Top 14 Apps Similar to Multi-Tool

multitool 1.0
Why use multiple app in your Smartphone. Ifoneapp provides all facility you needed?Yes, our multitool app provides 14 different tools. Whichgivesyou easy access to the Daily useful utilities and tools onyourFinger tip?Multitool has 14 tools and utilities:-1) Currency Converter:- Convert currency to another CurrencyEx.USD TO GBP2) Flashlight:- Flashlight is like torch in your hand3) QRCode Reader4) BarCode Reader5) Compass6) Word Clock7) Metal detector8) Scientific Converter: you can convert weight,Temperature,Length, Power, Energy, Velocity, Area etc...9) Calculator10) Tips Calculator:11) Language Translator:-12) Stopwatch13) Timer14) Speedometer:- Speedometer you can use when you drive. yougethow much speed your vehicle Make sure your GPS is enableotherwiseSpeedometer not workYour feedback must be appreciate
Multi Tool Compass, Magnifier, Flashlight and Camera all in one.
PER Multiherramienta Maritima 1.1
¡Ahora por 1,99€ durante tiempo limitado!Multiherramienta marítima - marina - nautica conmúltiplesinformaciones:* Boyas* Banderas y Morse.* Situación de faros respecto posición gps.* Maniobras y abordajes.* Información sobre Salvamento Maritimo y botones dellamadadirecta* Información sobre uso de radio.* Enlaces directos a la web del ministerio de fomento PuertosPortusy a localizadotodo desde la que puedes ver en tiempo real lamayoríade las posiciones de buques y aviones, así como informaciónsobreellos, nombre, eslora, manga, velocidad mssi y mas.Perfecta como ayuda al estudio del titulo Patrón deEmbarcaciónde Recreo - PER -.Añadiremos mas opciones en próximas actualizacionesNow at € 1.99 foralimited time!Maritime multitool - Marine - nautica multi information:                                   *Buoys                                   *Flagsand Morse.                                   *Locationheadlight position on gps.                                   *Operationsand approaches.                                   *Informationon Maritime Salvage and direct call buttons                                   *Informationon use of radio.                                   *Directto the site of the ministry building Ports Portusalreadylocalizadotodo links from which you can see in real timethemajority of the positions of ships and aircraft, as wellasinformation about them, name, length, beam, MSSI speedandmore.Perfect as an aid to the study of pattern title pleasure craft-PER -.We will add more options in future updates
Network Utilities 8.1.8
First Row
Network tools, those must have every system administrator
Wilderness Multitool 1.0.0
Luke Birtzer
Mother nature can’t hide any longer fromtheglories of modern technology. Now, you never have to beaway,helpless, from your better half (your smartphone of course).Withthe Wilderness Multi Tool App, you can venture into the voidwiththe full confidence of Android innovation in your hand. Startafire with ease, repel those pesky mosquitoes, stay warm, andbesure of your next meal all with the swipe of a finger.[Disclaimernot intended for actual survival situations, or otheractual uses.Use at own risk].
