Top 37 Apps Similar to teleSUR Multimedia

teleSUR 4.3.57
Enjoy the content on your device teleSUR.
VIVA - Berita Terbaru - Stream 3.6.1
VIVA provides the latest & accurate news, with livestreamingtvOne and ANTV.
Television en vivo 2.0.0
chomito apps
Encuentras todas las maneras simplesdepoderver television gratis , desde tu celular o tablet. Miratodalaprogramacion totalmente gratis .Tv en vivo onlinegratis.Find all simplewaystowatch free TV from your phone or tablet. Look atalltheprogramming .tv totally free online live free.
América TV - La Vida en Vivo 4.1.5
All American TV programming live on your phone.
Azteca Noticias 1.1.26
Current information. Azteca Noticias.
T13 v2.0.4(201803091)
Canal 13
News information platforms T13, on your mobile device.
TN - Todo Noticias
Diseñada especialmente para tu Android,lanueva aplicación de TN te trae las mejores coberturas conrelacióna los temas relevantes de la actualidad nacional einternacional.Informate en todo momento sobre lo que está pasandoen la políticanacional, novedades económicas, información deportivay lo másdestacado del espectáculo nacional e internacional.Presentamos un diseño nuevo que facilita la visualizacióndenuestros contenidos y una navegación pensada para los hábitosdelos usuarios de Android.Mirá la transmisión en vivo de TN y todos los videos con laopciónde verlos con reproducción automática.¿Qué vas a encontrar en nuestra aplicación?- Nueva navegación nativa de Android- Recibí notificaciones con las noticias más importantesdeArgentina y el Mundo- Accedé a una innovadora experiencia inmersiva a través delosvideos de TN 360- Estructura renovada en las portadas para mostrar las noticiasmásrelevantes- Escuchá la transmisión de TN en formato solo audio enTNRadio- Nuevo diseño de la página de artículos para facilitarlalectura- Soportamos todos los contenidos de redes sociales ennuestrasnotas- Más opciones multimedia: galerías, videos, transmisiones en vivoyGIFs- Acceso rápido a todos nuestros micrositios: TodaPasión, LaViola,Tecno, Show, Autos, Con Bienestar y TN y la Gente- Prendé o apagá la reproducción automática de videosSpecially designedforyour Android, TN new application brings you the bestcoverageregarding the relevant issues of national and internationalnews.Be informed at all times about what is happening innationalpolitics, economic news, sports news and highlightsnational andinternational show.We are introducing a new design that makes viewing our contentandnavigation habits designed for Android users.View the live broadcast of TN and all videos with the option toviewthem with autoplay.What you will find in our application?- New native Android navigation- Receive notifications with the most important news ofArgentinaand the World- Instantly an innovative immersive experience through videosTN360- Renovated structure in the front to show the mostrelevantnews- Listen to the transmission of audio only format TN TN Radio- Redesigned page for easier reading articles- We support all content on social networks in our notes- More multimedia options: galleries, videos, live broadcastsandGIFs- Quick access to all our microsite: TodaPasión, La Viola,Techno,Show, Cars, Con Welfare and TN and People- Turned on or off autoplay video
Television en vivo 1.0.0
Revistas APPs
Descubre gracias a esta revista comodisfrutarde la televisión en vivo y gratis gracias a informaciónsobre lasprincipales aplicaciones de cada país para ver la telegratis encelular.Discover throughthismagazine and enjoy live TV and free thanks to information onmajorapplications for each country to watch free TV on cell.
Telemundo Puerto Rico 7.10.1
Noticias locales, alertas y el pronóstico del tiempo paraPuertoRico.
Television en vivo 3.0.0
Noticias Vigo
En Noticias Vigo ponemos adisposiciónlaprogramación de la televisión en vivo de España paraque a lahoraque accedes a la aplicación, puedas conocer que estánemitiendoenlos diferentes canales de television de España y de suTDT,latelevisión digital terrestre.Conoce de forma rápida y sencilla con Noticias Vigo queverenvivo en la televisión de España.News Vigoweoffertelevision programming live Spain for when youaccesstheapplication, you can know that are broadcast ondifferentTVchannels in Spain and its DTT digital terrestrialtelevision.Meet quickly and easily with News Vigo to watch liveontelevisionin Spain.
