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Machine Design 2 : Mechanical Engineering 7
This free App covers most important topics in simpleEnglishanddiagrams for a quick study and revisions at the timeofExams,Viva, Assignments and Job interviews. It is the mostusefulApp forlast minute preparations. The best app for school,collegeandwork. If you are a student It will help to learn a lot.ThisusefulApp lists 152 topics in 3 chapters, totally basedonpractical aswell as a strong base of theoretical knowledgewithnotes writtenin very simple and understandable English.Considerthis App as aquick note guide which professors use in aclassroom.The App willhelp in faster learning and quick revisionsof all thetopics. Someof the topics Covered in the app are: 1.FrictionWheels 2.Classification of Gears 3. Terms used in Gears4.Condition forConstant Velocity Ratio of Gears - Law of Gearing5.CycloidalTeeth 6. Involute Teeth 7. Comparison BetweenInvoluteandCycloidal Gears 8. Interference in Involute Gears 9.MinimumNumberof Teeth on the Pinion in Order to Avoid Interference10.GearMaterials 11. Beam Strength of Gear Teeth - LewisEquation12.Permissible Working Stress for Gear Teeth in the LewisEquation13.Dynamic Tooth Load 14. Static Tooth Load 15. Wear ToothLoad16.Causes of Gear Tooth Failure 17. Design Procedure forSpurGears18. Spur Gear Construction 19. Design of Shaft for SpurGears20.Design of Arms for Spur Gears 21. Terms used in HelicalGears22.Face Width of Helical Gears 23. Equivalent NumberofTeeth,Proportions for Helical Gears 24. Strength of HelicalGears25.Types of Worms and Worm Gears 26. Terms used in WormGearing27.Proportions for Worms and Worm Gears 28. Efficiency ofWormGearing29. Strength of Worm Gear Teeth 30. Wear Tooth Load forWormGear31. Thermal Rating of Worm Gearing 32. Forces Acting onWormGears33. Design of Worm Gearing 34. Introduction of BevelGears35.Classification of Bevel Gears 36. Terms used in BevelGears37.Determination of Pitch Angle for Bevel Gears 38.FormativeorEquivalent Number of Teeth for Bevel Gears–Tredgold’sApproximation 39. Strength of Bevel Gears 40.ForcesActing on aBevel Gear 41. Design of a Shaft for Bevel Gears42.Brakes-Introduction 43. Energy Absorbed by a Brake 44. HeattobeDissipated during Braking 45. Materials for Brake Lining46.Typesof Brakes 47. Single Block or Shoe Brake 48. Pivoted BlockorShoeBrake 49. Double Block or Shoe Brake 50. Simple BandBrake51.Differential Band Brake 52. Band and Block Brake53.InternalExpanding Brake 54. Classification of Bearings 55. TypesofSlidingContact Bearings 56. Hydrodynamic Lubricated Bearings57.WedgeFilm Journal Bearings 58. Properties of SlidingContactBearingMaterials 59. Materials used for Sliding ContactBearings60.Lubricants 61. PROPERTIES OF LUBRICANTS 62. TermsusedinHydrodynamic Journal Bearing 63. Bearing CharacteristicNumberandBearing Modulus for Journal Bearings 64. CoefficientofFrictionfor Journal Bearings 65. Heat Generated in aJournalBearing 66.Design Procedure for Journal Bearing 67. SolidJournalBearing 68.Split Bearing or Plummer Block 69. Design ofBearingCaps and Bolts70. Oil Groves 71. Footstep or Pivot Bearings72.Collar Bearings73. Advantages and Disadvantages of RollingContactBearings OverSliding Contact Bearings 74. Types of RollingContactBearings 75.Types of Radial Ball Bearings 76. StandardDimensionsandDesignations of Ball Bearings 77. Thrust Ball Bearings78. TypesofRoller Bearings 79. Basic Static Load Rating ofRollingContactBearings 80. Static Equivalent Load for RollingContactBearings81. Life of a Bearing Mechanical or machine Designis partofMechanical engineering education courses andtechnologydegreeprograms of various universities. Machine DesignincludesCAD/CAM,electrical and electronics, fastening and joining,fluidpower,manufacturing, engineered materials, mechanicalengineering,andmotion control