Top 21 Apps Similar to YoYo大進擊(大班上)

ㄅㄆㄇ注音學習卡 4.72
The best introductory textbook for learning Zhuyin
Bopomo Learn Chinese Phonics 1.0
Learn Chinese by Bopomo (MPS Chu-yin)MPS (Mandarin Phonetic Symbols) also known as Zhuyin fuhao,inEnglish translations, the system is often called either Chu-yinorbopomofo, was introduced in the 1910s as the firstofficialphonetic system for transcribing Chinese, especiallyMandarin.Consisting of 37 characters and four tone marks, thissystem iswidely used as an educational tool and Chinese computerinputmethod in Taiwan. Bopomofo remains the predominant phoneticsystemin teaching reading and writing in elementary school inTaiwan. Inteaching Mandarin, Taiwan institutions and some overseascommunitystill use bopomofo as a learning tool. It is also one ofthe mostpopular ways to enter Chinese characters into computers andlook upcharacters in a dictionary in Taiwan. In grade one,Chinesecharacters in textbooks are often annotated with bopomofoasstudents take ten weeks to learn them.Features:★ ㄅㄆㄇ Bopomo...37 characters pronunciations and strokes,examplevocabularies in Chinese and English (nativespeakerpronunciations)★ The gesture support, you can slide your finger quickly flipthepage★ Finding game in the example sentences.★ The astronaut Erin family performed the story in this seriesaredesigned by Italian Delicatessen Studio. The music in theappspresented by the well-known songwriter – NienShen Ma (MovieCapeNo. VII’s actor Mala Sang)★ The language learning picture books received verygoodcomments, over 2 millions downloads,avg. 4.5 stars,.Talking - app is developed by Q.L.L. (Quick LanguageLearning)Inc. Ltd., a professional language learning contentsdeveloper. Wedeveloped also "Pocket Chinese Tutor" for businesspeople to learnChinese and The Ugly Duckling multilingualstorybooks...and so on.Our goal is to fit language learning intoyour life style.Please leave your comments here,with your help we can do betterChinese learning apps.
注音符號練習簿 2.8
The best game → phonetic symbols phonetic exercises exercise books.
注音學堂發音篇 2.5
Happy Academy
Early childhood education, pre-school education, practice atschool,after-school tutoring, autonomous learning, Children happylearningcymbals.
有聲注音溝通板 v1.0.5
Paul Ma
快樂學習ㄅㄆㄇ 1.27
Just SW
Easy to learn ¢ Gt po mo strokes, stroke and pronunciationexercisessuitable for preschool children.
注音符號小學堂 3.3
幼兒教育, 學前教育, 在學練習, 課後輔導, 自主學習,注音符號小學堂繁體中文版,這是一款ㄅㄆㄇ注音符號教學軟體,可以讓小朋友在遊戲中快樂的學習37個注音符號,裡面提供注音介紹、注音朗誦、筆畫練習、圖片教學、注音拼圖、順序排列以及小小畫家等許多功能,可以讓小朋友邊遊戲邊學習ㄅㄆㄇ注音符號,增加孩童學習注音的樂趣,培養兒童國語發音的基礎能力,適合當作學前教育軟體,注音學堂是給寶寶們學注音的最好工具,讓寶貝們贏在起跑點。一、注音介紹:提供注音符號的的基本介紹,包含注音列表       、結合韻、聲調符號以及拼音方法的說明。二、注音朗誦:ㄅ到ㄦ,37個注音符號的真人語音朗讀,       可以依學習熟練度調整語音播放間隔,       適合小朋友邊聽邊念快速學習。三、筆畫練習:提供注音符號的筆畫教學,       可以直接在螢幕上跟著教學進行書寫,       不只提升小朋友的學習興趣,       更可以省去購買書寫練習簿的花費。四、圖片教學:利用生活中常見的物品和水果,       以及小朋友最喜歡的動物圖片,       進行國語名詞拼音和發音練習。五、注音拼圖:用37個注音符號做成的拼圖遊戲,       利用拼圖遊戲提升小朋友的學習興趣。六、順序排列:系統會隨機排列注音符號,       玩家需在限制的時間內,       將注音符號搬移到正確的順序位置,       大人們可以和小朋友比比看誰能最快完成       是個兼顧學習與增加親子間互動的好幫手。您好:如果小學堂 & 遊樂園 & 三國系列作品,有帶給您還是小朋友助益或歡樂,您想要給作者一些贊助與鼓勵,您可以在Google Play上購買小學堂贊助程式,0.99 美元贊助的Google Play連結: 美元贊助的Google Play連結: 美元贊助的Google Play連結:有您的支持才會有更新更好玩的軟體推出,謝謝。小學堂 & 三國志系列臉書粉絲網頁 :作品簡介:一、幼兒學習:1.