Top 13 Games Similar to Can You Spot the Differences?

Spot The Difference 1.2.0
Spot The Difference is a classic casual game for everyone!
Find differences house 8
Ruay Dev
Look at the two pictures and try to find5differences.Spot the Difference! This game will make yougoodconcentration.Hope you enjoy our Find differences beautiful house, Thanks.
Find the Difference Games-Dogs 1.0
Welcome to the world of free puzzle gamesforkids! If you love looking at cute dogs pictures and playing“hiddenobject games”, we have a special “difference game”for you!Ourbrand new FTD app ★ Find the Difference Games-Dogs ★letsyou compare pictures of dogs and test your observation skills.HOW TO PLAY:★Observe the two pictures of dogs very closely!★Tap on the difference as soon as you find it!★Use hints to see where the pictures differ!★Use help to get more time for completing the level!★Numerous levels – each with a different photo pair!★Two game-play modes: arcade and endless!★Log in with Facebook and challenge your friends!WHY YOU SHOULD PLAY THIS GAME:★It is an excellent brain exercise for kids andadults.★It will improve your observation skills.★It will develop your visual perception.★It will enhance your capacity to concentrate.★It will provide you with hours of fun andentertainment.★ Find the Difference Games-Dogs ★ is a brand new collectionoffree spot the difference puzzles games for kids. If youenjoyplaying educational mind games and fun brain teasers suchasscrabble, Sudoku and checkers, you are going to LOVE theseawesome“picture difference games” free.So, are you up for the challenge? Install this high-quality“findthe difference game” and start learning in a fun way. We willtestyour reasoning, concentration and spacial intelligence. Inaddition,we will train your memory and your vision with cuteanimal pictures.Get your phone now and start playing spot thedifference picturepuzzles for FREE! 'Find it' collection – onlyfor you!Welcome to our own personal brain gym! Our team ofprofessionaldesigners has carefully chosen funny dog pictures hdfor you toexamine! Get the best free brain teaser app on the marketandprepare for the coolest “find the difference game” ever! Hurryupand quickly install this cool “find it” puzzler – andstartcomparing beautiful pictures of dogs. Let your concentrationflowfree and we promise that you'll love this cool “spot thedifferencegame”. Fun is guaranteed!What's the difference between two photos? Can you spot it?Let'ssee if you can see the contrast in pictures of cute dogs?You'dsurely like to try! Show us how intelligent you are. Get readyandquickly “find objects” that are different. We're sure that youarea difference detection genius!Kids will have a lot of fun playing these crazy findthedifference picture games and the adults will enhancetheirobservational skills. Let's concentrate now and letyourintelligence flow free. Show us that you are level pro atplayingspot the difference games.YOU can never get enough of brain puzzles and animal games, sodonot hesitate! Look at the two dogs pictures which are almostthesame and try to see the contrast between them! Don't becarriedaway by beautiful pictures of dogs and complete the levelsbeforetime runs out! It's easy – you just need to think fast andearnpoints! Of all picture “difference games” for kids, thisawesomefree brain puzzler is surely the best. Get★ Find theDifferenceGames-Dogs ★ and see for yourself!If you download this spot the difference for Android, youwilltrain your brain and your vision to find the differencesbetweennearly identical dogs pictures. So, let's hurry up and findobjectsthat stand out. Who needs a memory trainer when there arethe bestfree “puzzle games” on the market – in your phone! Downloadthisincredible collection of find the difference puzzles for freeandyou'll get your own fun brain training experience.A special find the difference game – only for you! FTDwithbeautiful pictures of dogs which will keep you entertained andbusyfor hours. Spot the difference between two pictures and feelproudof your accomplishment! Compare two pictures side by side andfindthe different object!
