Top 18 Apps Similar to Guida alla Bella Napoli

Napoli Guida Verde Touring 1.0.1
The Green Guide Touring and the Gulf of Naples.
Guida a Napoli Misteriosa 4.0
Benvenuti in Napoli Misteriosa.L'applicazione, totalmente GRATUITA, assolutamente privadiBANNER e di ogni scopo di lucro ( la cultura va condivisa ), ènatacon l'intenzione di fonvirvi curiosi suggerimenti di viaggioversoi luoghi più misteriosi ed affascinanti di Napoli.Sarà aggiornata periodicamente e perfezionata man mano, ancheinbase ai vostri riscontri.Non mancate quindi di commentarla e di scaricare ifrequentiaggiornamenti.Spero che gradirete l'idea è che la stessa possa contribuireastimolare la vostra curiosità ed a rendere omaggio ad unacittàancora troppo in balia delle onde.Napoli è molto bella.Qualora non l'abbiate già visitata vi invito caldamenteafarlo.Il turista che visita Napoli può girare la città pergiorniinteri, visitare decine di luoghi di interesse,percorrerechilometri e chilometri.... eppure non sapere ancoranientedell'anima profonda di questa città.Napoli, con Torino, Parigi e Praga è la città europea piùintrisadi misteri e leggende: palazzi infestati,apparizionisoprannaturali, leggende e inquietanti presenze popolanoNapoli,città che viene descritta come solare ma che cela, nelleombre delsuo centro, segreti spaventosi.Accanto ai monumenti più visitati spesso si celano luoghicherimangono sconosciuti alla maggior parte dei visitatori echeraccontano molto dell'anima occulta e soprannaturale diquestacittà.Questa guida è stata creata proprio per dar modo a chivisitanapoli da turista di poter, durante il suo tour"ufficiale",visitare la città occulta.L'app comprende attualmente punti di interesse incontinuacrescita, ciascuno dei quali è geolocalizzato, comprendeunadescrizione breve, una più dettagliata, ed una fotoperriconoscerlo.Grazie a questa app potrete venire a conoscenza delleleggendestoriche di Napoli, come quella del Colapesce, o diavvenimentistorici inusuali, come la presenza di un coccodrillo nelfossatodel Maschio Angioino (sì, è possibile che ci sia statoveramente!).Oppure, scoprire i luoghi più misteriosi come lacappellaSansevero, in assoluto uno dei monumenti al mondocontenente il piùgrande numero di simboli occultistici, esoterici,templari emassonici.Potrete, infine, venire a conoscenza dei palazzi e dellestradepiù infestati della città - a fianco dei quali, magari,passeresteignari sentendo solo, forse, un brivido lungo la schienache nonsapreste spiegarvi!Welcome toNaplesMysterious.The application is totally FREE, absolutely free of BANNERandany profit (the culture to be shared), was born with theintentionof fonvirvi curious travel tips to the most mysteriousandfascinating of Naples.It will be periodically updated and refined as, even accordingtoyour feedback.Do not miss this chance to comment on it and download thefrequentupdates.I hope you will like the idea is that it will help tostimulateyour curiosity and to pay homage to a city still too muchat themercy of the waves.Naples is very beautiful.If you have not already visited I urge you to do so.Tourists visiting Naples can get around the city fordays,visiting dozens of places of interest, travel miles and miles....yet I know nothing yet profound soul of this city.Naples, with Turin, Paris and Prague is the most Europeancityfull of mysteries and legends, haunted mansions,supernaturalapparitions, legends and disturbing presences inhabitNaples, acity which is described as solar but that hides in theshadows ofits center, scary secrets .In addition to the most visited monuments often are hiddenplacesthat remain unknown to most visitors and which tell veryoccult andsupernatural soul of this city.This guide was created just to give way to those who visitNaplesas a tourist to be able, during his tour "official" visitthe cityoccult.The app currently includes points of interest continues togrow,each of which is geo-localized, includes a short description,amore detailed, and a photo to recognize it.With this app you can become aware of the historical legendsofNaples, such as the Colapesce, or unusual historical events,suchas the presence of a crocodile in the moat of the Angevin (yes,itis possible that there was really!). Or, discover themostmysterious places like the San Severo Chapel, absolutely one ofthemonuments in the world that contains the largest number ofoccultsymbols, esoteric and Masonic Knights Templar.You can finally become aware of the most haunted buildingsandstreets of the city - on the side of which, perhaps, wouldyouspend unsuspecting hearing only, perhaps, a shiver down my spinetoexplain that you would not know!
