Top 16 Apps Similar to Control Domótico Versiones DA.

DomoArd 3.0
Paulo Marques
DomArd lets you control your Arduinodigitalpins via Wireless LAN.Just connect you Arduino, with an ethernet shield, to yourhomenetwork and with your phone connected, via wireless, toyournetwork you can control your home equipments.Next version will let you control the analog pins.You can give names to the buttons (like lights living room)andeach button is linked to a pin of your Arduino.With DomoArd you can make your own domotics ou yoursmarthome(home automation). Open your home gate, your garage doororturn on your water system.This version lets you controls digital pins 2 to 11 ofyourArduino.After you get the DomoArd you will get your Arduino code viayoure-mail to download to your Arduino.This version uses UDP that is blocked by many networkprovidersin this case this only works in your private network.
DomoticApp 1.0.2
Aplicación Domotica conBluetoothparaArduinoApplicationforHomeAutomation with Arduino Bluetooth
DOmotiCA 1.3
Mediante Arduino un modulo H-04 bluetooth y un pequeñohardware,podràs controlar, cualquier dispositivo de tu casa. Paraver eltutorial de hardware sigue estelink:
Home Automation Arduino Pro 1.0
Domoticasa Arduino Pro lets you control your home devicesviasmartphones . Just connect your Arduino to a relay board andabluetooth module and program it with code that is located atthebottom of the page . Great for those who want to create aprojectto take the state exam or for those who want to indulge inthehobby . FUNZIONALITA` - Control room temperature - He tookcontrol- Gate Control - Temperature control - Air conditioningcontrol andheating HARDWARE - An Arduino , Arduino Mega , yunArduino orArduino Leonardo - Bluetooth Module HC - 05 and HC - 06-Temperature sensor LM35 - Relay board For the installationdiagramand the sketch pleasevisit:
Smart home remote control 1.0
Build your own smart home network based on easy-to-setup components
Arduino Sesli Kontrol 2.0
Mustafa Coban
Arduino kartinizi veatmelserisimikrokontrolleri bluetooth ile kontrolkablosuzkontroledebilirsiz.İsterseniz sesli komutlar verebilir istediğinizevotomasyonlarınıhayata geçirebilirsiniz.Tüm çıkışları tek tek açabilir ve kapatabilir yada tekkomutiletüm çıkışları açıp kapatabilirsiniz.Arduino cancheckoutforyour card and atmel microcontroller series wirelesscontrollerwithbluetooth.If you want you want you can spend home automation cangivevoicecommands to life.All outputs can open and close individual can close oropenalloutputs with a single command.
Bentel Security Absoluta PRO
Imavis Srl
ABSOLUTA APP is the Application fromBentelSecurity planned to help the users to manage ABSOLUTAcontrolpanels remotely and easily from their smartphone!To connect with the panel, just use an ABSOLUTA control panelwithGSM/GPRS board or with the new ABS-IP board.With this App the user can manage the following option ontheinstallation:• Check the status (areas and zones) of more than twodifferentalarm panels in real time or in SMS mode• Arm and disarm the system in 4 different modes• Check and clear warnings, faults, alarm memories andtampermemories• Access to the event log• Output and scenarios activation for home automationfeaturesWith the new ABSOLUTA APP, managing the alarm system has neverbeenso easy!For optimal operation we recommend updating the panel firmwaretoversion3.50.82( App version 2.1.9 is working with: Android 4.4.x, 4.3.x,4.2.x,4.1.x, 4.0.x, 2.3.x and tablets.The App version 2.2 is working with: Android 6.0.x, 5.0.x,4.4.x,4.3.x, 4.2.x, 4.1.x and tablets.
CMML Control Domotico 0.2
APP para el control domóticodeperiféricosmediante la activación de reles con la placadenuestrafabricación.Permite la activación de los reles con programaciónhorariaymanual.Creado por Carlos Manuel Moreno López -INGENIEROTECNICOINDUSTRIALAPP controlforhomeautomation peripherals by activating relays withourmanufacturingplate.It allows activation of the relays with timeandmanualprogramming.Created by Carlos Manuel Moreno López - Industrial Engineer
Active Home Vista 2.6
Active Home Vista for all your home automation applications!
domovea v1
domovea is the dashboard of your home automation. Onlycompatiblewith TJA450
Domotica Undici 1.2.4a
Eleven manages your home automation system directly fromyoursmartphone.