Spot the Difference Christmas 1.0.5
O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree,thyleavesare so... full of Differences! Search around the branchesandseeif you can spot those Hidden Differences!CASUAL PLAYRelax and take your time finding the differences amongthebeautifulimages.CHALLENGING MODESChallenge yourself with harder difficulty modes. Feel yourpulseriseas the number of differences increases and the time limitrunsdown!Can you beat the tricky "black and white" or"mirror"modes?ZOOM ITUse the built-in zoom functionality to spot the differenceslikeahawk!LOTS OF LEVELSWith 100 Christmas themed levels, there are plenty ofdifferencestoget stuck into.NEW!Let the Cauldron of Wisdom guide you throughthosedifficultlevels.This is a brand new game we are actively developing,pleaseleavea review telling us what you think!
Find difference fun park 8
Ruay Dev
Welcome to difference fun park game,let you to find 5 spot of difference each picture.Can you find them all in limited time? Good luck.
Halloween Spot Differences 1.0.2
A very special spot the difference game fortheHalloween festival for all kids. This is a special spotthedifference game because probably for the first you will behavingto find the difference from 2 animated views of theHalloweencharacters. Choose any of the views from lot of differentoptionsto start playing. You will have to hurry up on each level asthetime is very less for each views. Get started with thisthrillinggame and complete all the Halloween special levels.Activities in the Game:1) More than 18 different views to find the difference.2) The animated characters in the views will add to the fun inthegame.3) Find the difference within the given time.4) Use the hint if you find it difficult to findanydifference5) Share this game with your friends and share all theHalloweenactivities.About GameivaGameIva brings you the latest creations of most loved categoriesofgames and apps which are all hugely loved by kids. We areentirelydevoted to build user friendly games related to fun andlearningfor better educational familiarities and enjoyment forkids. Staywith us for the latest updates of GameIva on Google playand getmore of educational games.Reach us at: us on Googleplus: us: us: our gamevideos: will be glad with your response. Contact us anytime foranyquestions and suggestions at [email protected]
Criminal Scene Spot Difference 1.0.2
There is a crime investigation going on andyouhave to spot all the crime scenes and find out all thesuspiciousthings. There is an image that is provided o you butthere are fewthings different from the original crime scenebecause some thingshave been replaced by someone. So now find allthe replaced itemsfrom the crime scene by looking at the images.You have to do itfast as there are lots of crime scene to bechecked which will varyfrom easy to difficulty as you move forwardwith the levels. Hurryup as the time is limited in eachgame.Features:1) Lot of different crime scenes to be investigated.2) Find out the missing objects from the image and theactualscene.3) The time will be minimized as you move on with each level.4) Find 10 different items on each level.5) Share this crime investigation game with your friends andsolveit together.About GameivaGameIva brings you the latest creations of most loved categoriesofgames and apps which are all hugely loved by kids. We areentirelydevoted to build user friendly games related to fun andlearningfor better educational familiarities and enjoyment forkids. Staywith us for the latest updates of GameIva on Google playand getmore of educational games.Reach us at: us on Googleplus: us: us: our gamevideos: will be glad with your response. Contact us anytime foranyquestions and suggestions at [email protected]
Dessert Maker – cooking game 1.0.3
Hi everybody! Desserts Maker is a freemakergame for girls, kids and everyone with kids friendly content.Herewe have yummy, unique and yum frosting dessert maker gameforgirls, kids and teens. This free cooking game desserts makerforgirls, kids is a complete package of fun cakes &pancakesbaking.FEATURES========• Easy tap and drag game play.• Use different flavors, topping, caramel, syrups to makeyourdesserts delicious• Kids friendly content• Backgrounds and wallpaper personalization• Suitable for the whole familyIn this dessert making game you can make yourself some yummycaramelsyrup hot fudge dessert. You can also decorate the dessertswithsyrup, caramel, aroma biscuits, torte, yoghurt and othertoppings ofyour choice and make your dish look good and tasty. Foryourinformation, Rocky Road Dessert, Maple Taffy, BumbleBerry,mooncake, Egg custard Tart, Trifle, Apple blueberry cake,DundeeCake and black forest cake are some of the world famousdesserts ofthe world.OK then eat enjoy and GOOD BYE!!!
