Top 3 Apps Similar to Days and nights over the year

Flat Earth Detector 1.09
Aaron Dover
Not sure what shape Earth you liveon?Checkwhether the horizon is at 90 degrees to the vertical to seeifweare on a flat Earth!You can also log the position of sky objects bypointingthecrosshairs at an object and taking a screenshot.Check thepromovideo! have fixed the issue with Android 6... now itrequestscameraand location permissions at startup the first timeasrequired. Ifyou had "Camera not found" errors before thisshouldfix it.NOTE: The app is tested on Nexus 5 and 7 only so far.Itshouldwork on any phone with a camera and orientationsensors.Copyright Aaron Dover / Concentricity Limited 2015.
Flat Earth Clues -Mark Sargent 1.1
Metatron Inc
Are we inside a Truman show enclosed world, thousands of mileswide?This app contains videos, articles and audio that shows notonly isit possible, but likely. Get your head around this for even60seconds, and you'll start to see it. This is the Mother ofallConspiracies. Flat Earth introduction Before you were born,beforeyour parents, your grandparents, before you even had a familylineThere was the illusion, the trick, the lie That you lived onasmall spinning rock, flying through space. You thought it wastrue,because children don't believe in lies. And you grew up, andit wasstill true, because science is never wrong Except for smallthingslike, Lead Gasoline, Lead Paint, DDT, Cigarettes notcausingcancer, and what the core of the earth looks like. You knowthatfire burns, water is wet, drop something and it falls to thefloor.We can all test these things. What shape is the world? That'snotsomething you know, it's something you're TOLD. To put itsimply,you just have to take their word for it. And there's thereal cruxof the problem, the weight of their word, it's reallyabout trust.Most of us trust science to some degree. To be fair, ithasproduced some modern conveniences, like airconditioning,lightbulbs, and smart phones. But it also made thingslike atomicweapons, nerve gas, and napalm. Make no mistake, thegreatestadvances in science have been in different ways to killeach other.What if, after centuries of preaching the globe as areligiousicon, "the powers that be" found out that it was actuallynot asphere, but instead something much different? Would theyriskunravelling 500 years of science doctrine by informing thepublic?Could a government still retain it's authority if therewereactually proof of a higher power? It's about proving theFlatEarth, but more importantly, it's about disproving the globe,andthat shouldn't be possible, but there are several bigquestionswhich science has a difficult time with. Why was thereonly oneblue marble image used for 43 years? Where are the videosof theearth rotating from space? Astronauts can't turn around inspacewith the camera running? Not even by accident? Are the VanAllenradiation belts dangerous? Why does the Orion Trial by Firevideoexist? Why was the space shuttle program cancelled? Why doestheMars mission keep getting postponed? Why are they closing downtheISS? Why is Psalm 19:1 on Werner Von Braun's headstone? Why isthemoon generating a light that is sometimes 12 degrees colderthanthe moon shade? How is that possible if it's reflecting thesunsrays? And if the moon is generating it's own light source,thenwhat was that dark grey thing we landed on? We can beambackcrystal clear photos of Pluto, but the Global PositioningSystemdoesn't track planes in the Southern oceans? And why doesthistopic, compared to ANY other, conspiracy or not, makepeopleexcited, angry, or scared? Some of you are getting anxiousjustlistening! Why? Because it's the greatest trick of all, and weallfell for it. You should be excited, because it's going tochangethe world. You should be angry, because you were fooled yourentirelife, and you should be a little scared, because this isunchartedterritory. This is the Flat Earth theory, that the worldis easy tounderstand, more intimate, and very deliberate. It didn'tjusthappen, it was built, and more importantly built for you. Openyoureyes and smile. You have never been alone.
TrueWorld Maps 2.2.0
Ment Apps
Drag countries around to see their real size. You may be surprised!