Top 19 Apps Similar to Player Minion for 5th Edition

Dice​Shaker D&D 1.4.7
DiceShaker D&D is a 3D RPG dice roller app withrealisticgraphics and advanced physics. It contains a full set ofpolyhedraldice for role-playing game sessions."Incredible physics and feel"- Android Police- d4, d6, d8, d10, d12 and d20 RPG dice, includingpercentagedice- shake the phone or tap the screen to roll the dice, or flickthedice individually- switch between five separate dice screens- realistic graphics and physics - tilt the phone upside downandthe dice fall on the glass- total scoreInternet permission is used for anonymous Google Analyticsusagestatistics collection, which can be disabled from theapp'spreferences.E-mail bug reports and feature suggestions to [email protected].
DnD Companion 1.0
Wij Development
Create and manage all your D&D 4egamingcharacters with DnD Companion!You will never need a paper character sheet again!DnD Companion keeps track of all of your characters’information– Experience, Defenses, Abilities, Skills, Hit Points,Surges,Action Points, Powers, Feats, Gear, Treasure, Notes, andmore.Maintain multiple characters, and fluidly switch betweenthem.Save your character information to an external file which canbeimported onto your other mobile devices.Easily add new powers, feats, gear, and treasure usingthespecialized input fields. Sort your powers, feats, and gear asyoulike, and equip/unequip gear at will.Edit your experience and abilities to automatically updateyourdefenses and skills.Effortlessly view your character information on theclean,intuitive interface. Switch between portrait and landscapeview atany time.Consult the in-app information page for detailed descriptionsofthe functionalities.So use DnD Companion for all your D&D 4th edition games!
Numenera Character Creator
3lb Games, LLC
NOTE: This app is intended as a supplementforthe character creation rules in the Numenera Corebook, notareplacement.If you want to explore the Earth a billion years in the futureinMonte Cook's Numenera, you'll need to be prepared. That'swherethis app comes in handy! Designed to guide you throughcharactercreation for this science-fantasy RPG, the NumeneraCharacterCreator app also allows you to track your progress inreal-timewhile you play.We'll guide you step-by-step through the character creationprocessfor the Numenera RPG (however, we don’t do the numenera andcyphersteps because this will be between you and your GM -seebelow!).You'll choose a descriptor, type, and focus. Your choiceswillautomatically create your skills and provide you with yourstartingequipment. You'll modify your basic stats (Might, Speed,andIntellect), and we'll track your base and your current pool.Youcan track your damage and recovery rolls, and you'll be able toaddor remove abilities and equipment.Did we say equipment? This does include your numenera items -justgo to the Equipment tab, click on the Numenera button, and youcanmanage your Artifacts, Cyphers, and Oddities.You'll also be able to modify your background andcharacterdescription, and we provide a handy field for othernotes.Have you advanced a Tier? No problem! We'll help you upgrade tothenext one as your character progresses in power!The Numenera Character Creator app is all you need to getstarted…apart from the actual tabletop Numenera rules, thatis!We are planning to update the Character Creator appfrequently.Please submit bug reports and issues [email protected]. Thankyou, and iadace!
Dragon+ is your official mobile source for all-things Dungeons&Dragons.
D&D Quick Dice 2.2
It’s game night and you forgot your dice. D&D Quick Dicegivesyou all the necessary dice for roleplaying session. A quickandeasy interface that allows you can quickly add orsubtractdifferent dice values in seconds.D&D Quick Dice is compatible with D&D 5th, 4th, 3.5,and3rd edition, AD&D 1st & 2nd edition, IronKingdoms,Pathfinder, Anime: Beyond Fantasy, Dark Heresy, RogueTrader, OnlyWar, Black Crusade, Deathwatch, 13th Age, Call ofCthulhu, L5R,Rifts (Palladium Games), Mutants & Masterminds(Mutants andMasterminds), HackMaster, GURPS, All Flesh Must BeEaten, D20system, and other RPG systems.Want to see new features or changes in D&D Quick Dice?Wewant your feedback.
Cheat Sheet for 5e 1.5
Nick Makasis
Quickly look up dnd 5e keywords and rules based on the released SRD
The Grand Grimoire
Spell list app for your favorite d20 systems..
D&d Tools 3.0.2
This Tool is a guide to the dungeons master and anyplayerrole-playing game.
Fantasy Insult Generator 1.1.2
Ixie Studios
Punishing insults for foes you would rather beat down withwordsthan your mace
D&D Names Generator 2.9
Puzino Yury
It will help game masters, dungeon masters and others to comeupwith new names.
DnDice - 3D RPG Dice Roller 3.14
With DnDice you will get a full dice set in your pocket!
RPG Encounter 3.3.2
Oddbjorn Lona
Roleplay encounters with battlemaps, story hooks andsimpleencounter add ins.
Fast Play Initiative Tracker 1.1.3
Pzul Wisner
Keep the D&D game moving with thisstreamlinedinitiativemanager.
