Top 4 Apps Similar to The Prayer Link

Prayer Circle 1.0
Your prayers are always with you! Send aprayerwherever you are. Our Prayer Circle app helps you create,track, andshare prayers instantly! Use your contacts directly tosend prayersto your prayer circle.Prayers can be emailed, tweeted, or posted to your Facebookwall.You can create, edit, and save prayers to send later, manageyourprayer group list, as well as track when the prayers areanswered!25% of the proceeds from every purchase will be donated tocharity:a children's research hospital!
Prayer.Town 1.0.3
******************************************Please know that I am still building this app.******************************************Prayer.Town is an online community of Christians that canbothpostprayer requests and also pray for others in need."I have always known that part of God’s plan for me wastohelpothers, I just wasn't sure how yet."That is all I have wanted, a way to help others, but how?Icameup with the idea for this website a few years ago while Iwasincollege and I made what we could call Prayer.Townversion1.0(although it had no name). At the time, I didn't thinkmuch ofitand didn't know how I could market and promote thewebsite, soIsimply abandoned it. Since then, this idea hascontinuallypoppedback into my head and I finally decided to reallygo afterit. Iremade this website & app from scratch, not eveneverlookingat the first version I made, however I still kept theallsameprinciples as my original thought.- Post prayer requests within your church, allowing peopletoseeall the needs and requests within their church.- Protect the anominity of our community. The author ofallprayerrequests are always protected and never showed. Specifywhotheprayer request is for with the anominity of your choice.(I.e.youcan be as specific or as vague as you want with whotheprayerrequest is for).- Show how many times people have prayed for theirrequest.Nothingis more encouraging and powering than knowing andseeing howmanypeople are praying.I continue to take breaks while building this website becauseIamstruggling with time management between buildingthiswebsite,working full time, being a great husband :), and seeingmyfamilyand friends. At the same time, I pray for God to continuetogiveme the encouragement to finish building this app andtocontinue tobuild new features so that my fellow Christians maygetthe mostout of this, along with the least amount ofquestionandhesitation.Why $0.99?If you believe in what I am trying to accomplish here,pleasebuythis app for the 99 cents, it will help me more thanyoucouldpossibly know. In return, my promise to you is that Iwillalwayscontinue to fix bugs, add new features (by your request),andnevershow any ads!
PrayerCase 1.4
Prayercase is an application where youcanpostprayer requests, share them with the world, or just toyourfriends,post it in a group from your church, or evenmakeitanonymous.We encourage everyone to show support andconnectwitheachother.You can view all the prayers in certain categories,messagefriends,and view your bookmarks, which is a collection ofall theprayersyou're praying for.Circles provide a fun way to socialize in a small or biggroupsofpeople you, which only members of the circle are allowedtoviewthe prayers.
Prayer Power 1.12
Welcome to Prayer Power... the app whereyoucan share your prayer requests and pray for others.Experience PRAYER POWER and discover firsthand the grace thatGodextends to us when we join together in prayer.Prayers are being answered every day as believers jointogetheron PRAYER POWER.The Bible tells us that God works in an extraordinary waywhentwo or more meet to pray.In Matthew 18:19 Jesus promises 'if two of you on earthagreeabout anything they ask for, it will be done for them by myFatherin heaven.'With PRAYER POWER you can 'share a prayer' anytime,anywhere.It's as easy as POST, BELIEVE, DECLARE, SHARE.POST your prayer or prayer request.BELIEVE and DECLARE that God is going to move powerfully inyourlife as others pray in agreement worldwide.SHARE your good news with those who partnered in prayer asGodfaithfully and mercifully answers each of your prayers.Download PRAYER POWER for FREE and PRAY TODAY for God to moveina mighty way.THANK YOU... have a blessed day.