Top 18 Games Similar to 貪吃蛇 - 對戰版

Snake very greedy, hoping to eat a little, you can freely adjustthespeed, contains two background music, two kinds ofdifficulty(general difficulty & Hell).
Snake League-蛇蛇聯盟 1.0.2
Youbi Game
聚集世界各地的蛇都在這裡了吧~玩這個遊戲的時候你是幾歲呢?現在經典遊戲升級版重返遊戲圈啦!承載著兒時夢想的小蛇在你的操控下逐漸長大變長,在眾多蛇群中脫穎而出,替你實現兒時相當街頭霸王的願望!【玩法說明】1. 每位玩家都以色彩絢麗的小蛇形式出場2. 通過屏幕搖杆控制方向操縱小蛇去吃地圖上的“小點點”食物,小蛇就會變長3. 當自己的蛇頭碰撞到別人的蛇身的時候自己的小蛇就會死亡,屍體化身“大點點”食物4. 可以操控方向“擊殺”別的蛇,吃別的蛇的屍體會長得更快喔**********************************************************************☆告別無聊,貪吃蛇玩出擊殺的爽快感☆你還認為是那個無聊的轉來轉去的貪吃蛇嗎?當然要去殺敵啦!場上不再是你一人,局勢風生水起變化莫測。☆操作簡單,戰鬥中技巧決定一切☆遊戲僅兩個按鈕可實現小蛇多種運動方式。通過搖杆控制舌頭前進方向,可慢慢觀戰也可提速搶食。變向甩尾,電光火石間擊殺敵人稱霸戰場。☆沒有絕對優勢,小蛇也能扭轉戰局☆不管是大蛇還是小蛇,都要時刻防備那些可能會攻擊你或者跟你搶食物的蛇,通過華麗操作,一招制敵,小蛇反殺大蛇不是夢。快來體驗吧,真的根本就停不下來喔~Gathered aroundtheworldare snakes here, right ~Play this game when you are old it? Now upgraded versionoftheclassic game to return to the game circle offriends!Childhooddream of carrying the snake under your controlgraduallygrewlonger, stand out among the snakes, for you toachievechildhoodquite street fighter desire![Play Description]1. Each player with colorful snake form Appearances2. manipulate the snake to eat on the map "little bit"offoodthrough the screen joystick to control the direction ofthesnakewill be longer3. When your snake smugglers bumping into others when hissnakewilldie, the body incarnation "Great little" food4. You can control the direction of "kill" other snakeseatothersnakes body will grow faster Oh**********************************************************************☆ bid farewell to boring, play Snake attackkilledShuangkuaigan☆Do you think that is boring and turn Snake it? Of course,goingtoKill it! A court is no longer your people, unpredictablewindandwater situation.☆ simple, combat skills everything ☆Games only two buttons can achieve a variety ofsnakemovement.Joystick control through the tongue forwarddirection,speed canalso be slowly spectators snatch. Change todrift,theelectro-optical flint between killing enemiesdominatethebattlefield.☆ no absolute advantage, the snake can turn the tide ☆Whether serpent or snake, we must always guard againstthosewhomight attack you or you grab the food with thesnake,throughgorgeous operations, a move enemy, kill the snakeanti-snakeis nota dream.Come and experience it really simply could not stop Oh ~
Greedy Snake 1.0
Greedy Snake is a classical arcade game.Inthisgame, you are an edacious snake. In order to grow up, youneedeatapple; however, there are many stones on the way. If youeatthosestones or yourself, you will die. Also, sometimes you canseeViagraand Treasure on the way. If you eat them, you can earnmorepoints.What are you waiting for? Come here and trainyoursensitivity.How To Play Greedy Snake:1. To control the snake, simply tilt your deviceonward,backward,leftward and rightward.2. You will get 10 points, when you eat apple within5seconds.3. You will only get 5 points, when you do not eat applewithinthelimit.4. You will get 200 points by eating Viagra and 100 pointsbyeatingTreasure.5. If you eat the Viagra, you will enhance the speed becuaseyouarefull of energy.
亂鬥貪吃蛇 1.0.0
Slither Snake 2.0
Feng Mobile
Slither and eat to grow longer. Can you become the longest player?
Snake Go 1.3.0
This is a game based on the classicSnakeadaptation of mobile games, games are novel, full ofcreativity,very playable, very test your ability to respondquickly, so youcan not stop playing.
貪食蛇 1.0.0
貪食蛇遊戲,遊戲進行中場地上會隨機出現蛋,玩家需操控蛇的方向,吃場地上所出現的蛋,吃到蛋即可得到分數。玩家須防止貪食蛇撞到牆及閃躲不斷加長的蛇身。Snake game, thegamewillrandomly appear midfielder floor eggs, players need tocontrolthedirection of the snake to eat eggs that appear on thesite, youcanget to eat eggs scores. Players must hit the wall andtopreventthe Snake dodge constantly lengthening snake.
