Top 7 Apps Similar to Arduino Automation

CarBot RC Bluetooth Arduino 1.00
Control your Bot via Bluetooth!
ArduinoPixel 1.0
ArduinoPixel lets you communicate with a web server to control aLEDstrip.
Connect Android to Arduino Yun 4.0
The code for this project can be foundonGitHub.The Android version: Google Glass version: Arduino Sketch:
Arduino & IRacer Bt controller 5.20M build 20200412
Advanced bluetooth remote controller for theI-RACERandroidcontrolled car toy (you can find on some internethobbystore...)From version V4.00M the app supports Arduino withbuilt-intutorialto make your own DIY arduino Rover. Open the menuand clickonArduino Rover tutorial to send sketch, schematic andotherusefulinfo to your computer. Supported app languages(fromversion2.35M): English, Polish, French, Spanish, Italian Noteforversion2.20M and above: if you get trouble with the newsettingsmenuplease go to your phone/tablet setting, clickapplications,clickon -IRacer advanced then click delete data andcache. Thiswilldelete old saved app data and fix problems.Features: Onejoystickmode for drive & steering with only onefinger inportraitmode. Two sliders for drive & steering with2fingers,multitouch in landscape mode. Accelerometer mode(forsupporteddevices, may not work for all). Themes forlandscapelayout Add theflag to your I-Racer: new menu to share theflag to aPC in orderto print it! Experimental voice control (bepatient...),it needsinternet connection to work. You can saycommands inenglish (USA),touch the screen to return to normal mode.Arduinofully supportedwith built-in free open source sketch andschematic:build your ownRover arduino based!!! Starting fromversion 5.00 theapp supportsmore profiles with different settingsand a newsettings section.Please read full changelog and info intheAbout... menu. Menu withadvanced settings, settings saved atexit& loaded at startupFor phone and tablets. I can developasimilar (or the same app)for other specific bluetoothcontrolledgadget if the communicationprotocol is known. Pleaseemail forthat. Also help in translationto other languages arewelcome!
Baby Night Light: Instant Slee 4.0.7
Free Sleep Aid for your kid & babies to fall asleep wellwithpeaceful sounds
BB-8™ Droid App by Sphero 1.3.2
Sphero Inc.
Over the years, the experience of Star Wars™ has alwayslivedonscreen and in our imaginations. The characters,worlds,andadventures have become an unforgettable part of ourlives, andtoyshave kept that magic in our hearts long after we’veleftthetheater. Thanks to advancements in technology, it isnowpossibleto bring a new part of Star Wars: The Force Awakens™intoyour homein an incredibly authentic way. For the first time, arealDroid™is finally making its way into your world. BB-8isplayful,personable, and true to the Star Wars™ galaxy. Hisuniquetraitsbegin to shine the second he is awakened. Basedonyourinteractions, BB-8 will show a range of expressions andevenperkup when you give voice commands. It’s now possible toexplorethegalaxy with your own trusty Astromech Droid by your side.BB-8ismore than a toy - it’s your companion. Rather than usingtheForce,BB-8 is powered by induction charging and connectsviaBluetooth©Smart with your Android device. His toughpolycarbonateshell keepshim safe from water and the dark side.Features include:DRIVESlide your finger on the driving pad to guideyour Droid. BB-8willgo wherever you point and hold, and he’ll evenreact tocollisions.If you want to see more of his personality,enter thedroidcommander, choose an icon, and BB-8 will show off arangeofexpressions. PATROL Tap into Patrol to send BB-8 off onhisown.His autonomous behavior allows him to move around,getfamiliarwith your space, and investigate the surroundings. Taptheplaybutton to get BB-8 on the move. DRAW & DRIVE Draw&Drivelets you trace a route with your finger in the app forBB-8tofollow in real life. WATCH WITH ME The Watch With Mefeatureallowsyour Droid to watch Star Wars: The Force Awakens andRogueOne: AStar Wars Story with you. Select this option when BB-8is inhischarging base, start the movie, and watch his reactionsalongwiththe film. HOLOGRAPHIC MESSAGING No Droid iscompletewithoutholographic messaging. Now you can make your ownthanks toBB-8.Record a video and BB-8 will transform it into avirtualhologram.This is the Droid you’re looking for.
Touchlight 1.31
ATENÇÃO: Este App requer a CentralTouchlightSmart para funcionar.ATTENTION: This App requires the Central TouchLight Smarttowork.ATENCIÓN: Esta aplicación requiere la central TouchLightinteligentepara trabajar.Touchlight Smart é um sistema de automação residencial semfio,que controla TV, Blu-Ray, Projetor, Ar Condicionado,Iluminação,Cortina, Alarme e até Portão de Garagem.Use o smartphone como um verdadeiro controle da casa,compatívelcom uma grande variedade de marcas e aparelhoseletrônicos, é fácilde instalar e configurar.Crie cenas de iluminação ou ligue todos os aparelhos doHomeTheater com um toque. Possui função Alarme para agendamentodetarefas.ATTENTION: ThisApprequires the Central TouchLight Smart to work.ATTENTION: This App requires the Central TouchLight Smarttowork.ATENCIÓN: This requiere aplicación central TouchLight it smarttotrabajar.TouchLight Smart is a wireless home automation systemthatcontrols TV, Blu-Ray, Projector, Air Conditioning,Lighting,Curtain, Alarm and to Gate Garage.Use your smartphone as a real control of the house,compatiblewith a wide variety of brands and electronic devices, iseasy toinstall and configure.Create lighting scenes or call all appliances for thehometheater with a twist. It has alarm function fortaskscheduling.