Top 10 Apps Similar to Math 8.2

Interactive book for Math 3rd 1
A new vision for the book inelectronicformwith the addition of multimedia elements, it isthiscombination ofpaper book attributes and features of multimediaaswell as otherpossibilities for research and information.The e-book consists of several interactive stereoscopic pageslikeapaper book, some of its pages contain a set ofmultimedia(text,sounds, images and graphics, video clips, flashgames).The student can read the interactive electronic bookbypersonalcomputers, phones, tablets and mobile devices.
ملخص دروس المحاسبة
هذا التطبيق هو ملخص لبعض الدروس الهامة فى مادة المحاسبة يحتوىعلىمجمل ما يأتى من ملخصات قيمة يحتاجها الطلبة اقدمها اليكم فى قلبجميلممتع اتمنى ان ينال اعجابكم
Math 8.1 1.0.0
This application is a math book for the eighth grade ofthePalestinian curriculum; students can study the scientificmaterialin an interactive and interesting way. The book coversthefollowing topics: Real numbers, geometry, commercial andfinancialtransactions accounting and statistics.
شبكة الرياضيات التعليمية 1.0
batna apps
حصرياً ولأول مرةتطبيق شبكة الرياضيات التعليمية/هو تطبيق يقدم لك حلول ،واوراقعمل، واختبارات تجريبيه لمادة الرياضيات... وتم عمله لمساعدة الطالب على الفهم كما ان التطبيقيقدمشروحاتبالفيديو لجميع المراحل (الابتدائية ، المتوسطة ،الثانوية)علما بأنالتطبيق يحتوي على موقع شبكة الرياضيات التعليميةبإشرافالأستاذ/أحمدبن صالح الديني .... وتم عمل التطبيق لتسهيل دخول الطالب الى الموقع ..Exclusively forthefirsttimeMathematics educational network / application isanapplicationthat offers you solutions, and worksheets,andexperimental testsfor mathematics... Was done to help the student to understand alsothattheapplication offers video explanations for allstages(elementary,middle, high school) note that the applicationcontainsthemathematics educational network site under thesupervisionofProfessor / Ahmed bin Saleh religious .... It was the application of work to facilitate the entryofthestudent to the site ..
Mathematics Basics Questions a 4.2
2000+ Mathematics Basics Exam multiple choice questions Bank
Math 9.2 1.0.0
This application is a math book for the ninth gradeofthePalestinian curriculum; students can study thescientificmaterialin an interactive and interesting way. The bookcoversthefollowing topics: Relationships and functions,thequadraticequation, polynomial, the relative functions,Exponentsandlogarithms.
ExerciX-Lite 1.4
Vous êtes en prépa et vous en avez marredetrimballer des livres d’exercices de math encombrants, périmésetchers ? ExerciX est l’application qui remplacera et dépasseravoslivres d’exercices de math de prépa (concours des grandesécoles,filières MP, PC et PSI). C’est une solution complètementnomade,qui fonctionne aussi hors ligne, avec des corrigés amélioréstoutesles semaines grâce à vos retours !★ Le contenuExerciX rassemble une importante sélection d’exercices de mathdespé (CPGE), classés par chapitres et par difficultés. Pourvousentraîner au mieux, un bouton vous permettra d’afficher unindicepour chaque exercice avant d’afficher la correction. Un lienà lafin de chaque correction vous permet de signaler les corrigésquimanquent de clarté afin de nous permettre de les retravailleretainsi garantir un taux de satisfaction sans commune mesure avecleslivres d’exercices classiques.★ La philosophie d’exercixPour vous aider au mieux, l’application se base sur troisgrandprincipes:- un contenu nomade: l’application fonctionne sur smartphonesettablettes, même hors ligne. Au revoir les dilemmes où l’ondoitchoisir entre son ordinateur ou un livre d’exercice pour nepasexploser son sac quand on part en week-end !- un contenu interactif: parcourez les exercices avec un moteurderecherche, affichez un indice ou une solution en un clic. Finilesfeuilletages de livre à la recherche des deux lignes decorrectionà la fin du livre!- un contenu limpide: Nous misons sur la qualité des correction,àla fois dans leur forme et dans leur fond, car nouspensonsqu’avant de comprendre une solution, il faut avoir envie dela lire! Terminé les corrigés incompréhensibles sur lesquels onpasse plusde temps que sur l’énoncé: tant que vous nous lesignalez, onretravaille la correction !★ La petite histoireExerciX est un projet de filière entrepreneur d’un étudiantdel’école Centrale Paris qui s’est tout simplement dit qu’auXXIesiècle, dans le domaine des livres d’exercices de math, onpouvaitenfin tirer parti du numérique et de nos appareilsélectroniquespour à la fois faciliter la vie des étudiants en prépa(CPGE) etsoulager leur portefeuille. Naît alors le projet deremplacer lesvieux livres d’exercices chers, lourds, encombrants etfigés parune solution nomade, interactive et fonctionnelle. ExerciXprendforme !★ Version de lancement: Exercix-liteCette version de l’application est la version de lancement:lesexercices y sont limités à 50 exercices réellement tombésauxconcours. Elle est destinée aux étudiants en deuxième annéedeprépa dans les filières MP, PC ou PSI. Vous pouvez ainsitesterl’application, et juger si la version complète peutvousintéresser.★ Version complète: ExercixLa version complète rassemblera au moins 20 exercices parchapitre.Ces exercices de math sont de difficulté variable: del’applicationdirecte du cours aux exercices les plus ardus, ils ontétésélectionnés par des professeurs de mathématiques de prépacommeles 20 exercices incontournables de chaque chapitre pourarriver àbien le maîtriser.