LIVE TV Pak And World Channels 1.4
AMS Team
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Today's infographics 1.0.9
매일 만나는 유익한 정보, 투데이즈인포그래픽스(Today's infographics) "수 없이 쏟아지는정보에많이지치셨죠?" "매일 1건의 유익한 정보가 당신을 만나러 갑니다." 인포그래픽스(InfoGraphics)의일반적인의미는정보(Information)와 그래픽(Graphics)의 합성어를 의미합니다. 여기에 뉴스(News)를더한것이디지틀조선일보 인포그래픽스입니다. 2010년 9월 정식 서비스(를시작한이후정치, 경제, 사회, 라이프 등 다양한 주제와, 독자와 직접 소통 가능한 인터랙티브 기능으로 복잡한 정보를이해하기쉽고흥미롭게 전달하여 이용자들에게 많은 관심을 받아온 서비스입니다. 이를 바탕으로 매일 유익한 인포그래픽스를선별하여투데이인포그래픽스(Today's infographcs 또는 Today's info) 무료 앱으로제공하게되었습니다.투데이인포그래픽스(이하 투데이인포, Today info)는 하루에 하나씩 새로운 인포그래픽스가제공되는'오늘의인포그래픽스', 원하는 날짜를 선택하여 볼 수 있는 '날짜별 보기'와 '지난 인포그래픽스 보기', 다시보고싶은인포그래픽스를 따로 모아둘 수 있는 '저장된 페이지 보기' 기능이 있습니다. 콘텐트의 구성은 신뢰성 있는전문정보,생활밀착형 정보, 시기에 적합한 이슈 등을 주로 다루고 있습니다. 다양한 미디어 유형으로 구성된인포그래픽스는태블릿에최적화된 UI로 제공하며 SNS와 이메일로 쉽게 공유가능합니다.투데이즈인포그래픽스(Today'sinfographics)는 웹사이트 및 SNS로도 볼 수 있습니다.-웹사이트:페이스북:구글플러스:카카오스토리: ---- 개발자 연락처 :1577-8585
teleSUR English 4.3.57
An improved version enjoy all teleSUR content now. Written andvideonews, shows, specials, blogs, opinion articles and much more.
América Noticias 1.1
América TV
América Noticias es la aplicación oficialygratuita de América Televisión. En ella encuentras vayasdondevayas, desde tu Smartphone o Tablet, la información másrelevantesobre el acontecer local, nacional y mundial.También está a tu alcance resúmenes con video de nuestroscinconoticieros: Primera Edición, Edición del Mediodía, EdiciónCentral,Edición Sabatina y Edición Dominical; así como de nuestroprogramade investigación periodística, Cuarto Poder, y de nuestroespaciode Espectáculos. Las coberturas de eventos especiales - comolaselecciones generales 2016, el cambio de mando presidencialycualquier otro tema de coyuntura- completan nuestraofertainformativa.Gracias a nuestra aplicación puedes interactuar con y con nuestra programación periodísticaentelevisión, a través de encuestas, trivias y espaciossocialesdiseñados pensando en mejorar tu experiencia como usuariodenuestros contenidos.American News istheofficial and free application American Television. Here youwillfind wherever you go, from your Smartphone or Tablet, themostrelevant information on local, national and world events.It is also within your reach with video summaries of ourfivenews: First Edition, edition of the South, Central Edition,IssueSabatina and Sunday edition; as well as our programofinvestigative journalism, Fourth, and our space Shows. Hedgesofspecial events - like the general election 2016,presidentialinauguration and any other topic of conjuncturalcomplete ourinformation offer.With our application you can interact with our site andourjournalistic television programming,throughsurveys, quizzes and social spaces designed thinking ofimprovingyour experience as a user of our content.
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RT News 3.5.61
RT news - find out what the mainstream media is keepingsilentabout.
VIVA!+ 2.4
Dzięki darmowej aplikacjiVIVA!+przeniesieszsię w wirtualny świat i zobaczysz znaczniewięcej!Aplikacja "VIVA!+" to platforma łącząca światwirtualnyzrzeczywistym. Wykorzystuje urządzenia mobilnedorozpoznawanianałożonych na siebie obrazów idostarczeniaCzytelnikomdwutygodnika VIVA! dodatkowych treści wformie filmów,animacji lubdźwięków.Żeby skorzystać z możliwości oferowanychprzezaplikacjęVIVA!+:KROK 1Pobierz teraz darmową aplikację VIVA!+KROK 2Uruchom aplikację na Twoim smartfonie lub tablecie z kamerąKROK 3Skieruj obiektyw aparatu mobilnego urządzenia nastronępapierowegowydania dwutygodnika VIVA! ze zdjęciem wskazanymnaekraniepowitalnym - tak jak przy robieniu zdjęcia...KROK 4...i zobacz co się stanie!WithfreeapplicationsVIVA! + Move in the virtual world and you will seemuchmore!The "VIVA! +" Is a platform connecting the virtual worldwiththereal. It uses mobile devices to recognize overlappingimages,andprovide readers with a biweekly VIVA! additional contentintheform of videos, animations or sounds.To take advantage of the opportunities offered bytheapplicationVIVA! +:STEP 1Download the free app now VIVA! +STEP 2Run the application on your smartphone or tablet with acameraSTEP 3Aim the camera lens on the mobile device side issuebiweeklypaperVIVA! photo shown on the welcome screen - just likewhentakingphotos ...STEP 4... And see what happens!
