Top 42 Apps Similar to Color LED Controller

LedMote - LED remote control 3.2.2
Control your LED-Stripes from Android devices!
Light Flow - LED Control
Light Flow allows you to take control ofyournotification on your device.It's main features are:- Controlling the notification LED for phones that havethem(cycling colors through outstanding notifications)- Sound control, including repeating sounds- Vibration control, including custom vibration patternsandrepeating vibrations- Android wear vibration support- Sleep times- Lock screen based notifications (on phones that supportlivewallpapers on lock screens)- Contact specific notifications for certainnotificationtypesThis program will allow you to control the notificationcolorfor* SMS messages,* MMS messages,* New Gmail messages* New e-mails* Calendar reminders* Missed calls* Low battery* Bluethooth* Google Talk notifications / Hangouts* Handcent* No signal* SMS Popup* ChompSMS* K9 mail* Silent modeYou can also set repeating sounds or vibration patterns foreachnotification type.It'll even push out notifications to your wearable deivcesandpebble smart watch.It works on non-rooted phones and also allows the colors to flashinsuccession, so if you have a new SMS and a missed call itcanalternate between the two colors. You can also setwhichnotification type has the highest priority and let it flash injustthat one color.Note that it will take over control of your notifications andyouwill therefore only get notifications for categories that theappallows.See our FAQ for more details: a full changelog see here: a full list of permissions required and why see here: issues/Limitations------------------------Not all phones support all colors or even have notificationLEDhardware in them.Some phones can only light up the notification while the screenisoff.Some phones cannot have their notification light always onSome phones cannot have their notification blink and it willalwaysbe on★ Reboot your phone after an upgrade if having problems★ For differences between the lite and full version see here:
Light Flow Pro - LED Control 3.99.00
Total notification control. LEDs, vibrations, sounds, sleeptimesand much more.
LED Control [ROOT] 1.3.5
Take charge of your Motorola's charging LED! **PLEASEREADDESCRIPTION**
LED Color Tester 1.71 - Added disco mode
Test the colors which the LED light on your phone can show
LED Blinker Notifications Lite 10.2.1
Mario Ostwald
LED, AoD, flash control for Facebook,Whatsapp & more, norealLED?Screen is used
MagicLight RGB LED Remote 4.1
RGB LED BULB (Universal LED) Remote
Alert Flash LED Color Call! 1.0
Get Flash Alert LED Call. with color alert on call or sms andeachapp.
LED Blinker Notifications Pro 10.2.1
Mario Ostwald
LED, AoD, flash control for Facebook,Whatsapp & more, norealLED?Screen is used
LED Control 1.0
Fennel Labs
Ambient light control made easy, millions of colors with one click.
RGB Remote 1.7
RGB Remote
Remote LED RGB 1.5.2
Remote Control for RGB LED light
LED Notifications 2.5
Pinnacle Labs
Notify your notifications with LED.
Light Flow Legacy :Led Control 3.99.00
Best version for Samsung android 6 phones. Total LEDcontrol,soundand much more
Flash Alerts LED - Call, SMS 1.8.3
RV AppStudios
Customize LED flash alert notifications for phone calls, sms(text),and email!
LED Scroller 21.0
Simple Electronic Displays App. Scrolling text is so easy.
Charging LED 0.6.0
Hairy Robot
Important: On Android 8.0 (API level 26) or above, dueto"Backgroundexecution limits" introduced in Oreo to improvebatterylife, Androidno longer register broadcast receivers forimplicitbroadcasts in themanifest, this mean Charging LED may takeup to3-4 minutes beforereceiving the signal from Android thatitdetected USB plugged in forcharging. Note: This does notaffectany apps that detect"ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED" in a service,sinceCharging LED is designedspecifically to avoid a constantlyrunningservice, it is somethingthat can't be avoided. BatteryChargingLED is developed and testedfor the Galaxy Nexus, becausethe phonedon't provide any indicationduring charging. It may workson otherphones (NO GUARANTEE). Oncethe app is installed and setup,thephone's LED will blink indifferent colour during chargingwhenscreen off (Androidconstraint). Features: * Definable LEDblinkrate * Definable LEDcolour * Definable battery level interval*Charging statusnotification * Charging sound notification*Import/Export settings(Advanced users can edit the colour hexcodein ini file, and importsettings for more precise colour) ***Forusers wanting to enter HEXcolour code, follow below steps:(1)Export settings to storage (2)Edit the exportedChargingLED.inifile with required colour code (3)Import theChargingLED.ini backto the app *** Important *** Read theHelp andFAQ inside the app,it provide important information on howto setupthe app. *** Note*** If you