Top 16 Apps Similar to Share Intel

Intello for Ingress 0.5.93
This app is now depreciated! Switch totheevolved Intello X @ launches specific locations on Ingress Intel map foreasyaccess!=== Features ===- Launch Intel map at current user location- Search locations worldwide for easy access- Support Ingress URL with drawn portal links / fields- Save up to 8 locations & launch them simultaneously!- Export & import saved locations to csv files- Search history for last 16 locations incl. drawn links- Navigate to or share Ingress location- View sat/traffic map of Ingress location- Update Ingress location from sat/traffic map- Set preferred global map zoom level- Set individual map zoom level on every location- Use random or select from 20 color themes :)=== How to use ===- Long tap location entries for various options- Swipe up/down (un)select all entries- Long tap search button resets text field- Long tap num buttons for loction name- Tap GPS/network indicator for current position- Long tap X button (un)hides navigation bar- Long tap sat/traffic map set new position=== Development ===Intello is using stock code without any modification hencenotbreaking any TOSIntello was made with Tasker and consists of severalcomplexscenes. To ensure stability Android accessibility settingsshouldbe turned on.=== Feedback ===Your feedback is very much welcome!Do you have any ideas making Intello a better app? Any nasty bugstoreport?Please get in touch!You can contact me via email at [email protected]=== Privacy ===This app has no trackers of any kind :-)=== Ads ===This app has no ads!=== Copyright ===Ingress and Niantic Labs are owned by Google. This app isnotaffiliated with or endorsed by Google or Niantic in any way.
IITC Mobile Updater 0.7071067811
This app checks for available updates tothestable and testing builds of Ingress Intel TotalConversionperiodically. Also, downloads and installs them with oneclick.Fully working condition, user interface could useanoverhaul.
Portal Intel URL to GPS 1.04
Marcos Diez
Open Ingress Intel Portal URLs with the GPS app
My Teams (for Ingress) 1.7.16
This app is currently undergoingactivedevelopment and is very far from stable so lots of bugs,issues anddown-times are to be expected. Please be patient.Features:• Create and manage teams• Add other agents to your teams (invite by NFC or a weblink)• Create tasks for your teammates• Organize raids• Share your stats and see where you stand in comparison toyourteammates• Exchange items- Leaders: scores in each stats category (AP, hacks,deployedetc)- Top: total score taking in account all standings inleaderscategories- Roles (experimental): new "badges" that are given toteammateswith specific style of play.- Side by side comparison between teammatesThere is NO automatic loading of your stats. That must bedonemanually by using Share function in your scanner (inAgentsection).Your info will be shared only within your teams.Tablets are not supported at the moment. It should work buttheremight be lots of UI issues.This app does not interfere with official Ingressappin any way and it complies with Ingress Terms ofServicecompletely.This app is NOT officially affiliated with Ingress, NianticLabsor Google.
Sojourner Memo 1.0
The hack date and time to a memo for the Sojourner of Ingress.
Ingress Portals Location Map 1.0
了解附近塔點的資訊以及規劃連線路徑。Understandingtheconnection path information and planning pointnearthetower.
Antenna Chan for GPS 1.1
Jadumate Park
Helps to get the location more quickly and more accurately. forGPSgame players
Portal Hitlist for Ingress 1.2.1
Alain Laguipo
This is used to convert and storeintelweblinks to map coordinates.Help agents navigate to portalsNOTE:No niantic data is stored in the app. Data is takenfromexternalsource (via intel link) and parsed before it'sstored.USAGE:To Add an entry: Either click Add from the menu or click anintelmaplink on another app (e.g. Hangouts, Browser, etc)To Delete an entry: Hold list item, Select DeleteUse case:Shard chaseFielding operationsPortal hunting
Ingress Portal Navigator 1.18
Marcos Diez
This is an offline database of portals, usedtosearch, locate and track them, very useful during missions.The offline database contains the GPS location of the portalandon the fly requests the portal street address, so you can eithergothere yourself or speak the address to another agent. It'sofcourse possible to share all this info yourself.Search Portals by name and sort them either:* by alphabetical order* by distance from where you are* by distance from a specific portal (as if you were there)Perfect for when someone tells you: "Go to portal X, whichisnext to Portal Y" and you have have no clue where neithertheseportals are.Advanced Functionalities:* export Portal Name, Address, Google Maps URL and Intel URL* export Portals to Google Earth. If you export three portals,afield will be drawn so you can see you plan on the globe.To obtain the list of portals on your region, no matterwhatcity, state or continent you are, please speak with@MarcosMarcoson COMM.Warning: Addresses are resolved using Google's AndroidGPScoordinate to Address APIs and photos are downloadedthoughanonymous HTTP.This app is not affiliated with any entity.
