Top 16 Apps Similar to TAMAWALT AMAZIGHE

تعلم الامازيغية بسهولة
يتيح لك هذا التطبيق تعلم :- اللغة الامازيغية المغربية- اللغة الامازيغية الجزائرية- اللغة الامازيغية الليبية- ,,,فهو ليس مخصص فقط للامازيغ بل هو للجميع حيث يمكن من وقت وجيز منتعلمحروف الامازيغية تيفيناغ و المصطلحات و الكلمات مع النطقة حيثيعتمدعل الصوت و الصورة .فالتطبيق يعلمك القاموس أو المقابلات باللغة العربية و اللغةالفرنسةمن أجل التعلم بسرعة و التمكن من اللغة و الكتابة و النطقالجيدللحروف و المصطلحاتفي الاخير هذا التطبيق يتيح لك الانفتاح على الثقافة الامازيغيةويعطيك فكرة عن اللهجات الامازيغةThis applicationallowsyou to learn:- Moroccan Amazigh language- Tamazight language Algerian- Libyan Amazigh language- ,,,It is not only dedicated to the Amazigh it is for all, where canashort time to learn the letters and Tamazight Tifinaghterminologyand words with resistance spot where Al depends soundandimage.Valttbaiq teach you a dictionary or interviews in Arabic and TFIinorder to learn quickly and mastery of language, writing,goodpronunciation of the letters and terminologyIn the fourth This application lets you open up to theAmazighculture and gives you an idea of ​​the Amazighdialects
Amawal Qamous (قاموس) 0.6.5
Arabic dictionary Tamazight contains several features tofacilitateaccess to the word and its meaning
AZUL 1.1
Learn the Amazigh language in Tifinagh and latin with the Azul app.
Tamazight lung 3.0.0
the best way to learn Tamazight .andberberknowthe history in North Africaand view news Tamazgha .
JWperfectmatch 0.8.2
JWperfectmatch is a dating site for Genuine Jehovah's Witnesses.
Izwiln s tmazight 1.2
Izwiln tmazight s: is a numbers game in Tamazight.
Premiers mots Kabyle, français 3.1
Application interactif gratuit pourenfantspour apprendre les premiers motsTexte, images et sonsEn 2 langues Français et KabyleApplication générée automatiquement par de création de contenue Rich Media Interactif sansavoirà saisir du codeInteractiveApplicationfree for children to learn the first wordsText, images and soundsIn 2 languages ​​French and KabyleApplication automatically generated by platform contained Interactive Rich Media without havingtoenter the code
Awal inu amzwaru 1.2
Awal inu amzwaru - كلماتي الاولى بالامازيغية - My firstwordsAmazigh
TifiWriter 1.2
Educational tool for learning thealphabetBerber (Tifinagh).This app allows you to train yourself to write Tifinagh.
Awaren Inu 1.2
Awaren Inu is a free app to learn Tamazight (Berber).
Learn French - 11,000 Words 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
المحترف الأمازيغي
تطبيق المحترف الامازيغي هو افضل تطبيقللإطلاععلى اخر الاخبار والانترنت من هاتفك فقط 24/24معلومات دروس حلقات اخبار شروحات مجانياتThe applicationofprofessional Amazigh is the best application for the latestnewsand the Internet from your phone only 24/24News Information rings lessons explanations Mjanaat
Première application mobile présentant un lexique amazighemarocainstandardisé couvrant des domaines de la vie courante etmoderne :médias, administration, art, environnement, civilité,droit etjustice, éducation, et bien d'autres.
اغاني الرايس الحسين أمراكشي
اغاني الرايس الحسين أمراكشي musicmp32016amazighتتنوع الأغنية الأمازيغية بين جنوب المغرب ووسطه وشماله فهيفيالجنوبتتميز بعمقها الإفريقي من خلال غلبة المقام الخماسيواستعمالوسائلالإيقاع الإفريقية وتتميز في الوسط بمقامات موسيقيةمختلفة وفيالشمالبانفتاح كبير على منطقة حوض المتوسطمن الناحية التيماتيةتتناول الأغنية الأمازيغية كل مناحي الحياة والتجربةالإنسانيةويغلبعليها كما يقول الباحث موضوعان أولهما الغزل أوالأغنيةالوجدانيةوثانيهما النقد الاجتماعي والسياسينوع من الأغنية الملتزمة قبل أن يوضح أن الأغنية الوجدانيةهيالتيمةالطاغية في الأطلس المتوسط فيما تطبع تيمة الهويةالنوعالغنائيالأمازيغي في الشمال ويميز النقد الاجتماعي والسياسي فنالغناءلدىالروايس في الجنوبMusicRaisHusseinOmrakeshi music mp3 2016 amazighAmazigh song between southern Morocco and central andnorthernTheyvary in the South African Bamgaha characterized byapredominanceof primarily Quintet and the use of the meansofAfrican rhythm andcharacterized in the center Bmqamatdifferentmusical In the north,a large opening on theMediterraneanregionOf the Altematah Amazigh song deals with all aspects of lifeandhumanexperience and predominantly says researcher themesfirstspinningor sentimental song and second, the socialandpoliticalcriticism Kind of song committed before that explains that thesongiscompassionate to themes of the tyrant in the MiddleAtlaswithprinted theme song Amazigh identity type in thenorthanddistinguishes the social and political criticism to theartofsinging in the south Alroaas
All Language Translator 1.18
All Language Translator Application to translate 130 languages.
French spelling by digischool 2.0.5
A free application to test and improveyourspelling in French! ◉◉◉◉ Created in partnership with Guillaume Terrien, The championofFrance in spelling. This application is composed of hundredsoflessons and more than 5000 questions and test.◉ Discover the numerous features of this application:-4 difficulty levels ranging from easy to expert-clear content approved by the French spelling champion-easy to use-explanations to help you understand and progress-trophies to win and collect◉ What is Orthographe francaise?The Orthographe application was created in partnershipwithprofessionals with the goal of allowing everyone to improvetheirwriting thanks to efficient learning methods over a multitudeofthemes.◉ How it worksIt's very simple, review the lessons regularly then testyourknowledge with the exercises. The more correct answer you give,themore trophies you will win.◉ Do you think you're ready?Check your level with the tests. You will answer questions atrandomwhich will give you a mark to help you get a better idea ofyourcurrent a level and what areas you need to work on.◉ The application covers all the areas that will allow youtoimprove your spelling in French:- Grammar: Noun plurals ending in 'eu'; adverbs ending in'emment'and '-amment', etc.- Homophones: 'ces', 'c'est' or 'sait'; 'dans' or 'd'en' etc.FAQ◉ Why choose Orthographe?Because it is fun, pratical and completely free! You willhaveaccess to content created in collaboration with the Frenchspellingchampion as well as being able to test your knowledge withtheexercises. You can also get a good idea of your current levelandhow to improve it. All of this in one unique application.◉ Can I use the application without an internet connection?Yes. Once you have downloaded the application you can useitanywhere at anytime.