動物小學堂水果小學堂 時鐘小學堂 顏色小學堂 形狀小學堂二、數學類:1. 數字小學堂 123數數小學堂 九九乘法小學堂 加法小學堂 減法小學堂 乘法小學堂 除法小學堂四則運算小學堂三、英文類:1. ABC英文字母小學堂建議與英文字母拼圖小學堂一起使用2. 英文字母拼圖小學堂建議與ABC英文字母小學堂一起使用3. 英文字母書寫體小學堂 KK音標小學堂 KK音標小學堂發音篇 KK音標小學堂範例篇 英文數字小學堂 英文序數小學堂四、注音類:1. 注音符號小學堂 注音學堂發音篇 注音學堂遊樂篇五、日文類1. 五十音小學堂平假名篇 五十音小學堂片假名篇六、遊戲類:1. 三國志草船借箭 聖誕拼圖遊樂園 動物拼圖遊樂園 水果拼圖遊樂園 ABC英文字母順序排列比賽 childhoodeducation,preschool education, learning exercises, after-schooltutoring,independent study,Traditional Chinese phonetic symbols small school version,This is a bo-po-mo phonetic symbols teaching software,Allows children to learn in a fun game 37 phonetic symbols,Which provides phonetic descriptions, phonetic reading,practicingstrokes, images of teaching,Phonetic puzzles, small order and painters and manyotherfunctions,You can let the children bo-side game while learning po-mophoneticsymbols,Increase children learn phonetic funChildren's ability to develop basic Mandarin, andSuitable as a pre-school software,Phonetic School is the best tool for babies learningphonetic,Let the kids win at the starting point.First, the phonetic description: Provides a basic introductiontophonetic symbols, including phonetic list, Combined with rhyme, tone symbols and phonetic description ofthemethod.Second, the phonetic reading: bo-to ㄦ, live voice reading aloud37phonetic symbols,By learning proficiency can adjust the voiceplaybackinterval,For children to listen and learn quickly to read.Third, stroke exercises: providing stroke teachingphoneticsymbols,Directly on the screen along with teaching to write,Not only enhance children's interest in learning,Eliminates the need to spend more to buy exercise bookstowrite.Fourth, the picture of teaching: the use of common life goodsandfruits,And the children's favorite animal pictures,Spelling and pronunciation of Mandarin nounsconductexercises.Five phonetic puzzle: with 37 phonetic symbols made ofpuzzle,Use to enhance children's interest in learning puzzle.VI order: the system will randomly arranged phonetic symbols,Players need to limit the timeThe phonetic symbols in the correct order to movethelocation,Adults and children to see who can be the fastest to completeIs a balance between learning and increase parent-childinteractionis a good helper.Hello:If the small school & Amusement & Three seriesofworks,You still have to bring the children vote or joy,You want to give the author a number of sponsorshipandencouragement,You can buy small school sponsorship program on Google Play,$ 0.99 Google Play sponsored links:$ 2.99 Google Play sponsored links:$ 4.99 Google Play sponsored links: your support will have more fun software updatelaunch,thank you.Small school & the Three Kingdoms series Face bookfanpage:, the children learn:1 Animal small school small school fruit small school clock small school colors Shape small school, the math class:1 small school figures Number of primary school small school Jiujiuchengfa Addition of small school subtraction Primary School Multiplication small school small school division four arithmetic small school, the English class:1. ABC Alphabet Primary School with advice and letters of the alphabet puzzle school2 small school English alphabet puzzle in conjunction with ABC Alphabet recommended