Multi Window : Split Screen 1.0
Music Amp
Multi Window : Split Screen (Multi Tasking) Now you can usetwoappsor more than two apps at a single screen. You can usemultipleappsat a time in a Screen and no need to switch tasks. YouCanAlsoCreate Shortcuts Of Your Installed System Apps IconIntoMultiWindow Tray. And By Clicking On These Shortcuts Icons,YouCanEasily Switch From One Task To Another During.>>MultiWindow Apps Features :: ** Always on top of all apps.** Youcan resize apps. ** Minimize and Swap Right to maximize. **MultiTasking: Use two or more than apps in a single screen >>Youcanalso use System Apps Shortcut in sidebar And you can useit.Note :This app split your screen two or more than two parts. IfYouhaveany query : Mail us on :: [email protected]
Spark Cleaner 1.6
Can't wait the moment when your appsstartrunning fast as never before? Still seeking for a powerfulcleanmaster or a hard drive cleaner with multiple necessary toolsforyour Android phone or tablet? We've got a gift for you! Themostefficient trash cleaner, speed booster, battery and ramoptimizerand app manager are together in one app!Spark Cleaner is just what you need among other junk cleanersforAndroid to keep your device in order to perform all necessarytasksmore quickly and properly. It's not only a cleaner tool butalso amobile optimizer including memory booster's and ramcleaner'sfacilities.With Spark Cleaner you are able to:- search trash and and consumptive apps- kill all unwanted processes and apps running inthebackground- clean ram and cache very effectively- monitor cpu temperature to prevent its overheating- change color themes of the appHave you tested all popular cleaning apps, task killers andphonecleaners and never feel satisfied? Try this clean master litebutextremely functional and simple to use at the same time.You'llappreciate this junk file cleaner’s reliability! This taskkillerwill resolve most of the device's problems with just one tap.Rambooster and speed booster are accelerating the speed of yourphoneor tablet so that you'll not recognise your device.This smart cleaning master has several importantpercentageindicators on the main panel displaying:- operative memory usage- CPU usage- available internal memory space- temperature of the deviceClean every corner of your device with great carefulness! Choosethetrash cleaner for Android functioning as easy cache cleaner,storagespace cleaner, SD card cleaner as well as RAM boosterperforming RAMcleanup. Be a perfectionist!Just look at what the Android optimizer menu offers:- quick trash search- perfect app manager- battery consumption checkup- history cleaningBesides, if you need a phone booster (data booster, game booster)toaccelerate your device, you don't have to search for a separateapp.Spark Cleaner can cope with slowing down problem includingmemoryboost and let you enjoy each moment you spend at your phoneortablet.Don't hesitate when it comes to selecting among cleaner appsandinstall Spark Cleaner for it's the most efficient memorycleanerand system optimizer you've ever had!
Random Generator 2.0.1
Your swiss tool in the world full of random events.
شمرا 6.1
Prime Tech
