Top 3 Games Similar to 拼圖遊戲

Wolf Puzzle 1.23
The gray wolf or grey wolf (Canis lupus) is a species ofcanidnative to the wilderness and remote areas of NorthAmerica,Eurasia, and North Africa. It is the largest member of itsfamily,with males averaging 43–45 kg (95–99 lb), and females36–38.5 kg(79–85 lb).[3] It is similar in general appearance andproportionsto a German shepherd,[4] or sled dog, but has a largerhead,narrower chest, longer legs, straighter tail and biggerpaws.[5]Its winter fur is long and bushy, and predominantly amottled grayin colour, although nearly pure white, red, or brown toblack alsooccur.[4] Within the genus Canis, the gray wolfrepresents a morespecialised and progressive form than its smallercousins (thecoyote and golden jackal), as demonstrated by itsmorphologicaladaptations to hunting large prey, its more gregariousnature[6]and its highly advanced expressive behavior.[7][8] It is asocialanimal, travelling in nuclear families consisting of a matedpair,accompanied by the pair's adult offspring.[9] The gray wolfistypically an apex predator throughout its range, with onlyhumansand tigers[10][11][12][13] posing a serious threat to it. Itfeedsprimarily on large ungulates, though it also eats smalleranimals,livestock, carrion, and garbage.[14] The gray wolf is oneof theworld's most well researched animals, with probably morebookswritten about it than any other wildlife species.[15] It has alonghistory of association with humans, having been despised andhuntedin most agricultural communities due to its attacks onlivestock,while conversely being respected by some NativeAmericantribes.[14] It is the sole ancestor of the dog, which wasfirstdomesticated in the Middle East.[16] Although the fear ofwolves isprevalent in many human societies, the majority ofrecorded attackson people have been attributed to animals sufferingfrom rabies.Non-rabid wolves have attacked and killed people,mainly children,but this is unusual, as wolves are relatively few,live away frompeople, and have been taught to fear humans byhunters andshepherds.[17] Hunting and trapping has reduced thespecies' rangeto about one third[clarify], though its stillrelatively widespreadrange and stable population means that thespecies is notthreatened at a global level, and is thereforeclassified by theIUCN as Least Concern.[1]
Sportscar Puzzle 1.23
A sports car (sportscar or sport car) is a small, usually twoseat,two door automobile designed for spirited performance andnimblehandling.[2] Sports cars may be spartan or luxurious buthighmaneuverability and minimum weight are requisite. The sportscartraces its roots to early 20th century touring cars androadsters.These raced in early rallys, such as the Herkomer Cup,PrinzHeinrich Fahrt, and Monte Carlo. Though the term would notbecoined until after World War One, the first sports carsareconsidered to be the 3 litre 1910 Vauxhall 20 hp (15 kW) andthe27/80PS Austro-Daimler designed by Ferdinand Porsche. Thesewouldshortly be joined by the French DFP (which became sportersaftertuning by H.M. and W. O. Bentley) and the Rolls-Royce SilverGhost.In the U.S., where the type was variously calledroadster,speedster, runabout, or raceabout, there was Apperson,Kissel,Marion, Midland, National, Overland, Stoddard-Dayton, andThomasamong small models, while Chadwick, Mercer, Stutz, andSimplex wereamong large models. In 1921, Ballot premiered its 2LS,with aremarkable 75 hp (56 kW) DOHC two liter, designed by ErnestHenry(formerly of Peugeot's Grand Prix program), capable of 150km/h (90mph); at most, one hundred were built in four years. Thiswasfollowed by the SOHC 2LT and 2LTS. The same year, Benz builtasupercharged 28/95PS four for the Coppa Florio; Max Sailerwon.Simson in 1924 offered a Paul Henze-designed 60 hp (45 kW) DOHC2liter four, the Simson Supra Type S, in a long-wheelbase 120km/h(60 mph) tourer and 115 km/h (71 mph) twin-carburettorsporter;only thirty were sold, against around three hundred of theSOHCmodel and 750 of the pushrod-six Type R. Duerkopp'sZoller-blowntwo liter in 1924, as well.[4] There was a clearcleavage by 1925.As four-seaters were more profitable, two-seatersincreasinglyturned over to specialist manufacturers, led byAlvis,Aston-Martin, and Frazer-Nash, with shoestring budgets,fanaticfollowers, and limited sales (today exemplified by AstonandMorgan): between 1921 and 1939, 350 Astons were built;323Frazer-Nashes in the period 1924–39. By the end of the 1920s,ACproduced a 2 liter six, the 3.5 liter Nazzaro had a three-valveOHC(only until 1922), while French makers Amilcar,Bignan,Hispano-Suiza, and Samson had the typical smallfour-cylindersporters and Delage, Hotchkiss, and Chenard-Walckerthe largetourers. Benz introduced the powerful SS and SSK, and AlfaRomeo,the Vittorio Jano-designed 6C. Two companies would offer thefirstreally reliable sports cars: Austin with the Seven andMorrisGarages (MG) with the Midget.[citation needed] The Sevenwouldquickly be "rodded" by numerous companies (as the Type 1 wouldbe ageneration later), including Bassett and Dingle(Hammersmith,London); in 1928, a Cozette blower was fitted to theSeven SuperSports, while Cecil Kimber fitted an 847 cc Minorengine, and soldmore Midgets in the first year than MG's entirepreviousproduction.
Daily Jigsaw 1.0.7
This is a very cool Mobile Jigsaw game,inorderto better provide Services for the majority ofplayers,btkTeamdeveloped a "Jigsaw" game, it is suitable for allages. Intheprocess of puzzle exercise everyone's brain, eyes,hands, etc.,Sothat we get health and enhance their analyticalskills andlogicalthinking agility.For children, puzzle game islearning ,puzzle gameis labor, it is an important form ofeducation .According to theRoyal Academy of Sciences study foundthat peoplewho used toplayJigsaw, higher than the usual average ofabout 11IQ pointshigher,and have Higher brain thinking abilityopenness.So the gameis your education, entertainment, leisure goodhelper.Come on andexperience it.Game description:1 The game is divided into three levels of difficulty,thepictureswere cut into 9,12,16 blocks.2 The game automatically exchange pictures positionbyslidingpictures useing fingers.3 Thepictures can be up and down, left and right slide.4 Tip clearance when all the pictures move tothecorrectposition.5 Share a key function, share to everyone everypuzzle,SinaWeibo,Tencent micro blog, QQ space, Micro message, mchat,Taobao,letter,Facebook, Twitter,, Flickr.The Keywords: every day, children, digital, baby,jigsawpuzzles,fruit,games, animation, beautiful, natural,wild,radiantpuzzle.