Top 8 Games Similar to Power Dog T.C.

Agility1st Course Designer 1.0.0
The Agility1st Course Designer App allowsyoutodesign both full courses and short training sequences onyourtablet.Recommended screens sizes are 7" and above, we donotrecommendusing the app on a screen smaller than 1024px wide duetotheamount of scrolling that it would require acrossthecoursearea.Courses can be exported and saved to your camera roll foryoutothen print or email.Course size go up to 40 sqm.Provision for two sets of numbers (red and blue) toallowforpairs courses.Pinch and zoom function allows you to fine tune thelocationsofyour obstaclesCourses can be saved and edited laterA notes section allows you to record details such ascoursetimesor observations from your training sessions.Agility 1st
ACTC Mobile 5.0
The first and only application with information about theTurismoCarretera.
Súper TC2000 1.2.1
VCN Digital
El Súper TC2000 es la categoría demayordesarrollo tecnológico de Sudamérica. Elegida la 4tamejorcategoría del mundo en más de una oportunidad por larevistabritánica AutoSports, sus principales características sebasan enla potencia (400 HP), la velocidad final (más de 300 km/henRafaela), la capacidad de frenado (cubiertas de 285 mm) y sudiseño(todos son vehículos de fabricación vigente).Con 5 equipos oficiales respaldados por las terminalesautomotricesmás importantes del país, el Súper TC2000 presenta encada fechaboxes cuidados y un evento que cada vez trasciende máslos límitesde un simple espectáculo deportivo.12 fechas en el año a lo largo de todo el país convierten alacategoría en un show verdaderamente federal, no sólo porcompetiren distintas provincias sino también por el origen desusprotagonistas.Fechas emblemáticas como el Callejero Nocturno de Santa Fe quereúnea más de 100.000 personas a lo largo del fin de semana o los200Kilómetros de Buenos Aires, que presentan un marco depúblicoextraordinario en las tribunas del Gálvez, son promesas debuenespectáculo: carreras diferentes, atractivas e identificadasconlos valores de la marca: vanguardia, tecnología, desafíoyprofesionalismo.Todas las carreras del campeonato son transmitidas en directo yenHD por Canal 13 de Buenos Aires y la señal TyC Sports a travésdeCarburando, la productora automovilística de mayor peso ehistoriaen Sudamérica.El compromiso de Chevrolet, Fiat, Peugeot, Renault y Toyota juntoalde empresas multinacionales de la talla de Pirelli, Mobil 1,Stihl,Wurth y la petrolera nacional Axion Energy impulsan laorganizacióndel Campeonato Argentino y Sudamericano de SúperTC2000.Super TC2000 isthelargest category of technological development in SouthAmerica.Elected the 4th best category in the world in more thanoneoccasion by the British magazine Autosports, itsmaincharacteristics are based on power (400 HP), the final speed(over300 km / h in Rafaela), braking ( covers 285 mm) and design(allvehicles are manufacturing force).With 5 official teams backed by major car manufacturers inthecountry, has Super TC2000 care boxes at each reporting date andanevent that increasingly transcends the boundaries of asinglesporting event.12 dates throughout the year across the country make the categoryatruly federal show, not only to compete in different provincesbutalso the origin of its protagonists.symbolic dates as the Night Street map of Santa Fe whichbringstogether more than 100,000 people over the weekend or200kilometers from Buenos Aires, which present a frameworkofextraordinary public tribunes Galvez, are promises goodshow:cutting edge technology and professionalism challenge:different,attractive and identified with the brand values​​races.All championship races are broadcast live and in HD on Channel 13ofBuenos Aires and TyCSports signal through Carburando,automotiveproducing greater weight and history in SouthAmerica.The commitment of Chevrolet, Fiat, Peugeot, Renault and Toyotaalongwith that of multinational companies like Pirelli, Mobil 1,Stihl,Wurth and the national oil Axion Energy propel theorganization ofArgentine Championship and South American SuperTC2000.
Carburando 1.2.0
VCN Digital
Sigue a tus equipos y pilotos en las categorías más importantesdeArgentina y el mundo de manera absolutamente gratuita a travésdela aplicación oficial de Carburando: ✔ Noticias ✔ Encuestas✔Próxima carrera ✔ Tabla de posiciones ✔ Calendario
JP Racing 1.2
JP Racing la escudería más exitosa delTurismoCarretera en la última década.Accedé a las últimas novedades, fotografías , videos, redesymucho mas.Envía tus fotos, videos o comentarios a la Zona Fans!Seguí su actividad en las redes sociales.Recibí notificaciones de cada fecha.* Noticias* Galerías de fotos* Videos* Campeonatos* Calendarios* Twitter* Facebook* Zona FansJP Racing themostsuccessful team of the Tourism Road in the last decade.Instantly access the latest news, photographs, videos,networkingand more.Send your photos, videos or comments to the Fans Zone! I followed his activity on social networks. I received notification of each date.* News* Photo Galleries* Videos* Championships* Calendars* Twitter* Facebook* Fans Zone
WAO by 3.0.3
Courses are now available in the newCoursessection.2016 WAO attendees: have you all the best dog agilityexperiencein Addington, UK!Join the 2016 World Agility Open Championship in Addington,UK,with the Official WAO app by Be updated on:- Announcements- Schedule- Running orders- Results- Site map- CoursesAvailable to:- Team managers- Competitors & grooms- Helpers- Sponsors & Trade stands- Press- SpectatorsPowered by Kanito: the online marketplace where pet ownerscandiscover and book the best pet services. Visit us
Agility Dog tutte le gare 12.0.0
The first and only applicationdedicatedtosport dog. This application includes all the races ofItalianDogAgility, in fact, it can easily find a list of allthecompetitionsincluding: the date, the Club organizer, thejudges,thecompetition venue, the poster, the location usinggooglemap,contact the Club organizer (email, phone, website,address)andmany other information. The consultation can beperformed inageneral way or for circuit (ENCI, MASTER, AIA, CSEN),by regionorby viewing the races on google map.The application also contains a list of all the Club agilityofItalywith all the information needed to contact them.
Leo Sotro 1.0
Accedé a las últimas novedades, fotografíasyvideos del piloto Leonel Sotro de Turismo Carretera. Seguísuactividad en las redes sociales. Recibí notificaciones decadafecha.* Noticias* Galerías de fotos* Videos* Campeonato* Calendario* Twitter* Facebook* ContactoInstantly accessthelatest news, photographs and videos of Leonel Sotro pilotRoadTourism. I followed his activity on social networks. Ireceivednotification of each date.* News* Photo Galleries* Videos* Championship* Calendar* Twitter* Facebook* Contact