Top 12 Apps Similar to Handlová

Zaži Tatry 1.10.6
App you won't get lost in Tatras with.
Pelipecky – cheap flight deals 1.5.5
Hot travel news, articles, tips and tricks, flight booking andordermanagement
Memory Stamps
David Strnad
Collect tourist stamps and stickers, create your tourist diaryinthe phone.
AirKey - Mobiles become keys! 2.5.1
Description:The EVVA AirKey electronic locking system allows you to simplysendencoded access authorisations from anywhere in the world viatheInternet. All AirKey needs is an NFC-compatible mobile phone,theAirkey online administration tool, Internet access and anAirKeycylinder. With AirKey, the mobile phone is the key. You needthefree AirKey app to turn your mobile phone into a key. Afterhavingsuccessfully downloaded the app and entered your registrationcodefrom the AirKey online administration tool, you can useyourNFC-compatible mobile phone as a key.Functions:- The AirKey app turns your NFC-compatible mobile phone into akey.Use it to lock AirKey cylinders for which you haveaccessauthorisations.- Use the AirKey online administration tool to assignaccess authorisations for certain doors or entire access areasusingyour own — or even someone else's — mobile phone.- The AirKey app can grant you access authorisations toseveralAirKey systems at the same time.- View your access authorisations and their validity ataglance.- The app turns your mobile phone into a coding station: Use ittosimply program identification media, such as key tags and cardsorupdate AirKey cylinders.- The AirKey app saves all access events, for instance whenacylinder opened, encodes the information and transfers ittotheAirKey online administration tool the next time the twoarelinked.- The AirKey app may optionally also be secured with aPINcode.- Assign special "maintenance mode" authorisations to onemobilephone. As a result, the AirKey app will list maintenancetasks.Such special authorisations also allow you to addlockingcomponents and identification media to your AirKey lockingsystemas well as to lock locking components in factorydefaultcondition.Commissioning:- Visit to sign up to theAirKeyonline administration tool- Specify a password for the AirKey online administrationtool- Create new user profiles and smartphones and assign thesetopersons within the AirKey online administration tool- Create a registration code for the AirKey app- Download the AirKey app- Enter the registration code from the AirKey onlineadministrationtool in the AirKey app- Optional protection with a PIN code- Assign authorisations and use the mobile phone as a keyFurther information:- Required Android version: from 4.0.0- Hardware requirements: NFC-compatible smartphone(smartphonescompatible with AirKey are listedhere): For more information on the AirKeysystem:
Authorization device for Internet banking.
iDoklad 15.744
Solitea, a.s.
Co na srdci, to na faktuře. Od května 2021 je mobilníappkaiDokladplnohodnotným nástrojem na faktury. Pokud běháte zeschůzkynaschůzku nebo neradi pracujete na počítači, kvůlifakturacihonemusíte vůbec zapínat. Přes mobilní appkuzařídítekompletníagendu: ● nastavíte si údaje o vlastní firměneboživnosti, ●založíte adresář klientů nebo ceník, ● propojíteiDokladsbankovním účtem, ● nastavíte si automatické upomínkyapoděkováníza úhradu, ● sestavíte cenovou nabídku, ● pošletejiklientovi keschválení, ● vystavíte zálohovku neboklasickoufakturu, ● odešletemu ji jako přílohu e-mailu nebo odkazemkestažení, ● zjistíte,jaké jsou vaše příjmy a výdaje. A mnohemvíc.Mobilní aplikace jesynchronizovaná s webovou aplikací iDoklad.Cozměníte na mobilu,to se upraví i ve webové verzi – a obráceně.Jakzačít? Stáhněte siaplikaci, zaregistrujte se v ní, vyplňte údajeosvé firmě neboživnosti a je to. První fakturu vystavíte zapárminut. Zvládneteto klidně při čekání na schůzku, z chalupynebovlaku. Poregistraci máte 60 dnů zdarma na vyzkoušení všechfunkcí azákladnífakturaci budete mít k dispozici i poté.
Tatra banka
As a first bank in Slovakia we introduce abankapplication adapted also for your smart watches.The Application provides enhanced Internet bankingfunctionality,extended about some additional features. You cancheck thepossibilities of application in list of availablefunctionalitiesattached below, or through DEMO function.List of available functionality:1.Accounts – balance, detail, transactions, PDF monthlystatementwith print, movements advanced search older than 3 months,optionto reply by payment, option to create beneficiary from anaccountmovement, export of movements and daily balances chart,sharing ofmovement detail, setting of Optional Overdraft2. Debit cards - detail and movements, online card management,theposibility to block a card3. Credit cards – balance, detail, payment from creditcard,transactions, repayment, online card management, theposibility toblock a card4. Offer of pre-approved credit card, non-purpose loanandothers5. Inbox and docbox (Automatic push notification ofreceivedmessages /documents)6. Payment - in EUR currency to all SEPA7. Postal orders, invoices and IBAN scanner8. Maintenance of pending payments9. Branches and ATMs10. Exchange rates11. Contacts12. List of loans – loan detail (with the possibility torealizeextra payment on selected non-purpose loans)13. DEMO14. Standing orders15. ATM cash withdrawal by mobile16. Spending report17. Beneficiaries18. News19. NFC Preview20. DDS Pension21. TAM funds22. Assets and liabilities23. SEPA Direct Debits24. Contract documents25. GoalsIf you have any additional questions, please do not hesitatetocontact us on:- by e-mail [email protected] or- by contacts on ourwebsite:
Tipli 1.0.38
Tipli s.r.o.
Get rewarded for shopping online in hundreds of stores just byusingTipli app.
MHD Tabule 1.5.1
Displaying departure boards stop Czech and Slovak Republics, aswellas offline, widget
Mountain Rescue Service 1.0.4
Application allowing calls to be made totheemergency call number 18300 of Mountain Rescue Serviceandemergency SMSs sent, using the the current GPS position toquicklylocate the caller in the mountain environment. Itpromotescommunication for the deaf. Using Application, you getfreshinformation on avalanche danger and alerts in individualmountainsin Slovakia. You get contacts, useful advice for movementin thealpine environment, and also a short guide on firstaidadministration. The Application contains useful tools: a lightandSOS light.
Bazoš 2.16.3
Internet classifieds for everyone. Bazaar where you can easilyselleverything.
eznamka 3.0.1
Purchase and validity checks of electronic vignettes forSlovakhighways