CNN Breaking US & World News 7.18.1
When you want to know what’s happening,tapinto the global news gathering power of CNN. Withcorrespondentsand bureaus reporting from across the world, no othernews sourceeven comes close.• Custom alert settings - stay informed withoutgettingoverwhelmed• Watch live CNN, CNNi or HLN television anywhere, anytime*• Experience the world of breaking news through in-depthstories,photo galleries and news clips.• Watch CNN Original Series like “Anthony Bourdain: PartsUnknown”,CNN news programs like “Anderson Cooper 360” andaward-winning CNNFilms.Video on Demand and Live TV limited to US consumers.*first 10 minutes free each day, log in with your US satelliteorcable provider credentials for unlimited viewing.
BBC Mundo
BBC Mundo, more than the news in SpanishBBC Mundo’s distinctive content is now easier and faster toaccessfor free on your Android phone.The app is simple to use, with stories in Spanish arrangedintocategories covering Latest News, Latin America, World,Business,Technology, Science, Health, Society & CultureandVideos.You can also view all stories within the app in chronologicalorderor according to their popularity among the users.With the BBC Mundo App you can:• Keep up to date with the latest headlines• Read and watch the most popular news stories• Get in-depth features and analysis of big stories• Personalise the app, choosing the News categories thatmostinterest you• Increase or decrease the story text size• Share stories by email, Facebook and Twitter• Read the top three stories from each category even whenyou'reoffline• Watch video content over Wi-Fi and 3G connectionsWe welcome your comments and feedback.App will run on v2.3.3 and above.The app will scale for any screen size but is optimum at smalltomedium screens (phones up to 7inches)Some Android devices may experience play difficulties withcertainvideos; if you experience this please try to download theh.264Main Profile codec or a player that supports it for yourdevice orrefer to your device manufacturer.
TVN Noticias
Panama and news direct to your mobile world.
Teletica 2.0.36
Teletica will connect you to Costa Rica, feel at home where everyouare.
RPP Noticias 4.0.1
Grupo RPP
RPP Noticias brings you the latest news with full coverage.
teleSUR English Multimedia 4.1.6
Get the latest video news and enjoy allcontentof TeleSUR English
RTVE Móvil
***** Ahora, versión HD optimizadaparaTABLETAS. Bájatela en GooglePlay:***************TVE en Directo y ahora también A la CARTA. Todas lasnoticias,series, programas y deportes en tu Android cuando quierasy dóndequieras.Con RTVE Noticias y Directos podrás acceder en directo a loscanalesde Televisión Española y de Radio Nacional de España.Podrás seguiren directo los programas, series e informativos deLa1, la cadenalíder de audiencia en España; Teledeporte, canaltemático deDeportes con los mejores eventos y competiciones y elCanal 24h, conla información más rigurosa.Incluye las secciones de TVE A la Carta y RNE A la Carta paraquedisfrutes de todas tus series, documentales, informativosyprogramas favoritos directamente en tu móvil ycompletamentegratis.Características de la aplicación:• TV en Directo*(disponible con y sin Flash): La 1, La2,Teledeporte y Canal 24 horas.• Emisiones en directo: series, fútbol, motociclismo,tenis,debates, informativos, películas, etc.* Programas A la Carta: vídeos y audios completos deseries,concursos, informativos, documentales, programasdeentretenimiento, música...• Suscripción a alertas, para que te avisemos en tu Androidcuandoempiece una retransmisión en directo.• Noticias con texto, vídeos e imágenes.• Noticias divididas por secciones de actualidad:Internacional,Nacional, Deportes, Economía Cultura, Ciencia yTecnología.• Sección Telediario: con el Telediario completo y en 4minutos.Además, los últimos vídeos del Telediario y ElTiempo.• Información meteorológica• Radio Nacional en directo.* El 90% de la emisión de La 1 y Teledeporte estará disponibleparaiPhone aunque puede sufrir algunas interrupciones debidoarestricciones de derechos audiovisuales.** Ya se pueden enviar los directos de RTVE a Chromecast,aunquealgunos contenidos puede que no se visualicen debido alformato dela señal que puede ser incompatible con los formatosaceptados poreste dispositivo.***** Now RTVE.esHDversion optimized for tablets. Get it on GooglePlay:***************TVE Live and now also to the letter. All news, series, programsandsports on your Android anytime, anywhere.With RTVE News and Direct you can access live TV channelsandSpanish National Radio of Spain. You can watch live programs,andinformative series of La1, the leading chain in Spainaudience;Teledeporte Sports thematic channel with the best eventsandcompetitions and Channel 24h, with the mostaccurateinformation.Includes sections TVE and RNE A la Carte A la Carte so you canenjoyall your series, documentaries, news and favorite programsdirectlyon your mobile and free.Application features:• Live TV * (available with and without flash): La 1, La 2,CanalTeledeporte and 24 hours.• Live broadcasts: series, football, motorcycling, tennis,debates,news, movies, etc.* Programs A la Carte: videos and audios complete series,gameshows, news, documentaries, entertainment, music ...• Subscription to alerts, to be emailed to your Android whenyoustart a live broadcast.• News with text, videos and images.• News currently divided by sections: International,National,Sports, Business Culture, Science and Technology.• Section Telediario: with full newscast and 4 minutes. Inaddition,the latest videos of the newscast and Weather.• Weather information• National Radio Live.* 90% of the issue of the 1 and Teledeporte will be availableforiPhone but may suffer some interruptions due to restrictionsonbroadcasting rights.** You can be sent direct to Chromecast RTVE, although somecontentmay not be displayed due to the signal format that maybeincompatible with the formats supported by this device.
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Noticieros Televisa US 1.1.3
