Top 17 Apps Similar to mSTaRT

Connect - The Empowerment App 1.92.0
The Connect app is a productivity app engineered specificallyforthemobile workforce. Offering a secure meeting place toworktogether inreal time, the app allows you to exchangeimportantinformation tokeep teams informed, individuals involvedand give asense ofrecognition. Connect is instant encryptedmessaging. Analternativeto email, the Connect chat channel enablesteam membersto send andreceive secure messages to one another.Sensitive,private, andessential information can be sharedinstantly andsecurely, and itnever gets lost in an email inbox.Send messages,documents, videos,and images, and create pulsesurveys to getinstant feedback from asingle team member or groups.Connect isinstant learning anywhere.The Connect app providesjust-in-timedelivery of highly useful,relevant information to eachteammember, helping each buildknowledge and develop skills.Teammembers use micro learning—short,digestible pieces of contentsuchas games, quizzes, andvideos—enabling them to focus onkeyinformation and quickly learnwhile on the go. At the sametime,they can compete with their fellowteam members, tracktheirprogress, compare their scores on leaderboards, and winbadgesbased on what they've learned. Connect isinstantemployeerecognition. In a mobile work environment, noteveryone isin thesame place at the same time. Remote team memberscan feelisolated,underappreciated, and disengaged. Peer-to-peersocialrecognition,using our app, helps build a positive workculturewhereindividuals—wherever they're located—can berecognized.Theirachievements can be celebrated frequently, and thewhole teamcanbe updated instantly. Connect. Time well spent.
Periodic Table 2017 Pro 0.1.15
August Software
Chemistry falls into to number ofthemost important sciences and is one of the main school objects.Itsstudying begins with the Periodic Table – Mendeleyev'sTables.Interactive approach to a training material is moreeffective thanclassical. As in it technologies which became thefamily for themodern pupils are used.Periodic Table - is an application for Android OS whichatstart displays the interface of all periodic table. The tablehasthe long-period form approved by the International unionoftheoretical and applied chemistry (IUPAC) as the basic.Differences PRO version of FREE:- More interactive tables- Continuous addition of new application information elements- More information about the additional elements- Conductivity- Electric type- Magnetic type- Bulk magnetic susceptibility- Specific magnetic susceptibility- Temperature Superconductivity- Color of the item- density- Refractive Index- Coefficient of thermal conductivity- Electronegativity- Valence- Radioactivity- Half life- Molar volumeand much moreWhat to do if the application writes - "Your copy is notgenuine?"-1 - Remove and install the application again2- Clear app cache GooglePlay( the application and Google Play3 - Reboot Device4 - Check the date and time on your device, sometimes the wrongtimecan result in a license check failure5 - Use the default Google account from which you made thepaymentfor the purchase of applications6 - Update Google Services to the latest version7 - Wait 24 hours for re-checking the license Google'sserversUseful links to English-language articles about solvingthisproblem: on4PDA: on free the android a market
Physics - Calculators[PRO] 0.2.0
"The help with Physics" - is an interactive reference book ofterms,formulas and tables on the school program for 7–11 classes.You willfind the theory, terms, formulas in the reference book.Interactivetables and calculators will be a bonus. Install theapplication, andyou will be able will be prepared examination andto the OlympicGames on Physics. Be engaged from the mobile phoneor the tablet,without connection to the Internet! We collected foryou: •Convenient navigation in the application • 280+ terms, wordsorphrases which are limitative designations characteristic ofthisterm • 250+ formulas according to the main sections of Physics•Tens of the most interesting tables, with tables we try toobtain:Informal assimilation of a subject, Conscious work witheducationalliterature, Self-contained elimination of gaps in theknowledge •180+ calculators which will be useful to you at eachlesson withtheir help you will solve any example, the equation or atask •Internal search in terms and formulas "The help with Physics"willhelp you: 1. To be prepared for a lesson at any timetoexaminations and the Olympic Games; 2. To deepen the knowledge inafavourite subject; 3. To learn formulas on Physics 4. Tounderstandand remember new terms and their values 5. To remember orfind thenecessary formula 6. To solve any problem with ourcalculatorsPrepare for examinations and the Olympic Games by meansof themobile. Now at your order there is a new tool which not oncewillhelp and will help out you on control, at practical work or intimepreparation for the next examination. Write the impressionsandwishes to the address: [email protected], and we surelywillconsider them!
Chemical Structures Quiz 1.17
Marijn Dillen
organic chemistry, biochemistry, compounds, substances, molecules
Physics Experiment Lab School
Intuitive physics with practical simulations & calculatorinyour virtual lab
Notelist 1.2
Manage your school grades and calculate their average
MIT ATLAS 2.9.15
For the MIT community. Navigate your MIT world.
Math Expert Pro 3.3
Markus Ide
Collection of formulas for maths and physics.
