Top 13 Games Similar to Trenitalia Omnia

Trenord - Train Timetable
Trenord provides info on timetables and delays on all trainsinLombardy
Trains Timetable - delays - ro 1.6.5
Free timetables, delays, routes, alarm clocks, news, ticketsonItalian trains
Info Treno - Orari viaggio, bi
Labc studio
Infotreno the only app clear, light and simple from the firstuse.FREE
Widget Trenitalia Delay 1.5.0
Stetel srl
Are you a commuter ? You want to know if your trains(Trenitaliaonly) are on-time at your departing station ? Thiswidget checksyour preferred train no. at the time set by you. Incase of a delayyou'll receive a notification, this will allow youto avoid tens ofwasted minutes waiting at the platform and givesyou theopportunity to start your journey from home or office at therighttime. Moreover "Widget Trenitalia Delay" allows you to postthedelay to your facebook account, informing in this way alsoyourcommuter buddies. Requires an working network connection.Thisapplication is not affiliated with Trenitalia which is theofficialowner of the trademark.
Whether on holiday, taking a weekend triporheading off somewhere as yet unfamiliar – with NAVIGON, you canbesure of getting there quickly and safely! Transform yourSmartphoneinto a full-performance mobile navigation system thatincludesonboard maps so that you can always find your way – evenwhen nointernet connection1 is available.Important: Following installation, the app needs further data(maps,etc.) which have to be loaded via WiFi (WLAN).*** Scope of function ***- Support of 18 languages- Onboard map material: only save the road maps on yourSmartphonethat you really need. That way, you save on memory spaceand cannavigate even when no internet connection isavailable.- Intelligent address entry, including voice entry(1): thanks tothefirst-class, simplified address entry, which can be operatedusingthe keypad or via voice input, you can find your destinationevenmore quickly.- Precise voice commands, including street names: so that youcanconcentrate on driving the car.- The latest traffic reports(1, 2): avoid annoyingjamsautomatically.- Hazard warnings(1, 2): you can choose to receive alerts ofdangerspots such as mobile speed traps.- POI search: find your destination even without enteringtheaddress directly – locally, Community-based or usingAugmentedReality.- Real signage and road sign displays: you always have anoverviewthanks to photo-realistic views of junctions and roadsigns.- Dynamic lane assistant: at junctions where the exit is unclearoron motorway exits, be guided into the right lane everytime.- Speed assistant: NAVIGON warns you visually or audibly if youareexceeding the permitted speed limit.- Optimal route: choose the right option for you, from up tothreesuggested routes.- Route planning: plan longer trips with several destinationsenroute.- Expanded pedestrian navigation: navigate to your destinationonfoot too – or use Urban Guidance1,2 if you also want toincludepublic transport.- Many other in-app purchases possible: alternative petrolstations,3D maps showing mountains and valleys, and muchmore.*** Maps ***- Latest Map Guarantee for the latest HERE maps(3)(formerlyNavteq), with the following coverage: AL, AN, AT, BA, BE,BG, BY,CH, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GI, GR, HR, HU, IE, IM, IS,IT, LI,LT, LU, LV, MC, MD, ME, ME, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RK, RO, SE,SI, SM,RS, SK, TR, UK, VA- NAVIGON FreshMaps(2): For a one-off payment, you get thelatestmap updates from experts up to four times a year, for twoyears! Itmeans that your app is always up-to-date, containing thelatestchanges to the road network and any amount of new pointsofinterest.*** Please note the following ***The correct positioning of your Smartphone in the vehicleisimportant for optimum GPS reception. For that reason, werecommendthe Garmin Smartphone Universal Mount with additionalUSBconnection so that you can also charge your Smartphone duringyourtrip. Continuous use of GPS can shorten battery life. Availableinspecialist stores or directly from the Garmin also note our FAQ area at version of NAVIGON can require up to 3.4GB of freememory(depending on the number of maps you download). Due to thehighdata volume, we recommend using WiFi (WLAN). On first startupashort data connection (ca. 25kB) is mandatory to registeryourproductNAVIGON wishes you a lot of fun from your navigation!(1)To be able to provide you with the latest reports at alltimes,some functions require an internet connection (e.g. trafficreportsor speed camera alerts). However, the navigation systemitself,including address search, speed display, driving laneassistant andmuch more, does not require the internet.(2)Available as an additional in-app purchase.(3)You get the maps most up-to-date at the time you purchasetheapp
TrenOrario 2.0
TrenOrario (Orario dei treni) è lanuovaapplicazione pensata appositamente per i pendolari e perchiutilizza comunemente il treno come mezzo di trasporto.Pensata per essere un'applicazione VELOCE ed intuitiva,TrenOrariovi fornirà in pochissimi secondi le soluzioni diqualsiasi trattacoperta da Trenitalia e Trenord.Lo sviluppo di API private risiedenti sui nostri servervigarantiranno una velocità senza precedenti, anche qualora isiticonsultabili per gli orari andassero offline.CARATTERISTICHE:- Ricerca di soluzioni tramite stazione di partenza - stazionediarrivo;- Orario di partenza e di arrivo complessivi;- Durata complessiva del viaggio;- Prezzo di prima e di seconda classe;- Numero di cambi;- Dettaglio tratta (ogni singolo cambio è analizzato);- Servizi presenti su ogni treno (possibilità di trasportodipersone disabili, biglietti prenotabili tramitetecnologiaTicketLess ecc.)- Orario di partenza e di arrivo di ogni treno;- Stato di ogni treno;- Ritardo in tempo reale;- Arrivo previsto / arrivo reale per ogni stazione;- Binario previsto / binario reale di arrivo perognistazione;- Ricerca treno per numero;- News in tempo reale da trenitalia.