Top 19 Games Similar to Heroes Of War:Sword Legend EV

Angel Sword: 3D RPG
Prepare to adventure in the most epic full scale multiplayer 3DRPGfor mobile!
Ravensword: Shadowlands 3d RPG 21
Ravensword is a massive 3d Action RPG for Mobile Devices
Sword of the Elements 1.1.6
Hosted Games
Journey to the world's end in this epic interactive fantasy novel!
The Sword Fighter Revenge 1.0
Technology Teen
The best sword fighting game youhaveseen.Fight zombies and keep yourself entertained by fighting.Themostengaging game on the market. Kill the zombies, andcollectcoins toget your high score
"FINAL FANTASY IV (3D REMAKE)" has finally come to the Android!
Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition
This game is optimized for tablets.The dawn is especially cruel this morning...For as long as you can remember, your view of the world hasbeenlimited to the heavily fortified walls of Candlekeep. Yourfosterfather, Gorion, has done everything in his power to protectyou andkeep you out of harm’s way.All of that is about to change. Forced to leave your homeundermysterious circumstances, you find yourself drawn into aconflictthat has the Sword Coast on the brink of war. An ironshortage ofunknown origin threatens to plunge the city of Baldur’sGate intoconflict with Amn. Meanwhile, there is something else atwork, farmore sinister than you can even begin to fathom...Since its release in 1998, this classic saga of mystery,intrigue,and adventure has set the standard for Dungeons &Dragons™computer roleplaying games. Customize your hero’s traitsandabilities, recruit a party of brave allies, and explore thefarcorners of the Sword Coast in your search for adventure,profit…and the truth.Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition contains the original 60-hourepic,as well as the following expansions:* Tales of the Sword Coast: Explore the fabled Durlag’s Towerandmore locations from the original Baldur’s Gate expansion.* The Black Pits: You have been captured and forced to fightinBaeloth’s marvelous arena. A myriad of monsters await, as wellascountless other adventurers who face the same fate. Maim,murder,and maul your way to freedom… if you can!* Discover countless improvements we’ve made to the originalgame,including high-resolution fonts, an improved interface,dynamiczooming, and more!* Brothers Lost: Lend your aid to Rasaad yn Bashir, the SunSoulmonk, as he scours the Cloud Peaks in search of hislostbrother.Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition also offers the followingpremiumcontent available for purchase:* Neera and the Red Wizards: Save the wild mage Neera from thecruelmachinations of Thay’s dreaded Red Wizards.* Path of the Bloodied: Join the blackguard Dorn Il-Khan intakingrevenge against those who betrayed him in Luskan.* Gallery of Heroes: Reimagine your character withelevennever-before-seen character portraits from acclaimed IcewindDaleartist Jason Manley!* New professionally recorded voice sets to choose from tofurthercustomize your character.
每一段傳說,都跟一個傳奇人物有關——皓月大陸上,也同樣有著這樣一個傳說。他是第一個,也是唯一成神的人類。領悟了星辰運轉軌跡,人獸生老病死,草木繁榮枯萎,冷暖四季變換的他擁有呼風喚雨,撼天震地的異能。他通曉古今,預測未來,因此被尊為先知之神。然而皓月歷331年,炎魔現世,生靈塗炭!先知之神被打敗,靈魂被封鎖在地底深處。炎魔身上,有著什麼秘密?國王派遣了一匹部隊前往營救,隊伍中包刮前線勇者「魔劍士」,吟誦自然之力的法術使「元素師」與攻其不備的黑暗隱者「潛行者」,冒險者們阿!快拿起武器,跟上腳步,為榮耀而戰。遊戲特色系統介紹【全新組隊玩法,各職業出頭天】可以加入別人的隊伍成為隊員,也可以創建隊伍成為隊長。在隊伍中,您能自如地和隊友交流,團隊作戰,享受一起打BOSS的樂趣。【坐騎跑酷副本,搭乘拉風坐騎】操作搖杆移動來獲取金幣,寶箱來累計積分,同時還要小心避開路上的障礙物,要是被撞倒可是會受傷扣血的。【百層勇者之塔,挑戰自我極限】冒險者們逐級而上,站在塔頂便是無上的榮耀。勇者之塔無層數限制,只要你行,只要你敢,便給你無限挑戰。【獨特翅膀系統,搭配華麗裝飾】系統贈送翅膀達到10級後即可啟動穿戴,隨著等級上升還會越變越華麗呢!穿戴翅膀不僅僅是為了酷炫,還能為人物增加額外屬性。【勇闖遺跡金庫,實現千萬富翁】冒險者們打敗遺跡中的寶箱怪,可獲得大量金幣,俗話說出門在外雖然錢不是萬能,但沒錢卻萬萬不能阿~【金銀島大探險,搜尋珍貴寶物】金銀島是護送帆船,主要能獲得聲望和金幣,也可邀請好友協助或搶奪其他玩家,點擊刷新可以刷新出海的船隻,越好的船隻收穫越大哦~※依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔導12歲級:12歲以上之人始得使用。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。※遊戲情節涉及性情節、暴力,請注意使用時間,避免沉迷遊戲。
Star Wars™: Galaxy of Heroes 0.33.1401939
May the Force be With You! Unlock & battle with yourfavoriteStar Wars™ heroes.