small school3 letters of the alphabet and writing of small school KK phonetic Primary School KK phonetic pronunciation small school papers KK phonetic example of a small school papers alphanumeric Primary School English ordinal number of small school, the phonetic categories:1 small school phonetic symbols phonetic pronunciation school papers phonetic play school papers Japanese class1 small school hiragana syllabary articles small school katakana syllabary articles games category:1 Three Kingdoms Caochuanjiejian Christmas Puzzle Amusement Animal Puzzle Amusement Fruit Puzzle Amusement ABC tournament in alphabetical order
注音學堂遊樂篇 2.7
Early childhood education, preschool education, learningexercises,after-school tutoring, independent study, Bo-po-mo happychildrenlearning phonetic symbols.
YoYo大進擊(大班下) 1.0.0
「YoYo大進擊」(大班下)富有多元化的學習內容,並以東森YoYo幼兒園下學期大班課程為基礎,包含:1.中文主題「偶來了」、「超級老師」、「QQ米」2.美語「字母N ~Z自然發音」、「主題單字」3.數學「比較並選出重量最重的物體」、「判斷出測量工具的用途」、「15以內合計數量計數」、「找出符合指定數字的撲克牌」、「判斷貴與便宜的價錢答案」4.注音符號「拼音練習」讓孩子在掌握知識的同時,還可以享受玩遊戲的樂趣。注意:需要 Android4.0 以上的裝置
拼音考考你 1.11
如果你正準備投考普通話水評測試、語文基準試或想進修普通話拼音: 本程式專為練習普通話拼音而設內置超過1000道題目題目跟據普通話水評測試及語文基準試範圍挑選 助你應付普通話水評測試、語文基準試及增進你對拼音的熟識。
YoYo大進擊(小班上) 1.1.0
「YoYo大進擊(小班上)」富有多元化的學習內容,並以東森YoYo幼兒園上學期小班課程為基礎,包含:1.中文主題「手腳動一動」、「樂樂想回家」、「大家去哪兒了?」2.美語「字母A ~M 大寫辨識」、「主題單字」3.數學「配對、1~3數與量對應」讓孩子在掌握知識的同時還可以享受玩遊戲的樂趣。注意:需要 Android4.0 以上的裝置"YoYo bigadvanceon(small)" on the rich variety of learning content, andeastofTucson YoYo semester smallkindergartencurriculum-based,including:1 Chinese theme "Move hands", "Lele want to go home","Wheredidyou go?"2 American English "recognize uppercase letters A ~M","themeword"3 Math "paired with a number corresponding to the amountto3"Let the children acquire knowledge but also can enjoy thefunofplaying the game.Note: You need more than Android4.0 devices
easy fast learn chinese pinyin 4.0.0
Learn Chinese Easily provides you arelaxingand interactive way of learning a new language. You willhavecontinuous opportunities to practice your mastery of thelanguageby constantly interact with the software by connectingwords withimages to confirm their meaning.- Learn Mandarin Chinese language in the correct andinterestingway- Efficient study method with picture and pronunciation to helpyourunderstanding- "Easy to navigate" interface- Free language lessons will be included in updates- Test mode to test your mastery of the lesson. A summarywithrating will be given after the test- Keep tracking of your learning progress-Comprehensive Chinese vocabs & phrases-100% practical & well categorized contents-Authentic pronunciationChildren learn the alphabet is a good helper!Pinyin is the foundation for children to learnChinesepronunciation, is a required course, combines baby learningPinyinPinyin stroke, phrase, pronunciation, cartoon illustrationsandcatchy jingle to diverging memory, which allows the baby tograspquickly the standard alphabet pronunciation. Mastered thealphabetafter the baby can you learn the skills Tang Mandarin,write, reada storybook rhymes, the software contains all thephonetic learningand child care puzzle game for preschool and firstgrade, secondgrade children to learn.Of course, for none native is also very useful to learnMandarinchinese.