شمرا هو مشروع تم تطويره من قبل شركة ذكاء الأعمالللبرمجياتش.م.مالمرخصة تحت رقم (8087) حسب قانون تنظيم الشركات فيالجمهوريةالعربيةالسورية. يسعى شمرا لأن يكون رافداً أساسياً لسوقصناعةالبرمجيات منخلال تشكيله منصة تسهل الوصول إلى محتوىالمواقعالإلكترونية السوريةبأول وأضخم عملية أرشفة وتنقيح لصفحات هذهالمواقعمع إمكانيات بحثضمن هذا المحتوى متطورة الخوارزميات ومتعددةالأدواتوالإمكانات.إضافة إلى ذلك يسعى شمرا إلى تقديم باقة منالخدماتالإلكترونية التيتهم المستخدم السوري على الأراضي السورية أوفي بلادالإغتراب، إضافةإلى المستخدم غير السوري المهتم بالشأن السوريسواءالسياسي،التاريخي، الجغرافي، الاقتصادي، الرياضي،الأكاديمي،الفني،الاستثماري .... وغيرها من المناحي الأخرى. يرحبالقائمون علىمشروعشمرا بأي اقتراحات أو ملاحظات تسهم في تطويرخدماتهوتحسينهاوالارتقاء بها إلى مستوى تطلعات المستخدمين والسوقالسوريةعلى حداسوء. شمرا ويب: يقوم شمرا بأرشفة وتنقيح محتوىالمواقعالإلكترونيةالسورية المسجلة على الشبكة العنكبوتية، كما يتيحخدمةالبحث ضمن هذاالمحتوى المؤرشف وفق إمكانيات بحث عالية، مع تمكينميزةالإكمالالتلقائي لمعايير البحث. إضافة إلى أشكال متقدمة منالبحثالمخصصوالاستعلامات الخاصة. شمرا أماكن: تسعى شمرا لبناء قاعدةبياناتشاملةبكافة الأماكن السورية (فعاليات سياحية، تجارية،خدمية،طبية،تعليمية، دينية ....) مع تمكين عمليات بحث ضمن قاعدةالبياناتهذه،إضافة إلى ذلك تتيح قيام تفاعل بين مستخدمي شمرا وهذهالأماكن منخلالتسجيل التعليقات وتحميل الصور وتقييم الأماكن. بإمكانمستخدميشمراتسجيل أماكنهم وتعديل بياناتها من خلال تطبيق شمراموبايل.شمراأخبار: تقوم خدمة شمرا أخبار بالجلب التلقائي لكافةالأخبارلحظةوقوعها من باقة من المواقع الإلكترونية ووكالاتالأنباءوالصحفوأرشفتها وإتاحة تصفحها والبحث ضمن هذا الأرشيف. بإمكانمستخدميشمراموبايل تلقي إشعارات لحظية بالأخبار الواردة من خلالتفعيلميزةالإشعارات من خدمة الأخبار. يسعى شمرا بشكل دائم إلىتوسيعقاعدةمصادر الأخبار لديه بحيث يقدم تغطية شاملة لمجملالأحداثالسوريةوالعالمية والمحلية والإقتصادية والرياضية. شمراأكاديميا:تعمل هذهالخدمة على بناء أول وأكبر أرشيف أكاديمي يتضمنالأبحاثوالمقالاتوالرسائل الجامعية وحلقات البحث والكتب المنفذة فيكافةالجامعاتالسورية. حيث تتيح للمستخدم إضافة نص أطروحته أوبحثهوالأوراقالعلمية التي نشرها إلى أرشيف شمرا أكاديميا. تملك خدمةشمراأكاديميامزايا متقدمة لناحية خيارات البحث والفلترةومتابعةالباحثينوالمواضيع والكلمات المفتاحية وتلقي إشعارات بأينشاطات لاحقةتطرأ فيهذا المجال، مما سيؤهلها مع تنامي المحتوى المؤرشفمن أن تكونموئلاًاساسياً لكل الطلبة والباحثين والأكاديميين والمهتمينمهماتنوعتاهتماماتهم. إضافة لكل ماسبق، قام فريق التطوير فيشمرابإضافةإمكانية مميزة إلى خدمة شمرا أكاديميا، وهي أرشيفالمنحالجامعيةوالذي يقدم للطالب تعريفاً محدثاً بمختلف المنح المقدمةمنالجامعاتوالبرامج حول العالم، مجالاتها، مواعيدها وشروط التقدمإليها.شمرافيديو: تتضمن خدمة شمرا فديو أرشيفاً كبيراً من مقاطعالفديووالأفلاموالأغاني والمسلسلات ... وغيرها حيث أن بإمكان مستخدمهذهالخدمةالبحث عن المقاطع التي يرغب بها، كما أن بإمكانهمتابعتهاأوتحميلهافي الوقت الذي يرغب به. خدمة توقعات الطقس: وهي خدمةلحظيةتتيحللمستخدم الاطلاع على توقعات الطقس المحتملة في مكان تواجدهأو فيأيمكان على الأراضي السورية، وذلك لليوم الحالي أوالأيامالقريبةالقادمة. يقوم محرك البحث شمرا بجلب بيانات الطقس لحظةبلحظةمن واحدةمن أهم وكالات الطقس المعروفة والموثوقة عالمياً. خدمةأسعارالعملات:برزت الحاجة لهذه الخدمة من خلال التغيرات المتسارعة فيمجالسعرالصرف وتقلباته اليومية. تتيح هذه الخدمة التعرف بشكل محدثعلىنشرةأسعار العملات بحسب مصرف سورية المركزي وأسعار التداول،إضافةإلىأمكانية استقراء هذه التغيرات على فترة زمنية معينة منخلالمخططاتالتغير في هذه الأسعار. خدمة الترجمة: ترجمة النصوص مناللغةالعربيةإلى الانكليزية وبالعكس مع مجموعة ترجمات بديلةوإمكانيةاقتراح ترجمةأدق.