2GO! Napoli 2.7.2
The 2GO! Napoli app provides informationonthecity of Napoli as wellas local companies in a user-friendly structure.Theapplicationoffers residents and visitors a practical andthoroughguide onboth smartphone and tablet versions. Cityinformation isorganisedin a logically arranged menu which allowsusers to quicklyaccessand stay up-to-date on news, local events,and top-offersfromvarious localbusinesses.
Itinerari-di-Napoli 2.7
L'App gratuita “Itinerari di Napoli”hailpatrocinio dell’Assessorato al Turismo del ComunediNapoli.L'applicazione ha lo scopo di presentare  lacittàdiNapoli ai turisti, in tutta sicurezza etranquillità.Scaricarel’App è gratuito, facile e veloce. Itineraridi Napoli èideata peressere utilizzata in modalità background: unavoltaavviata, inprossimità dei luoghi di interesse,l’applicazioneracconterà comeuna guida in tempo reale, ciò chel’utente staguardando, con unaestrema precisione di coordinate ediminuziosi  dettagliocuriosità. Latecnologia  utilizzata è quellaGPS.L’App legge laposizione dell’utente geolocalizzandolo. Tanteedinnumerevoli sonole bellezze naturali, i luoghi storici,leChiese, i musei, leMetropolitane museo, da visitare in città,èper  questoche “Itinerari di Napoli” suggerisce oltreapercorsi preimpostatiquelli così detti  “camminatalibera”:per chi non preferisceseguire un percorsoprestabilito. Questa opzione permette all’utente diimmergersidiversamente nellacittà, o  di ricercare un luogopreciso chepiù interessa.Inoltre ItinerariDiNapoli  tiaccompagnerà  guidandoti passodopopasso anche nellascelta del mezzo per raggiungere illuogo deltuo interesse,indicandoti l’itinerario da seguire asecondo delmezzo da tescelto:  a piedi, o con imezzipubblici,  inbicicletta o in macchina.Altro particolare dell’applicazione  è lapossibilitàdicontattare un operatore che, risponderà alleeventualidomandedell'utente: informazioni aggiuntive,indicazionistradali,assistenza varia.In più perché visitare la città con “Itinerari diNapoli”siauna  esperienza unica da condividere, l’utenteavràlapossibilità di accedere al canale socialdell’app,mettendosicosì  in relazione /contattoconaltri turisti che stanno conoscendoNapoli,perconfrontarsi o scambiarsi non solo informazionimaancheemozioni.Il progetto  ha anche ottenuto ilpartenariatodell’IstitutoUniversitario Suor Orsola Benincasa, diCittà dellaScienza, eAbbac – Confesercenti Campania.L’App poi si appoggia e fa parte di un progetto più ampio,chesiriassume con il dovepotertrovare ulterioriinformazioni , come eventi,manifestazioni,concerti. “Itineraridi Napoli” ha duefunzioni cherendono questa App diversa edesclusiva: poterindividuareeventuali altri utenti che stannoutilizzandol'applicazione in unraggio di 10 km da noi (perpermetterci dicondividerel'esperienza), e poter avere, 24 ore su24, in linea,personalecompetente che ci aiuti  fornendoeventualiindicazioni eassistenza.The Free App"flightsinNaples" has the patronage of the Municipality ofNaplesTourism.The application is intended to present the city ofNaplestotourists, safely and tranquility. Download the app isfree,easyand fast. Routes of Naples is designed to be usedinbackgroundmode: Once you start, near the points of interest,telltheapplication as a real-time guidance, what the user islooking,withan extreme precision of coordinates and minutedetailsorquestions. The technology used is the GPS. The app readstheuser'slocation geolocalizzandolo. Many and many are thenaturalbeauty,historical sites, churches, museums, theMetropolitanMuseum, tovisit in town, that's why "flights in Naples'suggests inadditionto preset paths those so called" free walk ":for who doesnotprefer to follow a predetermined path. This optionallows theuserto immerse themselves in a different city, or searchfor aspecificlocation is most interesting.Also will accompany you guiding you step by step directionsDiNapolialso in the choice of the means to reach the place ofyourinterest,showing you the route to follow in the second halfyouchose: on footor by public transport, cycling or machine.Another particular application is the ability to contactanoperatorwho will answer any questions of the user:foradditionalinformation, directions, assistance varies.In addition, because visiting the city with "flights in Naples"isaunique experience to share, you will have the opportunitytoaccessthe social channel app, putting it in relation /contactwith othertourists who are experiencing Naples, to discussorexchange notonly information but also emotions.The project also won the partnership of the UniversitySuorOrsolaBenincasa, the City of Science, and Abbach-ConfesercentiCampania.The App then leans in and is part of a larger project,whichissummed up with the site wheretofindfurther information, such as events, exhibitions,concerts."Routesof Naples" has two features that make thisdifferent andexclusiveApp: to identify any other users who areusing theapplication in arange of 10 km from us (to allow us toshare theexperience), andcan have, 24 24 hours, online,knowledgeable staffthat will helpus providing any advice andassistance.
