Top 22 Games Similar to Picnic House Escape

Forest Vehicle Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Forest Vehicle Escape is new point and clickescapegame developed by games2jolly family. It's time to go for atrip tothe forest. Have a great adventure ahead. Finally escapefrom theforest before things become awkward. Have fun dude.
Priest House Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Priest House Escape is the new point and clickescapegame from games2jolly family. You fell asleep and in yourdream yousee yourself locked up in a priest house in which you werestaying.You need to escape from there ASAP before something happento youin your sleep. Figure out a way to escape from there. Lookout forthe clues and use them accordingly to find a escape route.Goodluck in your escape. Jollymania...
Great Chamber Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Great Chamber Escape is another point and clickescapegame developed by Games2Jolly team. Hey welcome to GreatChamberEscape. The is a pretty straight forward point and clickescapegame. Just imagine that you've been locked up in a Housethat looksvery fair, it's rooms are constructed perfectly to livea pleasantlife. But to your unluckiness you're locked up there andyou need toescape from there. Search for the clues, solve puzzlesin order toescape. Good luck.
Ant House Rescue 1.0.0
Ant House Rescue is the new point and click escape gamefromgames2jolly family.
Mr. Rich Car Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Mr. Rich Car Escape is the new point and clickescapegame from games2jolly family. Mr.Rich is one of thetopmillionaires in the city. His family is one of the primaryfamiliesto lay plan for the construction of this city. Everyone inthiscity have a great respect towards the members of Mr.Rich'sfamily.Mr.Rich went to a restaurant to have dinner. In the middleof hisdinner ketchup was spilled on his coat by mistake. Help himwashhis coat before the ketchup stain become permanent. Good luckhiscoat by mistake. Help him wash his coat before the ketchupstainbecome permanent. Good luck
Forest Visitor House Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Forest Visitor House Escapeisthenew point and click escape game from games2jolly family.Youfellasleep and in your dream you see yourself locked up inaForestVisitor House in which you were staying. You need toescapefromthere ASAP before something happen to you in yoursleep.Figure out away to escape from there. Look out for the cluesanduse themaccordingly to find a escape route. Good luck inyourescape.Jollymania...
Golden Sword Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Golden Sword Escape is the new point and clickescapegame from games2jolly family. "If there is a strange lookingcavethere will be a hidden treasure inside it" is the unsaid factofcinematic world. Here we have one such mysterious cave and agoldensword is inside it. The cave entrance was covered by a hugerock.You have to move the rich aside in order to get inside thecave andget your hands on the sword. Good luck...
Smiley Desert Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Smiley Desert Escape is the new point and clickescapegame from games2jolly family.In a land of smileys, there aretwokinds of smileys - The Good and the Bad. Currently the Badsmileysrule over the empire. The Protestants of that land wererisingagainst the ruler steadily. The leader of the good Smileyswas sostrong and he was leading the Protestants bravely. The rulerwasafraid of the raise of the opposing strength and ordered tocapturetheir leader. He was locked up in a cage, help him in hisescape andcontribute to the good to prevail. Good luck
Boarding House Escape 1.0.0
Boarding House Escape is the new point and click escape game.
City Casita Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - City Casita Escape is the new point and clickescapegame from games2jolly family. You fell asleep and in yourdream yousee yourself locked up in a City Casita House in which youwerestaying. You need to escape from there ASAP before somethinghappento you in your sleep. Figure out a way to escape from there.Lookout for the clues and use them accordingly to find a escaperoute.Good luck in your escape. Jollymania...
House Treasure Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly Abandoned House Treasure Escape is another pointandclick escape game developed by Games2Jolly team. There willbemysteries behind every abandoned house and palace. Lots ofspookystories and rumours will revolve around the country. One suchhouseis abandoned and it's rumoured that there is a precioustreasuresomewhere hidden in it. Search for that treasure and handit overto the government before any criminals find it. Good luck.
Cute Cat Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Cute Cat Escape is the new point and clickescapegamefrom games2jolly family. Cats are cute pets that arelivingamonghumans since many centuries. One such cute cat istrapped andcan'tmove since a pulley weight has fell on its tail.Find a wayto moveup the weight so that the cat can get to hisowner. Solvethepuzzles and use the objects around to get help inyour task.Goodluck.