- Possibilità di acquistare biglietti per la trattaselezionata.FUTURE IMPLEMENTAZIONI:- Ottimizzazioni per tablet;- Ricerca treni per stazioni;- Notifiche;- Tratte preferite.Questa applicazione non è affiliata a trenitalia.CONTATTI:Per qualsiasi problema, segnalazione o suggerimento, [email protected] treni, Orario dei treni, treni, trenoTrenOrario(Traintimetable) is a new application designed specifically forcommutersand for those who commonly uses the train as a meansoftransport.Designed to be intuitive and FAST application, TrenOrariowillprovide solutions in a few seconds is all covered by TrenitaliaandTrenord.The development of private APIs residing on our serverswillensure an unprecedented speed, even if the sites pages aboutthetimes they went offline.FEATURES:- Finding Solutions through the station of departure-arrival;- Time of departure and arrival overall;- Total duration of the journey;- Price of first and second class;- Number of changes;- Detail section (each shift is analyzed);- Services on each train (possibility of transportation ofpersonswith disabilities, tickets can be booked throughticketlesstechnology etc.).- Time of departure and arrival of each train;- Status of each train;- Delay in real time;- Arrival / actual arrival for each station;- Binary expected / actual binary of arrival for eachstation;- Search for train number;- News in real time by Trenitalia.- Possibility to buy tickets for the route selected.FUTURE IMPLEMENTATION:- Optimizations for tablets;- Search for trains stations;- Notifications;- Routes prefer.This application is not affiliated with Trenitalia.CONTACT:For any problem reports or suggestions, please writetomanagement.easymobilesolutions @ gmail.comTAGTrain timetable, train timetable, trains, train
Tabellone orario treni 4.0
NB*********** APPLICAZIONE NON PIUSUPPORTATA,invito utenti vecchi e nuovi a scaricare ORARIO TRENOTRENITALIANTV, e nel cambio a disinstallare questa per evitarepossibilicrash ************************Versione nuova con tema grafico light, migliori prestazioninelcaricamento, correzioni di bugL'applicazione pratica e veloce per conoscere in tempo realegliarrivi e le partenze dei treni nelle stazioni ferroviarieitaliane,evitando di dover restare fermi sotto il tabellone fisicodellastazione per conoscere gli aggiornamenti. Supporto tratteditrenitalia nazionali e regionali.Aggiornamento in tempo reale automatico su ritardo e binariodeltreno scelto.Applicazione totalmente gratuita senza scopo di lucro.NOTE***********APPLICATION NO LONGER SUPPORTED, call old and new usersto downloadTRAIN TIMETABLE Trenitalia NTV, and in exchange Iuninstall this toavoid possible crash *********** *************Version with new graphic theme light, better performance inloading,bug fixesThe practical application and fast way to know in realtimearrivals and departures of trains in the Italian railwaystations,avoiding the need to remain firm under the physical boardthe trainto get updates. Support national and regional sectionsofTrenitalia.Automatic real-time updates about delays and traintrackchosen.Application completely free non-profit organization.
Orario Ferroviario Italia 18
--- WARNING : TO USE OFI ACTIVATE GEOLOCALIZATION ON YOURDEVICE---OFI (Orario Ferroviario Italia - Railway Timetable Italy)isauseful app for those traveling by train in Italy.Itrequireslittle interaction which allows the User to always haveathand thetimetable of the departure station by using theconceptofgeo-fencing. Depending on the position of the User OFIgivesthewhole picture of the departures of the nearest railwaystation.Fortrains Trenitalia and NTV is also possible toknowcurrentsituation with a simple click! OFI also gives youthepossibilityto search for any station of the Italian network,fromthe largestto the smallest, and set a time of departure. OFIisessential ingraphics, fast and above all it is free. Have anicetrip;)Upcoming things to do -Setting of the radar beam *DisclaimerOFIpresents data from web site for the state of for the state of the trains NTV Thedataare providedby the application "as is", the developerdoesn'tassume anyresponsibility for errors or malfunctions of thesiteslisted.
Central Station LITE (train) 2.1
lucas app
Displays timetable and maininformationaboutdeparting and oncoming trains.A long-press on the desired train makesavailabledetailedinformation about current location, stops,anddelays.Permissions:The application requires permission of data connection(accessandreview) and write on uSD (log function).
Cotral: trasporti nel Lazio 4.9.1
Cotral Spa
The app for traveling in Lazio
Rozkład Kolejowy
Aplikacja Rozkład Kolejowy zawieraaktualneinformacje o planowym rozkładzie jazdy pociągówpasażerskichwszystkich przewoźników polskich oraz oferowanych w ichramachusług.Korzysta ona z danych będących w posiadaniu PKP PLK S.A. orazdanychprzekazywanych przez przewoźników.Użytkownik dzięki aplikacji może zaplanować swoją podróż (wtympowrotną), według określonych przez siebie kryteriów.Możliwość zapisu rozkładu jazdy dla wybranej stacji, umożliwipojednorazowym pobraniu rozkładu późniejszy jego odczyt,bezkonieczności łączenia się z Internetem.Prosimy zapoznać się z Regulaminem wykorzystania aplikacjiRozkładKolejowy dostępnym podadresem: contains current information about thescheduled timetableof passenger trains all carriers Polish andoffered in the contextof services.It uses data held by PKP PLK SA and data provided bythecarriers.User through the application can plan your journey (includingthereturn), according to criteria defined by them.Ability to write timetable for the selected station will enablethedownloading of a single distribution later his reading,withouthaving to connect to the Internet.Please refer to the Terms of use applications RailwayTimetableavailableat:
Travel by Train 1.22
Travel by Train: The fastest way to check trains