Metro Napoli Lite 3.1
Version 3.1:Version free with ads. This version require any typeofinternetconnection to view lines' map and lines' timetable.Maps and timetables were taken from Napolitantransportcompanies'sites online.The map of complete metropolitan area was made avaible byRotaryClubNapoli. Isn't required any type of internet connectionto viewthismap.For every bug or idea send me an e-mailat:[email protected] me on Twitter: Pezzottao
Gira Napoli - Public transport 8.5.1
Bus, metro, funiculars and trains of ANM - CTP - EAV - SitaSudinreal-time!
lifCity: Naples 4.6
Davide Russo
The project “lifCity: Naples" wantstoimprovethe technological offer of cities, starting from Naples,sotheybecome totally “interactive”, offering to the usersoftheapplication the opportunity to obtain informationabouttheirinterests and every kind of tourism, cultural,andcommercialoffers.The streets of a visited city are full of monuments andpointsofinterest.This, forces the tourist who wants to visit the city, totakeamap with him, prepare a careful plan before leaving hiscountrynotto lose the monuments he considers the most importantones,andsearch for the location of each monument he wants tosee.This compels to complicated and laborious activitiesthatcandetermine the full enjoyment of sites of interest or thelossofthe “hidden" ones.With the app “lifCity: Naples" tourists won’t have toworryaboutperforming searches before they arrive: they can justwalkalong the“interactive" streets and will be notified viapushnotification, assoon as they will be nearby a pointofinterest.
Insolitaguida Napoli
L'app ufficiale dell'associazioneculturaleInsolitaguida Napoli. Resta in contatto con noi, sfogliailcalendario delle passeggiate narrate, visite guidate,cenespettacolo a Napoli.Consulta tutte le nostre attivitàEffettua una prenotazioneUtilizzala per raggiungere i punti d'incontro.Sfrutta gli sconti riservati a chi utilizza l'app.The official app ofthecultural Insolitaguida Naples. Keep in touch with us, browsetheschedule of walks narrated sightseeing tours, dinner showsinNaples.See all our activitiesMake a ReservationUse it to reach the meeting points.Takes advantage of the discounts reserved to those who usetheapp.
Naples Map and Walks 55
A handy app with several self-guided walks to help youexploreNaples.
ZonzoFox Italy Official Guide & Maps
Tourist guide of Italy: information aboutthebest cities to visit available on your smartphone,evenoffline!Free tourist guides of the best Italian cities, natural areasandbeaches. The smartest guide to discover Italy.Information about what to see, where to eat (typicalfood),nightlife, shopping and trips in the neighborhoods.A personal digital assistant for every tourist: like alocal,ZonzoFox helps travellers make choices while gettinginspired,planning and visiting, and creates tailor-made city-walksinreal-time providing step-by-step information.Discover what to see, where to eat (typical food),nightlife,shopping, trips in the neighborhoods, guided tours,experiences,deals,...Complete free tourist guides of the best Italiandestinationsavailable in the app:- Milan- Venice- Florence- Rome- Pisa- Bologna- Verona- Turin- Siena- Palermo- Lecce- Bari- Genoa- Padua- Perugia- Mantua- Parma- Lucca- Vicenza- Arezzo- Trieste- Pavia- Pistoia- Piacenza- La Spezia- Livorno- Savona- Treviso- Brindisi- Modena- Messina- Naples- Aosta- Bergamo- Catania- Campobasso- Cesena- Gravina in Puglia- Matera- Altamura- Ravenna- Rimini--------More destinations for weekend or daily trips in theneighborhoodsare available as mini-guides:- Pompei- Costiera Amalfitana- Cinque Terre- Capri- Chianti- Portofino- Garda Lake- Murano & Burano- San