Efun-彈彈島OL 2.0.5
彈彈島OL,好玩到爆炸的Q版射擊對戰遊戲!• 支持多人連線房間式對戰,觸屏「拉弓」輕鬆上手• 200張精美關卡地圖,300件惡搞超殺武器,500套時裝混搭千種可愛造型彈彈島OL是一款Q版射擊類多人在線競技手機遊戲。遊戲中的角色形象可愛、生動,遊戲畫面精美而不乏趣味。玩家可以透過技能搭配和準確的拋物線瞄準,命中對手或者破壞地形,從而置敵手於死地。遊戲中武器多樣、技能華麗、必殺技超炫。多種戰鬥技能和戰鬥道具的組合,使戰鬥千變萬化,玩家從中可以獲得簡單、刺激、富有策略性的對戰體驗。一、遊戲簡介人氣Q版巨作彈彈島OL可愛畫面:人物Q版設計!戰鬥模式:多變化副本挑戰!音樂音效:輕鬆搞笑音效!千變時裝:千種時裝造型搭配!華麗特效:華麗遊戲效果!裝備合成:自由打造極品裝備!二、遊戲特色:1.全新體系遊戲採用全新的世界觀理念體系,在各種傳說故事遊戲中提供各式各樣的裝備,符合故事劇情的裝扮讓用戶更好的融入其中,也可裝備其他形象來一個大穿越的冒險。在各種神話故事中進行穿梭,在地面在空中、在現實在虛幻、在熟悉的故事中在陌生的劇情下進行激烈的競逐,帶給玩家全新的體驗。2.華麗特效投擲出燃燒的“燃燒瓶”落地產生的濃重的黑煙,果漿飛濺的水果在天際劃出的軌跡,還是星星飛速劃過與空氣劇烈摩擦產生的高熱效果…彈彈島OL將帶給玩家不一樣的真實感受。3.無限組合遊戲中道具與技能不再是簡單地使用,而是充滿了未知的組合與變化的可能性。玩家在遊戲中可以通過道具與技能(散射、多次攻擊、加強攻擊力等)的組合使其戰鬥變化具有無限種可能性。4. 風格多變彈彈島OL的地圖,具備多種難度選擇,玩家可以根據喜好選擇適合自己的地圖。彈彈島的戰鬥將在各個故事中同時展開,從白雪公主裡面的迷幻森林、神秘的阿拉丁神話,到有中國特色的西遊記,無處不存在著摩咕摩咕人勇敢的身影;你將欣賞到流光溢彩的迷幻森林,也將在詭異的沙漠遺跡中進行逃離;你將拿起毒蘋果攻擊壞心眼的後母,又或拿起如意棒大鬧天宮!彈彈島OL - 射擊類創新遊戲臻品!彈彈島OL - 震撼來襲,重裝出擊!【關注我們】Facebook粉絲專頁:巴哈討論區:如果您在遊戲中有疑問,請不要猶豫,馬上聯繫我們為您解決。客服信箱:[email protected]香港熱線:81925396 (國際用戶請加852)台灣熱線:0277290505(國際用戶請加886)服務時間:24小時,全年無休,全力為您服務!如果您喜歡彈彈島OL,可以邀請你們好友一起玩哦!依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法,此軟體為輔導十二歲級,十二歲以上之人始得使用.本應用程式為免費下載,但應用程式內部分的 功能 / 內容 / 服務 需要額外付費才能使用Bouncing island OL, funtoplay against explosions Q version of shooting game!• support for multiplayer room style battle, touch "bow" easy togetstarted• 200 张 fine level maps, 300 spoof overkill weapons, 500setsfashion mix and match one thousand kinds of lovely shapeBouncing island OL is a Q version shooting Competitivemultiplayeronline mobile game. Characters in the game lovely image,lively,beautiful picture of the game and there is no lack of fun.Playerscan be used with skill and precision by a parabolic aimingto hitthe opponent or destroy the terrain, thus setting anadversary todeath. Game weapon diverse skills gorgeous, stunningnirvana. Acombination of a variety of fighting skills and fightingprops, sofighting the ever-changing, players can get from a simple,excitingand full of strategic battle experience.First, the game IntroductionPopular Q version masterpiece Bouncing Island OLCute picture: People Q version of the design!Battle Mode: Multi-copy change challenge!Music Sound: relaxed funny sound!-Changing fashion: one thousand kinds of fashion style with!Gorgeous special effects: the effect of gorgeous game!Equip Synthesis: freedom to build the best equipment!Second, the game features:1. The new systemThe game uses a new concept of the world system, providing awiderange of equipment in a variety of legends game, in line withthestory line of the dress allows users to better integrate intowhichcan be equipped with other images to a large crossadventure.Shuttling in a variety of fairy tales, on the ground inthe air, inreality illusory, in a familiar story in fierce competein astrange story, give players a new experience.2. gorgeous special effectsThrowing out thick black smoke Burning "Molotov cocktails"landingproduced fruit pulp splashing in the sky to draw the track,or thestars across the heat effect of rapid intense friction withthe airgenerated ... Bouncing island OL will give players not Liketruefeelings.3. Unlimited combinationGame props and skills are no longer simply use, but fullofpossibilities combined with changes in the unknown. Players inthegame through the props and skills (scattering, multiple attacks,tostrengthen the attack force, etc.) combined to make fightingthechange with unlimited possibilities.4. stylesMap Bouncing island OL, and with a variety of difficultchoices,players can choose their own map based on preferences.Bouncingisland