ㄅㄆㄇ注音學習卡 PRO 4.75
The best helper for learning Zhuyin
Belajar Yoyo 1.1
Dalam aplikasi ini terdapat banyaktutorialbelajar yoyo, kamu akan dituntun langkah demi langkah dalambelajaryoyo. Karena tutorialnya dalam bentuk video, sehingga kamuakanmudah mempraktekannya. Berikut ini contoh materi tutorialbelajaryoyo yang ada di aplikasi ini:Trik SleeperTrik Let It GoTrik Throw a Sprat To Catch a WhaleTrik Walk The DogTrik Strong CycloneTrik UFO On The Fingertip (Side)Trik Eiffel TowerTrik Rock The BabyTrik ElevatorTrik MotorcycleTrik Around The WorldTrik Loop The LoopTrik Break AwayTrik Satellite RecoveryTrik Dance of The Golden SnakeTrik Inverted Eiffel TowerTrik Texas StarTrik Brain TwisterTrik Around The World (2.0)Trik Magic BallTrik Quickly Take BackTrik Spinning Take Back (Spinning)Trik FlyerTrik BarrelTrik Pin WheelTrik UFOTrik HeartTrik Crazy Rock The BabyTrik Revolving Walk The Dog SpinningTrik Spinning UFO (Spinning)Trik Side PinwheelTrik Inverted VTrik Around The World 3.0Trik Magic GloveTrik Eiffel Tower CycloneTrik Two Circle LandingTrik Spinning ReviveTrik Reverse CycloneTrik StrikeTrik Spinning Flyer (Spinning)Trik Spider Rock The BabyTrik Crescent LoopTrik Twice LandingTrik Spinning Magic BallTrik Spinning Triangle (Spinning)Trik Overspeed Take BackTrik Split The AtomTrik Balance CycloneTrik FrisbyTrik TriangleAplikasi belajar yoyo ini sangat kecil sehingga tidak menguraskuotainternet kamu loh... Selamat mencoba.In this applicationthereare many tutorials to learn yoyo, you will be guided step bystepin learning yoyo. Because the tutorial in video format, soyou'lleasily put it into practice. Here is an example of learningyoyotutorial material in this application:tricks SleeperTricks Let It GoThrow a sprat Tricks To Catch a WhaleWalk The Dog TricksStrong Cyclone TricksUFO Trick On The Fingertip (Side)Tricks Eiffel TowerTricks Rock The Babytricks Elevatortricks MotorcycleTricks Around The WorldTricks Loop The LoopTricks Break AwayTricks Satellite RecoveryTricks Dance of the Golden SnakeTricks Inverted Eiffel TowerTricks Texas StarTrick Brain TwisterTricks Around The World (2.0)Tricks Magic BallTricks Quickly Take BackSpinning Tricks Take Back (Spinning)tricks Flyertricks BarrelTrick Pin Wheeltricks UFOtrick HeartTricks Crazy Rock The BabyWalk The Dog Tricks Revolving SpinningSpinning Tricks UFO (Spinning)Tricks Side PinwheelTricks Inverted VTricks Around The World 3.0Trick Magic GloveTricks Eiffel Tower CycloneTrick Two Circle LandingSpinning Tricks ReviveReverse Trick Cyclonetrick StrikeSpinning Tricks Flyer (Spinning)Tricks Spider Rock The BabyTricks Crescent LoopTrick Twice LandingSpinning Tricks Magic BallTricks Spinning Triangle (Spinning)Tricks Overspeed Take BackTricks Split The AtomTricks Balance Cyclonetrick FrisbyTriangle tricksYoyo learning applications is very small so it does not drainyourinternet quota loh ... Good luck.