do decide to rate this app,positive ornegative, pleaseinclude your device type and os version,as thiswould help otherusers. Thanks. Localization: * English *Chinese(繁體/简体) ***IMPORTANT *** - LED will only light up when thescreenis off. -Lollipop users should ensure "Settings >Sound&notification > Interruptions > When notificationarrive"isset to "Always interrupt", otherwise, LEDnotificationfromCharging LED may not be recognize. *** For Nexus 5XusersonAndroid 7 *** 1 - Goto "Settings > System UI Tuner>Other> Power Notification Controls" and turn it on. 2-Goto"Settings > Notifications > Charging LED" andchangethenotification level from Auto (tap on the 'A') to Level 4(onelevelhigher to the right). Note: The above options may alsoexistsondifferent devices, so take a look yourself. Thanks toanonymousforthe above info left in comment. *** For Samsung GalaxyNexus(4.2+)*** Comment dated 2012-12-29, report "Daydream" featuredoesnotconflict with the app, but as always the screen needs to beoffforthe LED to light up. Thanks you for the report. ***ForSamsungGalaxy S3 users *** The GS3 actually have a builtincharging LEDindicator option. The app maybe having conflictwiththis option,try disable this first. "Setting > LEDindicator> Charging".Again, as I don't own a GS3, appreciateanyone witha GS3 to testthis out and report finding. *** ForAndroid 7.1.1(Lineage OS) ***Try set notifications to be at leastlevel 4. Thismay also applyto all Android 7. So give it a check.The code isopen source andavailable ongithub:
LED me know BETA 1.09.01
Configure LED color and frequencyforGmail,SMS, missed calls...ONLY AVAILABLE AT THE MOMENT FOR HTC DESIRE 2.2. IDONOTGUARANTEE FULL FUNCTIONALITY ON OTHER DEVICES. Staytunedforupdates! Nexus one, among other devices, will be supportedsoonandnew functionalities will be added such asGmaillabelsnotifications!PROGRESS UPDATE: I did not give up on gingerbread, I'mworkingona new update that is working on 2.3, you coulddownloadapre-release on xda forum thread.GMAIL UPDATE: Google has block 3rd Party apps fromgmail2.3.5.There is no way to get gmail info right now (as youcouldcheck onevery other gmail-related app). I'm working to fix theFCcaused bythis blocked. Meanwhile, if you want thesegmail-relatedapps towork, you could uninstall last gmail update.Sorry fortheinconvenience...
Flash Notification 2 3.53
Flash Notification 2 is more simple, easy, powerful thanpreviousversion.
Color LED Flashlight & FLASH
Bright LED flashlight app. Strobe light mode enables strongcameraflash light
🏅 The World's #1 Flashlight. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 The Brightest &FastestFlashlight🔦 .
Flashlight 8.7
🔥 The world's #1 flashlight, the brightest light app is free nowforandroid.
LED Scrollers NEW 2016 5.0
Brings the concert, dance of the album,andanother fun place for you with this application LEDscreenticker!Write any message!Write the languages!This application screen LED allows you to write a message,selectthe speed, color, flashing and move the text to thesides.It can also display the banner advertisement and electricsignquotes LED.This LED scrolling marquee sample application has asimpleinterface. It is easy to use. A very simple electronicdisplayapplication!Better than real Board LED display image or text.Support of loop playback and audio recording.Support up to four memory.Show your own images.Up to three lines.Each line can set colors, speed, font size, and image.You can put the image anywhere in between the text.Totally free.
Flashlight: Torch Light 3.0.6
RV AppStudios
Brightest and fastest flashlight, plus the amazing features inaflashlight.
LED Scroller (Banner + Record) 3.1.0
Free LED Banner!Seize the attention of everyone's attention!Enjoyit.
LED Scroller - Electronic disp 4.5
Illuminated sign on a LED display. It supports emoticons.
LED Flash Alerts on Call & SMS 1.7
LED Flash Alerts on Call, SMS and Notification
LED Flashlight 2.6
The most powerful Flashlight .
LED Scrolling Text Display 3.00
A realistic dot matrix LED display with adjustable glow spreadandbrightness.
Flashlight & LED Torch
* Instantly turn your phone into abrightflashlight!* The brightest, fastest, and most handy LED flashlight!* The Flashlight you will never forget to bring when in need!* With the most elegant design and the fastest startup,TheFlashlight takes full advantage of the LED light!Note: The Flashlight App need camera permission ofyourdevice(flashlight hardware is attached the Camera, for openingthelight. It's the reasonable and necessarypermissionrequest).Features :• The brightest illuminator ever• Fastest startup flashlight• Strobe mode with sensitive frequency controller• Built-in SOS flashlight signal• Intuitive and elegant UI design• Enjoy the cam LED light!* Our Facebook Page:
Just LED Display 3.7
Just SW
Just Simulate LED display,you can customize text, dot size,effectand speed.