Portal Decay Simulator Pro Beta
With this application you canscheduleportalsrefills and calculate in how much time a portalwilldecay.You can also edit a submitted portal ( for example: afteraportalresonators update, an enemy attack etc...),andrecalculatestatistics.This application work ONLY OFFLINE, there is noautoinformationdownloads about portal.This is NOT directly connected to the Ingress/Intel map.No Ram/Battery drains!
Ingress Xglyph 10
help you glypheasy to startthis app just a mod, don't provide UI!download carefully!
Notification Helper 1.7.5
Holgis Apps
Notification Helper for Ingress This app reads notifications sendbythe Ingress Game and saves them to a list. - Helps you to keeptrackof your favorite Portals without being drowned inNotificationnoise. - Saves chat messages otherwise lost within aflood if attacknotifications. - Displayed notifications can befiltered forfavorite events. Can not keep track of events thathappen whileIngress is being used. Android 4.4 or newer because ofnecessary APIrequirements. This app does not access any Ingressserver or Inteldata, it just collects the notifications receivedby the phone.Basic Manual: Enable notifications in Ingress, butset theNotification Sound to "silent" Before the notificationhelper canstart collecting notifications, you must "Activate" thenotificationhelper in settings. You do this by allowing"Notification access" tothe "Notification Helper" Clicking on thestar in "everything" tabor "attacks" tab will add the portal tothe favorites, clicking onthe star in "messages" tab will add theplayer to the favorites. Inthe "Custom" tab you can enter just apart of the portal name orjust a part of the address. Example: Ifyou enter "Fountain" in thename field and leave address empty, allportals with a name thatcontains fountain will be selected. If youenter 12345 in theaddress field, all portals from the 12345 zipcode will be selected(and the ones with a street number of 12345)The address of a portalcan be found on the key details page.Separate notification settingsfor favorite-, attack- and messageevents. Known Issues/bugs: Ireceive some reports of crashes ondevices with the exposedframework, I have no idea why. Settingnotification sound to "none"actually sets the default notificationsound
NotifEx - guard tool 4 portals 1.17
NotifEx gives you custom portal alertsforIngress by processing the alerts in your notification bar.The app has a continuously expanding database of more than28.000portals but you can set your alerts using just simplekeywords. Yourportals may not be yet in the database but you canuse part of aportal's name, a street name, a city, country oranything else toconfigure and trigger an alert. You can eventrigger alerts based onan agent's name.The alert sharing (channel) feature broadcasts the alertstoother users in the channel so they can help defend.You can use secret channel names for broadcasts to your friendsorgeneral ones like city name to help entire communities.NotifEx features:+ setup and receive custom alerts (now you don't have to reactonevery attack, you get notified only for yourfavoriteportals)+ high priority alerts for critical portals; will ignoreanynotification or volume setting on your device - will you wakeinthe middle of the night to save that guardian badgeportal?;)+ custom alerts channel you can share with your group offriends.You all receive alerts when your portal is under attack(even ifthey don't have resonators on the portal) and can help yourecharge(this is way faster than asking them for help onWhatsApp,Telegram, etc.)+ receive alerts while in game (you must have two devices onthesame account or rely on other players to forward youralerts)+ Top Agent stats by number of attacks on portals in 1 day, 1weekand 1 month intervals. Who's portals are going down next?;)Note:The portal list is generated dynamically. When an alert isfirstreceived the portal is added to the known portal list.You can filter portals by name, country, city, address, oranykeyword. You don't have to use the built in portal list. Youcanenter and use any keywords in the alerts sections.You can disable vibration and chose silent as the notificationsoundin Ingress but you must leave the notifications enabled ifyou wishto have them processed by NotifEx.If your android version is less than 4.3 you can only use NotifExtoreceive allerts broadcasted by other agents (NotifEx won't beableto process your notifications locally)