Jungle Owl Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Jungle Owl Escape is the new point and clickescapegame from games2jolly family.Wild animals - Most livingthings havethe habit of hunting and roaming during day and sleepingduringnight. Their eyes are made in the way that they can clearlyseeduring daylight but not at night. There are other set ofanimalswhich are just opposite to these animals, they're callednocturnalanimals/birds. Owls, bats,etc are examples of such birds.An owlhas been captured and trapped inside a tree-hole. Help him togetout soon before the hunters are back. Good luck...
Forest Abide Room Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Forest Abide Room Escape is another one pointandclick escape game developed by Games2Jolly Team. you'relockedinside a Room. You need to escape ASAP from that colorfulhouse.Connect the clues logically to escape. Wish you luckbuddy.Goodluck, Jollymania
Cute Gosling Rescue 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Cute Gosling Rescue is the new point and clickescapegame from games2jolly family. We've already witnessed manymother'slove stories. In this game there's a duckling and hismotherhappily wandering around the garden, along the river shore ,andmany other beautiful places. Unfortunately the cute ducklinggotwounded and couldn't walk and he was quackling loud becauseofpain. His mother was so sad and depressed seeing her sonsuffering.Give first aid to that poor creature and save from pain.Good luck.
Escape From Green Village 1.0.2
Games2Jolly Escape From Green Village is another point andclickescape game developed by Games2Jolly team. There was avillagelocated near the bank of a river. The village was sobeautiful withtrees and bushes everywhere on the while looked likea huge greencarpet was put on that village. The villagers doesn'tlike to haverelationship with the outside world because of a badincidenthappened a long time ago and do it was fenced aroundit'sboundaries but a man from that village will go out of thegatedaily for his work. Today the gatekeeper was missing near thegateso help him finding the key to open the gate. Good luck.
Highway Car Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Highway Car Escape is the new point andclickescapegame from games2jolly family.You are traveling onanationalhighway by car. While going above a bridge your carjuststopped.Seeing the dashboard alert he came to know that thefueltank isempty and he haven't noticed the alert since long time.Helphimget to the fuel station which is not so away from thatbridge.Goodluck...
Cute Boy Swing Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly Cute Boy Swing Escape is another point and clickescapegame developed by Games2Jolly team. A kiddo needs to play inaswing since its his favourite time pass. When he got near tothatswing he found that one of its string was cut down. Help himinfixing that string so that he can swing with amusement andhavefun. Use the objects and tools around you to get that fixed.Goodluck
Jolly Boy Laptop Rescue 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Jolly Boy Laptop Rescue is the new point andclickescape game from games2jolly family. Our Jolly boy has gone onafield trip to a nearby forest which is situated at the foot ofahuge mountain. His laptop was taken by a tribe. All hisdocumentaryworks are in that laptop. Rescue the laptop from thattribe beforehe does something bad to the laptop. Good luck.
Honey Bee Hungry Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly Honey Bee Hungry Escape is another point andclickescape game developed by Games2Jolly team. Honeybees are oneof themost busiest creatures in this world. They collect nectarfromflowers of all kind and store them in their hives. The nectarfromthe flowers is converted into honey on that hive. In our gameahoneybee which has lost a wing is hungry. Give him some nectarsothat he don't need to risk his body for collecting nectarfromflowers for his hunger. Good luck
Hill Goat Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly Hill Goat Escape is another point and click escapegamedeveloped by Games2Jolly team. Mountains are great placewithexcessive beauty and unimaginable views and heights. It'salmostimpossible to climb up and roam on mountain steeps for manand mostof the animals but Tahr runs up and down the hills like itowns themountains. One such a Thar was kidnapped and locked up bysomehunters. Help the poor creature escape from that evilpeople'sclutches. Good luck...
Lodging Place Escape 1.0.0
Games2Jolly - Lodging Place Escape is the new point and clickescapegame from games2jolly family. You fell asleep and in yourdream yousee yourself locked up in a Lodging Place in which youwere staying.You need to escape from there ASAP before somethinghappen to you inyour sleep. Figure out a way to escape from there.Look out for theclues and use them accordingly to find a escaperoute. Good luck inyour escape. Jollymania...