Flashlight 55.3.57
Flashlight app with a quick start and works even if the screenisoff
Check IR LED Remote Control 1.4
Check the battery status and LED, of anytheremote control.It´s a program providing this simple trick. Works withanycamera.Tested with LG and HTC Optimus X2 Magic.*Old Changes*Fixed a problem with the camera.Font size increased.Reduced file size.Move to SD.
Flashlight X 4.544
🏅Flashlight Design. I trust in simplicity and castdoubtoncomplexity. 🏅Flashlight Compatibility. I carefully tuneourdesignfor most Android devices. 🏅Flashlight Integrity. I giveyoumy wordthat your information will never be collected bythisApp.🏅Flashlight Quality. It comes smaller App size andfasterloadtime. Flashlight apps are useful for many reasons,fromfindingyour way around at night, to sending flashlightsignals,toenjoying your favorite concert with flashlight. This isone ofthebest flashlight apps on android. Flashlight is simple.Thisfreeflashlight app created by a small development team. BoththeCameraflash and on-screen flashlights are able to go toyourdevice'smaximum brightness. The Flashlight has a veryintuitiveuserinterface and navigation. There are also quite afewusefulfeatures such as choosing various colors fortheon-screenflashlight and using the camera flashlight at thesametime asother apps, but not so many features that itisoverwhelming. Werecommend this flashlight app to anyone as agoodgeneral purposeflashlight app. Flashlight apps are evolving.Googlebegan addingflashlight free feature to Android as early asLollipopand OEMshave been including free flashlight on their OEMskins forfarlonger. The need for free flashlight dwindles as themarketsharefor newer versions of Android receivehigherproliferation.However, we have not forgotten about those ofyou outthere whoprefer having a third party free flashlight app orhavedevices tooold to have its own flashlight. Here, we have afreeflashlight appthat has the bare minimum permissions thatshouldwork perfectlyfor you. This free flashlight torch has as fewas two(Internetaccess for advertising, and then the camerapermission).Thissurely is the best flashlight app for Android! ThisFlashlightis ajam packed free flashlight app with all theflashlightfeaturesmost users would ever need. It is one of the mostrichflashlightapp on the Google Play Store in useful features.Itincludes usefulfunctions for anything from camping todanceparties, withfunctions like a compass and custom Morsecodetransmitter. Werecommend this app to any avid survivalist oranyonewho wants lotsof extra features in their flashlight app. Thisisone of the mostpopular free flashlight apps. It also has ametricton of features.The flashlight can strobe in variouspatterns.There is alsoemergency flashlight effect. It basicallydoeseverything youexpect from a free flashlight torch. Theflahslightapp is entirelyfree with no in-app purchases. Flashlightis ansimple, freeflashlight app with all the basic features theaverageuser wouldneed. This Flashlight has an easy to use interfacewith auniqueatheistic that mimics a real flashlight. Flashlightincludesa fewuseful features including a Morse code SOS transmitterand astrobeflashlight feature. We recommend this flahslight apptoanyone whowants a stunning flashlight user interface andbasicflashlightfunctionality. This LED Flashlight is ausefullightweightflashlight app. It has the smallest download sizeofallFlashlights on the Google Play Store. Althoughtheflashlightvaries by device so that is not necessarily the caseforyourdevice. It is equipped with basic camera flashlightandstrobeflashlight features. We recommend this flashlight apptoanyone whojust wants a bare bones camera flashlight onlyflashlightapp.Flashlight is a free flashlight app with alltheflashlightfeatures almost any user would ever want. Flashlightisone of thetop apps on the Google Play Store in creativeflashlightfeatures.Flashlight has tons of functions availableespecially fortheon-screen flashlight. This free flashlight workswith thescreenoff. There is some advertising but it does not get inthe wayoffunctionality. The flashlight is completely free andhasnounnecessary permissions. Hope you enjoy this freeflashlight.TEAM
LED Torch: Flashlight 2.22.1
ASH Apps
Powerful and brightest torch light when you are in dark. Neverlivein the dark.
Moto Led Enabler 4.0
Ton Rios
Enable LED notifications on your Moto X
RGB LED Controller 1.0
Majid Razmjoo
RGB LED Controller allows you tocontrolRGBLEDs by WIFI, Bluetooth, SMS.App changes colour and enables to apply some effects on RGB LEDs.The application is in trial mode and will need to send provided key and the company willprovideyouactivation code through SMS.
LED Resistor Calculator 1.1.1
Jacksoft Labs
Calculate the right resistence for your LEDs!
Led Flashlight (+widget)
Touch to make a light!
LED Text Scroller 1.09
Blue Wave
Display the picture and text better than real LED board.
LED Notification Manager 0.68
The application allows to set own LED diode configurationfornotifications.
Magic-LED 2.1.0
MagicLife is designed for full color LED controller via bluetooth.