battle will unfold simultaneously in each story,from SnowWhite inside the magic forest, the mysterious Aladdinmyth, to haveChinese characteristics, Journey to the West,everywhere there is afriction rub goo goo brave figure; You willappreciate the brightcolors and psychedelic forest, will alsoescape the strange desertruins; you will pick up the poison applesplenetic attackstepmother, and Havoc or pick up Ruyi Bang!Bouncing Island OL - Pierre Shooting innovative game!Bouncing Island OL - shock struck, heavy attack![Follow us]Facebook fan page: https: // Forum: http: // bsn = 24796?If you have questions in the game, please do not hesitate tocontactus to resolve it.Customer Service: [email protected] Kong Hotline: 81925396 (International users, pleaseadd852)Taiwan Tel: 0277290505 (International users, please add 886)Service time: 24 hours, year round, to serve you!If you like the Bouncing island OL, you can invite friends toplaywith, oh!According to game software hierarchical management approach,thissoftware is counseling grade twelve years, people over the ageoftwelve may only use.The application is free to download, but part of the functionwithinthe app / content / services require an additional fee touse
Alternative Supermodel Naomi 1.0.1
Supermodel NaomiHi fashion lovers! This is our newest big dressup fashiongamewith a story from Top GirlGames! This game is about Naomi agirl,17 years old and a highschool student who wants to work as amodel.Naomi has a friend: Allison, also 17 years and she helpsNaomi withgetting model jobs. Help Naomi to become a supermodel! Goto theshop and buy the most beautiful clothes that will fittherequirements of the photoshoot.Naomi does a lot of alternative fashion shoots like emo,gothic,punk, lolita, harajuku and so on. These different styles areniceto see and dressup. All photoshoots have there own story andyouneed to pick the good clothes. When you do it super good you getan“S” and you get money for the good job. Dressup the girl innicedresses, tops, shorts and give some accessories in the rightstyle.Follow the trends in the glamour alternative fashionworld.Naomi has also clothes for ganguro, gyaru and mori girlstyle,these styles are very kawaii and are from Japan. For thesestylesyou have to know what to wear and shop for the casting. HelpNaomiwith searching for right kawaii style to help her with hermodelcareer.Supermodel Naomi features:❤ Spend your money in the shop to buy the mostbeautifulclothes❤ Collect Redeem Points to buy extra stuff❤ Complete all achievements and get more money to spend❤ Become a supermodel!Supermodel Naomi is a game from Top GirlGames and one of thebestalternative fashion story games! We publish many different easytoplay girl games apps. We hope you will enjoy our SupermodelNaomiand we hope you give us the love by liking our Facebook pageorfollow us on Twitter or Instagram. So we can keep you up to dateonour dressup story, glamour and photography games.★ Facebook -★ Twitter -★ Instagram -
Spot the Difference Game -Cats 1.0
