learning, Statistics, ProbabilityandData• Business: Accounting, Marketing and Entrepreneurship• Sciences: Robotics, Chemistry, Nutrition, and Medicine• Art, including Design, Photography, Music, andCreativeWriting...and hundreds more!Earn a Certificate:Joining Coursera is free. To qualify to earn a certificate,enrollin a range of Specializations by paying per courseorSpecialization.Get to Know Us: http://www.coursera.orgLike Us on Facebook: Policy: of Service:
Curso de Contabilidad 1.0
Best Accounting course, free on your phone or tablet!
Makeup Course 80.0
Free makeup course, learning to apply makeup professionally stepbystep.
Administration Course 80.0
Free course management, learn to manage companies and businesses.
Electronics Course 90.0
Electronics Course, Learn about Electrical Systems and more.
PhotoMetrix 1.2.1
This app employs SingleLinearCorrelationtechnics for univariate analysis and PrincipalComponentAnalysis(PCA) for multivariate exploratory analysis. Theimage dataareacquired using the device main camera and convertedinRGBhistograms. In addition, apart color channels of RGB, HSV,HSLandHSI systems are used during the univariateandmultivariateprocesses. It is possible to send by e-mail theimagedata,analysis data and charts. In order to validatetheobtainedresults, the same sets of data were tested usingMicrosoftExcel©and ChemoStat©. The results in both applicationscoincidedinvarious combinations.This app calculates: eigenvalues, eigenvectors,scores,loadingsusing Singular Value Decomposition inMultivariateAnalysis.Also calculates: slope (span), intercept (off-set)andregression(Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient)inUnivariateCalibration Analysis.Also available in Windows Phone.
Qualifica Cursos e Carreiras 4.45.1
Online Courses Certificates, English, Graduate, Student Card and +
Cursos iPED 3.6.1
Cursos iPED
More than 1000 choices of courses with animations and also 100%onvideo lessons.
Tutellus - Cursos Online 2.15.19
Tutellus es la plataforma de educación online más grande delmundohispano. Más de 3 millones de usuarios, más de 600milalumnosactivos en 160 países haciendo más de 70.000 videocursos,nospermite ofrecerte cualquier tipo de Curso online, Carrera oTituloUniversitario. APRENDE A TU RITMO. TÚ CONTROLAS * Aprende loquenecesitas, con cursos online creados por profesionales. * Accedeamiles de cursos gratis, de universidades, empresas y profesores.*Crea Rutas formativas para que saques el máximo partido acadatemática. * Apúntate a tantos cursos como quieras, nuncacaducan:adaptamos la formación a ti. * Haz algún MOOC de tusUniversidadesfavoritas, pero sin los problemas de fechas paraempezar o acabar.* Consigue Certificados de los cursos que acabes,únicos eintransferibles. * Certifícate con Universidades y contítulosoficiales, con créditos ECTS incluidos. APRENDE PARA SERMEJOR *Usar Tutellus es fácil y gratis: instálate la Aplicación yapúntatea tantos cursos como quieras. * Los tendrás siempredisponiblesdesde el móvil, tablet o PC. * Podrás contactar con losalumnos yprofesores dentro de cada curso y en definitiva conseguirunasexperiencias formativas extraordinarias. MILES DE CURSOS GRATISYTOP SOBRE: * Programación, Desarrollo Web, APPs, Videojuegos,Java,Ruby, NodeJS, AngularJS, Docker, HTML5, Responsive,Javascript,Swift, Phyton, Django, Ionic, C, C# y otros. *Emprendedores,Ventas, Negocio, Trading, Marketing, SEO, SocialMedia, Coaching,PNL y Habilidades. * Diseño, ilustración,infoarquitectura, Unity,Maya, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign,Fireworks, Realidadaumentada y 3D, 3DMax y otros. * Office, Excel,WordPress, SAP,Productividad, ERP y CRM. * Inglés, francés, alemán,italiano,ruso, chino, portugués, japonés y lengua de signos. *Bebés,puericultura, deportes, yoga, repostería, cocina,recetas,restauración y moda. * Ciencias sociales, cienciasnaturales yciencias aplicadas. * Biología, matemáticas, física,química,teología, mercadotecnia e ingeniería. * TítuloUniversitarios,Diplomas y Cursos universitarios. Con más serviciosque los cursosde pago, los Títulos te darán acceso a unreconocimiento oficialpor parte de la Universidad asociada y acréditos ECTS. Tienestanto Diplomas como Cursos universitarios,expedidos por laUniversidad Católica de Murcia UCAM y laUniversidad Rey JuanCarlos URJC, y con hasta 12 ECTS. Recuerda quetienes MOOC enabierto y videocursos de todas las temáticas:Desarrollo Web y APP,Videojuegos, Coaching, Ventas, Fitness,Repostería, Yoga... todo loque puedas imaginar.
Curso de Memorização 1.3
12 aulas " ONLINE " exclusivas e umexercíciopara memória, que irão deixar você pronto para qualquerprova, sejaela de escola, faculdade ou concurso.Este curso vai lhe ensinar métodos simples que ajudam amemorizar dados importantes para sua vida e carreira alémdeaumentar sua velocidade de leitura e memorização de conteúdoscomo:números de telefone, nomes, texto , músicas e etc.Você também aprenderá sobre o funcionamento docérebro,concentração, observação e memorização .O aplicativo está de momento em versão BETA.Se tiver alguma crítica, sugestão, por favor não deixe umcomentárionegativo, mas envie uma mensagem a [email protected],para que possamos avaliar e efetuar eventuais atualizações. 😊Por Lorraine Moretti / Presidente Epitácio SPProjeto Educação com Tecnologia12 lessons "ONLINE"toexercise exclusive and one memory that will leave you ready foranyevent, be it school, college or contest.This course will teach you simple methods to help saveimportantdata to your life and career while increasing your readingspeedand retention of content such as phone numbers, names, text,musicand etc.You will also learn about brain function, concentration,observationand memorization.The app is currently in BETA version.If you have any criticisms or suggestions, please do not leaveanegative comment, but send a message to [email protected],sowe can evaluate and make any updates. 😊By Lorraine Moretti / President Epitácio SPEducation with Technology Project
Psychology Course 80.0
Psychology course, analyze and understand human behavior.
Pastry Course 80.0
Free course to learn how to prepare pastries pastry easily.
Marketing Course 80.0
Free marketing course, learn step by step marketing andmarketresearch.