Adventurers War: Evolved 1.3.0
Best IDLE RPG for you to save time! Featured by Google Play in100+countries !!
Adventurers War 1.14.0
DH Games
Unique Strategy Role Playing Game! Form your heroes and battleforvictory!
每一段傳說,都跟一個傳奇人物有關——皓月大陸上,也同樣有著這樣一個傳說。他是第一個,也是唯一成神的人類。領悟了星辰運轉軌跡,人獸生老病死,草木繁榮枯萎,冷暖四季變換的他擁有呼風喚雨,撼天震地的異能。他通曉古今,預測未來,因此被尊為先知之神。然而皓月歷331年,炎魔現世,生靈塗炭!先知之神被打敗,靈魂被封鎖在地底深處。炎魔身上,有著什麼秘密?國王派遣了一匹部隊前往營救,隊伍中包刮前線勇者「魔劍士」,吟誦自然之力的法術使「元素師」與攻其不備的黑暗隱者「潛行者」,冒險者們阿!快拿起武器,跟上腳步,為榮耀而戰。遊戲特色系統介紹【全新組隊玩法,各職業出頭天】可以加入別人的隊伍成為隊員,也可以創建隊伍成為隊長。在隊伍中,您能自如地和隊友交流,團隊作戰,享受一起打BOSS的樂趣。【坐騎跑酷副本,搭乘拉風坐騎】操作搖杆移動來獲取金幣,寶箱來累計積分,同時還要小心避開路上的障礙物,要是被撞倒可是會受傷扣血的。【百層勇者之塔,挑戰自我極限】冒險者們逐級而上,站在塔頂便是無上的榮耀。勇者之塔無層數限制,只要你行,只要你敢,便給你無限挑戰。【獨特翅膀系統,搭配華麗裝飾】系統贈送翅膀達到10級後即可啟動穿戴,隨著等級上升還會越變越華麗呢!穿戴翅膀不僅僅是為了酷炫,還能為人物增加額外屬性。【勇闖遺跡金庫,實現千萬富翁】冒險者們打敗遺跡中的寶箱怪,可獲得大量金幣,俗話說出門在外雖然錢不是萬能,但沒錢卻萬萬不能阿~【金銀島大探險,搜尋珍貴寶物】金銀島是護送帆船,主要能獲得聲望和金幣,也可邀請好友協助或搶奪其他玩家,點擊刷新可以刷新出海的船隻,越好的船隻收穫越大哦~※依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔導12歲級:12歲以上之人始得使用。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。※遊戲情節涉及性情節、暴力,請注意使用時間,避免沉迷遊戲。
軒轅劍之崑崙鏡 4.01
經典鉅作,軒轅重現。為慶祝軒轅劍25週年紀念,推出軒轅劍之崑崙鏡ARPG手機遊戲,故事承接軒轅劍參外傳-天之痕開始,透過崑崙鏡的力量穿越歷代軒轅劍的世界觀,將帶領玩家再次回味軒轅劍的歷史,並解救神州大陸。想要和歷代軒轅劍角色一同冒險嗎?快來一起進入崑崙鏡的世界!!與女神謝金燕 一起並肩作戰軒轅劍之崑崙鏡特別邀請謝金燕肖像授權,玩家將可於崑崙鏡中和女神謝金燕的角色一同闖蕩軒轅劍的世界。「女神謝金燕」施放技能時將會有更多不樣的特效喔!!遊戲簡介:宇文拓曾預見赤貫星劃破神州九天結界,西方魔界入侵神州。於是,宇文拓興建通天塔,試圖佈陣阻止,但功敗垂成,撒旦重現、魔界降臨中土。玩家和陳靖仇與于小雪等人一起試圖阻止撒旦的降臨…。玩家將扮演陳靖仇師伯公山鐵先生的徒弟,隨著于小雪的幫助,穿越時空尋找有著異色雙瞳的俠客。故事將從軒轅劍外傳-天之痕起接入軒轅劍三-雲和山的彼端,並縱貫歷代軒轅劍的世界觀,多位軒轅劍的角色和怪物,都將和玩家並肩作戰。遊戲特色:1. 陪打系統想要和軒轅劍歷代角色一同進行遊戲嗎?全新夥伴陪打系統,將會有歷代軒轅劍角色陪您一起闖關。2. 語音系統新增語音辨識系統,讓玩家之間溝通不再受限於文字輸入,可以更方便快速的送出聊天文字。3. 錄音系統嫌打字太慢,且文字無法表達本身的意境嗎?崑崙鏡導入錄音系統,讓玩家可以於聊天室錄製自己的聲音,讓玩家間的溝通不再有隔閡。4. 圖鑑系統想念歷代軒轅劍的神魔異事錄嗎,崑崙鏡保留神魔異事錄的圖鑑系統,讓玩家可以盡情收集各種魔物圖鑑喔。5. 武器更換系統覺得別人的武器比較帥,想要換武器卻又不想重練?崑崙鏡提供武器更換系統,讓你隨時隨想要換武器換職業,只要動動手指,就可以立即更換不用重新再來喔!!!《軒轅劍之崑崙鏡》官方粉絲團:
Soul of Demon Blade : Darkness 1.6.6
A fantasy world is waiting, the legend starts with you.
RPG Illusion of L'Phalcia 1.1.1g
Experience epic 3D battles and customize characters with Runes&Gems!
Gamebook Adventures Collected 1.3374
Tin Man Games
Choose your path, Roll your fate!
RPG Symphony of the Origin
SPECIAL PRICE44% OFF(USD 8.99 -> USD 4.99)!!!Humans, elves, dwarves, the Evils of the Earth-depths,andgolems!Different people, different tribes, different motives- allcometogether in this classic fantasy RPG!Featured on NVIDIA TegraZone.Now with controller support for NVIDIA SHIELD and Android TV.The lands where the humans, elves and dwarves live continue tobeattacked by hideous creatures that have appeared from theverybowels of the earth. The attacks are frequent and widespread,andthe attackers commit the most terrible of atrocities.These attackers have been dubbed the 'Evils oftheEarth-depths'One day, Granzalk Castle is the subject of an attack by the Evilsofthe Earth-depths.In the midst of the fierce fighting, Ryle, a youngapprenticeswordsman whose parents were both killed in a previousattack bythe Evils, and who vows revenge, finds himself in theundergroundchambers of the castle. In one of those chambers, hediscovers agolem built to oppose the Evils.And