Do you like playing std games? If you're afanof “puzzle games”, “hidden object games”, and find thedifferencegames, these cute pictures of cats and kittens will meltyourheart! Download ★ Spot the Difference Game – Cats ★ and becomeanexpert at difference detection!❤‿❤HOW TO PLAY:❤‿❤ Observe the two pictures of cats very closely!❤‿❤ Tap on the difference as soon as you find it!❤‿❤ Use hints to see where the pictures differ!❤‿❤ Use help to get more time for completing thelevel!❤‿❤ Numerous levels – each with a differentpicturepair!❤‿❤ Two game-play modes: arcade and endless!❤‿❤ Log in with Facebook and challenge your friends!❤‿❤ If cats are your favorite pets, you will be thrilledwiththis free brain teaser. ★ “Spot the Difference Games” – Cats★contains numerous picture pairs of cats and kittens and allyouhave to do is search for the difference between them. Choose oneofthe two game modes: arcade or endless and start having fun!Kids,teenagers, and adults will love this “find the differencegame”because it is both beneficial and fun. Download it now and“finddifferences” as quickly as you can.❤‿❤The arcade mode leads you from one level to thenext,but spot the differences carefully because you cannot move tothenext level unless you successfully passed the others beforethat.If you choose the endless mode you can play as long asyouare able to successfully find the differences in thepictures.❤‿❤ Let these cute cats and kittens occupy all of yourattentionand enjoy spending the day in this wonderful find thedifferencebrain exercise activity. We offer you various types ofcatspictures: the Persian, the Siamese, the Abyssinian. There arealsocute little kittens in all colors:striped, spotted, andticked.Therefore, don't hesitate! Download it now and enjoycomparing thetwo photo puzzles with cute cats. Find the differencebetween twopictures of cute cats and let your imagination go wild!Weguarantee you that these “difference games” will bring you hoursofentertainment.❤‿❤ These “spot the difference games” or “find thedifferencesgames” are great for the mind. A good 'find it' puzzlegame withadorable kittens will keep your attention, make you focusandimprove your cognitive abilities. Find the difference puzzleswillimprove your concentration and your observation skills. Do youhavean eye for details? See with this lovely spot the differencegamefeaturing the cutest cats and kittens.❤‿❤ Gather all your powers of observation if you want tosay'hello pretty kitty' to the next cat in this adorable catsandkittens find the difference app. But be careful because timeisslipping away! The awesome possibility in this funny game forkidsis that you can boast of your success on Facebook, share yourscoreand challenge your friends to play with you! See ifanyonedares!❤‿❤ The images in this find it game are so lovely andrealisticthat you'll think you hear the cats and kittens meow! Eachnextlevel and each next difference is more daunting than thepreviousone, so brace yourself for an excellent “ftd” experience!This spotthe difference game has puzzle-like ability to make yourbrain workand improve your visual perception. Just like find thehiddenobject games, ★ Spot the Difference Game – Cats ★ has theabilityto divert your attention from everyday problems and immerseyouinto the wonderful world of gaming.❤‿❤ Put your wits to action! Find the differences games aregreatgames for kids and for adults. The images and differences youneedto find are simple enough for children and at the sametimechallenging enough to be appealing to adults. The design inthisspot the difference game is exquisite and touch screen controlsaresimple and intuitive. Therefore, don't hesitate! Downloadthissuperb collection of find the difference pictures and startplayingtoday!
World Of Spot Difference 1.21
☆Find and spot the difference between two images.☆Fungraphics☆Hints if you get into trouble, cost points ☆Getpointsforspotting the differences ☆Lose points when gettingitwrong☆Highscore Leaderboard Happy hunting!
Hidden Objects: Mystery Societ 5.08
Can you find the hidden objects to solve the mystery?