Top 2 Apps Similar to EducApp

EducApp 1.5
Parents play a pivotal role in theirchildren'seducation. No matter how good a teacher one is, or howtalented andattentive a child is, if there's no revision or followup at home,the odds are that the child will eventually lose graspof thelesson. Hence, a parents after school attention is vital inorder toensure their children digest what they have been taught. Anudge orsimple "did you finish your homework?" can help keep achildsteadfast on the education track.Unfortunately, with today's hectic lifestyles, it is very easyforparents to forget, be distracted from or in some cases, havenoidea about their children's lessons and progress.We've come up with a practical solution.We've developed an App that will allow parents to keep trackoftheir children's progress, homework, receive notifications, aswellas other practical real time information.The app consists of 6 sections :Hifz ul QuranParents will receive an instant notification as soon astheirchild does Tasmee of Quran (along with any necessary remarks).Theycan also access Hifz records in order to evaluate theirchild'smonthly progress.General School NotificationsThis is a very practical and effective mean of informingparentsof school related activities, wether they are sportsprograms,holiday notices, or even payment of fees reminders.HomeworkTeachers can keep parents informed of homeworkassignments,submission dates, as well as tips and pointers.They will also have the option of sharing photo imagesifneeded.CalendarA very useful tool that highlights all school events at aglancein Gregorian & Hijri formats.Holidays, tests/exams, parents meeting, report day etc. will allbeclearly marked and updated regularly.TimetableParents can use this option to view their children'supcominglessons and help them prepare accordingly.This tool will also allow Principals and Head Moallims, toviewstaff periods allocations and sort them either class-wise orbyteacher.School AlbumA picture is a thousand words. Parents can be sent photosoftheir children's achievements as well as generalschoolaccomplishments. This option may also be used to forward aschoolnewsletter.
Educapp Attalim 1.2
Educapp Attalim