D&D Dice by b.freq
When the dice are rolled you hear them onthewood. The results are sketched on your choice of paper. A dicelogkeeps and displays any rolls you perform down to theindividualdice roll with bonuses, totals and a time stamp. D&DDice byb.freq allows you to always have your dice with you withoutlosingthe feeling of rolling the real thing!All standard dice from the d20 system are supported, d3-d100.Youcan save any weapons, spells, saves,etc as you build customrollsof any dice combination. These custom rollers can then beexportedto your sdcard, imported and even edited on yourcomputer!Pro/Extra features- The Pro version and demo let you save and load dice from youSDcard using a CSV file.- Cool dice sounds for your natural and critical d20 rolls.D&D Dice by b.freq was created by and for players and masterstoaid in heroic quests.Enjoy and roll like a Master!Keywords:Gm, game master, dungeon master, tablet, dnd dice, dungeonsanddragons, tabletop game, die, d20, rpg, dice bag,pencil,pathfinder, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, advanced, d3, d4, d6, d8, d10,d12, d20,d100, percentage dice, %.
Power Organizer
Keep track of your character'spowerswhenplaying D&D 4E without your power cards strewnaboutyourtable. Add your powers, take photos of their descriptionsfromyourPHB or power cards, and take back that table space!Download Power Organizer Pro, now available:* No ads* Track your XP, HP, healing surges and action points* Image croppingIf you find a bug or have a suggestion, please email me!
My Hero! 1.1.11
Sébastien Morellet
My Hero! is an app for tablets and smartphones which allowsyoutomanage automatically and comprehensively allyourPathfindercharacters. This is far more than a simplecharactersheet. Forgetall the calculations because the app takescare ofthem, withoutany mistake. Stop losing your time looking atall yoursheets:everything is in your device. Beginners will findthe appveryhelpul as it will guide them throught the charactercreationandwill take care of all the technical part. Confirmedplayerswillfind a powerful tool capable of managing all theeffectsaffectingtheir character. They will be able to move theirattentionfrom thecalculations to the game. Languages: English andFrench. Noads.FEATURES - Automatic and Entirely GuidedPathfinderCharacterCreation (as well as leveling up). Everyavailableoptionscorresponding to your character’s class and levelareproposed toyou. - Automatic calculation of all yourcharactersstatistics in avery clear presentation close to the oneused by thePathfinderBestiary. - Management of All your PathfinderCharacters,from thebeginning to the end of their career. -Activation ofEffectsAffecting your Character. "Effects" is ageneral word togroupthings like spells, class features, combatmodes,feats,conditions, afflictions, items abilities, etc.Yourcharacter’sstatistics will be calculated as they should. Thisevenworks withcomplex effects like polymorph spells or antimagiczone.-Definition of Ten Attack Options - choose theweapon(s),theeffect(s) to be added to it (magic weapon or holyweaponforexample) and the combat mode to consider (arcanestrikeand/orpower attack for example). - Complete Management oftheInventory.Buy one item for your character and thecorrespondinggold will bewithdrawn from your saving. The inventoryis managedwith stores.Besides the base stores, you can define fiveof themand decidewhether the weight of each of them is to beconsideredfor yourcharacter encumbrance. Your character carries abag ofholding? Putthe items in it in a store and indicate that theweightshouldn notbe taken into account. Your character carriesitemswhich are ownedby her group? Put thes items in a store whichweightshould betaken into account. If your group wishes, you cansell oftheseitems with only one click. Mention the number of sharesandthe appwill tell you the amount of gold gathered after thissell.Thisgold is already in your character’s belongings but youwill beableto tell your friends how much they should add totheirs.-Definition of Creatures Called "Allies" whosestatisticsareavailable from the main view of your character. Youcanapplyeffects on your allies the same way you do it onyourcharacter.This feature is especially useful whensummoningmonsters. By theway, if you define an ally as a summonedcreatureand yourcharacter has the Augment Summoning feat thenitsstatistics willbe calculated as they should. - HitPointsManagement. - ExperiencePoints Management. - Spellbooks andSpellLists Management. - ItemsCharges Management. - Features,Spells andItems Daily UsesManagement. - Items Hit PointsManagement. -Familiar,AnimalCompanion and Mount Management (it istreated as anally). -Sending of your Pathfinder Character Sheet byEmail. -Basic DiceLauncher. - Optional Rule Management (Heropoints,non-encumbrance,etc.) - A Combat Mode allowing you todefine, roundafter round,the effects activated on your character aswell astheir duration.The effects will be deactivated as soon astheirduration expires.- Content: everything in the Core Rulebookand inthe Bestiary,other data as in-app purchases.
Sylloge D&D Compendium Search 1.32
Search and view the full DungeonsandDragons(4e) Compendium from anywhere.Please note: a D&D Insider account is required toviewstatcards just like the website.Not associated with Wizards of the Coast in anyway.AllCompendium material is copyright WOTC.
D&D: DM Tools & Virtual Table 1.0.0
Konrad Wright
NOW AVAIBLE!!!!a Virtual 2D Table integrated with a Combat Manager grid,withcustommap and portrait for Dungeons and Dragons 3.5andPathFinderYour battle sessions will never be the same.Features List:- 2D virtual Table map- Initiative and Combat Manager grid- Compatible with any Map generator of 3rd part becauseituseimages!- Customization of portrait with your own favouriteimagesofplayers- Fully build around a database of Dungeons and Dragons3.5officialmanual.- High usability: Easy to use, fast, few taps and you arereadytoplay!