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Helpling Partner 3.3.0
Helpling Partner is the app for self-employed cleanersworkingwithHelpling to receive and manage cleaning jobs easilyviasmartphone.Whether at home on the sofa, or on the way to yournextjob, youcan manage your business anytime and anywhere.Withthenotification function, you receive live updates about yourjobsonthe go. The app is available for cleaners working withHelplinginAustralia, Singapore, France, Germany andNetherlands.FEATURES✔Manage Your Appointments: Choose to accept newbookingsand changerequests from existing customers. ✔PaymentsandTransfers: Claimpayments for completed jobs and viewpreviouspayments ✔Liveupdates about your jobs - including remindersaboutupcoming jobsand notifications of changes to any jobs.✔Pushcustomernotifications - you can now be notified about newcustomersbyreceiving push notifications. Click on the notificationto seemoreinformation about the new customer in the app andrespondquicklyand easily from the app without using your SMS quota.✔Chatfeature- you can now chat with your customers directly fromtheapp.Introduce yourself to new customers, ask questionsaboutthebooking and build better relationships by keepingtheconversationflowing. ✔Calendar View: See all your confirmedjobsand job offersin the calendar view, including customer address,tohelp youmanage your schedule. ✔Maps Integration: Individualjoboverviewscontain a map with the customer location, to helpyounavigatebetween jobs. For any questions about the HelplingPartnerApp,please go to or write [email protected].