Top 6 Apps Similar to İlham Perisi

FisHelp 1.0.0
It is an application that will benefitandhelpeveryone involved or interested in fishing in Turkey.WithFisHelp,the aim is to inform people about various types offishthat can becaught around Turkey.
Math Duello 1.1.0
“Math Duello” 2 kişilik bir matematik oyunudur. 4 farklımatematikişlemi, 3 farklı zorluk derecesinde oynanabilir.Eğlenirkenöğrenirsiniz ve oynadıkça zihinden hesap yapmayeteneklerinizigeliştirebilirsiniz. Bu matematik oyunu TerakkiVakfı OkullarıBilişim Teknolojileri Öğretmeni Hamit Koşubaşı veMobil YazılımKulübü öğrencileri tarafından hazırlanmıştır.
Elephantine Memory 1.0.0
“Elephantine memory” is one ofbasicmemorygames. You can play it to strength your short-termmemory.The gameis suitable for all ages, so everyone who wants tomakebrainexercise can play it easily.Features:For now, the concept is just about animal pictures. (Itwillbevaried)Please keep mind the first picture that appears on thescreen.Next pictures come randomly.All you need to do check whether the image is the sameastheprevious one.At the end of the game, your personal feedback will be given.The application is developed by Hamit Koşubaşı. Thanksformystudents about their valuable ideas and visual support.
Kurtarma Operasyonu 1.0
“Kurtarma Operasyonu” uygulaması, Özel Şişli TerakkiOrtaokuluSosyal Bilgiler Öğretmenleri ve Terakki Öğrenme GeliştirmeMerkeziuzmanları tarafından geliştirilmiş eğlenceli ve öğreticibiroyundur. Oyun, beş aşamadan oluşmaktadır. Her aşamadaseçtiğinkarakter eşliğinde çeşitli soruları yanıtlayarak beşinciaşamadakendilerine bir yaşam alanı tasarlaman için senibekleyenkarakterlerimiz Kerem ve Zeynep’e yardım edebilirsin. Bolşans.Acele et!
Bubble and Pebble Story 1.0.1
Bubble and Pebble are in the gardenandsuddenly they hear someone cry. Now, it’s time to help therainbowget her colors back!A funny and engaging story with lovely characters for childrenofall ages!“Bubble and Pebble” is an interactive, hand drawn animated book.Thepictures are drawn and animated by 6 year old children. Theyhavealso recorded their voices for the characters of thestory.This digital book is the very first one that has been createdbychildren.Features:• Story inspired by children• Hand drawn pictures by children• Hand drawn animations by children• Voices dubbed by childrenBenefits:• Enhanced for reading on iphone and ipad• Children can read along with the characters• Great way to teach kids colors• Improve listening and reading skills• Animations make the story fun and engagingThis digital story book was drawn, animated and dubbed by 6yearold kids. Your children will love reading this book and learnwithBubble and Pebble.Your children can also play Bubble and Pebble games here:“Bubble and Pebble” digital story has been created bychildrenfor other children all over the world. This book hasbeenspecifically designed for the iPhone but it is also compatiblewithiPad. This Project has been developed by Demet küyük andÖzgeKaraoğlu.
Sevim'in Yeni Maskesi 1.0.0
Bu proje; “Hayata Renk Ver Derneği”ve“KanserleDans Derneği” ile ortak yürütülmüştür. Amacımız;toplumdaküçükyaştaki çocuklarda oluşabilecek kanserli hastalarakarşı önyargıyıgidermek ve hastalıkla ilgili bilgilendirmeyapabilmektir.Bu amaçlayola çıkılarak tablet ortamındaçalışabilecek sesli birboyamae-kitabı hazırlanmıştır.Hikayeyi isterseniz sesli dinleyebilirsiniz.Her sayfada bulunan resimleriistediğinizrenklerdeboyayabilirsiniz.The project;"GiveLifeColour Society" and "Cancer Dance Association" was carriedoutwithpartners. Our aim; It may occur in young children inthecommunityto resolve prejudices against cancer and tomakeinformation aboutthe disease. An audible painting e-book thatcanbe tried on thebasis of media tablets is prepared tothisend.You can voice you want to listen to stories.You can paint in the color you want the pictures oneverypage.