The Noticieros Televisa App brings you themostup to date news from Mexico and the rest of the world, givingyouaccess to them whenever and wherever you'd like.You will have summary feeds from the multiple NoticierosTelevisasources filled with the experience of the mostpreparedcorrespondents.Enjoy the most powerful image galleries from the daily news,ordive into our vast image collection and take a trip aroundtheworld.Listen to the Carlos Loret de Mola's daily Podcast ofPrimeroNoticias and get the scoop on all you need to know to makeyourdecisions.The most complete news source is in the palm of your hand.Download it now
aText-TV - Teletext 23.04.1
Check news and sport results fast from teletext!
Ultra Mexico 2.3.0
Ultra Mexico brings to you news and information from UltraNewswhichyou can recommend to your friends. We cover thestatesofAguascalientes, Distrito Federal, State ofMexico,Guerrero,Hidalgo, Michoacan, Puebla, Veracruz and theNationalandInternational News. A whole team of reporters workingdailytobring the news to all platforms supported more, download Ultra Mexico and takeeverywhere theinformation,news, sports, interesting notes, videosand photogalleries soyou're always well informed of what'shappening whereyou live orlived once. Listen Ultra Radio and UltraTelevisionusing our livestreams. On demand content, podcast, radiostationsand allmicro-content from Ultra TV, where you see yourself.
TéléStar - programmes & actu T 2.15.4
Télé Star is reinventing the TV Guide to offer you a newTVexperience!
PressReader 6.1.201112
Connecting you with the stories you love,fromthousands of sources you trust. All you can read news tokeepinformed, entertained and inspired every day. Share yourpassionsand connect with like-minded readers to discover newcontent. Makeyour voice heard on issues that matter to you, andfollow andsupport opinions expressed by others.- - More news, more possibilities - -Get an unlimited stream of top news stories in your home feed -nosign up required. Choose sections of magazines or newspaperstobuild your own publication, or follow others for a curatedstoryfeed.- - News is better when you can connect with friends - -Share stories and opinions with friends on Twitter,Facebook,Google+, or send by email. Start sharing with a freeaccount.- - Thousands of titles, trusted sources - -Get your favorite publications and discover new titles thatyou’resure to love. Choose from thousands of magazines andnewspapers andread them in the image-rich original layout. See thiscontent comealive and personal as you can listen, share, translateor commenton it. Download issues that you can enjoy both on-andoffline.- - We travel the world with you - -Not a subscriber? No worries! Access publications at thousandsofsponsored PressReader HotSpot locations worldwide. Usetheconstantly updated HotSpot Map to find a location near you. Besureto ask your hotel or library if they alreadyofferPressReader.- - Your channel, your views - -Create your channel and air your views. Add your opinions tostoriesand make your voice heard on issues you care about. Youropiniongains momentum as more people support it. Grow yoursupporters andbecome an opinion leader. Spark change.- - Seamless and social - -Use your Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or free PressReader accounttoget started. Your reading history is saved when you login,makingit easy to continue conversations from any device.KEY FEATURES:- Easily discover content searching by publication name,interest,country, or language preference- Read publications and stories just as they appear in print- Read full stories in an attention-grabbing, horizontal newsstreamin text view mode- Personalize your news feed with specific sectionsfrompublications to build your own newspaper or magazine- Get your favorite publications auto-delivered so you never missanissue- Download full issues for offline reading- Instantly translate stories in up to 16 languages- Customize your font size and type- Listen to stories with on-demand narration- Find stories on your topic with advanced search acrossmultiplepublications- Bookmark articles for later reading, reference or sharing- Comment on articles and make your opinions heard- Vote on articles to show support or opposition ofviewpoints- Share stories by email or on Facebook or Twitter- Set My Topic alerts so you always see important news onyourkeywords- Sync your profile with news preferences, bookmarks andalertsacross all your devices- Print full-content pages or articles- Copy and paste entire articles into other applications- Save articles to Evernote or InstapaperPressReader is available on iOS, Android, Amazon forAndroid,Windows 8 and Blackberry 10, as well as on the with us!Follow us on Twitter: @PressReaderLike us on Facebook: us on YouTube: with us onLinkedIn: out our blog:
Sputnik News 3.0.10
Sputnik tells the untold.