so the quest begins: Ryle takes the fate of the kingdom onhisshoulders, and, along with Denoas, the golem built to opposetheEvils, sets off first to the village of the elves...This is KEMCO's first brand-new RPG designed from the groundupespecially for smartphones!Don't miss the epic story that unfolds around Ryle and Denoasandthe characters they encounter, each with their own intentionsandmotives!Smoothly Animated Dynamic BattlesSmooth animation and dramatic voice effects bring thecharacters'battle scenes to life.There are huge numbers of enemies trying to stop your progress.Someof them even have parts which are destroyed when they aredamagedbeyond a certain level. For example, an enemy might be cladinformidable armor to begin with, but if that armor is destroyed,theenemy's appearance changes and defense ability drops… but ontheother hand, the enemy's movements might become swifter.Don't ignore these changes- use them to alter the battlesituationto your advantage!Customize Weapons and Statuses!The characters' weapons are each made up of parts, and bycombiningthese parts, you can change attack strength, not tomention themagic and skills the characters can use.What's more, by reinforcing weapons at a Weapon Shop, youcanupgrade the weapons to be much more powerful than theyoriginallywere.In addition, by assigning Merit Points on the Status screen, youcanstrengthen different statuses as you want- and you can adjustthesestatuses at any time.*The actual price might differ depending on the region.[Supported OS versions]- 2.1 and up[Supported screen sizes]- Sizes above HVGA(320x480)[Xperia(TM) PLAY]- Not optimized for Xperia(TM) PLAY[Installation on SD card]- Enabled[Supported languages]- Japanese, English[Incompatible devices]- HT-03A(OS1.6), Xperia(OS1.6), LYNX(OS1.6), Optimuschat(OS2.2),IS01(OS1.6), 003Z(OS2.2), S31HW(OS2.2), Aria(OS2.2)(This app hasgenerally been tested to work on any mobile devicereleased inJapan. We cannot guarantee support on otherdevices.)__________________________________________Your use of the application constitutes your acceptance ofthefollowing EULA: the latest information![Newsletter][Facebook page] KEMCO/World Wide Software
Baldur's Gate II
Kidnapped. Imprisoned. Tortured. ThewizardIrenicus holds you captive in his stronghold, attempting tostripyou of the powers that are your birthright.Can you resist the evil within you, forge a legend ofheroicproportions, and ultimately destroy the dark essence thathauntsyour dreams? Or will you embrace your monstrous nature, carveaswath of destruction across the realms, and ascend to godhoodasthe new Lord of Murder?Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition includes the original ShadowsofAmn campaign, as well as the following expansions:* Throne of Bhaal: Travel to Tethyr in this thrilling conclusiontothe Bhaalspawn saga, and delve into the treasure-filled hallsofWatcher’s Keep!* Fist of the Fallen: Help the Sun Soul Monk Rasaad find peaceinhis quest for vengeance, and determine the fate of ahereticalsect.