Best Tools Free 1.4
Netigen Tools
The Best Tools is a free set of 8applicationswhich can help you in your daily life! Now you can have8applications in one!The Best Tools app consists of:- Compass - By showing you all four cardinal directions,theapplication is a simple tool that will prevent you fromgettinglost! Professional look, magnetic and true heading,magneticdeclination, measurement of angles, gps coordinates andlocationwill make using of this application a pleasure.- Flashlight – This app offers you lots of different modesoflight, check them all! Flashlight is an user-friendly torchandnicely designed utility, which allows users to bright upthedarkness. It doesn't matter anymore if your mobile device has aLEDlight, because Best Flashlight is the only lighting tool youwillever need.- Level – this smart app lets you to check if themeasuredsurface is truly eve, and what’s more, it measures thelevelsimultaneously in two dimensions – horizontal and vertical.Ifmeasured surface is even, the ball shown on screen will becamered.You can use it to measure the elevation, roof, shelf -anyinclination. It uses accelerometer to help you test (almost)anyobject for plumb/level and has display that shows numericanglewith or without decimals.- Magnifier – Enlarge and see everything in great detailwheneveryou need! The app allows you to freeze the screen andreadcomfortably without hurry. If needed, you can also use aflashlightof your smartphone to illuminate a magnified image.- Vibration Meter – It’s a smart app which can measurethevibration (seismograph, body tremor, seismometer). Using thephonesensors to measure the vibration or even the earthquake, theappshows you a refercence as a seismic detector.- Metal Detector – By measuring the magnetic field value, theappdetects the presence of metal nearby. This useful app usesthemagnetic sensor built-in your mobile device and showsmagneticfield level in μT.Metal Detector allows to identify any metal object in area,becauseall metals generate magnetic field which strength can bemeasuredwith this tool.- Breathalyser - the app allows you to check youralcoholintoxication level and predicts when you will be soberenough tosafely drive a car.- Morse Translator - Using a flashlight built in your phone,theapp sends and receives information encrypted in Morse Code.
Multi Window Luncher 1.0
Multi Window Is the app by which we canAnAppBy Which You Can Create Shortcuts Of Your Installed AppsIconIntoMultiple Window Tray.know a lot of custom roms have enabled all apps formultiwindowby default, but I find this bogs down the launch bar,nottomention it's no fun digging through 2-300 apps to find theonesyouactually want to use in split screen.Now Enjoy With Multi Window Experience In Your MobilePhoneAlso.Install This Free Tool To Create Your Favorite ListOfInstalledIcons In Your Phone. And Easily Switch From One TaskToAnotherDuring Your Current Task.You Can Also Create Shortcuts Of Your Installed SystemAppsIconInto Multi Window Tray.And By Clicking On These Shortcuts Icons, You Can EasilySwitchFromOne Task To Another During.Side Bar Multi Window is a free application to provideyoutheease of accessing your applications from anywhere. It isjustaside launcher with your favorite applications. Shortcutsofyourselected favorite applicationsThis window system if you wish, zoom to fullscreenoperationsminimized by bringing the screen if you wish, youcanuseefficiently.It is a free application,Let user interact and open allapptheylike in all screen working.It displays a desktop screen on your device. ImagesareWebMstreaming with NDK decoding and GPU rendering. So, itsresponseisfast. However, you can disable a screen capture if youdon'tneedit. It displays a grid or a central circle then.Features Are ::- No root required- Long press on item and drag drop for re-arrange icons.- You can use both sides tray left and right.- You Can Change text color,text size and text visibility.- You can Change Slider Layer default themes andyourchoicewallpaper in your phone- customized slider layer background color (By Color Picker).- You can customize animation speed of slide bar.- You can change size and opacity of tab button.- Easy to change Tab and style of tab.- set line on multi tasking bar.- Easy to use and smooth.- Starts automatically when Reboot device.- Takes less space of Ram and perform well.- Your device never create any problem by using this app.