Level Up! - Yoyo and Skill Toy 3.10.0
The Android app with yoyo & kendamatricks,videos, and a store.
Yoyo Tricks Tutorial 1.2
Here is an example of yoyo trickstutorialvideo in this app:Learn the Elbow Wrap Yoyo TrickLearn the Slipstick Kendama TrickThe Drift Yoyo Trick - Gentry Stein TutorialHow to do the Windmill AKA 5A Pinwheel Yoyo TrickLearn the Inward Whirlwind Kendama TrickThe Space Jam Yoyo Trick - Gentry Stein TutorialHow to do the Independent Tangler Freehand Yoyo TrickLearn the High Noon Kendama TrickHow to do the Basic Long Spin Butterfly WrapLearn the Lunar Rover 180 and 360 Kendama Tricks featuringSweetsPro Cooper EddyThe Brent and Follow Finger Spin Tricks - Paul KerbelTutorialHow to do the Bee Sting Freehand Yoyo TrickLearn the Tightrope Kendama Trick featuring Sweets ProCooperEddyThe Sinatra YoYo Trick - Paul Kerbel TutorialHow to do the Half Bee Sting Freehand Yoyo TrickBorder Balance Kendama Trick (AKA Boarders Balance) featuringSweetsPro Cooper EddyThe Pandora YoYo Trick - Paul Kerbel TutorialLearn to do the Kendama Finger StallThe Grid Iron YoYo Trick - Paul Kerbel TutorialLearn the Clutch Kendama TrickThe Corkscrew YoYo Trick - Paul Kerbel TutorialThe Bottle Neck Yoyo Trick - Paul Kerbel TutorialLearn the Gunslinger Kendama TrickLearn Paul's YoYo Freestyle Bind Tricks - PaulKerbelTutorialsLearn the Bungie Kendama TrickLearn the Zero Gravity Kendama TrickThe Kobe Yoyo Trick - Paul Kerbel TutorialsWhat is the Best Yoyo? April Fools Yoyo Buyer's GuideIntro to 5A Rebounds - Basic Arm and Wrist Rebound FreehandYoyoTrickLearn the Penguin Catch Kendama TrickLearn the Kendama 1 Up TechniqueHow to do an Electric Fan (E-Fan) Combo 5A YoYo TrickLearn the Revolver to Spike Kendama TrickHow to do the Basic Stall 5A Yoyo TrickLearn the Double or Nothing Release 5A Yoyo TrickLearn the Pull Side Spike Kendama TrickSwitch Trapeze and his Brother 5A Yoyo TrickLearn the Lunar Flip Kendama TrickHow to do the 360 Freehand YoYo TrickHow to do the Double On Trapeze Release YoYo TrickLearn the Dragon Dance Kendama TrickHow To Throw and Catch a 5A yoyo3 Ways to String a Yoyo CounterweightYoyo News Update - We're Back and Ready for some 5A!Learn the Fast Hands Lighthouse Kendama TrickLearn the Fast Hand Stunt Plane Kendama TrickHow to Yoyo with your First YoyoLearn the Side Spike Kendama TrickHow to Glue a Kendama SpikeLearn the Around the USA TrickThis app will always be updated, so will a lot of yoyotrickstutorial videos in this application.DISCLAIMER :Content like Articles, Pictures and Video in this applicationwerecollected from all over the web, so if I have violatedyourcopyright, please let me know and it will be removed as soonaspossible.All copyrights and trademarks are owned by their respectiveowners.This app is not endorsed by or affiliated with NetworkStudios orany other affiliated entities.