House Pi Automação Residencial 1.3.3
Este aplicativo funciona exclusivamente com oservidordesenvolvidopor mim. O mesmo roda em Raspberry Pi efunciona deforma integradacom uma placa de expansão(és desteaplicativo é possível: -Controlar iluminação ouqualquer outracarga de 110/220v; - Sistemade alarme - com estadoem tempo realde cada sensor; - Visualizarcâmera de segurança(USB); -Visualizar temperatura e umidade dolocal; - Reproduzirmúsicas(Via HDMI ou P2); - Reproduzir vídeos viaHDMI; -Adicionaragendamentos para acionar equipamentos/alarme;Agora opróprioaplicativo instala tudo que é necessário no seuRaspberryPi!
SmartHome 1.0
The SmartHome application enablesremotemonitoring of temperature indoor and outdoor, controlfunctionon/off lights and home appliances. Additionally allows tosend textcommands to server using TCP/IP communication.This application is based on the TCP/IP client socket which canbeconnected to server socket program running on single boardcomputeror microcontroller (e.g. Raspberry Pi, Arduino).All text command sent to server and received responses fromserversocket, user can edit in application settings.Socket server source code example and instruction how to runserveron Linux (Raspberry Pi):
Noil -Domotica con Arduino- 2.2.4
Noè Marullo
La prima App ufficiale della Noilpercontrollare in modo facile ed economico tutto ciò che volete.Laparte fisica della struttura e basata su Arduino Uno completadischeda di rete e scheda a relè a otto canali, collegate tra diloroavrete a disposizione 8 contatti di tipo ON/OFF o di tipoPulsante(potete settarli come meglio credete). colleganto unsensore LM35alla porta A0 sarete in grado di rilevare latemperaturanell'ambiente circostante. Per quando riguarda lasicurezza, oltread avere la possibilità di abilitare una portaspecifica deveessere autentificato da un codice (lo si può variarea vostropiacimento all'interno dell'IDE di Arduino) presente nelsoftwareche si trova all'interno dell'Arduino (Key Code). Ilprogetto natoqualche mese fà è in pieno sviluppo e numerose sarannole novitàper questo progetto. Possibilità di personalizzare leetichette edi usare contemporaneamente più dispositivivisualizzando in temporeale le variazioni di stato.Il codice sorgente per Arduino lo si può scaricare dalpulsantepresente all'interno dell'applicazione nellasezione"Download".The first official AppofNoil to check in easy and economical way everything you want.Thephysical part of the structure and based on Arduino Unocompletenetwork card and relay card with eight channels, connectedto eachother you will have 8 contacts ON / OFF button or type (youcan setthem as you see fit). colleganto a sensor LM35 to port A0will beable to detect the temperature in the surroundingenvironment. Whenit relates to safety, as well as having theability to enable aspecific port must be authenticated by a code(you can change toyour liking within the IDE Arduino) in thesoftware that is locatedinside the ' Arduino (Key Code). Theproject started a few monthsago is in full development, and manywill be new for this project.Ability to customize the labels anduse multiple devices at thesame time displaying in real time thestatus changes.The source code for the Arduino can be downloaded from withintheapplication button on the "Download" section.
Control Domótico Versiones CA 10.0
ADVERTENCIA : Esto es solo una Previewtantopara Moviles como para TabletsLa Aplicación se ira actualizando poco a poco y los códigosdeArduino se liberaran prontoPróximamente habrá un tutorial para el Montaje y InstalacióndelSistemaEl Usuario y la Clave del acceso a la Preview son:-Usuario: usuario-Contraseña: usuarioMas información en: aplicación es valida para el modelo del Sistema Domótico:Versión: Versión: DOM-FROSTCODE-X.X CA desarrollada porSalvadorRuiz Sedeño.Pueden contactar conmigo en: [email protected] [email protected] resolveré cualquier duda o les ayudare en lo quenecesiten.WARNING: This is onlyaPreview for both Tablets and PhonesThe application will be updated gradually and Arduino codesbereleased soonComing soon will be a tutorial for System AssemblyandInstallationThe Username and Password to access the Preview are:-User: user-Password: userMore information at: application is valid for Home System System ModelVersionVersion: NAM-CA-XX FROSTCODE developed by Salvador RuizSedeño.You can contact me at: [email protected] [email protected] theywill resolve any questions or helps them in what theyneed.