Noticias En Español 4.5
World news in your own language
Subrayado Móvil 1.0
Con esta aplicación, el informativo deCanal10te acompaña a donde vayas.Es así que Subrayado extiendesupresenciamultiplataforma y ahora te acerca todas las noticiasalinstante entu smartphone Android.La aplicación de Subrayado te acercará, además delainformaciónmás importante con actualización permanente, blogsdecolumnistasespecializados e informes especiales.Pero eso no es todo. Además de la información deSubrayado,podrásacceder a todos los contenidos y programas de laseñalperiodísticade Canal 20, con más de 10 programas einformacióndurante toda lajornada.La aplicación también permite acceder a los contenidosdeAsuntosPúblicos, una prestigiosa señal del grupo empresarialqueregistralas conferencias más relevantes todas las semanas.Potencia además la interacción con los usuariosmediantelasdiferentes plataformas de redes sociales, convirtiéndolaasí enunaexperiencia única.Con Subrayado Móvil, además, podrás generar tupropiaplataformainformativa, al seleccionar -entre todos losqueofrecemos- cuálesson los contenidos que te interesa ver enlaaplicación.En suma, información, actualidad, profundidadyentretenimiento,en una sola aplicación periodística.Más posibilidades que te brinda la APP Subrayado:+ Ver Subrayado en vivo con la cobertura delosprincipaleseventos.+ Vincular a tus redes sociales los contenidos queteparezcaninteresantesWith thisapplication,theinformation of Channel 10 accompanies you wheresovayas.EsUnderline platform and extends its presence now bringsyouall thenews instantly on your Android smartphone.Underline Applying approach you, in addition to themostimportantinformation updating, columnists blogs andspecialreports.But that's not all. Besides underlining information,youcanaccess all content and journalistic programs Channelsignal20,with more than 10 programs and information throughouttheday.The app also provides access to the contents of PublicAffairs,aprestigious business group signal that recordsrelevantconferencesevery week.Power also the interaction with users through thevarioussocialnetworking platforms, thereby making it auniqueexperience.With Underline Mobile also lets you create yourowninformationplatform, selecting, among all that we offer,whatcontent you wantto see in the application.In sum, information, current, depth andentertainmentjournalismin a single application.More possibilities offered by the APP Underlined:+ See Underline Live coverage of major events.+ Link to your social networking content thatyoufindinteresting
Ecuador Decide 1.0.2
teleSUR presents the news and videocoverageappof Ecuador Presidential Election on 2013, featuringelectoralresultsby territory and parties. (Content inSpanish)
Euronews - Daily breaking news 6.1.1
European media, Live TV & video streaming, world info24/7,stories & articles
Guide for VivaVideo Editor 1.0
Free VivaVideo is one of the bestvideocamerafor video editor Android applicationsMarket. Join the over 200 million people worldwide. such youcanTrimand mergevideo clips in the storyboard editing. More than 200specialeffects,includinganimated stickers / Themes / Filters / the FX / Texts/transitions.Easy to useinterface bugs fixed improved performance . For example,youcancreate one cropand merge video clips in the storyboard editing.ExclusiveSelfiescamera with sevenexciting lenses. Download the entire package ofone-touchfilters.this guide forViva video editor is unofficial guide only provided forresearchandeducationpurposes only.
Fox News - Daily Breaking News
Read latest breaking news! Watch current events &followheadlines with Fox News