Top 7 Games Similar to 經典水果連連看

Pairing Fruit Cake
"Pairing Fruit Cake" fullyupgraded,depthoptimization pairing eliminate game.【Overview】"Pairing Fruit Cake" game is a casual game based on pairedimagestooptimize gameplay depth extension of the classic casualpuzzlegamesto eliminate class, attractive interface, backgroundmusicexciting,simple and easy to play, all ages. In the chaos oftheTang Gaosweet fruit candy, enjoy your own pleasure andexcitementof it.Colorful delicious food, mouthwatering, not to bemissed!【game rules】1. Click on the two identical pictures of food, as longasthestraight line connecting three or less can it eliminatethescore.Play simple, easy score. Dare to challenge?2. The game uses a checkpoint modes, along with upgradelevels,thedifficulty is gradually increased. Each level will haveatargetscore and time limit, the player needs to disappearbeforethe timebar to eliminate all foods, and score more than thetargetscore,you can enter the next level, otherwise the game isover, getahighest score.3. Players can submit their scores by looking at charts,andcomparethe level of the world's other players to see whoismorepowerful.【Game Features】1. The rich and dynamic effects, particle effects,gorgeousscreenand comfortable, will not cause harm to theeyes.2. The simple rules, anyone can get to know the game, theessenceofcasual games is to let your mind rest and relax.3. If you want to challenge a higher score, then increaseyourspeedeliminated, as well as the continuous elimination of thesamefoodcan get extra points, or use more props.4. A good code design, so the game is very smooth,stable,yourtrusted work.5. The game supports five languages, built-in chat rooms,intheworld rankings, props and props store system.【Slogan】Come on, it's time to challenge the world!
胡巴游戏 1.0.0
胡巴游戏平台是一款游戏与社交两者结合的游戏平台,它可以很方便的和好友或者是附近的人PK游戏,拥有海量游戏(2048、俄罗斯方块、五子棋、消消乐、连连看、雷霆战机等),想玩就玩,还可以跟其他玩家互动,分享,是玩家在空闲时间必备的解闷工具。【经典游戏pk】1.2048,颠覆传统的2048,2048不封顶,挑战难度更高的4096、8192,根本停不下来,最重要的是可以和好友或附近的人进行PK比赛,胡巴游戏的2048,是智力和反应速度的竞赛2.俄罗斯方块,这是一款可能是爸爸玩过的经典游戏,但胡巴游戏重新赋予俄罗斯方块新的玩法,让经典延续它的传奇,约上你的爸爸一起上胡巴游戏玩俄罗斯方块3.五子棋,老少皆宜的益智游戏,不但可以与电脑对战,可以约上家人或同学进行比赛,看看谁是五子棋高手。当然也在线上找到其他人进行PK,五子棋,智力的象征。4.拼图游戏,学习工作之余最爱拼图游戏了,胡巴游戏拼图游戏为全年龄段的拼图爱好者带来无以伦比的拼图解谜乐趣,上胡巴游戏跟大家来一场拼图比赛吧5.飞行的小鸟(飞翔的小鸟),一款经典虐人的游戏,据说有人在胡巴游戏玩飞行的小鸟过了9999个柱子,不服可以上胡巴游戏约他PK,飞行的小鸟,独乐乐不如众乐乐【海量小游戏】胡巴游戏拥有海量的小游戏,是学习工作之余休闲解压的好工具,胡巴游戏的微游戏都是精心挑选,好玩又有趣,让你的心情一下子放飞起来,爱游戏更爱生活1. 休闲游戏:别踩白块、看你有多色、布丁消消乐、六角碎片、岛国么么哒、微信找你妹、穿针引线等休闲游戏2. 闯关游戏:蛋碎了一地、水果小熊猫、萌萌水贼、怪物对对碰、宝石粉碎传奇、盒子怪下山等闯关游戏3. 益智游戏:中国象棋、图形运算、最强大脑记忆、解开绳子、星星相连、1+2=3、让我成长等益智游戏、4. 动作游戏:仓鼠快跑、火柴人大逃亡、熊出没、一个都不能死、功夫猫等动作游戏5. 射击游戏:雷霆战机、移动九宫格、射点什么、弹弓射手、女汉子坚持30秒、终结者等射击游戏【特点功能】1.与附近的人玩游戏:全球首款与附近的人玩游戏的平台,快速匹配与你最近的人与你PK,想不到玩游戏也会遇到缘份,一起上胡巴游戏寻找共同爱好的TA2. 海量游戏:海量小游戏,不需要下载,不占手机空间,随便玩,好玩多多,每天都有更新3. 游戏交友:在胡巴游戏不但可以玩到最好玩的游戏,还可以交到最好的朋友。游戏交友,游戏更有趣味4.游戏社区:这里汇聚了一群游戏达人,爱生活、爱游戏、爱分享,不论你是游戏宅还是社交达人,这里一定会找到你喜欢的话题,一起分享每一天的快乐。5. 活动奖励:在胡巴游戏不但能找到自己喜欢的游戏,交到可爱的朋友,还可以赚取零花钱,只有你努力,梦想一定不遥远。