Snake Classic 3.0
Totally Addicted Yourself into oldclassicSnakegame ? Wallow in nostalgia for old school snake fromoldphones ?Snake Classic will Bring You Back to The Joy of OldClassicSnake,and have more game Elements, have more fun . And Itis alsoasaddictive as the original snake!With in-game achievements, Nice UI and animation,Easyoperation,2 game modes( Classic Mode and Immortal Mode ), 4worldswith 64levels, 5 difficulty settings With 90 Snakes, SnakeClassicis thebest classic snake game, addictive fun !How to Play:* Touch screen to control the snake, turninArbitrarydirection.* Collect food on each level to progress the game.* Collect as many food as you can to increase extra bonusandchanceto get more kinds of snakes.* In Classic Mode, The snake dies if it touches walls oritsowntail.* In Immortal Mode, You will get a random snake playing inarandomlevel with random difficulty setting . And the snake willnotdie.* Total 4 worlds with 64 levels , you can get 90 kinds of snakesin5difficulty settings( Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, VeryHard).Allplayer can have a challenge in Dm Snake !* Every snake have its owner skill. They can increase extrabonusandchance to get Special snake.Tips:* Download Recommand game can earn more snakes.* Get free snakes every day.
The Snake Game 6.0
eHappy Studio
Snake eat all day non-stop:When it eat red fruit will get 30 points, eat yellowfruitcanbeScored 20 points, but if you eat purple fruit willsubtract10points.The default number of lives of 3:When the score is a multiple of 50, the increase in thenumberoflife.Snake longer, at the same time the speed will be accelerated.When the snakeheads met the boundary edges or snake,lifeminus1,When life is 0, the game will be terminated.The game can choose the sensor or touch by mobile Snake.Sensors: the use of the accelerator, mobile phone panelPoured RA control the moving direction.The touch: slide your finger on the panel.Game 10 highest score will be recordedBecome a model for all players to the chart.
百变贪吃蛇 2.0
百变贪吃蛇2.0版回归啦,带着全新的免费皮肤,喜爱蛇吃豆的朋友们请下载我吧。游戏支持切换皮肤,各种有趣皮肤随意切换,经典Nokia皮肤,幻光皮肤,涂鸦皮肤等等...这款经典的休闲游戏后续还会不断加入火影、海贼等各种炫目皮肤,敬请替代更新。新版系统特性:1你已经没有Nokia手机了,但你可以玩Nokia手机上的经典游戏"蛇吃豆",基于原始贪吃蛇游戏的重制版,点阵显示以及简单的音效,游戏的默认经典皮肤就是Nokia风格,一起来怀旧吧。2 喜欢涂鸦风格么,本游戏第二款风格就是Doodle涂鸦风格,带给你小清新的感觉。3眩光风格是本游戏的第三风格,无论是组成蛇和食物的方块还是蛇吃到食物的效果都十分酷,玩法上和经典的贪吃蛇游戏没有多大区别,简单耐玩炫目的色彩和光影希望你能喜欢。4 系统每次更新都将加入更多新的风格,包括火影、海贼王、变形金刚、高达、3D效果等等风格。5 游戏使用触屏操作,点击屏幕任意点,贪吃蛇就会根据触摸点变更方向,操作方便,灵活。6 随着玩家分数的增加,游戏难度将会增加,贪吃蛇越走越快。7 游戏支持排行榜,创新纪录的玩家可以输入名字并进入排行榜中。关键字:休闲游戏 经典游戏 怀旧游戏 漂亮 搞笑 蛇年 开心 娱乐
Snake Joy - Classic Free Game 3.0
With in-game achievements, NiceUIandanimation, Easy operation, 2 game modes( Classic ModeandImmortalMode ), 4 worlds with 64 levels, 5 difficulty settingsWith90Snakes, Dm Snake is the best classic snake game, addictivefun !Totally Addicted Yourself into old classic Snake game ?Wallowinnostalgia for old school snake from old phones ? Dm SnakewillBringYou Back to The Joy of Old Classic Snake, and havemoregameElements, have more fun . And It is also as addictiveastheoriginal snake!How to Play:* Touch screen to control the snake, turninArbitrarydirection.* Collect food on each level to progress the game.* Collect as many food as you can to increase extra bonusandchanceto get more kinds of snakes.* In Classic Mode, The snake dies if it touches walls oritsowntail.* In Immortal Mode, You will get a random snake playing inarandomlevel with random difficulty setting . And the snake willnotdie.* Total 4 worlds with 64 levels , you can get 90 kinds of snakesin5difficulty settings( Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, VeryHard).Allplayer can have a challenge in Dm Snake !* Every snake have its owner skill. They can increase extrabonusandchance to get Special snake.Tips:* Download Recommand game can earn more snakes.* Get free snakes every day.