Gimignano- Ostuni- Alberobello- Val d'Orcia- Como Lake- Portovenere- Polignano a Mare- Castellana Caves- Maggiore Lake- Castel del Monte- Lerici- Sanremo- Aquileia- Piacenza Hills- Spoleto- Quarries of Carrara- Oltrepo Pavese- Versilia- Iseo & Franciacorta- Tarquinia- Cerveteri- Itria Valley- Lunigiana- Mugello- Garfagnana- Viareggio- Trani- Molfetta- Monopoli- Pietrasanta- San Miniato- Vinci- Portogruaro- Brindisi Inland- Gallipoli & Ionic Salento- Otranto & Adriatic Salento- Santa Maria di Leuca- Taormina- Montalbano EliconaThe app covers the most touristic Italian regions:Tuscany,Lombardy, Veneto, Sicily, Apulia, Piedmont, Liguria...More than 1500 beaches listed. Each beach is provided with manykindof information such as type of sea, sand, bar andrestaurantsnearby.Including practical information, maps, telephone numbers, andmuchmore!Available offline too in pdf (free) or as premiumin-appfunctionality.You can login with your Google or Facebook account to saveyourfavorite point of interests!NEW: Summer Edition with more than 1400 natural areas and1500beaches added: Sardinia, Sicily, Apulia, Calabria and otherpopularbeach destinations in Italy.A great advisor for trip!Cities:Rome Milan Venice Florence Pisa Verona Turin Siena Italy RomeMilanVenice Florence Pisa Verona Turin Siena Italy Rome MilanVeniceFlorence Pisa Verona Turin Siena Italy Rome Milan VeniceFlorencePisa Verona Turin Siena Italy Rome Milan Venice FlorencePisaVerona Turin Siena Italy
Naples city guide(maps) 1.0
Are you going to Naples? Take thisFreeNaplescity guide in your pocket. “Naples city guide” helps youfindallof things about Naples. With any kind ofrestaurants,night-life,attractions, shopping area and moreoverconveniencefacilitiessaved in the “Naples city guide”, makes yourtravelperfect!The reasons why you should use this:FreeNo need to say anymore! Take this app in your pocket. Youwillloveit and have perfect travel!ReliabilityNo advertisements! You can meet objective andreliableinformationwith thousands of real-user reviews.Easy to useMake you get the information you want with only several clicks.
Naples International Airport 1.0.20
New Design, new functionalities and automatic onsitepushnotifications
Comune di Napoli 1.4
L'applicazione permette di ricevere notizieeaggiornamenti sulle iniziative del Comune di Napoli.Sonodisponibili informazioni sugli eventi e sulle principali mostreincittà, sui bandi di gara, sui principali dispositivi ditraffico,sulle notizie dalle Municipalità e i servizi della Web TVdelComune.L'app è sviluppata dal servizio Portale Web e Social MediadelComune di Napoli.Per maggiori informazioni e per tutte le notizie èpossibilevisitare il sito istituzionale application allowsyouto receive news and updates about the City of Naplesinitiatives.Provides information on events and exhibitions inmajor cities,calls for tender, on the main traffic devices, onnews from theMunicipality and the services of the Town webTV.The app is developed by the Web Portal and Social Media of theCityof Naples.For more information and all the news you can corporate website.
Napoles Guide 1.0
Napoles City Guide searches and navigates near by businessesaroundyour location. This app finds restaurants, Banks, ATMs, Busstops,Hospitals etc near your current location. *Auto detectuserlocation by GPS. *Now works even without GPS , by detectingthemobile tower location. *30 categories which covers almostallbusinesses. *Address, Phone, Website option for eachbusinesses.*One touch directions for each item though google maps.If yourneed is to find local business , you are at the right place.Napoles city guide is one of the best local businessdirectoryavailable in play store .