★ Mais où trouver la version complète ?Nous travaillons actuellement sur cette version complète(beaucoupplus d’exercices), mais nous ne la terminerons que sicette versionde lancement démontre une demande suffisante. Montreznous doncvotre intérêt en partageant cette application avec voscamarades(sur smartphone et tablettes!), et en inondant de “likes”notrepage facebook !, et ennousfaisant part de vos retours / conseils / coups de gueule/encouragements sur [email protected]: ilsserontaccueillis avec grand plaisir !You are prepared andyouare tired of lugging books math exercises cumbersome, outdatedandexpensive? ExerciX is the application that will replace andexceedyour exercises preparatory math books (large schoolscompetition,dies MP, PC and PSI). This is a completely portablesolution thatalso works offline with improved every week with yourcorrectedreturns!★ The contentExerciX brings together a large selection of exercises specialmath(CPGEs), sorted by chapters and difficulties. To practice atbest,a button allows you to display an index for each yearbeforeshowing the correction. A link at the end of each correctionallowsyou to report the corrected Unclear to allow us to reworkandguarantee satisfaction rate incommensurate with books ofclassicexercises.★ The philosophy exercixTo better assist you, the application is based on threemainprinciples:- A mobile content: the application runs on smartphones andtablets,even offline. Goodbye dilemmas where one must choosebetween hiscomputer or exercise book not to explode his bag whenyou leave forthe weekend!- Interactive content: browsing the exercises with a searchengine,view an index or a one-click solution. Foliations finishedbook insearch of two correction lines at the end of the book!- A clear content: We rely on the quality of correction inboththeir form and their background, because we believe thatbeforecomprise a solution, it must want to read!Completedincomprehensible corrected on which you spend more time onthestatement as you please point out, the correction isreworked!★ The storyExerciX is a project contractor die a student of EcoleCentraleParis which simply said the twenty-first century, in thearea of​​math workbooks, could finally take advantage of digitaland ourelectronic devices to both facilitate the lives of studentsinpreparation (CPGEs) and relieve their portfolio. Thus is borntheproject to replace the old books expensive exercise, heavy,bulkyand frozen by an interactive and functional mobilesolution.ExerciX taking shape!★ Launch Version: Exercix-liteThis version of the application is the launch version: exercisesarelimited to 50 years are actually fallen competitions. It isintendedfor students in the second year of preparatory courses inMP, PC orPSI. You can test the application, and determine whetherthe fullversion may interest you.★ Full Version: ExercixThe full version will bring together at least 20 exercisesperchapter. These are math exercises of varying difficulty: thedirectapplication during the most strenuous exercise, they wereselectedby mathematics teachers to prepare as the 20 essentialexercises ineach chapter to gain a good master.★ But where to find the full version?We are currently working on this full version (more exercises),butwe do conclude that if the version launch demonstratessufficientdemand. So show us your interest in sharing this app withyourfriends (on smartphones and tablets!), And flooding of "likes"ourfacebook page!, and bysharingyour feedback / advice / rants / encouragement on [email protected] us they willbegreeted with great pleasure!
Math 9.1 1.0.1
This application is a math book for the ninth gradeofthePalestinian curriculum; students can study thescientificmaterialin an interactive and interesting way. The bookcoversthefollowing topics: Analytical geometry,geometricaltransfers,equations and inequalities, circle,statistics.
رياضيات صف رابع فصل أول مجانية
هذا التطبيق متوافق تماماً مع كتابالرياضياتصفرابع للمنهاج السعودي - الإصدار الأول.في هذا البرنامج قمنا بشرح وحل التدريبات الموجودة فيكتابيالطالبوالنشاط بأسلوب مبتكر وعملي ومحبب للطالب. بحيث شرحنا كلتدريببفيلمفيديو تعليمي مفصل وبالصوت والصورة ووسائل الإيضاح التيتساعدعلى فهمالفكرة العلمية كما ويستطيع الطالب أن يراجع التمرينالمحلولعن طريقصورة فيها الحل كاملاً وأضفنا زر لعرض الحلالسريعللتدريب.كما وقمنا ببرمجة المسائل والاختبارات لتصبح بشكل تفاعليبحيثيقومالطالب بحلها بنفسه من خلال عدة خيارات تظهر له.ويظهر البرنامج للطالب تقييمه بشكل فوري فيعرض له عدد المسائلالتيحلهابشكل صحيح.This applicationisfullycompatible with the math book fourth row of theSaudicurriculum -the first version.In this program we have to explain and resolve the exercisesinmybook and the student activity innovative, practicalandgrainystyle of the student. So we explained all the trainingfilmvideotutorial and a detailed visual and audio aids thathelpyouunderstand the scientific idea as a student and be abletoreviewthe exercise of the solution through an image whereacompletesolution and we add the button to display the quickfixfortraining.As we have programmed questions and tests to becomeinteractivelysothat students solve itself through a number ofoptions appeartohim.The program shows the student Rated immediately presents anumberofissues to be resolved properly.
Math 7.2 1.0.0
This application is a math book fortheseventhgrade of the Palestinian curriculum; students canstudythescientific material in an interactive and interesting way.Thebookcovers the following topics: Geometry, measurement,algebraandstatistics.