Chinese Typing Practice (繁體中文) 1.30
Introduction:Think your Chinese typing speed is too slow?Try the best Chinese typing practice ( input training and speedtest) application.This is the best application to improve your Chinesetypingspeed.You can also post your scores via facebook and share withyourfriends.Typing Expert Traditional Chinese Version.Features:◎ Fully compatible with a variety of Chinese inputmethods,including handwriting and voice input.◎ Real-time display typing speed per minute, and correct words/wrong words.◎ Challenge mode , with dozens of typing masters tochallenge.◎ Setting mode can adjust the font size, practice time, andpracticearticles. Those with poor vision or the elderly can alsoeasily getstarted.◎ Provides Cezisuanming function; can measure your fortune andluckeach day.◎ Uses nearly 30 inspirational stories, lyrical stories,shortstories, and other kinds of full articles.
打打拼音-拼音輸入學習拼音練習 13.3
pinyin(漢語拼音)輸入學習與拼音練習工具 協助你由注音學習拼音,有課程學習,測驗功能,注音/拼音轉換查詢,拼音查詢
Let's BoPoMoFo! Premium 1.0.1
"Let's BoPoMoFo! Premium" is anapplicationwhich lets you learn "BoPoMoFo", a phonetic systemmainly used inTaiwan to study Chinese. This application allows youto practice"BoPoMoFo" as well as self-test your BoPoMoFoacquisition level.Main features of the premium version include:1) Practice mode: Let you practice "BoPoMoFo" one by one inorderor from the "BoPoMoFo" charts.2) Self-test mode: Self-test your "BoPoMoFo" acquisition level .Arandomly selected character of "BoPoMoFo" appears for youtoanswer.3) Sound play: For each character of "BoPoMoFo", you can playbackits pronunciation.4) Supported Language: English and Japanese (changeable inthesetting menu).5) No advertisement.6) Twitter function.7) Wallpaper setting to let you set your favorite image asthebackground of the application.Please refer to the following URL for the instruction.
YOYO大進擊(小班下) 1.0.0
「YoYo大進擊」(小班下)富有多元化的學習內容,並以東森YoYo幼兒園下學期小班課程為基礎,包含:1.中文主題「形形色色(阿比變身秀)」、「哈囉!老闆(開什麼店好呢?)」、「甜心糖」2.美語「字母N~Z大寫辨識」、「主題單字」3.數學「辨識三角形的物體」、「辨識相關聯的物品」、「5以內數字與物品數量配對」、「找出不是水果的物體」、「比較體積最大或最小的物體」、「物體與影子配對」、「學習1~5數序」、「辨識上下」、「辨識需放在冷凍或冷藏的物品」讓孩子在掌握知識的同時還可以享受玩遊戲的樂趣。注意:需要 Android4.0 以上的裝置
Hanzi Quiz 1.0
You need to install a Chinese input methodinorder to use this app. For instance the PinYin input methodfromGoogle works fine and is free.This app is meant to help to learn and remember your Hanzis.All5000 Hanzis from HSK 1 to 6 are already embedded in the app.Youcan edit them or add yours if you need.You can work on them by HSK level or build list of Hanzistofocus, for instance, on vocabulary of one lesson (that's whatIusually do, one list by lesson).Then you can practice from Mandarin to English or from EnglishtoMandarin and configure what is being ask: Chinese (Hanzi)and/orpinyin and/or tones and/or English (choices).You can resume your ongoing series, follow progress andgetstatistics on ongoing series like time spent, how many mistakesyoudid and on what Hanzi, accuracy and progression.I developed this app when I was studying Chinese attheUniversity in 西安. So it's strongly focused and writing/readingandthought to work on vocabulary when studying book's lessons.You can also backup all your Hanzis, lists and statisticsandrestore them if you have several devices.I also want to thank you and give credit to:- where I took the HSK words list- some icons are coming from there and arelicensedunder Creative Commons BY 3.0- where I download these same icons