Physics of formula 2019 0.0.16
"The help with Physics" is an interactive reference book ofterms,formulas and tables on the school program for 7–11 classes.Youwill find the theory, terms, formulas in the referencebook.Interactive tables and calculators will be a bonus. Installtheapplication, and you will be able will be prepared examinationandto the Olympic Games on Physics. Be engaged from the mobilephoneor the tablet, without connection to the Internet! Wecollected foryou: • Convenient navigation in the application • 200+terms, wordsor phrases which are limitative designationscharacteristic of thisterm • 170+ formulas according to the mainsections of Physics •Tens of the most interesting tables, withtables we try to obtain:Informal assimilation of a subject,Conscious work with educationalliterature, Self-containedelimination of gaps in the knowledge •50+ calculators which will beuseful to you at each lesson withtheir help you will solve anyexample, the equation or a task •Internal search in terms andformulas "The help with Physics" willhelp you: 1. To be preparedfor a lesson at any time toexaminations and the Olympic Games; 2.To deepen the knowledge in afavourite subject; 3. To learn formulason Physics 4. To understandand remember new terms and their values5. To remember or find thenecessary formula 6. To solve any problemwith our calculatorsPrepare for examinations and the Olympic Gamesby means of themobile. Now at your order there is a new tool whichnot once willhelp and will help out you on control, at practicalwork or in timepreparation for the next examination. Write theimpressions andwishes to the address: [email protected], and wesurely willconsider them!
openHAB 3.7.0
Vendor and technology agnostic open source home automation
Fronter 3.8
Keep up to date with your fronter tasks, events, grades andmessages
PaperScan 2.4
DocuWare GmbH
The fastest, easiest and most fun way to get rid of paper.
Studydrive - The Student App 4.2.4
Uni revision with flashcards, lecture notes & exam solutionstoace your studies
COLOP e-mark create 2.1.6
With our mobile printer, the COLOP e-mark create, you areabletoprint your individual motives on many differentabsorbingsurfaceslike paper, cardboard, textiles, cork or wood.Fornon-absorbingsurfaces we offer Colop e-mark labels. In the APPyoucan easilycreate full colour imprints for any occasion and use:-LOVE &WEDDINGS - CELEBRATIONS - KIDS CLUB - FOOD & DRINK-QUOTES& SAYINGS Thus it makes the e-mark create not onlytheperfectcompanion for birthday parties, weddings, orothercelebrations butalso a helpful assistant for your newcreations!The APP alreadycontains more than 50 predefinedtemplates, but ofcourse, you canalso easily create a new imprintfrom scratch!Upload your imagesas PNG or JPEG and integrate them inyourdesigns. Combine themwith own texts in any colour or format.Giveyour creativity freereign! After your imprint design isfinished,just send it to thee-mark via Wifi (no local WiFi needed;the WiFiis generated by thedevice itself) and print it with asimplesideways movement, eitherto the right or left. Allgeneratedimprints are stored in the appand can be sent to thee-mark in notime. Use the continual markingfeature for repeatingyour imprintas long as you want. Our appsupports mobile devicesfrom Android5.0, iOS 11 or higher! It isavailable in the followinglanguages:English, German, Spanish,French, Italian, Danish, Czech,Hungarian,Dutch, Polish,Portuguese, Romanian, Swedish, Slovak,Turkish,Bulgarian, Russian,Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese andKorean.
Atom - Periodic Table & Tests 4.3.1-production
Study chemistry with the searchable periodic table and quizzes.Aceyour tests!
Nozbe Personal 3.21
Nozbe – organize your work and get everything done!
VitaDock+ for Connect Devices 2.8.4
Medisana AG
Welcome to VitaDock+, Medisana'slatestactivity and health focused mobile application!Note: VitaDock+ requires some Android permissions to fullysupportour sensor devices (Location Permissions) and some featuresfor ouradvanced Activity Trackers (Access to Calls, Messages,Contacts).Please note that the application may not work properly,if thosepermissions have not been granted.Connect your smartphone or tablet to our VitaDock® Onlineplatformand synchronize your vital data. Establish a wirelessconnection toour range of Medisana® Connect-enabled devices viaBluetooth 4.0Low Energy.Can't sign up? When registration of a your new account fails viatheVitaDock+ app, please try to register via our website onyourbrowser: Vitadock+ ( Features:- VitaDock® Online Synchronization- Supports synchronization across multiple devices- Available on multiple platforms incl. PC/MacActivity Features:- Your latest results at one glance- Clearly arranged charts- All your past achievements in table formWeight Features:- View your latest result in the Dashboard- Weight Chart- Annotate individual resultsBlood Pressure & Oxygen Saturation Features- Your blood pressure at a glance- View your present and past BP results- Note your mood and activity levelsBlood Glucose-Features- New Dashboard View- Improved Graphs- Edit, delete results#####################It is our goal to provide an app which meets your needs.Pleasesupport us improving VitaDock+. In case you have questions,ideasor are experiencing technical difficulties please contactus:Web: @vitadockThank you very much#####################Your VitaDock Team