Top 14 Apps Similar to Previsioni Meteo

Meteo GRATIS “Chetempofa” 3.4
Con l’App Meteo CHETEMPOFA leprevisionisonoaffidabili. Potrete controllare che tempo fa e chefarà perunasettimana in ogni momento. Il meteo come non l'hai maivistoeraccontato prima.Funzioni:- Le più belle foto delle 20 città ItalianecapoluoghidiRegione.- Informazioni e previsioni meteo dettagliate che includono:. Temperature massime e minime. Grado di umidità. Icona meteo. Descrizione situazione meteo giornaliera. Nome città. Meteo presentato dalle nostre meteorine.Suggerimenti:- Trascina il dito in senso verticale pervisualizzareinformazionimeteo di tutta la settimana- Trascina il dito in senso orizzontale per visualizzarelelocalitàpreferite- Clik in alto a dx per selezionare lelocalitàitalianepreferite- Clik sul video per visualizzare il meteo raccontatoWith theAppCHETEMPOFAWeather forecasts are reliable. You can check theweatherand thatwill make for a week at all times. The weather asyou'venever seenbefore and told.Functions:- The most beautiful pictures of the 20 citiesItalianregionalcapitals.- Information and detailed weather forecasts that include:. Maximum and minimum temperatures. Degree of moisture. Weather icon. Description Daily weather situation. City Name. Weather presented by our meteorinas.Suggestions:- Drag your finger vertically to display weather informationforthewhole week- Drag your finger horizontally to view your favorite places- Clik on the top right to select your favorite Italianplaces- Clik on the video to view the weather told
Meteo Italia 1.1
Weather Italy
Meteo Italia 2.0.28
Mobile Soft
The Weather application provides the weather forecast in Italy
Clime: NOAA Weather Radar Live 1.71.0
All-in-one weather app with real-time NOAA radar. Anticipateanyconditions!
City Weather
City WeatherReliable 7 days weather forecasts for cities.According to the city name you entered, you can provideaccurateweather forecast in a few seconds. And provide theequipment GPSautomatically displays the current position of theweatherconditions of the user. Weather conditions displayed by thedynamicicon, and built templates day and night, so that make youmorehandy. How could you go outside without it? Accuratecityweather!Features:- Accurate weather forecast.- Takes very little memory to run fast.- Simple interface, makes you handy.
Weather forecast 2.3.0
Weather forecast applicationprogramisspecifically designed to be simple and intuitive aspossible.Justone click you in your current position in the receiptofweatherconditions on your status bar.By accessing the most professional weather database, "weather"mayatany time, any place to get the most accurateweatherinformation.Like the location in the United States oraround theworld inthousands of.Main features:--5 Day forecast- Current Weather- Home screen widgets (if installed in the SD card cannotbeused!)- Support for geolocation, retrieve the latest weatherforyourcurrent location.- Powerful location search.- Add and track weather conditions at multiple locations.- Virtual visual experience and smooth, impressive animation.- Access to thousands of cities around the world.- Quick access saved the city.- Sunrise and sunset times reminder.- Offline caching can view weather.- Share weather information to friends, throughe-mail,Gmail,Facebook and Flickr, and others.- You can enable and disable notifications.About widgets: widgets only when the application isinstalledininternal storage. If the application is in theexternalstoragelike an SD card, the widget disappears.
Easy Weather Widget & Forecast 1.1.7
Easy Weather is a simple and cleanapp.Itincluds vivid screen covers ,applies to all parts of theworld.Main features:- Daily background changing- Sunrise, sunset time- Wind speed- Air pressure- Humidity- Visibility- Detailed weather informations- Four days of weather forecasts- Automatic or manual refresh weatherIf you enjoy this app, please rate and comment toimproveourwork.Thanks
The Weather of the Veneto in touch!
Meteo Italia 6
Weather forecast for the 'Italy. All common Italians and Resort.