City and country 3.5
The application allows you toinstallanddownload a wallpaper on your phone or on your desktop.Thebaseimage is constantly updated. The application is very easyandsafeto use. All images are high quality HD.Key features and functions of the application:- Upload images to the phone;- Setting the desktop wallpaper;- Image Search by a filter (search by category);- View the most popular backgrounds;- Appointment of ratings;- Comfortable working with the program;- Constant updating of categories;- Constant updating of backgrounds;
mmtravel guide - travel guides 1.1.19
The MM-travel app is your personal travelguidewith map, City Guide planners, insider info, and more -alwaysavailable offline! Pick your city guide or guide, testingthe appfor free and discover the best app for the most populardestinationsaround the world!The situational travel app that understands your needs andadaptsto guides 2015:*Barcelona, Dublin, Istanbul, Cologne, Krakow, London, LübeckundTravemünde, New York, Paris, Prague, St. Petersburg, Warsawcity guides 2014:* Berlin und Potsdam, Budapest, Hamburg, Copenhagen, Lisboa,Madrid,Mainz, Munich, Nuremberg-Fürth-Erlangen, Rome, Venicetravel guides 2014:* Florence, Naples & Vesuvio coast,Mallorca,Rügen-Stralsund-Hiddensee, Syltcity guides 2013:* Amsterdam, Brussels, Dresden, Moskow, Salzburg, Vienna,2012:Shanghai, Zagrebhiking guides 2012:* Alsace, Gomera, Madeira, Mallorca, Munich excursionmountains,Provence, TenerifeSpecial features:+ Complete travel guide+ *Usable completely offline*+ Maps available offline including all info+ GPS & compass for city guidance and walking tours+ Extensively researched information for the most populartraveldestinations+ Interesting facts about the country and culture+ City Live! for your very own personal city guide+ No transfer or roaming fees+ Use Easy Jump! to switch easily between text and map+ Situation-related recommendations+ Live Weather! to help you make the best out of your tripSome content examples:+ Excursions in the area+ Eating & drinking+ History+ Small language tutor+ Culture+ Tours through the city+ Shopping & fashionThe developments that have been made for this app werepartiallyfinanced with funds from the 7th European ResearchFrameworkProgram. The project is administered by the REA ResearchExecutiveAgency under application number "FP7-SME-2012 -315333"( information:Michael Müller Verlag is a leading travel guide publisherwithnumerous years of experience in the area of travel andhikingguides. Its travel guides are always unique, informative,andentertaining, making every trip a memorable experience.
LTZ Naples 1.1
Luigi Picaro
Mobile App to identify the traffic inthecityof Naples. All the information on the LTZ(limitedtrafficzones),gates and parking recommendations are available onthe mapand intext format and you can also see info on the mainlines ofpublictransport and traffic conditions in real time.Summary LTZ Naples features:* Map of LTZ, gates and parking(in text mode too);* Gates timing activities;* Search of your position, with nearest gateandparknotification;* News of Naples(Official RSS Feed);* Traffic state and main lines of public transport;* Push notifications on your position in relation to the gates;For Upgrade Requests/Suggestions you can follow us onoursocialnetworks:- Google+: Facebook: Twitter:!/ztlnapoli
Where Naples 1.2.3
Itslab SRL
Where Naples Coast & Islands, magazineinlingua inglese distribuito in tutti gli hotel a 4 e 5 stellediNapoli, isole e costiere, presenta Travel Diary, app cheaccompagnail turista durante la visita in città e gli consente digenerare unsimpatico diario di viaggio, condivisibile via social esul sitowherenaples.comScopo principale dell’app Travel Diary è fornire ai turistiunostrumento per arricchire l’esperienza di visita nella cittàdiNapoli, oltre che dotarli di un mezzo per condividere inmanieraoriginale e personalizzata la propria vacanzanapoletana.L’utente potrà poi selezionare uno dei tematismi adisposizione(dining, shopping, museums, …), fruire dei contenutirelativi,inviare le proprie sensazioni e caricare proprie fotorelative aciò che ha visitato. Al termine della visita in cittàl’app,elaborando gli input ricevuti dall’utente, genererà un diariodivisita basato sui dati a sua disposizione. Tale diario(Naplesdiary) potrà essere condiviso sui social o pubblicatosuun’apposita pagina web messa a disposizione sul portale webdelmagazine Where Naples Coast & Islands.Where Naples Coast&Islands, English-language magazine distributed in all the 4and 5stars Naples, islands and coastal, presents Travel Diary appthataccompanies the visitor during his visit to the city and allowsyouto generate a nice diary trip, shared via social andwebsitewherenaples.comprimary purpose of the Travel Diary is to provide tourists a tooltoenrich the experience of visiting the city of Naples, as wellasproviding them with a means of sharing in an originalandcustomized his own Neapolitan vacation.The user can then select one of the themes available(dining,shopping, museums, ...), use the relevant content, posttheirfeelings and upload their photos related to what he hasvisited.After the visit to the city the app, processing the inputreceivedby the user, generate a tour diary based on the data atitsdisposal. This diary (diary Naples) can be shared on socialorpublished on a special web page available on the web portal ofthemagazine Where Naples Coast & Islands.