* The Black Pits II: Gladiators of Thay: Explore the tacticaldepthof high-level Dungeons & Dragons combat. Turn yourcaptorsagainst each other while you dodge traps and battle for yourlifeagainst Demi-Liches, Mind Flayers, and thelegendaryGithyanki.Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition also offers the followingpremiumcontent available for purchase:* A Price Paid in Blood: Join the Blackguard Dorn in carving aswathof destruction across the Realms, as he struggles to appeasetheincreasingly bloody demands of his dark patron.* A Voice in the Dark: Recruit the mysterious Thief Hexxat andtakeup her mission of retrieving long-lost artifacts from tombs asfaraway as Zakhara.* In Defense of the Wild: Protect the innocent and stand withNeerathe Wild Mage against a ruthless school of Red Wizards.Note: All translations are text only. Voice-overs are playedinEnglish.
Zombocalypse Now
Tin Man Games
They don't want your body, THEY WANTYOURBRAINS.You're a stuffed bunny and it's the end of the world.When you slowly catch onto the fact that your latest date isinfact, the newest member of the living dead, there's only onethingto do - run! ...or, should you hang around a bit longer? Afterall,this is probably the best a date has gone for you in a while.Thischoice (along with many others) are entirely up to you...Zombocalypse Now is a comedy/horror reimagining ofthechoose-your-own-ending books you grew up with. You'll beconfrontedwith undead hordes, internet dating, improper policeprocedure, andthe very real possibility that you'll lose your gripon reality andwind up chewing the carpets.The zombie apocalypse has never been this much fun.**FEATURES**•Includes all the interactive reading and gameplay features foundinthe previous Gamebook Adventures titles.•Read and dictate the direction of the story! Choose your ownpathto your impending doom!•Lots of achievements to collect and artwork to find throughoutthebook. These are placed on your achievement wall.•Hundreds of endings - at least seven of which don't includeyourhorrible demise!•Full colour artwork along with new images specifically createdforthis edition - lucky you!Zombocalypse Now has been created using Tin Man Games’criticallyacclaimed Gamebook Adventures Engine featuring:•Read the book horizontally or vertically on your tablet.•Artwork gallery. Find an illustration in the gamebook and beableto access it full-screen forever.•Bookmarking system which saves your position in the gamebook,muchlike putting your fingers between the pages to rememberyourprevious page when reading the paperback!•Specially composed soundtrack and sound effects.Join Tin Man Games at for lotsmoreexciting digital gamebooks including the Fighting Fantasyseriesand Judge Dredd!
Modern Lunacy
Gamer Lips
Explore your house inthisparanoidfantasy,No ads, no pants, no hidden fees.Battle ghosts and shadows with your spoon,Casual turn-based modern lunacy.This game is an addictive role-playing game perfectforthosebathroom breaks.Horror themed, but not too scary.Level up and amass enough courage to gear up andinvestigatethebasement for paranormal activities.