单机连连游戏 5.48
连连看,大家熟悉的休闲游戏,两个相同的连起来的就能消除;爱玩连连看,用的是可口的水果做原材料;当把整个屏幕的水果都消除了,跳到第二个关卡时,速度会变快,每过一关时间提高30%;和小伙伴一起来玩吧,比比谁过的关卡多。爱玩连连看单机挑战版,把两个相同的水鬼连起来就能消除,经典游戏,大家都会玩。为什么要玩连连看:1、玩连连看能很好的锻炼自己的视力;2、连连看能很好的锻炼反应能力;3、五彩缤纷的水果,也是一种视觉大餐;4、很好的休闲游戏,用于放松心情;功能介绍:一、点击两个相同的水果,如果正确会有一根线连上;二、第一关的时候,时间很充足,很适合慢慢的玩;三、但是到第二关或者更后会更加的快,这就考验我们的反应能力了;Lianliankan,familiarcasual games, two identical connecting together canbeeliminated;Playing Lianliankan, with the delicious fruit as rawmaterial;When the fruit of the entire screen are eliminated, skip tothesecond level, will be faster, every time an increase of30%;And small partners together and play, more than anyone else overthehurdle.Playing Lianliankan single challenge edition, put togethertwoidentical Kelpie even be able to eliminate, classic games,everyonewill play.Why play Lianliankan:1, play Lianliankan can be a good exercise their eyesight;2, Lianliankan can be a good exercise response capabilities;3, colorful fruit, but also a visual feast;4, good casual game for relax;Features:First, click on the two identical fruit, even if there is alineon the right;Second, first off, the time is sufficient, it is suitableforslow play;Third, but after the second hurdle will be more or lessquickly,which is a test of our ability to respond;
Likin Hero 1.0
Extraordinary graphic design &soundeffect,100 games levels and stimulating sound effects makeyoujust can'tstop playing it!What are you still waiting for?! Download the game & joinusinLikin Hero!
Onet Connect Hunger 1.0
onet connect hunger is a classic onet-connect-2 puzzle - picachu PC• how to play- remove 2 animal with the same kind which can be connected within3lines.• features:- classic & addicted gameplay- awesome graphic.- best free game- totally free- time killer- easy to play
Link-link 1.05
Fish Mobile
The Best link / matching game ever!new and improved link-linkgame2015 version!
SeaElvesLinkLink v4.1.5
A fun concise LinkLink game.1. Play classic, can be eliminated at the same time for more.2. Rich props, a critical moment to help you through.3. The ranking system, let you not lonely.4. The social system, so you can make friendsanytimeandanywhere.I hope you can leave the precious opinion, let mecontinuetoimprove.Your support is my biggest motivation.At the same time thank cocos engine team.