Crazy Snake 1.0.0
Play against other people online! Canyoubecomethe longest player? Good luck!
转转贪吃蛇 1.2
Zongjian He
贪吃蛇作为一款经典的休闲小游戏,曾经被无数人所狂热追捧,只求能够傲视群雄,独孤不败。不过你是否因为原作只有上下左右四种操作方式感到无聊,无法充分发挥自己的才能?现在,下载全新版全角度贪吃蛇,马上就能轻松畅玩不一样贪吃蛇!这款游戏在基于原始游戏的基础上,打破上下左右四个方位的限制,做到真正的三百六十度全方位移动。通过摇杆控制蛇身移动方向,让游戏方式更简单!你所需要做的就是控制你的贪吃蛇,让它尽可能多的吃到道具,并且不要撞到自己的身体或者四周的墙壁。界面简约卡通,适合各阶段人群。玩法:点击并移动摇杆,可以控制蛇的移动方向,尽可能多的吃到屏幕上的道具,来获取更多的分数。当然,分数越多,蛇身也就越长,也就越考验你的游戏天赋了。最高分的玩家将会登顶榜首,接受更多人的挑战。友情提示:千万不要小看全方位移动奥,它既可以让你一不小心就gameover,也可以让你充分发挥才能,越战越勇。成功或者失败,全在你一指之间。现在,拿起你的手机,控制移动你的贪吃蛇,向着最高分冲锋吧!Snake as aclassiccasualgames, has been fanatical pursuit of countless people,justtowarlords, Solitude undefeated. But you as the originalmodeofoperation is only down about four kinds of bored, you cannotgivefull play to their talents? Now, download the new versionofthewhole point of the Snake,'ll be able to easily playalldifferentSnake!In the game based on the original game, based on theorientationofbreaking down about four restrictions to be trulythreehundredsixty-degree movement. Snake through the joystickcontrolthedirection of movement, the game way easier! All you needto doiscontrol your snake, eat as much as it props, and do nothityourbody or the walls. Simple interface cartoon, suitableforallstages of the crowd.How to play: Click and move the joystick to controlthedirectionof movement of the snake, eat as many props on thescreento getmore points. Of course, the score, the more the longerthesnake,the more games test your talent. Top players will climbthelist,more people accepted the challenge.Tips: Do not underestimate the full range of mobile Austrian,Itcanmake you believe it is game over, but also allows you togivefullplay to, Yuezhanyueyong. Success or failure, all inonefingerbetween you.Now, pick up your phone to control your snake movingtowardthehighest point assault it!
我是貪食蛇 1.1
Test CSD
如果你是一隻貪食蛇,那會變成怎麼樣子呢。遊戲玩法:遊戲以第一人稱視角進行,只要以手指左右滑動螢幕,即可控制蛇的左右轉。If you are a Snake,itwillbecome how it looks.How to play: The game in the first-person perspective,justslideyour finger around the screen, you can control thesnaketurnaround.
Snake 3D 1.2
Snake 3D - powered by Execute
Greedy Snake 2.3
Greedy Snake is a very classicsgame.Youcontrol the greedy snake by slide to the screen.when youslidetoleft ,the snake will turn left , slide to right ,thesnakewillturn right.The more block you eat ,you willbecomemorelonger.Afterthe game over , it will record your height score.Snake is a classic game, you can now slide the screen tocontrolhim.When you slide to the left, turn left Snake SnakewillMove, sliding to the right, turn right on. The more you eatthebox,you will become much longer. End of the game, the gamewillrecordthat you get the mostHighScores.Rules of the game: The player controls Snake Snake movesonthescreen, the role can only be to the left and right directionofthe90-degree turn, once the walls or its own tail hitIt failed.Operation: Press Up, Down, Left, Right keyboard to movethesnakeSnake supports touch move.Game Peas will slowly increase, if you eat more saturated,fasterandfaster, the difficulty of the snake Snake is alsogrowing,oh.
Retro Snake 1.0
Equuson Solo
Play Retro Snake like to playGluttonousSnakein Old Game Machine!Play Retro Snake like to play Gluttonous Snake inOldGameMachine. This is a remake of the original Snake,completewithdot-matrix display and monotone sounds.It is as addictive (and frustrating) as the original,playRetroSnake and be prepared to lose some productive hours.Simply launch the app, touch a button and start!Retro Snake's features:- easy to control- original sounds- a high scorekeywords: Nokia Gluttonous Snake
Snake Game 1.2
Snake is a video game conceptwhichoriginatedduring the late 1970s in arcades. The name appliesto thegeneralgame design; the original was not named Snake, andthere isnodefinitive version of the game. Its simplicity has ledtomanyimplementations of the Snake concept. After it becamethestandardpre-loaded game on Nokia mobile phones in 1998, therewasaresurgence of interest in the game as it foundalargeraudience.