Cycle Countdown 1.5
Simple countdown widget that will allow you to know exactly whenisgoing to be the next Checkpoint or Cycle of Google's game,Ingress.It doesn't need any information of your Ingress account andistotally independent of the game. Disclaimer: This app isnotaffiliated with Ingress, Niantic or Google. As such we do notclaimthe accuracy of information and this information can not beused inany legal case. No ads, consider donating domedogecoin:​DTGbKVQEpwEL5Cnji1SNC92sg6sv4qHuf2
Fake GPS Location Donate
This is the donate version. If you likethisapp and would like to see future improvement - please donate.Youwill also get a high priority support if you haveanyproblems.+++ Remove free app first ++++++IMPORTANT+++Be aware that after using FakeGPS you may find your locationLOCKEDTO THE LAST MOCKED LOCATION EVENT AFTER UNINSTALL FakeGPS!It's nota bug and your GPS sensor isn't broken. There are two waysto fixthis issue:1. Install "GPS Status" from the Play, launch and get a freshGPSfix. You may need to repeat it several times with 30mininterval.2. Start FakeGPS, set your real location and leave it so forseveralhours.You may combine these steps. The issue will disappear in one ortwodays - be patient.For ROOTED devices you can mock locations without enabling"Allowmock locations" option. To do so please use Root Explorer orothersimilar app and move /data/app/ru.lexa.fakegps~1.apkto/system/priv-app or to /system/app (for Android 4.3 andolder).Then change apk permissions to rw-r-r and reboot yourdevice. Ifyou find apk in /syste/priv-app disappears after rebootit meansthat your devices has S-ON mode enabled and so restores/systemfolder aftear each reboot. Please google how to switch yourdeviceto S-OFF mode.If you can't find ru.lexa.fakegps.apk in /data/app you may finditat /mnt/asec/ru.lexa.fakegps/1.apk. In this case you shouldcopyand rename it to /system/priv-app/ru.lexa.fakegps.apk.
Blue Herons Stat Tracker 1.0
Kevin Brasier
Greatly simplifies the upload process ofyourIngress stats to an instance of Blue Herons Stat Tracker.This app itself does not track Ingress stats, it only assistsintaking the agent screen share image and uploading it to aninstanceof Blue Herons Stat Tracker (see up your own).Setup:-Open "ST Settings" and follow the instructions to get a tokenfroma Stat Tracker instance.Using:-In the Ingress agent screen, make sure you are on "ALL TIME"andthen click the share button in the upper right hand corner.Selectto share to Stat Tracker.-The app will take care of the rest, follow the upload progressinyour notification tray.-When finished checkout your Stat Tracker instance for yourupdatedstats!This is an open source app, please file bug reportshere: if you would like. :)Copyright (c) 2015, The Blue HeronsAll rights reserved.Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, withorwithout modification, arepermitted provided that the following conditions are met:1. Redistributions of source code must retain the abovecopyrightnotice, this list ofconditions and the following disclaimer.2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce theabovecopyright notice, this listof conditions and the following disclaimer in thedocumentationand/or other materialsprovided with the distribution.THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERSANDCONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANYEXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,THEIMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AREDISCLAIMED.IN NO EVENT SHALL THECOPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT,INDIRECT,INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITEDTO,PROCUREMENT OFSUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS;ORBUSINESS INTERRUPTION)HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER INCONTRACT,STRICT LIABILITY, ORTORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUTOFTHE USE OF THISSOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.