Speaking weather 1.5
Here is an application that lets you check the weather forfreeonyour android phone or tablet. When you open theapplication,yourposition detection is performed and shows you theweather whereyouare. A voice then tells you the weather at thistime,andtemperature. You can also check the weather forecast for12daysand find the weather of a city of your choice in USA butalsointhe world! List of features: - Icon of climate -Temperatureindegrees Fahrenheit - City and country of the user -Humidity -Windspeed in m / h - Pressure - Precipitation - Cloudcover -Voiceannounces in english - Weather forecast for 12 days -Abilitytosave up to 5 cities for faster searches If you do not haveaGPSchip in your device, you can still use this applicationbysimplysearching the city where you are!
Meteo in Diretta 1.9
Con l'applicazione di MeteoInDiretta hai sul tuo smarphonelewebcame le previsioni meteo per l'Italia, per le regioni epertutti icomuni. In particolare puoi consultaregratuitamente:Previsionimeteo per l'Italia, mappe pioggia, neve,temperatura,venti evisibilità Previsioni per tutte le regioni conrelativemappe meteoPrevisioni per tutti i comuni e località dirilievoWebcam Mappemeteo ad alta risoluzione ImmaginisatellitariSegnalazioni meteo intempo reale L'applicazione è ingrado dideterminare automaticamentela tua posizione.
Weather Extra 1.5
Inspired Art
Accurate weather forecast for 6 days.Beautifulsummer and winter backgrounds and animations,temperature, wind,pressure, cloudiness and precipitation trends,different units(Celsius/ Fahrenheit), current weather conditionsfor differentplaces around the world and more.Retrieving weather data is fast and reliable. Applicationrememberspreviously entered location.Link to our widget is available in the Settings section.You can navigate to different sections of our weather applicationbyusing top menu or by swiping from one screen to another.Different language versions are available.If your language is missing - please let us know! :)
Meteo 2
Get all the weather information andmuchmore,right from your android phone and tablet!With the free application "Meteo +", you will alwayshaveaccessto the latest weather forecast, traffic, bike lanesandphotos fromaround the world.There is a list of 250 countries and islands, choose from them!you can quickly get a detailed weather forecast for todayandforthe next three days.Features:- current weather- 250 countries and islands- format settings for temperature- high and Low day temperature- wind direction and speed- humidityTraffic!!!Information on the traffic situation map, withcolor-codedtrafficconditions:green: more than 50 mph;yellow: 25-50 mph;red: less than 25 mph;Bicycle!!!You can see on the map the presence of bike lanes nearyourlocation.You can adjust the area by moving and zooming in orouton themap.Photos!!!You can see pictures of various locations. The numberofimagesdepends entirely on your zoom level.
prevision meteo 1.1.2
prevision meteo vous offre unenouvelleexpérience de la meteo, grâce à une ergonomie novatrice, etdesprévisions complètes sur meteo france et meteo belgique,lesterritoires d’Outre-Mer, l’Europe et le mondeobtenir un ensemble complet de de meteo 15 jours chez vous, ouàl’autre bout de la planète meteo maroc et meteo algerieGrâce à l’ergonomie proposée, accédez à toutesvosprévisionsmeteo espagne, meteo italia de façon simple, rapide et ludique.Unepression sur la carte de tout les payes vous permet devisualiserla carte régionale choisie, puis la carte départementaleet pourfinir prévisions météo de la villePrévision inclue en plus du temps et de la température, la forceetla direction du vent, taux d'humidité, l'heure de lever etcoucherdu soleil meteo suisse et meteo de tout le mondeWeather Forecasteroffersa new experience of the weather, thanks to innovativeergonomics,and complete weather forecast meteo France and Belgium,the Frenchoverseas territories, Europe and the worlda full set of meteo 15 days at home, or on the other side oftheworld weather Morocco and Algeria weatherWith the proposed ergonomics, access all your forecastsspain weather, meteo italia simple, fast and fun. Pressing mapofall payroll allows you to view the chosen regional map andthedepartmental board and finally the weather forecast forthecityForecast includes in addition to time and temperature, strengthandwind direction, humidity, time of sunrise and sunset Swissweatherand weather everyone