Twins Multi Accounts 4.6
Imperial App
Do you need to login to your differentsocialnetworking accounts at the same time?Need avoid to log in again and again to checkdifferentaccounts?Want to balance your work & personal life?Twins Multi account creates clones of apps & installs theminits secure virtual space.Twins multi account is the only multi account whichsupportsmore than 2 clones of the same app. So, Why stick with 2,when youcan have many clones.Incognito Installation : Twins multi account alsosupportsincognito installation through which you can hide app fromoutsidesystem. Just uninstall the app from outside after cloningtheapp.It enables you to create & run multiple accounts ofyourfavorite apps on same device.Twins Multi account allows you to log into multiple accounts insameapp at the same time.You can clone and run any app in Twins Virtual Space.All games & social networking apps can be cloned.Key Features:-Easily add new accounts to log in.Incognito InstallationMore than 2 clonesGet notifications of your twin apps.Two apps can stay running at the same timeEasily Differentiate between real & twin appFree and no limits on the addition of apps.Tested on all devices with all famous social networking andgamingappsNo Root Access & Signup RequiredNotifications:-Please add Twins Multi Accounts to white list or exceptional listofsome "boost apps" to ensure that notification of somesocialnetworking apps functions well.Memory:-Twins Multi Account itself doesn't take up too much memory,batteryand data by which are actually consumed by the appsrunninginsidePermissions:-Twins Multi Account needs to apply for the permissions requiredbythe apps added in Twins Account to function normally. Forexample,if Twins Multi Account is not permitted to acquire yourlocation,you will be unable to send your location to your friendsin someapps that run in Twins Multi Account.Twins Multi Accounts does not collect your personalinformationto protect your privacy.Upcoming Features:-Private app and app lock featuresA VPN tunnel for all apps running inside Twins Multi Accounts.So, Add an app & enjoy it.
Multi window 1.01
*********** Multi window ***********Multi window is a unique app with user can create yourownmultiwindow view .Multi window app is differents type of app with usercanlaunchany loaded app.Features :-*** initial loading all the application and his features*** reload new download/install app(if application is notviewappgallery)*** user choose 9 differents theme*** how to use option is avaiable
Location frOm Chip - LOC LITE 1.0
Location from Chip (LoC) [Android] is auserfriendly GPS data logger for positioning data. Severaldifferentlogging intervals can be selected (5 Hz mode is currentlylimitedby GPS API and on experimental stage) for obtaininghistoricdata.Hence LoC can be used beyond common specialized applicationsinsports and leisure (riding, hiking, para gliding, freeriding,skiing, bycicling, jogging, etc.).In the area of Quality Management of transportation systemsthedevelopment of new applications for travellers LoC offersoptimalassistance for system operators, researchers andtechnicians:Purchasing costs for stand alone GPS-Logging Devicesfor datacollection can be saved, insofar the personnel uses AndroidV2.1 orhigher smartphones.The local data base containing historic data can beeasilyexported to the exernal SD card where a data transferbye-mail, Bluetooth or USB can be initiated. Furthermore thetracksand manual defined points of interests (POI) can be exportedas kmlfor the integration in GIS-Systems like Google Maps, GoogleEarthor Quantum GIS.An allrounder with privacyThose who like an application for more than one specializeduse-casewill find a good and on different devices (Samsung GalaxySI 9000,Google Nexus S, HTC Desire, Sony Ericsson Active) testedallrounder.The local data management on the device and the willfulmanual datatransfer avoid violations of privacy by unwantedautomatic datatransfers into the cloud.LITE Version:- local SQLite data base for export (miniSD-card needed!)- extended kml export with predefined POI attribution forfurthertreatment in Google Earth- WGS84 X,Y (including accuracy cirlces!)- bearing- speed- altitude- number of satelites in fix and available- estimated accuracy- kml-Export is limited to 100 points in LITE Version- SQLite-DB export: enables further raw data treatment forengineers, researchers & enthusiasts.Install LOC PRO Version for unlimited kml-Export functionandstay tuned for the latest updates!