Top 2 Apps Similar to ConstitutionsofNigeria19461999

Constitutions_of_USA_1781_1787 2icon.0
This App enables the user, to view and read,inboth English and Spanish languages, the 2 (two) constitutionswhichformed the bases of Law and Justice in USA. The App coversthe firstconstitution of the USA, the present constitution of theUSA as wellas the “declaration of independence”, the “bill ofrights” and the“amendments 11 – 27 to the constitution”. Thematerials arepresented in a way to facilitate research and use onthe Go for allinterested users of different ages including, schoolchildren andstudents of American history. The user may chooseeither, to viewand read or to listen to the reading of theConstitutions.This App is useful for all Law practitioners as well asenthusiastswho are interested in the history of law and humanrights in USA.It provides an alternative to the law desk at whichthe lawpractitioner is often forced to sit at, in order to achievedesiredlevel of competency as a professional. It is an alternativeway ofmaking law references while on the Go. The App is bestdescribed asan e-book and an audio-book wrapped into one.The interface is easy to navigate thereby providing afulfillingexperience for the user. The user can search through allthematerials presented using keywords, phrases or date (year).Thesearch results are presented in a tractable fashion so that,theuser may return to the search results to further exploitotheroutcomes.Each document is presented as a page made-up of the text andanaccompanying audio jukebox. Using the appropriate controls onthejukebox, the user may choose to listen to all or part of any oftheconstitutions as many times as desirable. The green button ofthejukebox activates the looping of messages being read while theredbutton deactivates it.This App can be described as a "classroom of the constitutionsofUSA on the Go". Professionals such as Constitutionlawyersincluding law students, law makers, school pupils, collegestudentsas well as all those interested in the practice andmanagement oflaw in USA, will find this App priceless tohave.The use of this App reduces stress for all users since, itprovidesthe user an alternative way (other than sitting at the deskall daylong) of enhancing productivity. Thus, the user’sdelivery,intellect and professional ego are being improved upon byworkingand listening on the Go either while jogging, driving,entertaining, exercising or while in the bus or at the park.
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